path: root/z180/init-80.180
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z180/init-80.180')
1 files changed, 591 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z180/init-80.180 b/z180/init-80.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b71993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/init-80.180
@@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+ extrn ddtz,bpent
+ extrn $stack
+ extrn charini,?const,?conin
+ extrn ?cono,?conos
+ extrn romend
+ global iobyte
+ global isv_sw
+ include
+ cseg
+romstart equ $
+ org romstart+0
+ jp start
+iobyte: db 0
+; restart vectors
+rsti defl 1
+ rept 7
+ org 8*rsti + romstart
+ jp bpent
+rsti defl rsti+1
+ endm
+ org romstart+40h
+ dw 0
+ db 0
+ cseg
+$crom: defb c$rom ;
+ else
+ db 0 ;
+ endif
+ db 0 ;count
+; db rcr,CREFSH ;configure DRAM refresh
+; db dcntl,INIWAITS ;wait states
+; db cbar,SYS$CBAR
+ org romstart+50h
+ jp cstart
+ jp wstart
+ jp ?const
+ jp ?conin
+ jp ?cono
+ jp ?conos
+ jp charini
+ di
+ xor a
+ ld (@cbnk),a
+; search warm start mark
+ ld ix,mark_55AA ; top of common area
+ ld a,0aah ;
+ cp (ix+000h) ;
+ jr nz,kstart ;
+ cp (ix+002h) ;
+ jr nz,kstart ;
+ cpl ;
+ cp (ix+001h) ;
+ jr nz,kstart ;
+ cp (ix+003h) ;
+ jr nz,kstart ;
+ ld sp,$stack ; mark found, check
+; call checkcrc_alv ;
+ jp z,wstart ; check ok,
+; ram not ok, initialize -- kstart --
+ ld sp,$stack ;01e1
+; Clear RAM
+; Init bank manager
+ ld hl,055AAh ;set warm start mark
+ ld (mark_55AA),hl ;
+ ld (mark_55AA+2),hl;
+; -- wstart --
+ call sysram_init ;027f
+ call ivtab_init
+ call charini
+ call bufferinit
+ ld c,0
+ call selbnk
+ im 2 ;?030e
+ ei ;0282
+ call ?const ;0284
+ call ?const ;0287
+ or a ;028a
+ call nz,?conin ;028d
+;;; ld a,(banktab) ;
+;;; ld e,a ;
+ jp ddtz ;0290
+;TODO: Make a ringbuffer module.
+ global buf.init
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),0
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),0
+ ld (ix+o.mask),a
+ ret
+ extrn msginit,msg.sout
+ extrn mtx.fifo,mrx.fifo
+ extrn co.fifo,ci.fifo
+ call msginit
+ ld hl,buffers
+ ld b,buftablen
+ ld a,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld (bufdat+0),a
+ ld e,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld d,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ex de,hl
+ or a
+ jr nz,bfi_2
+ ld a,(@cbnk)
+ call bnk2phys
+ ld (40h+0),hl
+ ld (40h+2),a
+ out (AVRINT5),a
+ jr bfi_3
+ ld a,(@cbnk)
+ call bnk2phys
+ ld (bufdat+1),hl
+ ld (bufdat+3),a
+ ld hl,inimsg
+ call msg.sout
+ ex de,hl
+ djnz bfi_1
+ ret
+ db 0
+ dw mtx.fifo
+ db 1
+ dw mrx.fifo
+ db 2
+ dw co.fifo
+ db 3
+ dw ci.fifo
+buftablen equ ($ - buffers)/3
+ db inimsg_e - $ -1
+ db 0AEh
+ db inimsg_e - $ -1
+ db 0
+ db 0
+ dw 0
+ db 0
+ sla h
+ jr nc,b2p_1 ;A15=1 --> common
+ ld a,3
+ srl a
+ rr h
+ ret
+ ld hl,sysramw
+ ld de,topcodsys
+ ld bc,sysrame-sysramw
+ ldir
+ ret
+ ld hl,ivtab ;
+ ld a,h ;
+ ld i,a ;
+; out0 (il),l ;
+; Let all vectors point to spurious int routines.
+ ld d,high sp.int0
+ ld a,low sp.int0
+ ld b,9
+ ld (hl),a
+ inc l
+ ld (hl),d
+ inc l
+ add a,
+ djnz ivt_i1
+ ret
+ global io.ini
+ push bc
+ if CPU_Z180
+ ld b,0 ;high byte port adress
+ ld a,(hl) ;count
+ inc hl
+ or a
+ jr z,ioi_e
+ ld c,(hl) ;port address
+ inc hl
+ outi
+ inc b ;outi decrements b
+ dec a
+ jr nz,ioi_1
+ else
+ jr ioi_nxt
+ ld c,(hl) ;port address
+ inc hl
+ otir
+ ld b,(hl) ;count
+ inc hl
+ inc b
+ djnz ioi_l
+ endif
+ pop bc
+ ret
+ if CPU_Z180
+ push bc
+ ld b,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld c,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ otimr
+ pop bc
+ ret
+ endif
+; hl = hl + a
+; Flags undefined
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ ret nc
+ inc h
+ ret
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+ .phase isvsw_loc
+; Trampoline for interrupt routines in banked ram.
+; Switch stack pointer to "system" stack in top ram
+; todo: z80 bank switch
+isv_sw: ;
+ ex (sp),hl ; save hl, return adr in hl
+ push de ;
+ push af ;
+ ex de,hl ;
+ ld hl,0 ;
+ add hl,sp ;
+ ld a,h ;
+ cp 0f8h ;
+ jr nc,isw_1 ;
+ ld sp,$stack ;
+ push hl ;
+ ; save current bank
+; in0 h,(cbar) ;
+ push hl ;
+ ; switch to system bank
+; ld a,SYS$CBAR ;
+; out0 (cbar),a ;
+ ex de,hl ;
+ ld e,(hl) ;
+ inc hl ;
+ ld d,(hl) ;
+ ex de,hl ;
+ push bc ;
+ call jphl ;
+ pop bc ;
+ pop hl ; restore bank
+; out0 (cbar),h ;
+ pop hl ;
+ ld sp,hl ;
+ pop af ;
+ pop de ;
+ pop hl ;
+ ei ;
+ ret ;
+ jp (hl) ;
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ld a,0d0h
+ jr sp.i.1 equ $-sp.int0
+ ld a,0d1h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d2h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d3h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d4h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d5h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d6h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d7h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d8h
+; out (80h),a
+ halt
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+; Get IFF2
+; This routine may not be loaded in page zero
+; return Carry clear, if INTs are enabled.
+ global getiff
+ xor a ;clear accu and carry
+ push af ;stack bottom := 00xxh
+ pop af
+ ld a,i ;P flag := IFF2
+ ret pe ;exit carry clear, if enabled
+ dec sp
+ dec sp ;has stack bottom been overwritten?
+ pop af
+ and a ;if not 00xxh, INTs were
+ ret nz ;actually enabled
+ scf ;Otherwise, they really are disabled
+ ret
+ global selbnk
+; a: bank (0..2)
+ push bc
+ ld c,a
+ call getiff
+ push af
+ ld a,c
+ di
+ ld (@cbnk),a
+ ld a,5
+ out (SIOAC),a
+ ld a,(mm_sio0)
+ rla
+ srl c
+ rra
+ out (SIOAC),a
+ ld (mm_sio0),a
+ ld a,5
+ out (SIOBC),a
+ ld a,(mm_sio1)
+ rla
+ srl c
+ rra
+ out (SIOBC),a
+ ld (mm_sio1),a
+ pop af
+ pop bc
+ ret c ;INTs were disabled
+ ei
+ ret
+; c: bank (0..2)
+ if 0
+ ld a,(@cbnk)
+ xor c
+ and 3
+ ret z ;no change
+ call getiff
+ push af
+ ld a,c
+ di
+ ld (@cbnk),a
+ ld a,5
+ out (SIOAC),a
+ ld a,(mm_sio0)
+ rla
+ srl c
+ rra
+ out (SIOAC),a
+ ld (mm_sio0),a
+ ld a,5
+ out (SIOBC),a
+ ld a,(mm_sio1)
+ rla
+ srl c
+ rra
+ out (SIOBC),a
+ ld (mm_sio1),a
+ pop af
+ ret nc ;INTs were disabled
+ ei
+ ret
+ endif
+ if 0
+ ex af,af'
+ push af
+ ex af,af'
+ rra
+ jr nc,stbk1
+ ex af,af'
+ ld a,5
+ out (SIOAC),a
+ ld a,(mm_sio0)
+ rla
+ srl c
+ rra
+ out (SIOAC),a
+ ld (mm_sio1),a
+ ex af,af'
+ rra
+ jr nc,stbk2
+ ex af,af'
+ ld a,5
+ out (SIOBC),a
+ ld a,(mm_sio1)
+ rla
+ srl c
+ rra
+ out (SIOBC),a
+ ld (mm_sio1),a
+ ex af,af'
+ endif
+ global @cbnk
+ global mm_sio0, mm_sio1
+@cbnk: db 0 ; current bank (0..2)
+ ds 1
+ ds 1
+curph defl $
+ .dephase
+ .phase curph
+tim_ms: db 0
+tim_s: dw 0
+ .dephase
+ cseg
+ ;.phase 0ffc0h
+;ivtab equ 0ffc0h ; 0ffc0h ;int vector table
+ ;.dephase
+ ;.phase 0fffch
+mark_55AA equ 0fffch
+ ;ds 4 ; 0fffch
+ ;.dephase
+ end