/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * @file irsnd.c * * Copyright (c) 2010-2016 Frank Meyer - frank(at)fli4l.de * * Supported AVR mikrocontrollers: * * ATtiny87, ATtiny167 * ATtiny45, ATtiny85 * ATtiny44 ATtiny84 * ATtiny2313 ATtiny4313 * ATmega8, ATmega16, ATmega32 * ATmega162 * ATmega164, ATmega324, ATmega644, ATmega644P, ATmega1284, ATmega1284P * ATmega88, ATmega88P, ATmega168, ATmega168P, ATmega328P * * $Id: irsnd.c,v 1.103 2017/02/17 09:13:06 fm Exp $ * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "irsnd.h" #ifndef F_CPU # error F_CPU unkown #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ATtiny pin definition of OC0A / OC0B * ATmega pin definition of OC2 / OC2A / OC2B / OC0 / OC0A / OC0B *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined (__AVR_ATtiny44__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny84__) // ATtiny44/84 uses OC0A = PB2 or OC0B = PA7 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // OC0A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 2 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0B // OC0B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER A # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 7 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC0A or IRSND_OC0B in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATtiny45__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny85__) // ATtiny45/85 uses OC0A = PB0 or OC0B = PB1 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // OC0A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 0 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0B // OC0B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 1 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC0A or IRSND_OC0B in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATtiny2313__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny4313__) // ATtiny2313/4313 uses OC0A = PB2 or OC0B = PD5 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // OC0A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 2 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0B // OC0B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 5 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC0A or IRSND_OC0B in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATtiny87__) || defined (__AVR_ATtiny167__) // ATtiny87/167 uses OC0A = PA2 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // OC0A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER A # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 2 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC0A in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega8__) // ATmega8 uses only OC2 = PB3 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2 // OC2 # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 3 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC2 in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega16__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega32__) // ATmega16|32 uses OC0 = PB3 or OC2 = PD7 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2 // OC2 # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 7 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0 // OC0 # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 3 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC2 or IRSND_OC0 in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega162__) // ATmega162 uses OC2 = PB1 or OC0 = PB0 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2 // OC2 # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 1 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0 // OC0 # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 0 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC2 or IRSND_OC0 in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega164__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega324__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega644__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega644P__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega1284__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega1284P__) // ATmega164|324|644|644P|1284 uses OC2A = PD7 or OC2B = PD6 or OC0A = PB3 or OC0B = PB4 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2A // OC2A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 7 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2B // OC2B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 6 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // OC0A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 3 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0B // OC0B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 4 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC2A, IRSND_OC2B, IRSND_OC0A, or IRSND_OC0B in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega48__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega88__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega88P__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega168__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega168P__) \ || defined (__AVR_ATmega328P__) // ATmega48|88|168|168|328 uses OC2A = PB3 or OC2B = PD3 or OC0A = PD6 or OC0B = PD5 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2A // OC2A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 3 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2B // OC2B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 3 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // OC0A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 6 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0B // OC0B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 5 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_OC2A, IRSND_OC2B, IRSND_OC0A, or IRSND_OC0B in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_ATmega8515__) // ATmega8515 uses OC0 = PB0 or OC1A = PD5 or OC1B = PE2 # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0 # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 0 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC1A # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 5 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC1B # define IRSND_PORT_LETTER E # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 2 # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (__AVR_XMEGA__) // ATxmega # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC0A # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 0 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC0B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 1 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC0C # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 2 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC0D # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 3 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC1A # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 4 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC1B # define IRSND_BIT_NUMBER 5 # else # error Wrong value for IRSND_OCx, choose IRSND_XMEGA_OC0A, IRSND_XMEGA_OC0B, IRSND_XMEGA_OC0C, IRSND_XMEGA_OC0D, IRSND_XMEGA_OC1A, or IRSND_XMEGA_OC1B in irsndconfig.h # endif // IRSND_OCx #elif defined (PIC_C18) // Microchip C18 compiler //Nothing here to do here -> See irsndconfig.h #elif defined (ARM_STM32) // STM32 //Nothing here to do here -> See irsndconfig.h #elif defined (__xtensa__) // ESP8266 //Nothing here to do here -> See irsndconfig.h /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Macro digitalPinHasPWM bothers PIC_C18 compiler, but why? * * #elif defined (TEENSY_ARM_CORTEX_M4) // Teensy3 * # if !digitalPinHasPWM(IRSND_PIN) * # error need pin with PWM output. * # endif *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #else # if !defined (unix) && !defined (WIN32) # error mikrocontroller not defined, please fill in definitions here. # endif // unix, WIN32 #endif // __AVR... #if defined(__AVR_XMEGA__) # define _CONCAT(a,b) a##b # define CONCAT(a,b) _CONCAT(a,b) # define IRSND_PORT IRSND_PORT_PRE.OUT # define IRSND_DDR IRSND_PORT_PRE.DIR # define IRSND_PIN IRSND_PORT_PRE.IN # define IRSND_BIT IRSND_BIT_NUMBER #elif defined(ATMEL_AVR) # define _CONCAT(a,b) a##b # define CONCAT(a,b) _CONCAT(a,b) # define IRSND_PORT CONCAT(PORT, IRSND_PORT_LETTER) # define IRSND_DDR CONCAT(DDR, IRSND_PORT_LETTER) # define IRSND_BIT IRSND_BIT_NUMBER #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NIKON_PROTOCOL == 1 typedef uint16_t IRSND_PAUSE_LEN; #else typedef uint8_t IRSND_PAUSE_LEN; #endif /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * IR timings *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define SIRCS_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIRCS_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIRCS_1_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_1_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIRCS_0_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_0_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIRCS_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIRCS_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SIRCS_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIRCS_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NEC_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NEC_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SAMSUNG_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SAMSUNG32_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG32_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SAMSUNG32_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG32_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SAMSUNG48_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG48_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SAMSUNG48_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SAMSUNG48_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MATSUSHITA_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MATSUSHITA_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MATSUSHITA_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MATSUSHITA_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MATSUSHITA_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MATSUSHITA_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MATSUSHITA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MATSUSHITA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define KASEIKYO_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define KASEIKYO_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define KASEIKYO_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define KASEIKYO_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define KASEIKYO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * KASEIKYO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define PANASONIC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PANASONIC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PANASONIC_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PANASONIC_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PANASONIC_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PANASONIC_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define PANASONIC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PANASONIC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define MITSU_HEAVY_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MITSU_HEAVY_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MITSU_HEAVY_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MITSU_HEAVY_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MITSU_HEAVY_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MITSU_HEAVY_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MITSU_HEAVY_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MITSU_HEAVY_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MITSU_HEAVY_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MITSU_HEAVY_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define MITSU_HEAVY_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * MITSU_HEAVY_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define RECS80_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define RC5_START_BIT_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC5_BIT_TIME + 0.5) #define RC5_BIT_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC5_BIT_TIME + 0.5) #define RC5_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC5_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define RC6_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC6_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RC6_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC6_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RC6_BIT_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC6_BIT_TIME + 0.5) #define RC6_BIT_2_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC6_BIT_2_TIME + 0.5) #define RC6_BIT_3_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC6_BIT_3_TIME + 0.5) #define RC6_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RC6_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define DENON_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * DENON_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define DENON_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * DENON_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define DENON_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * DENON_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define DENON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * DENON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define DENON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * DENON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define THOMSON_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * THOMSON_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define THOMSON_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * THOMSON_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define THOMSON_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * THOMSON_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define THOMSON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * THOMSON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define THOMSON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * THOMSON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80EXT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80EXT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80EXT_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80EXT_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80EXT_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80EXT_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RECS80EXT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RECS80EXT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define TELEFUNKEN_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define TELEFUNKEN_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define TELEFUNKEN_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define TELEFUNKEN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define TELEFUNKEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * TELEFUNKEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define BOSE_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BOSE_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BOSE_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BOSE_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BOSE_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BOSE_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define BOSE_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BOSE_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define NUBERT_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NUBERT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NUBERT_1_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_1_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NUBERT_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NUBERT_0_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_0_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NUBERT_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NUBERT_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define NUBERT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NUBERT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define FAN_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FAN_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FAN_1_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_1_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FAN_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FAN_0_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_0_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FAN_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FAN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define FAN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FAN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SPEAKER_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SPEAKER_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SPEAKER_1_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_1_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SPEAKER_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SPEAKER_0_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_0_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SPEAKER_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SPEAKER_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SPEAKER_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SPEAKER_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_R_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_R_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_TRAILER_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_TRAILER_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define BANG_OLUFSEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * BANG_OLUFSEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_PRE_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_PRE_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_TIME + 0.5) #define GRUNDIG_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * GRUNDIG_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define NOKIA_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NOKIA_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define IR60_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * IR60_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define SIEMENS_START_BIT_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIEMENS_BIT_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define SIEMENS_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define RUWIDO_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RUWIDO_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RUWIDO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #ifdef PIC_C18 // PIC C18 # define IRSND_FREQ_TYPE uint8_t # define IRSND_FREQ_30_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 30000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_32_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 32000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 36000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 38000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 40000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_56_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 56000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_455_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 455000 / 2 / Pre_Scaler / PIC_Scaler) - 1) #elif defined (ARM_STM32) // STM32 # define IRSND_FREQ_TYPE uint32_t # define IRSND_FREQ_30_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (30000) # define IRSND_FREQ_32_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (32000) # define IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (36000) # define IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (38000) # define IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (40000) # define IRSND_FREQ_56_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (56000) # define IRSND_FREQ_455_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (455000) #elif defined (TEENSY_ARM_CORTEX_M4) // TEENSY # define IRSND_FREQ_TYPE float # define IRSND_FREQ_30_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (30000) # define IRSND_FREQ_32_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (32000) # define IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (36000) # define IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (38000) # define IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (40000) # define IRSND_FREQ_56_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (56000) # define IRSND_FREQ_455_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (455000) #elif defined (__xtensa__) // ESP8266 # define IRSND_FREQ_TYPE float # define IRSND_FREQ_30_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (30000) # define IRSND_FREQ_32_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (32000) # define IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (36000) # define IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (38000) # define IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (40000) # define IRSND_FREQ_56_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (56000) # define IRSND_FREQ_455_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) (455000) #else // AVR # if F_CPU >= 16000000L # define AVR_PRESCALER 8 # else # define AVR_PRESCALER 1 # endif # define IRSND_FREQ_TYPE uint8_t # define IRSND_FREQ_30_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 30000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_32_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 32000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 36000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 38000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 40000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_56_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 56000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) # define IRSND_FREQ_455_KHZ (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE) ((F_CPU / 455000 / AVR_PRESCALER / 2) - 1) #endif #define FDC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FDC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FDC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FDC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FDC_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FDC_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FDC_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FDC_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FDC_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FDC_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define FDC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * FDC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define RCCAR_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RCCAR_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RCCAR_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RCCAR_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RCCAR_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RCCAR_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RCCAR_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RCCAR_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RCCAR_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RCCAR_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define RCCAR_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * RCCAR_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define JVC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define JVC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define JVC_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define JVC_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define JVC_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define JVC_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define JVC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * JVC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define NIKON_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NIKON_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NIKON_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NIKON_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NIKON_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NIKON_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define NIKON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * NIKON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define LEGO_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define LEGO_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define LEGO_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define LEGO_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define LEGO_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define LEGO_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define LEGO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * LEGO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define A1TVBOX_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * A1TVBOX_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define A1TVBOX_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * A1TVBOX_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define A1TVBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * A1TVBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define A1TVBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * A1TVBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define ROOMBA_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ROOMBA_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ROOMBA_1_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_1_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ROOMBA_0_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_0_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ROOMBA_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ROOMBA_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ROOMBA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ROOMBA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define PENTAX_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PENTAX_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PENTAX_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PENTAX_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PENTAX_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PENTAX_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define PENTAX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * PENTAX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! #define ACP24_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_START_BIT_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ACP24_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ACP24_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ACP24_PULSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_PULSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ACP24_1_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_1_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ACP24_0_PAUSE_LEN (uint8_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_0_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) #define ACP24_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN (uint16_t)(F_INTERRUPTS * ACP24_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_TIME + 0.5) // use uint16_t! static volatile uint8_t irsnd_busy = 0; static volatile uint8_t irsnd_protocol = 0; static volatile uint8_t irsnd_buffer[11] = {0}; static volatile uint8_t irsnd_repeat = 0; static volatile uint8_t irsnd_is_on = FALSE; #if IRSND_USE_CALLBACK == 1 static void (*irsnd_callback_ptr) (uint8_t); #endif // IRSND_USE_CALLBACK == 1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Switch PWM on *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void irsnd_on (void) { if (! irsnd_is_on) { #ifndef ANALYZE # if defined(PIC_C18) // PIC C18 PWMon(); // IRSND_PIN = 0; // output mode -> enable PWM outout pin (0=PWM on, 1=PWM off) # elif defined (ARM_STM32) // STM32 TIM_SelectOCxM(IRSND_TIMER, IRSND_TIMER_CHANNEL, TIM_OCMode_PWM1); // enable PWM as OC-mode TIM_CCxCmd(IRSND_TIMER, IRSND_TIMER_CHANNEL, TIM_CCx_Enable); // enable OC-output (is being disabled in TIM_SelectOCxM()) TIM_Cmd(IRSND_TIMER, ENABLE); // enable counter # elif defined (TEENSY_ARM_CORTEX_M4) // TEENSY analogWrite(IRSND_PIN, 33 * 255 / 100); // pwm 33% # elif defined (__xtensa__) // ESP8266 (Arduino) analogWrite(IRSND_PIN, 33 * 1023 / 100); // pwm 33% # elif defined (__AVR_XMEGA__) # if (IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC0A) // use OC0A XMEGA_Timer.CTRLB |= (1< disbale PWM output pin (0=PWM on, 1=PWM off) # elif defined (ARM_STM32) // STM32 TIM_Cmd(IRSND_TIMER, DISABLE); // disable counter TIM_SelectOCxM(IRSND_TIMER, IRSND_TIMER_CHANNEL, TIM_ForcedAction_InActive); // force output inactive TIM_CCxCmd(IRSND_TIMER, IRSND_TIMER_CHANNEL, TIM_CCx_Enable); // enable OC-output (is being disabled in TIM_SelectOCxM()) TIM_SetCounter(IRSND_TIMER, 0); // reset counter value # elif defined (TEENSY_ARM_CORTEX_M4) // TEENSY analogWrite(IRSND_PIN, 0); // pwm off, LOW level # elif defined (__xtensa__) // ESP8266 analogWrite(IRSND_PIN, 0); // pwm off, LOW level # elif defined (__AVR_XMEGA__) # if (IRSND_OCx == IRSND_XMEGA_OC0A) // use OC0A XMEGA_Timer.CTRLB &= ~(1< #endif static void irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_TYPE freq) { #ifndef ANALYZE # if defined(PIC_C18) // PIC C18 or XC8 # if defined(__12F1840) // XC8 TRISA2=0; PR2=freq; CCP1M0=1; CCP1M1=1; CCP1M2=1; CCP1M3=1; DC1B0=1; DC1B1=0; CCPR1L = 0b01101001; TMR2IF = 0; TMR2ON=1; CCP1CON &=(~0b0011); // p 197 "active high" # else // PIC C18 OpenPWM(freq); SetDCPWM( (uint16_t) (freq * 2) + 1); // freq*2 = Duty cycles 50% # endif PWMoff(); # elif defined (ARM_STM32) // STM32 static uint32_t TimeBaseFreq = 0; if (TimeBaseFreq == 0) { RCC_ClocksTypeDef RCC_ClocksStructure; /* Get system clocks and store timer clock in variable */ RCC_GetClocksFreq(&RCC_ClocksStructure); # if ((IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER >= 2) && (IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER <= 5)) || ((IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER >= 12) && (IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER <= 14)) if (RCC_ClocksStructure.PCLK1_Frequency == RCC_ClocksStructure.HCLK_Frequency) { TimeBaseFreq = RCC_ClocksStructure.PCLK1_Frequency; } else { TimeBaseFreq = RCC_ClocksStructure.PCLK1_Frequency * 2; } # else if (RCC_ClocksStructure.PCLK2_Frequency == RCC_ClocksStructure.HCLK_Frequency) { TimeBaseFreq = RCC_ClocksStructure.PCLK2_Frequency; } else { TimeBaseFreq = RCC_ClocksStructure.PCLK2_Frequency * 2; } # endif } freq = TimeBaseFreq/freq; /* Set frequency */ TIM_SetAutoreload(IRSND_TIMER, freq - 1); /* Set duty cycle */ TIM_SetCompare1(IRSND_TIMER, (freq + 1) / 2); # elif defined (TEENSY_ARM_CORTEX_M4) analogWriteResolution(8); // 8 bit analogWriteFrequency(IRSND_PIN, freq); analogWrite(IRSND_PIN, 0); // pwm off, LOW level #elif defined (__xtensa__) // analogWriteRange(255); analogWriteFreq(freq); analogWrite(IRSND_PIN, 0); // pwm off, LOW level # elif defined (__AVR_XMEGA__) XMEGA_Timer.CCA = freq; # else // AVR # if IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2 OCR2 = freq; // use register OCR2 for OC2 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2A // use OC2A OCR2A = freq; // use register OCR2A for OC2A and OC2B! # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC2B // use OC2B OCR2A = freq; // use register OCR2A for OC2A and OC2B! # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0 // use OC0 OCR0 = freq; // use register OCR2 for OC2 # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0A // use OC0A OCR0A = freq; // use register OCR0A for OC0A and OC0B! # elif IRSND_OCx == IRSND_OC0B // use OC0B OCR0A = freq; // use register OCR0A for OC0A and OC0B! # else # error wrong value of IRSND_OCx # endif # endif //PIC_C18 #endif // ANALYZE } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Initialize the PWM * @details Configures 0CR0A, 0CR0B and 0CR2B as PWM channels *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void irsnd_init (void) { #ifndef ANALYZE # if defined(PIC_C18) // PIC C18 or XC8 compiler # if ! defined(__12F1840) // only C18: OpenTimer; # endif irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); // default frequency IRSND_PIN = 0; // set IO to outout PWMoff(); # elif defined (ARM_STM32) // STM32 GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStructure; TIM_TimeBaseInitTypeDef TIM_TimeBaseStructure; TIM_OCInitTypeDef TIM_OCInitStructure; /* GPIOx clock enable */ # if defined (ARM_STM32L1XX) RCC_AHBPeriphClockCmd(IRSND_PORT_RCC, ENABLE); # elif defined (ARM_STM32F10X) RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(IRSND_PORT_RCC, ENABLE); // RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(RCC_APB2Periph_AFIO, ENABLE); // only in case of remapping, not necessary for default port-timer mapping # elif defined (ARM_STM32F4XX) RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(IRSND_PORT_RCC, ENABLE); # endif /* GPIO Configuration */ GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Pin = IRSND_BIT; # if defined (ARM_STM32L1XX) || defined (ARM_STM32F4XX) GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_OType = GPIO_OType_PP; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_PuPd = GPIO_PuPd_NOPULL; GPIO_Init(IRSND_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure); GPIO_PinAFConfig(IRSND_PORT, (uint8_t)IRSND_BIT_NUMBER, IRSND_GPIO_AF); # elif defined (ARM_STM32F10X) GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Speed = GPIO_Speed_2MHz; GPIO_InitStructure.GPIO_Mode = GPIO_Mode_AF_PP; GPIO_Init(IRSND_PORT, &GPIO_InitStructure); // GPIO_PinRemapConfig(GPIO_*Remap*_TIM[IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER], ENABLE); // only in case of remapping, not necessary for default port-timer mapping # endif /* TIMx clock enable */ # if ((IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER >= 2) && (IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER <= 5)) || ((IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER >= 12) && (IRSND_TIMER_NUMBER <= 14)) RCC_APB1PeriphClockCmd(IRSND_TIMER_RCC, ENABLE); # else RCC_APB2PeriphClockCmd(IRSND_TIMER_RCC, ENABLE); # endif /* Time base configuration */ TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Period = -1; // set dummy value (don't set to 0), will be initialized later TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_ClockDivision = 0; TIM_TimeBaseStructure.TIM_CounterMode = TIM_CounterMode_Up; TIM_TimeBaseInit(IRSND_TIMER, &TIM_TimeBaseStructure); /* PWM1 Mode configuration */ TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCMode = TIM_OCMode_PWM1; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable; TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_Pulse = 0; // will be initialized later TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OCPolarity = TIM_OCPolarity_High; TIM_OC1Init(IRSND_TIMER, &TIM_OCInitStructure); /* Preload configuration */ TIM_ARRPreloadConfig(IRSND_TIMER, ENABLE); TIM_OC1PreloadConfig(IRSND_TIMER, TIM_OCPreload_Enable); irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); // set default frequency # elif defined (TEENSY_ARM_CORTEX_M4) if (!digitalPinHasPWM(IRSND_PIN)) { return; } # elif defined (__xtensa__) pinMode(IRSND_PIN, OUTPUT); irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); # elif defined (__AVR_XMEGA__) IRSND_PORT &= ~(1<>= 1; len--; } return xx; } #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIRCS_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t sircs_additional_bitlen; #endif // IRSND_SUPPORT_SIRCS_PROTOCOL == 1 uint8_t irsnd_send_data (IRMP_DATA * irmp_data_p, uint8_t do_wait) { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t toggle_bit_recs80; #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t toggle_bit_recs80ext; #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC5_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t toggle_bit_rc5; #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t toggle_bit_rc6; #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_THOMSON_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t toggle_bit_thomson; #endif uint16_t address; uint16_t command; if (do_wait) { while (irsnd_busy) { // do nothing; } } else if (irsnd_busy) { return (FALSE); } irsnd_protocol = irmp_data_p->protocol; irsnd_repeat = irmp_data_p->flags & IRSND_REPETITION_MASK; switch (irsnd_protocol) { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIRCS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SIRCS_PROTOCOL: { // uint8_t sircs_additional_command_len; uint8_t sircs_additional_address_len; sircs_additional_bitlen = (irmp_data_p->address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // additional bitlen if (sircs_additional_bitlen > 15 - SIRCS_MINIMUM_DATA_LEN) { // sircs_additional_command_len = 15 - SIRCS_MINIMUM_DATA_LEN; sircs_additional_address_len = sircs_additional_bitlen - (15 - SIRCS_MINIMUM_DATA_LEN); } else { // sircs_additional_command_len = sircs_additional_bitlen; sircs_additional_address_len = 0; } command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, 15); irsnd_buffer[0] = (command & 0x7F80) >> 7; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (command & 0x007F) << 1; // CCCC**** if (sircs_additional_address_len > 0) { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, 5); irsnd_buffer[1] |= (address & 0x0010) >> 4; irsnd_buffer[2] = (address & 0x000F) << 4; } irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_APPLE_PROTOCOL: { command = irmp_data_p->command | (irmp_data_p->address << 8); // store address as ID in upper byte of command address = 0x87EE; // set fixed NEC-lookalike address (customer ID of apple) address = bitsrevervse (address, NEC_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (command, NEC_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_protocol = IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL; // APPLE protocol is NEC with id instead of inverted command irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = (command & 0xFF00) >> 8; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = 0x8B; // 10001011 (id) irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } case IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, NEC_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, NEC_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = (command & 0xFF00) >> 8; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = ~((command & 0xFF00) >> 8); // cccccccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC16_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC16_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, NEC16_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, NEC16_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (command & 0x00FF); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC42_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC42_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, NEC42_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, NEC42_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = ( (address & 0x1FE0) >> 5); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = ( (address & 0x001F) << 3) | ((~address & 0x1C00) >> 10); // AAAAAaaa irsnd_buffer[2] = ((~address & 0x03FC) >> 2); // aaaaaaaa irsnd_buffer[3] = ((~address & 0x0003) << 6) | ( (command & 0x00FC) >> 2); // aaCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[4] = ( (command & 0x0003) << 6) | ((~command & 0x00FC) >> 2); // CCcccccc irsnd_buffer[5] = ((~command & 0x0003) << 6); // cc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_LGAIR_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_LGAIR_PROTOCOL: { address = irmp_data_p->address; command = irmp_data_p->command; irsnd_buffer[0] = ( (address & 0x00FF)); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = ( (command & 0xFF00) >> 8); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[2] = ( (command & 0x00FF)); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = (( ((command & 0xF000) >> 12) + // checksum ((command & 0x0F00) >> 8) + ((command & 0x00F0) >>4 ) + ((command & 0x000F))) & 0x000F) << 4; irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, SAMSUNG_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = (command & 0x00F0) | ((command & 0xF000) >> 12); // IIIICCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = ((command & 0x0F00) >> 4) | ((~(command & 0xF000) >> 12) & 0x0F); // CCCCcccc irsnd_buffer[4] = (~(command & 0x0F00) >> 4) & 0xF0; // cccc0000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } case IRMP_SAMSUNG32_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, SAMSUNG32_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = (command & 0xFF00) >> 8; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = (command & 0x00FF); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, 16); irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = ((command & 0xFF00) >> 8); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = ~((command & 0xFF00) >> 8); // cccccccc irsnd_buffer[4] = (command & 0x00FF); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[5] = ~(command & 0x00FF); // cccccccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, MATSUSHITA_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, MATSUSHITA_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (command & 0x0FF0) >> 4; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = ((command & 0x000F) << 4) | ((address & 0x0F00) >> 8); // CCCCAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL: { command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, TECHNICS_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (command & 0x07FC) >> 3; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = ((command & 0x0007) << 5) | ((~command & 0x07C0) >> 6); // CCCccccc irsnd_buffer[2] = (~command & 0x003F) << 2; // cccccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL: { uint8_t xor_value; uint16_t genre2; address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, KASEIKYO_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, KASEIKYO_COMMAND_LEN + 4); genre2 = bitsrevervse ((irmp_data_p->flags & ~IRSND_REPETITION_MASK) >> 4, 4); xor_value = ((address & 0x000F) ^ ((address & 0x00F0) >> 4) ^ ((address & 0x0F00) >> 8) ^ ((address & 0xF000) >> 12)) & 0x0F; irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = xor_value << 4 | (command & 0x000F); // XXXXCCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = (genre2 << 4) | (command & 0xF000) >> 12; // ggggCCCC irsnd_buffer[4] = (command & 0x0FF0) >> 4; // CCCCCCCC xor_value = irsnd_buffer[2] ^ irsnd_buffer[3] ^ irsnd_buffer[4]; irsnd_buffer[5] = xor_value; irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, PANASONIC_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, PANASONIC_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = 0x40; // 01000000 irsnd_buffer[1] = 0x04; // 00000100 irsnd_buffer[2] = 0x01; // 00000001 irsnd_buffer[3] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[4] = (address & 0x00FF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[5] = (command & 0xFF00) >> 8; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[6] = (command & 0x00FF); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL: { address = irmp_data_p->address; command = irmp_data_p->command; irsnd_buffer[0] = 0x4A; irsnd_buffer[1] = 0x75; irsnd_buffer[2] = 0xC3; irsnd_buffer[3] = 0x64; irsnd_buffer[4] = 0x9B; irsnd_buffer[5] = ~(address & 0xFF00) >> 8; irsnd_buffer[6] = (address & 0xFF00) >> 8; irsnd_buffer[7] = ~(address & 0x00FF); irsnd_buffer[8] = (address & 0x00FF); irsnd_buffer[9] = ~(command & 0x00FF); irsnd_buffer[10] = (command & 0x00FF); irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RECS80_PROTOCOL: { toggle_bit_recs80 = toggle_bit_recs80 ? 0x00 : 0x80; irsnd_buffer[0] = toggle_bit_recs80 | ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x000F) << 4) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x003C) >> 2); // TAAACCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x03) << 6; // CC000000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL: { toggle_bit_recs80ext = toggle_bit_recs80ext ? 0x00 : 0x40; irsnd_buffer[0] = 0x80 | toggle_bit_recs80ext | ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x000F) << 2) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x0030) >> 4); // STAAAACC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0F) << 4; // CCCC0000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC5_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL: { toggle_bit_rc5 = toggle_bit_rc5 ? 0x00 : 0x40; irsnd_buffer[0] = ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x40) ? 0x00 : 0x80) | toggle_bit_rc5 | ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x001F) << 1) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x20) >> 5); // CTAAAAAC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x1F) << 3; // CCCCC000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL: { toggle_bit_rc6 = toggle_bit_rc6 ? 0x00 : 0x08; irsnd_buffer[0] = 0x80 | toggle_bit_rc6 | ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x00E0) >> 5); // 1MMMTAAA, MMM = 000 irsnd_buffer[1] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x001F) << 3) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0xE0) >> 5); // AAAAACCC irsnd_buffer[2] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x1F) << 3; // CCCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL: { toggle_bit_rc6 = toggle_bit_rc6 ? 0x00 : 0x08; irsnd_buffer[0] = 0x80 | 0x60 | ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x3000) >> 12); // 1MMMT0AA, MMM = 110 irsnd_buffer[1] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x0FFF) >> 4) ; // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[2] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x000F) << 4) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0xF000) >> 12) | toggle_bit_rc6; // AAAACCCC irsnd_buffer[3] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0FF0) >> 4; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[4] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x000F) << 4; // CCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_DENON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_DENON_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x1F) << 3) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x0380) >> 7); // AAAAACCC (1st frame) irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x7F) << 1; // CCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[2] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x1F) << 3) | (((~irmp_data_p->command) & 0x0380) >> 7); // AAAAAccc (2nd frame) irsnd_buffer[3] = (~(irmp_data_p->command) & 0x7F) << 1; // ccccccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_THOMSON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_THOMSON_PROTOCOL: { toggle_bit_thomson = toggle_bit_thomson ? 0x00 : 0x08; irsnd_buffer[0] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x0F) << 4) | toggle_bit_thomson | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x0070) >> 4); // AAAATCCC (1st frame) irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0F) << 4; // CCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BOSE_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_BOSE_PROTOCOL: { command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, BOSE_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (command & 0xFF00) >> 8; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = ~((command & 0xFF00) >> 8); // cccccccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NUBERT_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NUBERT_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = irmp_data_p->command >> 2; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0003) << 6; // CC000000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FAN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_FAN_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = irmp_data_p->command >> 3; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0007) << 5; // CCC00000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = irmp_data_p->command >> 2; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0003) << 6; // CC000000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = irmp_data_p->command >> 11; // SXSCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = irmp_data_p->command >> 3; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[2] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0007) << 5; // CCC00000 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL: { command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, TELEFUNKEN_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = 0xFF; // S1111111 (1st frame) irsnd_buffer[1] = 0xC0; // 11 irsnd_buffer[2] = 0x80 | (command >> 2); // SCCCCCCC (2nd frame) irsnd_buffer[3] = (command << 6) & 0xC0; // CC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = irmp_data_p->command >> 7; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->command << 1) & 0xff; // CCCCCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL: { command = (bitsrevervse (0x7d, IR60_COMMAND_LEN) << 7) | bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, IR60_COMMAND_LEN); #if 0 irsnd_buffer[0] = command >> 6 | 0x01; // 1011111S (start instruction frame) irsnd_buffer[1] = (command & 0x7F) << 1; // CCCCCCC_ (2nd frame) #else irsnd_buffer[0] = ((command & 0x7F) << 1) | 0x01; // CCCCCCCS (1st frame) irsnd_buffer[1] = command >> 6; // 1011111_ (start instruction frame) #endif irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, NOKIA_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, NOKIA_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = 0xBF; // S0111111 (1st + 3rd frame) irsnd_buffer[1] = 0xFF; // 11111111 irsnd_buffer[2] = 0x80; // 1 irsnd_buffer[3] = 0x80 | command >> 1; // SCCCCCCC (2nd frame) irsnd_buffer[4] = (command << 7) | (address >> 1); // CAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[5] = (address << 7); // A irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x07FF) >> 3); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x0007) << 5) | ((irmp_data_p->command >> 5) & 0x1F); // AAACCCCC irsnd_buffer[2] = ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x001F) << 3) | ((~irmp_data_p->command & 0x01) << 2); // CCCCCc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x01FF) >> 1); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = ((irmp_data_p->address & 0x0001) << 7) | ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x7F)); // ACCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[2] = ((~irmp_data_p->command & 0x01) << 7); // c irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FDC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_FDC_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, FDC_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, FDC_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = (address & 0xFF); // AAAAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = 0; // 00000000 irsnd_buffer[2] = 0; // 0000RRRR irsnd_buffer[3] = (command & 0xFF); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[4] = ~(command & 0xFF); // cccccccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RCCAR_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RCCAR_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, 2); // A0 A1 command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, RCCAR_COMMAND_LEN - 2); // D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C0 C1 V irsnd_buffer[0] = ((command & 0x06) << 5) | ((address & 0x0003) << 4) | ((command & 0x0780) >> 7); // C0 C1 A0 A1 D0 D1 D2 D3 irsnd_buffer[1] = ((command & 0x78) << 1) | ((command & 0x0001) << 3); // D4 D5 D6 D7 V 0 0 0 irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_JVC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_JVC_PROTOCOL: { address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, JVC_ADDRESS_LEN); command = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->command, JVC_COMMAND_LEN); irsnd_buffer[0] = ((address & 0x000F) << 4) | (command & 0x0F00) >> 8; // AAAACCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = (command & 0x00FF); // CCCCCCCC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NIKON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NIKON_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0003) << 6; // CC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_LEGO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_LEGO_PROTOCOL: { uint8_t crc = 0x0F ^ ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x0F00) >> 8) ^ ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x00F0) >> 4) ^ (irmp_data_p->command & 0x000F); irsnd_buffer[0] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x0FF0) >> 4; // CCCCCCCC irsnd_buffer[1] = ((irmp_data_p->command & 0x000F) << 4) | crc; // CCCCcccc irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = 0x80 | (irmp_data_p->address >> 2); // 10AAAAAA irsnd_buffer[1] = (irmp_data_p->address << 6) | (irmp_data_p->command >> 2); // AACCCCCC irsnd_buffer[2] = (irmp_data_p->command << 6); // CC irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x7F) << 1; // CCCCCCC. irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_PENTAX_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_PENTAX_PROTOCOL: { irsnd_buffer[0] = (irmp_data_p->command & 0x3F) << 2; // CCCCCC.. irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_ACP24_PROTOCOL == 1 # define ACP_SET_BIT(acp24_bitno, c, irmp_bitno) \ do \ { \ if ((c) & (1<<(irmp_bitno))) \ { \ irsnd_buffer[((acp24_bitno)>>3)] |= 1 << (((7 - (acp24_bitno)) & 0x07)); \ } \ } while (0) case IRMP_ACP24_PROTOCOL: { uint16_t cmd = irmp_data_p->command; uint8_t i; address = bitsrevervse (irmp_data_p->address, ACP24_ADDRESS_LEN); for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { irsnd_buffer[i] = 0x00; // CCCCCCCC } // ACP24-Frame: // 1 2 3 4 5 6 // 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789 // N VVMMM ? ??? t vmA x y TTTT // // irmp_data_p->command: // // 5432109876543210 // NAVVvMMMmtxyTTTT ACP_SET_BIT( 0, cmd, 15); ACP_SET_BIT(24, cmd, 14); ACP_SET_BIT( 2, cmd, 13); ACP_SET_BIT( 3, cmd, 12); ACP_SET_BIT(22, cmd, 11); ACP_SET_BIT( 4, cmd, 10); ACP_SET_BIT( 5, cmd, 9); ACP_SET_BIT( 6, cmd, 8); ACP_SET_BIT(23, cmd, 7); ACP_SET_BIT(20, cmd, 6); ACP_SET_BIT(26, cmd, 5); ACP_SET_BIT(44, cmd, 4); ACP_SET_BIT(66, cmd, 3); ACP_SET_BIT(67, cmd, 2); ACP_SET_BIT(68, cmd, 1); ACP_SET_BIT(69, cmd, 0); irsnd_busy = TRUE; break; } #endif default: { break; } } return irsnd_busy; } void irsnd_stop (void) { irsnd_repeat = 0; } /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * ISR routine * @details ISR routine, called 10000 times per second *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ uint8_t irsnd_ISR (void) { static uint8_t send_trailer = FALSE; static uint8_t current_bit = 0xFF; static uint8_t pulse_counter = 0; static IRSND_PAUSE_LEN pause_counter = 0; static uint8_t startbit_pulse_len = 0; static IRSND_PAUSE_LEN startbit_pause_len = 0; static uint8_t pulse_1_len = 0; static uint8_t pause_1_len = 0; static uint8_t pulse_0_len = 0; static uint8_t pause_0_len = 0; static uint8_t has_stop_bit = 0; static uint8_t new_frame = TRUE; static uint8_t complete_data_len = 0; static uint8_t n_repeat_frames = 0; // number of repetition frames static uint8_t n_auto_repetitions = 0; // number of auto_repetitions static uint8_t auto_repetition_counter = 0; // auto_repetition counter static uint16_t auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; // pause before auto_repetition, uint16_t! static uint16_t auto_repetition_pause_counter = 0; // pause before auto_repetition, uint16_t! static uint8_t repeat_counter = 0; // repeat counter static uint16_t repeat_frame_pause_len = 0; // pause before repeat, uint16_t! static uint16_t packet_repeat_pause_counter = 0; // pause before repeat, uint16_t! #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL == 1 static uint8_t last_bit_value; #endif static uint8_t pulse_len = 0xFF; static IRSND_PAUSE_LEN pause_len = 0xFF; if (irsnd_busy) { if (current_bit == 0xFF && new_frame) // start of transmission... { if (auto_repetition_counter > 0) { auto_repetition_pause_counter++; if (auto_repetition_pause_counter >= auto_repetition_pause_len) { auto_repetition_pause_counter = 0; #if IRSND_SUPPORT_DENON_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_DENON_PROTOCOL) // n'th denon frame { current_bit = 16; complete_data_len = 2 * DENON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN + 1; } else #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL) // n'th grundig frame { current_bit = 15; complete_data_len = 16 + GRUNDIG_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; } else #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL) // n'th IR60 frame { current_bit = 7; complete_data_len = 2 * IR60_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN + 1; } else #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL) // n'th nokia frame { if (auto_repetition_counter + 1 < n_auto_repetitions) { current_bit = 23; complete_data_len = 24 + NOKIA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; } else // nokia stop frame { current_bit = 0xFF; complete_data_len = NOKIA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; } } else #endif { ; } } else { #ifdef ANALYZE if (irsnd_is_on) { putchar ('0'); } else { putchar ('1'); } #endif return irsnd_busy; } } else if (packet_repeat_pause_counter < repeat_frame_pause_len) { packet_repeat_pause_counter++; #ifdef ANALYZE if (irsnd_is_on) { putchar ('0'); } else { putchar ('1'); } #endif return irsnd_busy; } else { if (send_trailer) { irsnd_busy = FALSE; send_trailer = FALSE; return irsnd_busy; } n_repeat_frames = irsnd_repeat; if (n_repeat_frames == IRSND_ENDLESS_REPETITION) { n_repeat_frames = 255; } packet_repeat_pause_counter = 0; pulse_counter = 0; pause_counter = 0; switch (irsnd_protocol) { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIRCS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SIRCS_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = SIRCS_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = SIRCS_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = SIRCS_1_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = SIRCS_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = SIRCS_0_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = SIRCS_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = SIRCS_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = SIRCS_MINIMUM_DATA_LEN + sircs_additional_bitlen; n_auto_repetitions = (repeat_counter == 0) ? SIRCS_FRAMES : 1; // 3 frames auto repetition if first frame auto_repetition_pause_len = SIRCS_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 25ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = SIRCS_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; if (repeat_counter > 0) { startbit_pause_len = NEC_REPEAT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = 0; } else { startbit_pause_len = NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = NEC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; } pulse_1_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = NEC_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC16_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC16_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = NEC_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = NEC16_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN + 1; // 1 more: sync bit n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC42_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC42_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = NEC_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = NEC42_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_LGAIR_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_LGAIR_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = NEC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = NEC_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = LGAIR_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = NEC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = SAMSUNG_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = SAMSUNG_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = SAMSUNG_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } case IRMP_SAMSUNG32_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = SAMSUNG_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = SAMSUNG32_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = SAMSUNG32_FRAMES; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = SAMSUNG32_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 47 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = SAMSUNG32_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = SAMSUNG_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = SAMSUNG48_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = SAMSUNG48_FRAMES; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = SAMSUNG48_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 47 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = SAMSUNG48_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = MATSUSHITA_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = MATSUSHITA_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = MATSUSHITA_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = MATSUSHITA_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = MATSUSHITA_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = MATSUSHITA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = MATSUSHITA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = MATSUSHITA_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = MATSUSHITA_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = MATSUSHITA_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = MATSUSHITA_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = MATSUSHITA_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = MATSUSHITA_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = TECHNICS_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; // here TECHNICS n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = MATSUSHITA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = KASEIKYO_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = KASEIKYO_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = KASEIKYO_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = KASEIKYO_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = KASEIKYO_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = KASEIKYO_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = KASEIKYO_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = (repeat_counter == 0) ? KASEIKYO_FRAMES : 1; // 2 frames auto repetition if first frame auto_repetition_pause_len = KASEIKYO_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 75 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = KASEIKYO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = PANASONIC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = PANASONIC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = PANASONIC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = PANASONIC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = PANASONIC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = PANASONIC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = PANASONIC_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = PANASONIC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = PANASONIC_FRAMES; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = PANASONIC_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 40 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = PANASONIC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = MITSU_HEAVY_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = MITSU_HEAVY_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = MITSU_HEAVY_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = MITSU_HEAVY_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = MITSU_HEAVY_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = MITSU_HEAVY_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = MITSU_HEAVY_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = MITSU_HEAVY_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = MITSU_HEAVY_FRAMES; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0;; repeat_frame_pause_len = MITSU_HEAVY_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_40_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RECS80_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RECS80_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RECS80_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = RECS80_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = RECS80_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = RECS80_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = RECS80_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = RECS80_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = RECS80_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RECS80_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RECS80EXT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = RECS80EXT_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = RECS80EXT_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = RECS80EXT_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = RECS80EXT_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = RECS80EXT_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = RECS80EXT_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RECS80EXT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = TELEFUNKEN_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = TELEFUNKEN_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = TELEFUNKEN_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = TELEFUNKEN_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = TELEFUNKEN_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = TELEFUNKEN_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = TELEFUNKEN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; // TELEFUNKEN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // xx ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = TELEFUNKEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; // 117 msec pause irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC5_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RC5_BIT_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RC5_BIT_LEN; pulse_len = RC5_BIT_LEN; pause_len = RC5_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = RC5_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = RC5_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RC5_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RC6_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RC6_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_len = RC6_BIT_LEN; pause_len = RC6_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = RC6_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = RC6_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN_SHORT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RC6_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RC6_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RC6_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_len = RC6_BIT_LEN; pause_len = RC6_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = RC6_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = RC6_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN_LONG; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RC6_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_DENON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_DENON_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = 0x00; startbit_pause_len = 0x00; pulse_1_len = DENON_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = DENON_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = DENON_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = DENON_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = DENON_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = DENON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = DENON_FRAMES; // 2 frames, 2nd with inverted command auto_repetition_pause_len = DENON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 65 ms pause after 1st frame repeat_frame_pause_len = DENON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); // in theory 32kHz, in practice 36kHz is better break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_THOMSON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_THOMSON_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = 0x00; startbit_pause_len = 0x00; pulse_1_len = THOMSON_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = THOMSON_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = THOMSON_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = THOMSON_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = THOMSON_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = THOMSON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = THOMSON_FRAMES; // only 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = THOMSON_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; repeat_frame_pause_len = THOMSON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BOSE_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_BOSE_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = BOSE_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = BOSE_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = BOSE_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = BOSE_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = BOSE_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = BOSE_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = BOSE_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = BOSE_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = BOSE_FRAMES; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = BOSE_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 40 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = BOSE_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NUBERT_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NUBERT_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = NUBERT_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = NUBERT_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = NUBERT_1_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = NUBERT_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = NUBERT_0_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = NUBERT_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = NUBERT_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = NUBERT_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = NUBERT_FRAMES; // 2 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = NUBERT_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 35 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = NUBERT_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FAN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_FAN_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = FAN_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = FAN_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = FAN_1_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = FAN_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = FAN_0_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = FAN_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = FAN_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = FAN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = FAN_FRAMES; // only 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = FAN_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 35 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = FAN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = SPEAKER_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = SPEAKER_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = SPEAKER_1_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = SPEAKER_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = SPEAKER_0_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = SPEAKER_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = SPEAKER_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = SPEAKER_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = SPEAKER_FRAMES; // 2 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = SPEAKER_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 35 ms pause repeat_frame_pause_len = SPEAKER_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_1_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = BANG_OLUFSEN_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; last_bit_value = 0; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_455_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; startbit_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_PRE_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = GRUNDIG_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = GRUNDIG_FRAMES; // 2 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = GRUNDIG_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 20m sec pause repeat_frame_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; // 117 msec pause irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; startbit_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_PRE_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = IR60_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = IR60_FRAMES; // 2 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = IR60_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 20m sec pause repeat_frame_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; // 117 msec pause irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_30_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; startbit_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_PRE_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = NOKIA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = NOKIA_FRAMES; // 2 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = NOKIA_AUTO_REPETITION_PAUSE_LEN; // 20 msec pause repeat_frame_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; // 117 msec pause irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = SIEMENS_BIT_LEN; startbit_pause_len = SIEMENS_BIT_LEN; pulse_len = SIEMENS_BIT_LEN; pause_len = SIEMENS_BIT_LEN; has_stop_bit = SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = SIEMENS_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = SIEMENS_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RUWIDO_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RUWIDO_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; pulse_len = RUWIDO_BIT_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = RUWIDO_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; has_stop_bit = SIEMENS_OR_RUWIDO_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = RUWIDO_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RUWIDO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_36_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FDC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_FDC_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = FDC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = FDC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = FDC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = FDC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = FDC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = FDC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = FDC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = FDC_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = FDC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RCCAR_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RCCAR_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = RCCAR_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = RCCAR_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = RCCAR_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = RCCAR_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = RCCAR_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = RCCAR_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = RCCAR_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = RCCAR_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = RCCAR_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_JVC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_JVC_PROTOCOL: { if (repeat_counter != 0) // skip start bit if repetition frame { current_bit = 0; } startbit_pulse_len = JVC_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = JVC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = JVC_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = JVC_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = JVC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = JVC_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = JVC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = JVC_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = JVC_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NIKON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NIKON_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = NIKON_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = NIKON_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; complete_data_len = NIKON_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = NIKON_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = NIKON_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = NIKON_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = NIKON_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = NIKON_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = NIKON_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_LEGO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_LEGO_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = LEGO_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = LEGO_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = LEGO_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = LEGO_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = LEGO_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = LEGO_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = LEGO_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = LEGO_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = LEGO_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = A1TVBOX_BIT_PULSE_LEN; // don't use A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN startbit_pause_len = A1TVBOX_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; // don't use A1TVBOX_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN pulse_len = A1TVBOX_BIT_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = A1TVBOX_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; has_stop_bit = A1TVBOX_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = A1TVBOX_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN + 1; // we send stop bit as data n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = A1TVBOX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = ROOMBA_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = ROOMBA_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; pulse_1_len = ROOMBA_1_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = ROOMBA_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = ROOMBA_0_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = ROOMBA_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = ROOMBA_STOP_BIT; complete_data_len = ROOMBA_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; n_auto_repetitions = ROOMBA_FRAMES; // 8 frames auto_repetition_pause_len = ROOMBA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; repeat_frame_pause_len = ROOMBA_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_PENTAX_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_PENTAX_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = PENTAX_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = PENTAX_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN; complete_data_len = PENTAX_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = PENTAX_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = PENTAX_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = PENTAX_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = PENTAX_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = PENTAX_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = PENTAX_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_ACP24_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_ACP24_PROTOCOL: { startbit_pulse_len = ACP24_START_BIT_PULSE_LEN; startbit_pause_len = ACP24_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; complete_data_len = ACP24_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN; pulse_1_len = ACP24_PULSE_LEN; pause_1_len = ACP24_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1; pulse_0_len = ACP24_PULSE_LEN; pause_0_len = ACP24_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1; has_stop_bit = ACP24_STOP_BIT; n_auto_repetitions = 1; // 1 frame auto_repetition_pause_len = 0; repeat_frame_pause_len = ACP24_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; irsnd_set_freq (IRSND_FREQ_38_KHZ); break; } #endif default: { irsnd_busy = FALSE; break; } } } } if (irsnd_busy) { new_frame = FALSE; switch (irsnd_protocol) { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIRCS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SIRCS_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC16_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC16_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC42_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NEC42_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_LGAIR_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_LGAIR_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL: case IRMP_SAMSUNG32_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SAMSUNG48_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RECS80_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_DENON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_DENON_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BOSE_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_BOSE_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NUBERT_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NUBERT_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FAN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_FAN_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FDC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_FDC_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RCCAR_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RCCAR_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_JVC_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_JVC_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NIKON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NIKON_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_LEGO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_LEGO_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_THOMSON_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_THOMSON_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_PENTAX_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_PENTAX_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_ACP24_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_ACP24_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIRCS_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC16_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC42_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_LGAIR_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_MATSUSHITA_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_TECHNICS_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_KASEIKYO_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RECS80EXT_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_DENON_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_NUBERT_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_FAN_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_SPEAKER_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_FDC_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RCCAR_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_JVC_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NIKON_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_LEGO_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_THOMSON_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_ROOMBA_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_TELEFUNKEN_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_PENTAX_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_ACP24_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_PANASONIC_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_BOSE_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_MITSU_HEAVY_PROTOCOL == 1 { if (pulse_counter == 0) { if (current_bit == 0xFF) // send start bit { pulse_len = startbit_pulse_len; pause_len = startbit_pause_len; } else if (current_bit < complete_data_len) // send n'th bit { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_SAMSUNG_PROTOCOL) { if (current_bit < SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_LEN) // send address bits { pulse_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = (irsnd_buffer[current_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(current_bit & 7)))) ? (SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1) : (SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1); } else if (current_bit == SAMSUNG_ADDRESS_LEN) // send SYNC bit (16th bit) { pulse_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = SAMSUNG_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else if (current_bit < SAMSUNG_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN) // send n'th bit { uint8_t cur_bit = current_bit - 1; // sync skipped, offset = -1 ! pulse_len = SAMSUNG_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = (irsnd_buffer[cur_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(cur_bit & 7)))) ? (SAMSUNG_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1) : (SAMSUNG_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1); } } else #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NEC16_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_NEC16_PROTOCOL) { if (current_bit < NEC16_ADDRESS_LEN) // send address bits { pulse_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = (irsnd_buffer[current_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(current_bit & 7)))) ? (NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1) : (NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1); } else if (current_bit == NEC16_ADDRESS_LEN) // send SYNC bit (8th bit) { pulse_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = NEC_START_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else if (current_bit < NEC16_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN + 1) // send n'th bit { uint8_t cur_bit = current_bit - 1; // sync skipped, offset = -1 ! pulse_len = NEC_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = (irsnd_buffer[cur_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(cur_bit & 7)))) ? (NEC_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1) : (NEC_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1); } } else #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_BANG_OLUFSEN_PROTOCOL) { if (current_bit == 0) // send 2nd start bit { pulse_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else if (current_bit == 1) // send 3rd start bit { pulse_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT3_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else if (current_bit == 2) // send 4th start bit { pulse_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_START_BIT2_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else if (current_bit == 19) // send trailer bit { pulse_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_LEN; pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_TRAILER_BIT_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else if (current_bit < BANG_OLUFSEN_COMPLETE_DATA_LEN) // send n'th bit { uint8_t cur_bit_value = (irsnd_buffer[current_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(current_bit & 7)))) ? 1 : 0; pulse_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_PULSE_LEN; if (cur_bit_value == last_bit_value) { pause_len = BANG_OLUFSEN_R_PAUSE_LEN - 1; } else { pause_len = cur_bit_value ? (BANG_OLUFSEN_1_PAUSE_LEN - 1) : (BANG_OLUFSEN_0_PAUSE_LEN - 1); last_bit_value = cur_bit_value; } } } else #endif if (irsnd_buffer[current_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(current_bit & 7)))) { pulse_len = pulse_1_len; pause_len = pause_1_len; } else { pulse_len = pulse_0_len; pause_len = pause_0_len; } } else if (has_stop_bit) // send stop bit { pulse_len = pulse_0_len; if (auto_repetition_counter < n_auto_repetitions) { pause_len = pause_0_len; } else { pause_len = 255; // last frame: pause of 255 } } } if (pulse_counter < pulse_len) { if (pulse_counter == 0) { irsnd_on (); } pulse_counter++; } else if (pause_counter < pause_len) { if (pause_counter == 0) { irsnd_off (); } pause_counter++; } else { current_bit++; if (current_bit >= complete_data_len + has_stop_bit) { current_bit = 0xFF; auto_repetition_counter++; if (auto_repetition_counter == n_auto_repetitions) { irsnd_busy = FALSE; auto_repetition_counter = 0; } new_frame = TRUE; } pulse_counter = 0; pause_counter = 0; } break; } #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC5_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL == 1 case IRMP_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL: #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC5_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 || \ IRSND_SUPPORT_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL == 1 { if (pulse_counter == pulse_len && pause_counter == pause_len) { current_bit++; if (current_bit >= complete_data_len) { current_bit = 0xFF; #if IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL) { auto_repetition_counter++; if (repeat_counter > 0) { // set 117 msec pause time auto_repetition_pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_FRAME_REPEAT_PAUSE_LEN; } if (repeat_counter < n_repeat_frames) // tricky: repeat n info frames per auto repetition before sending last stop frame { n_auto_repetitions++; // increment number of auto repetitions repeat_counter++; } else if (auto_repetition_counter == n_auto_repetitions) { irsnd_busy = FALSE; auto_repetition_counter = 0; } } else #endif { irsnd_busy = FALSE; } new_frame = TRUE; irsnd_off (); } pulse_counter = 0; pause_counter = 0; } if (! new_frame) { uint8_t first_pulse; #if IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL) { if (current_bit == 0xFF || // start bit of start-frame (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL && current_bit == 15) || // start bit of info-frame (Grundig) (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_IR60_PROTOCOL && current_bit == 7) || // start bit of data frame (IR60) (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_NOKIA_PROTOCOL && (current_bit == 23 || current_bit == 47))) // start bit of info- or stop-frame (Nokia) { pulse_len = startbit_pulse_len; pause_len = startbit_pause_len; first_pulse = TRUE; } else // send n'th bit { pulse_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; pause_len = GRUNDIG_NOKIA_IR60_BIT_LEN; first_pulse = (irsnd_buffer[current_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(current_bit & 7)))) ? TRUE : FALSE; } } else // if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL || // irsnd_protocol == IRMP_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL) #endif { if (current_bit == 0xFF) // 1 start bit { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL) { pulse_len = startbit_pulse_len; pause_len = startbit_pause_len; } else #endif #if IRSND_SUPPORT_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_A1TVBOX_PROTOCOL) { current_bit = 0; } else #endif { ; } first_pulse = TRUE; } else // send n'th bit { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL || irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL) { pulse_len = RC6_BIT_LEN; pause_len = RC6_BIT_LEN; if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6_PROTOCOL) { if (current_bit == 4) // toggle bit (double len) { pulse_len = RC6_BIT_2_LEN; // = 2 * RC_BIT_LEN pause_len = RC6_BIT_2_LEN; // = 2 * RC_BIT_LEN } } else // if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC6A_PROTOCOL) { if (current_bit == 4) // toggle bit (double len) { pulse_len = RC6_BIT_3_LEN; // = 3 * RC6_BIT_LEN pause_len = RC6_BIT_2_LEN; // = 2 * RC6_BIT_LEN } else if (current_bit == 5) // toggle bit (double len) { pause_len = RC6_BIT_2_LEN; // = 2 * RC6_BIT_LEN } } } #endif first_pulse = (irsnd_buffer[current_bit >> 3] & (1<<(7-(current_bit & 7)))) ? TRUE : FALSE; } if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_RC5_PROTOCOL) { first_pulse = first_pulse ? FALSE : TRUE; } } if (first_pulse) { // printf ("first_pulse: current_bit: %d %d < %d %d < %d\n", current_bit, pause_counter, pause_len, pulse_counter, pulse_len); if (pulse_counter < pulse_len) { if (pulse_counter == 0) { irsnd_on (); } pulse_counter++; } else // if (pause_counter < pause_len) { if (pause_counter == 0) { irsnd_off (); } pause_counter++; } } else { // printf ("first_pause: current_bit: %d %d < %d %d < %d\n", current_bit, pause_counter, pause_len, pulse_counter, pulse_len); if (pause_counter < pause_len) { if (pause_counter == 0) { irsnd_off (); } pause_counter++; } else // if (pulse_counter < pulse_len) { if (pulse_counter == 0) { irsnd_on (); } pulse_counter++; } } } break; } #endif // IRSND_SUPPORT_RC5_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6_PROTOCOL == 1 || || IRSND_SUPPORT_RC6A_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_SIEMENS_PROTOCOL == 1 || // IRSND_SUPPORT_RUWIDO_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_GRUNDIG_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_IR60_PROTOCOL == 1 || IRSND_SUPPORT_NOKIA_PROTOCOL == 1 default: { irsnd_busy = FALSE; break; } } } if (! irsnd_busy) { if (repeat_counter < n_repeat_frames) { #if IRSND_SUPPORT_FDC_PROTOCOL == 1 if (irsnd_protocol == IRMP_FDC_PROTOCOL) { irsnd_buffer[2] |= 0x0F; } #endif repeat_counter++; irsnd_busy = TRUE; } else { irsnd_busy = TRUE; //Rainer send_trailer = TRUE; n_repeat_frames = 0; repeat_counter = 0; } } } #ifdef ANALYZE if (irsnd_is_on) { putchar ('0'); } else { putchar ('1'); } #endif return irsnd_busy; } #ifdef ANALYZE // main function - for unix/linux + windows only! // AVR: see main.c! // Compile it under linux with: // cc irsnd.c -o irsnd // // usage: ./irsnd protocol hex-address hex-command >filename int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int protocol; int address; int command; IRMP_DATA irmp_data; if (argc != 4 && argc != 5) { fprintf (stderr, "usage: %s protocol hex-address hex-command [repeat] > filename\n", argv[0]); return 1; } if (sscanf (argv[1], "%d", &protocol) == 1 && sscanf (argv[2], "%x", &address) == 1 && sscanf (argv[3], "%x", &command) == 1) { irmp_data.protocol = protocol; irmp_data.address = address; irmp_data.command = command; if (argc == 5) { irmp_data.flags = atoi (argv[4]); } else { irmp_data.flags = 0; } irsnd_init (); (void) irsnd_send_data (&irmp_data, TRUE); while (irsnd_busy) { irsnd_ISR (); } putchar ('\n'); #if 1 // enable here to send twice (void) irsnd_send_data (&irmp_data, TRUE); while (irsnd_busy) { irsnd_ISR (); } putchar ('\n'); #endif } else { fprintf (stderr, "%s: wrong arguments\n", argv[0]); return 1; } return 0; } #endif // ANALYZE