path: root/z180/cfboot.180
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z180/cfboot.180')
1 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z180/cfboot.180 b/z180/cfboot.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..083aa4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/cfboot.180
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ TITLE 'CF cold boot loader'
+ ; Port Address Equates
+ include
+ include
+ ; IDE Task File Register Definitions
+IDEDat equ IDEBASE+0 ; Data Register
+IDEErr equ IDEBASE+1 ; Error Register
+IDEFeat equ IDEBASE+1 ; Feature Register
+IDESCnt equ IDEBASE+2 ; Sector Count
+IDESNum equ IDEBASE+3 ; Sector Number
+IDECLo equ IDEBASE+4 ; Cylinder Low
+IDECHi equ IDEBASE+5 ; Cylinder High
+IDESDH equ IDEBASE+6 ; Drive and Head
+IDECmd equ IDEBASE+7 ; Command / Status
+ ; IDE Hard disk commands:
+CmdNOP equ 00h ; NOP Command
+CmdHome equ 10h ; Recalibrate
+CmdRd equ 20h ; Read Sector
+CmdWr equ 30h ; Write Sector
+CmdId equ 0ECh ; Read ID
+CmdSF equ 0EFh ; Set Feature
+ ; Partition Table Structures
+PTYPE equ 4
+PSTART equ 8
+PSIZE equ 12
+ ; Partition table id
+ ; (see
+PARTID1_FAT16 equ 00EH
+PARTID2_FAT16 equ 006H
+PARTID_CPM equ 052H
+DEBUG equ false ; not used
+DO_WAIT_NBSY equ false
+RUN_TPA equ false
+ if RUN_TPA
+base equ 0100h
+ else
+base equ 0
+ endif
+ aseg
+ org base
+ jr start
+para: equ $
+loadaddr: dw base+100h
+sec_start: db 0
+sec_cnt: db 7
+part_id: db PARTID_CPM
+timeout: dw 10000
+stages: db number_of_stages
+done: db 0
+result: db 0
+ide_result: db 0,0
+o_part_id equ part_id - para
+o_stages equ stages - para
+o_done equ done - para
+o_result equ result - para
+ ld sp,stack
+ pop ix
+ pop de
+ dec (ix+o_stages)
+ jp m,stop
+ pop hl
+ push de
+ push hl
+ exx
+ ld hl,(loadaddr)
+ ret
+ exx
+ ld (ix+o_result),a
+ or a
+ jr z,loop
+ in a,(Idecmd) ;2
+ ld l,a ;1
+ in a,(IdeErr) ;2
+ ld h,a ;1
+ ld (ide_result),hl ;3 9
+ dec (ix+o_done)
+ halt
+ xor a ;
+ dec a
+ ex (sp),hl
+ ex (sp),hl
+ jr nz,to_l ;
+ dec hl ; 4
+ ld a,h ; 4
+ or l ; 4
+ ret nz ; 10/5
+ ccf ; 3
+ ret ; 9
+ if base = 0
+ if 044h-$ > 0
+ rept 044h-$
+ db 0
+ endm
+ endif
+ endif
+; dw 0
+; dw 0 ; part_start is 4 byte long, but stack gets free
+ dw para
+ dw continue
+ dw s_wait_not_bsy
+ endif
+ dw s_wait_rdy
+ dw s_check_io
+ dw s_set_xfermode8
+ dw s_read_parttbl
+ dw s_check_signature
+ dw s_find_partition
+ dw s_read_sectors
+ dw s_go
+number_of_stages equ ($-stage_table)/2
+; Wait while device is busy with time out
+; return:
+; a = 0 if ok
+; a = ff in timeout
+; destroys hl
+ ld hl,(timeout)
+ in a,(IdeCmd)
+ rla
+ jr nc,wnb_e
+ call chk_to
+ jr nc,wnb_l
+ sbc a,a
+ ret
+ endif
+; Wait for ready signal with time out
+; return:
+; a = 0 if ok
+; a = ff in timeout
+; destroys hl
+ ld hl,(timeout)
+ in a,(IdeCmd)
+ xor 01000000b
+ and 11000000b ; clears carry
+ jr z,wrdy_e
+ call chk_to
+ jr nc,wrdy_l
+ sbc a,a
+ ret
+ ld a,0E0h ; unit 0, lba mode
+ out (IdeSDH),a ;
+ xor a ; execute NOP command
+ call do_ide_cmd ; should return error
+ ret c
+ xor 1
+ ret nz
+ ld a,CmdHome ; execute RECALIBRATE command
+ jr do_ide_cmd
+ ld a,1 ; Enable 8-bit data transfer.
+ out (IDEFeat),a
+ ld a,CmdSF ; Set feature command
+; fall thru
+; jr do_ide_cmd
+ out (IdeCmd),a ;
+ call wait_rdy_to
+ ret c
+ in a,(IdeCmd)
+ and 10001001b ;
+ ret
+; ld hl,(loadaddr)
+ inc h ; Point to last byte of MBR
+ inc h
+ dec hl
+ ld a,0aah
+ cp (hl) ; Test, if it has a valid MBR
+ ret nz
+ dec hl
+ cpl ; a=055h
+ sub (hl) ;
+ ret ; should be 0
+; Read partition table (lbr)
+; ld hl,(loadaddr)
+ ld bc,1*256 + 0 ; sector 0 (lba)
+ ld e,c
+ ld d,c
+ jr read_sectors
+; Find CP/M paartition
+; Look for first CP/M partition
+; and save partition offset
+; ld hl,(loadaddr)
+ ld de,512-2-64+PTYPE ; Point to partition type of first first partition table entry
+ add hl,de
+ ld de,16
+ ld b,4 ; Max # of partition table entries
+ ld a,(ix+o_part_id)
+ sub (HL) ; Test for CP/M Partition
+ jr nz,pnext
+ ld bc,4
+ add hl,bc ; Point to partition start (lba)
+ ld de,part_start
+ ldir
+ ret ;a=0
+ add hl,de
+ djnz ploop
+ ret
+; Read sec_count sectors, beginning at part_start+sec_start
+; ld hl,(loadaddr)
+ push hl
+ ld bc,(sec_start) ;b=sec_count, c=sec_start
+ ld e,c
+ ld d,0
+ ld hl,(part_start) ;add partition offset to sector number
+ add hl,de
+ ld a,(part_start+2)
+ adc a,d ;d=0
+ ld c,a
+ ex de,hl
+ pop hl
+; fall thru
+; Read a number of sectors
+; hl: memory address
+; cde: sector number (24 bit)
+; b: sector count
+ ld a,e ; lba 0..7
+ out (IdeSNum),a
+ ld a,d ; lba 0..7
+ out (IdeClo),a
+ ld a,c ; lba 0..7
+ out (IdeCHi),a
+ ld a,b ; number of sectors to read
+ out (IdeSCnt),a ; set sector count
+ ld a,CmdRd
+ out (IdeCmd),a ; command: read sector data
+ ld d,b
+ ld bc,IdeDat ; I/O address
+ in a,(IdeCmd) ; wait for DRQ to become active
+ bit 3,a
+ jr z,wdrq
+ inir ; read 512 data bytes (2 x 256)
+ inir
+wnb: ; wait while busy
+ in a,(IdeCmd) ;
+ rlca
+ jr c,wnb
+ rrca ; restore status
+ bit 0,a
+ jr nz,err_out
+ dec d
+ jr nz,wdrq
+ and 10001001b ; Busy, DRQ, or Error?
+ ret ; return 0, if everything is ok
+; ld hl,(loadaddr)
+ dec (ix+o_done)
+ jp (hl)
+ if base = 0
+ if $ > 100h
+ .printx Error: Program to large to fit in page 0!
+ db "Stop
+ endif
+ endif
+ end