path: root/z180
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'z180')
18 files changed, 9583 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z180/Makefile b/z180/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f676826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+SRC := r3init.180 ddtz.180
+SRC += fifoio.180 msgbuf.180 ser1-i.180 console.180
+SRC += romend.180
+INC := z180.lib
+OBJ := $(SRC:.180=.rel)
+#CP/M emulator
+CPMEMU = zxcc
+#Location of CP/M binaries
+CPMBIN = /usr/local/lib/cpm/bin80
+#LN = $(CPMEMU)
+LN_PROG = 0
+LN_DATA = C000
+#.suffixes: .180 .rel
+.phony: all
+all: hdrom.c hdrom.h
+$(OBJ): $(INC)
+hdrom.h: hdrom.c
+comma:= ,
+space:= $(empty) $(empty)
+ccpline = $(CPMEMU) $(1) -$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $(2)))
+define cpm-asm =
+COMMAND="$(AS) -$(basename $<)/$(AS_OPT)"; \
+OUTPUT=$$(mktemp); echo $${COMMAND}; \
+$${COMMAND} > $${OUTPUT}; \
+grep -q '^ 0 Error(s) Detected' $${OUTPUT}; ERROR=$$? ; \
+if [ "$${ERROR}" != "0" ]; then cat $${OUTPUT}; rm -f $@; fi ; \
+exit $${ERROR}
+define cpm-link =
+ COMMAND="$(call ccpline, slrnk+, $(basename $@)/H/M /V \
+ /P:$(LN_PROG) /D:$(LN_DATA) $(basename $^) /E /Q)";\
+ OUTPUT=$$(mktemp); echo $${COMMAND};\
+ $${COMMAND} > $${OUTPUT};\
+ ERROR=0;\
+ cat $${OUTPUT};\
+ grep -q ' Duplicate Symbol ' $${OUTPUT} && ERROR=2; \
+ grep -q '\- Previously Defined' $${OUTPUT} && ERROR=2; \
+ [ "$${ERROR}" = "0" ] && grep -q '^ ** ' $${OUTPUT} && ERROR=1 ; \
+ [ "$${ERROR}" != "0" ] && rm -f $@; \
+ exit $${ERROR}
+#Use: MAKESYM Filename[.ext][/PXXXX][/DXXXX][/CXXXX]
+#egrep '^[[:xdigit:]]{4}[[:space:]]+[[:xdigit:]]{4}[[:space:]]+D.*r3init\.rel'
+define cpm-mksym =
+COMMAND="$(CPMEMU) makesym -$^ -/P -D"; \
+OUTPUT=$$(mktemp); echo $${COMMAND}; \
+$${COMMAND} > $${OUTPUT}; \
+grep -q '^ 0 Error(s) Detected' $${OUTPUT}; ERROR=$$? ; \
+if [ "$${ERROR}" != "0" ]; then cat $${OUTPUT}; rm -f $@; fi ; \
+exit $${ERROR}
+hdrom.c: hdrom.hex
+ srec_cat -o $@ -c_array $(basename $<) -C_COMpressed -include $< -Intel
+hdrom.hex : $(OBJ)
+ @#$(cpm-link)
+ ld80 -o $@ -ms $( -P $(LN_PROG) -D $(LN_DATA) $^
+%.rel %lst: %.180
+ @$(cpm-asm)
+ hdrom.hex
+%.sym: %.lst
+ @$(cpm-mksym)
+.phony: clean realclean
+ rm -f $(OBJ) $(OBJ:.rel=.lst) $(OBJ:.rel=.sym) hdrom.hex
+realclean: clean
+ rm -f *.prn *~
+%.REL: %.MAC
+ @COMMAND="$(AS) =$<"; \
+ OUTPUT=$$(mktemp); echo $${COMMAND}; \
+ $${COMMAND} > $${OUTPUT}; \
+ grep -q 'No Fatal error(s).$$' $${OUTPUT}; ERROR=$$? ; \
+ if [ "$${ERROR}" != "0" ]; then cat $${OUTPUT}; rm $@; fi ; \
+ rm $${OUTPUT}; \
+ exit $${ERROR}
+%.PRN: %.MAC
+ @COMMAND="$(AS) ,$@=$<"; \
+ OUTPUT=$$(mktemp); echo $${COMMAND}; \
+ $${COMMAND} > $${OUTPUT}; \
+ grep -q 'No Fatal error(s).$$' $${OUTPUT}; ERROR=$$? ; \
+ if [ "$${ERROR}" != "0" ]; then cat $${OUTPUT}; fi ; \
+ rm $${OUTPUT}; \
+ exit $${ERROR}
diff --git a/z180/Tupfile b/z180/Tupfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb88946
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/Tupfile
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+PROG = hdrom
+SRC = r3init.180
+SRC += ddtz.180
+#SRC += fifoio.180 msgbuf.180 ser1-i.180 console.180
+SRC += msgbuf-a.180 conbuf-a.180 ser1-i.180 bioscio.180 chario.180
+# serial (asci1) console only:
+#SRC += ser1-i.180 console.180
+SRC += romend.180
+LN_PROG = 0
+LN_DATA = C000
+# Executables
+CPMEMU = zxcc
+#AS = $(CPMEMU)
+!AS-plain = |> $(AS) -%B/$(AS_OPT) |> %B.rel | %B.lst
+!AS = |> ^ $(AS) -%B/$(AS_OPT)^ set +e; OUTPUT=\$(mktemp);\
+$(AS) -%B/$(AS_OPT) > ${OUTPUT};\
+grep -q '^ 0 Error(s) Detected' ${OUTPUT}; ERROR=$?;\
+[ "${ERROR}" != "0" ] && cat ${OUTPUT};\
+[ "${ERROR}" != "0" ] && rm -f %B.rel;\
+rm -f ${OUTPUT}; exit ${ERROR} \
+|> %B.rel | %B.lst
+!LINK = |> ld80 -o %o -ms -P $(LN_PROG) -D $(LN_DATA) %f |> |
+#ifndef DEBUG
+: foreach $(SRC) |> !AS |> {objs}
+: {objs} |> !LINK |> $(PROG).hex
+: $(PROG).hex |> srec_cat -o %o -c_array %B -C_COMpressed -include %f -Intel |> $(PROG).c | $(PROG).h
+#COMMAND="$(AS) -%B/$(AS_OPT)"; \
diff --git a/z180/bioscio.180 b/z180/bioscio.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ec55c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/bioscio.180
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+ .z80
+; Copyright (C), 1982
+; Digital Research, Inc
+; P.O. Box 579
+; Pacific Grove, CA 93950
+; This is the invariant portion of the modular BIOS and is
+; distributed as source for informational purposes only.
+; All desired modifications should be performed by
+; adding or changing externally defined modules.
+; This allows producing "standard" I/O modules that
+; can be combined to support a particular system
+; configuration.
+; Modified for faster character I/O by Udo Munk
+cr equ 13
+lf equ 10
+bell equ 7
+ctlQ equ 'Q'-'@'
+ctlS equ 'S'-'@'
+ cseg ; GENCPM puts CSEG stuff in common memory
+ ; variables in system data page
+;; extrn @covec,@civec,@aovec,@aivec,@lovec ; I/O redirection vectors
+ ; user defined character I/O routines
+ extrn ?ci,?co,?cist,?cost ; each take device in <B>
+ extrn ?cinit ; (re)initialize device in <C>
+ extrn @ctbl ; physical character device table
+ include ; define mode bits
+ public @covec,@civec,@aovec,@aivec,@lovec ; I/O redirection vectors
+ public ?const,?conin,?cono,?list,?auxo,?auxi
+ public ?lists,?conos,?auxis,?auxos,?dvtbl,charini
+@CIVEC: dw 0 ; Console Input Redirection
+ ; Vector (word, r/w)
+@COVEC: dw 0 ; Console Output Redirection
+ ; Vector (word, r/w)
+@AIVEC: dw 0 ; Auxiliary Input Redirection
+ ; Vector (word, r/w)
+@AOVEC: dw 0 ; Auxiliary Output Redirection
+ ; Vector (word, r/w)
+@LOVEC: dw 0 ; List Output Redirection
+ ; Vector (word, r/w)
+ ld c,15 ; initialize all 16 character devices
+ push bc
+ call ?cinit
+ pop bc
+ dec c
+ jp p,c$init$loop
+ ld hl,1000000000000000b ; assign console to HOST
+ ld (@civec),hl
+ ld (@covec),hl
+ ld hl,0000000000000000b ; assign auxiliary to nothing
+ ld (@aivec),hl
+ ld (@aovec),hl
+ ld hl,0000000000000000b ; assign printer to nothing
+ ld (@lovec),hl
+ ret
+ ; Return address of character device table
+ ld hl,@ctbl
+ ret
+ ; Console Output. Send character in <C>
+ ; to all selected devices
+ ld hl,(@covec) ; fetch console output bit vector
+ jr out$scan
+ ; Auxiliary Output. Send character in <C>
+ ; to all selected devices
+ ld hl,(@aovec) ; fetch aux output bit vector
+ jr out$scan
+ ; LIST
+ ; List Output. Send character in <C>
+ ; to all selected devices.
+ ld hl,(@lovec) ; fetch list output bit vector
+ ld b,0 ; start with device 0
+ add hl,hl ; shift out next bit
+ jr nc,not$out$device
+ push hl ; save the vector
+ push bc ; save the count and character
+ call ?co ; if device selected, print it
+ pop bc ; recover count and character
+ pop hl ; recover the rest of the vector
+ inc b ; next device number
+ ld a,h
+ or l ; see if any devices left
+ jr nz,co$next ; and go find them...
+ ret
+ ; Console Output Status. Return true if
+ ; all selected console output devices
+ ; are ready.
+ ld hl,(@covec) ; get console output bit vector
+ jr ost$scan
+ ; Auxiliary Output Status. Return true if
+ ; all selected auxiliary output devices
+ ; are ready.
+ ld hl,(@aovec) ; get aux output bit vector
+ jr ost$scan
+ ; List Output Status. Return true if
+ ; all selected list output devices
+ ; are ready.
+ ld hl,(@lovec) ; get list output bit vector
+ ld b,0 ; start with device 0
+ add hl,hl ; check next bit
+ push hl ; save the vector
+ push bc ; save the count
+ ld a,0FFh ; assume device ready
+ call c,coster ; check status for this device
+ pop bc ; recover count
+ pop hl ; recover bit vector
+ or a ; see if device ready
+ ret z ; if any not ready, return false
+ inc b ; drop device number
+ ld a,h
+ or l ; see if any more selected devices
+ jr nz,cos$next
+ or 0FFh ; all selected were ready, return true
+ ret
+coster: ; check for output device ready, including optional
+ ; xon/xoff support
+ ;
+ ;TODO: interrupt driven devices should xon/xoff handle
+ ; in isv
+ ld l,b
+ ld h,0 ; make device code 16 bits
+ push hl ; save it in stack
+ add hl,hl
+ add hl,hl
+ add hl,hl ; create offset into device characteristics tbl
+ ld de,@ctbl+6
+ add hl,de ; make address of mode byte
+ ld a,(hl)
+ and mb$xon$xoff
+ pop hl ; recover console number in <HL>
+ jp z,?cost ; not a xon device, go get output status direct
+ ld de,xofflist
+ add hl,de ; make pointer to proper xon/xoff flag
+ call cist1 ; see if this keyboard has character
+ ld a,(hl)
+ call nz,ci1 ; get flag or read key if any
+ cp ctlq
+ jr nz,not$q ; if its a ctl-Q,
+ ld a,0FFh ; set the flag ready
+ cp ctls
+ jr nz,not$s ; if its a ctl-S,
+ ld a,00h ; clear the flag
+ ld (hl),a ; save the flag
+ call cost1 ; get the actual output status,
+ and (hl) ; and mask with ctl-Q/ctl-S flag
+ ret ; return this as the status
+cist1: ; get input status with <BC> and <HL> saved
+ push bc
+ push hl
+ call ?cist
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ or a
+ ret
+cost1: ; get output status, saving <BC> & <HL>
+ push bc
+ push hl
+ call ?cost
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ or a
+ ret
+ci1: ; get input, saving <BC> & <HL>
+ push bc
+ push hl
+ call ?ci
+ pop hl
+ pop bc
+ ret
+ ; Auxiliary Input Status. Return true if
+ ; any selected auxiliary input device
+ ; has an available character.
+ ld hl,(@aivec) ; get aux input bit vector
+ jr ist$scan
+ ; Console Input Status. Return true if
+ ; any selected console input device
+ ; has an available character.
+ ld hl,(@civec) ; get console input bit vector
+ ld b,0 ; start with device 0
+ add hl,hl ; check next bit
+ ld a,0 ; assume device not ready
+ call c,cist1 ; check status for this device
+ or a
+ ret nz ; if any ready, return true
+ inc b ; next device number
+ ld a,h
+ or l ; see if any more selected devices
+ jr nz,cis$next
+ xor a ; all selected were not ready, return false
+ ret
+ ; Auxiliary Input. Return character from first
+ ; ready auxiliary input device.
+ ld hl,(@aivec)
+ jr in$scan
+ ; Console Input. Return character from first
+ ; ready console input device.
+ ld hl,(@civec)
+ push hl ; save bit vector
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,hl ; shift out next bit
+ ld a,0 ; insure zero a (nonexistant device not ready).
+ call c,cist1 ; see if the device has a character
+ or a
+ jr nz,ci$rdy ; this device has a character
+ inc b ; else, next device
+ ld a,h
+ or l ; see if any more devices
+ jr nz,ci$next ; go look at them
+ pop hl ; recover bit vector
+ jr in$scan ; loop til we find a character
+ pop hl ; discard extra stack
+ jp ?ci
+ db -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 ; ctl-s clears to zero
+ db -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
+ end
diff --git a/z180/chario.180 b/z180/chario.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6632690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/chario.180
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+; CP/M 3 compatible character i/o
+ public ?cinit,?ci,?co,?cist,?cost
+ public @ctbl
+ extrn ff.init,,,,ff.out
+ extrn ser.init,,,ser.ost,ser.out
+ include
+ include
+ include ; define mode bits and baud eqautes
+max$device equ 2
+ cseg
+; c = device
+?cinit: ; init devices
+ ld b,c
+ call vector$io
+ dw ff.init
+ dw ser.init
+ dw rret
+; b = device, c = output char, a = input char
+?ci: ; character input
+ call vector$io
+ dw
+ dw
+ dw null$input
+?cist: ; character input status
+ call vector$io
+ dw
+ dw
+ dw null$status
+?co: ; character output
+ call vector$io
+ dw ff.out
+ dw ser.out
+ dw rret
+?cost: ; character output status
+ call vector$io
+ dw
+ dw ser.ost
+ dw ret$true
+ ld a,max$device
+ ld e,b
+ pop hl
+ ld d,0
+ cp e
+ jr nc,exist
+ ld e,a ; use null device if a >= max$device
+exist: add hl,de
+ add hl,de
+ ld a,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld h,(hl)
+ ld l,a
+ jp (hl)
+ ld a,1Ah
+ ret
+ or 0FFh
+ ret
+ xor a
+ ret
+ db 'HOST ' ; device 0
+ db mb$output
+ db baud$none
+ db 'ASCI1 ' ; device 0
+ db mb$in$out+mb$serial+mb$soft$baud
+ db baud$19200
+ db 0 ; table terminator
+ end
diff --git a/z180/conbuf-a.180 b/z180/conbuf-a.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8534f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/conbuf-a.180
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+; FIFO channels for communication with avr
+ global ff.init,,ff.out,,
+ extrn buf.init
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf co.fifo,co.fifo_len
+ mkbuf ci.fifo,ci.fifo_len
+ cseg
+; Init Serial I/O for console input and output
+ ld ix,ci.fifo
+ ld a,ci.fifo.mask
+ call buf.init
+ ld ix,co.fifo
+ ld a,co.fifo.mask
+ jp buf.init
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ci.fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ci.fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ cp (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ jr z,bg.wait
+ push hl ;
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,
+ inc h
+ ld l,(hl)
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),a
+ ld a,l
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,co.fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,co.fifo ;
+ push hl ;
+ push bc
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld a,c
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld (hl),b
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ out (AVRINT6),a
+ ld a,b
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ end
diff --git a/z180/ b/z180/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9cef051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+FOSC equ 9216 ;Oscillator frequency [KHz]
+PHI equ FOSC*2 ;CPU frequency
+; Programmable Reload Timer (PRT)
+PRT_PRE equ 20 ;PRT prescaler
+; Reload value for 10 ms Int. (0.1KHz):
+; tc10ms = phi/prescale/0.1KHz = phi / (prescale/10)
+PRT_TC10MS equ PHI / (PRT_PRE/10)
+; MMU
+SYS$CBAR equ 0C8h
+USR$CBAR equ 0F0h
+BANKS equ 18 ;max nr. of banks
+CREFSH equ 0 ;Refresh rate register (disable refresh)
+CWAITIO equ 3 shl IWI0 ;Max I/O Wait States, 0 Memory Wait States
+ROMSYS equ 0
+c$rom equ 0a5h
+ROM_EN equ 0C0h
+CWAITROM equ 2 shl MWI0
+ endif
+DRSTNUM equ 30h ;DDTZ Restart vector (breakpoints)
+mrx.fifo_len equ 256
+mtx.fifo_len equ 256
+ci.fifo_len equ 128
+co.fifo_len equ 256
+s1.rx_len equ 256 ;Serial 1 (ASCI1) buffers
+s1.tx_len equ 256 ;
+AVRINT5 equ 40h
+AVRINT6 equ 50h
+;PMSG equ 80h
+; Definition of (locical) top 2 memory pages
+sysram_start equ 0FE00h
+stacksize equ 80
+isvsw_loc equ 0FEE0h
+ivtab equ 0ffc0h ;int vector table
+iv2tab equ ivtab + 2*9
+o.mask equ -3
+o.in_idx equ -2
+o.out_idx equ -1
+ .lall
+mkbuf macro name,size
+ if ((size & (size-1)) ne 0) or (size gt 256)
+ .printx Error: buffer ^size must be power of 2 and in range 0..256!
+ name&.mask equ ;wrong size error
+ else
+ ds 3
+ name:: ds size
+ name&.mask equ low (size-1)
+ if size ne 0
+ name&.end equ $-1
+ name&.len equ size
+ endif
+ endif
+inidat macro
+ cseg
+??ps.a defl $
+ endm
+inidate macro
+??ps.len defl $ - ??ps.a
+ dseg
+ ds ??ps.len
+ endm
diff --git a/z180/console.180 b/z180/console.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d4f4130
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/console.180
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ ;page 255
+ .z80
+ global $coninit
+ global $cists,$ci
+ global $co
+ extrn ser.init,,,ser.ost,ser.out
+ extrn ff.init,,
+ extrn,ff.out
+ include
+ include
+ cseg
+ call ff.init
+ call ser.init
+ ret
+ call
+ ret nz
+ call
+ ret
+ call
+ jp nz,
+ call
+ jp nz,
+ jr $ci
+; jp
+ call ff.out
+ jp ser.out
+ end
diff --git a/z180/ddtz.180 b/z180/ddtz.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10fecf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/ddtz.180
@@ -0,0 +1,6405 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+ extrn ?const,?conin,?cono
+ global ddtz,bpent
+ global $stack
+ include
+ include
+ include z180.lib
+BS equ 08h
+TAB equ 09h
+CR equ 0dh
+LF equ 0ah
+DEL equ 7fh
+CNTRX equ 'X'-'@'
+TPA equ 100h
+TOPRAM equ 0f000h
+MEMDUMP_CNT equ 16 ;mem dump bytes per line
+BP_CNT equ 12 ;number of breakbpoints
+; copy code to common memory and execute it there
+comst macro
+ call ?excom
+ ds 1
+?lcs defl $
+ endm
+; mark end of common code snippet
+comend macro
+?lce defl $
+?lclen defl ?lce-?lcs
+ org ?lcs-1
+ db ?lclen
+ org ?lce
+ ifndef ?lcmax
+?lcmax defl 0
+ endif
+ if ?lclen gt ?lcmax
+?lcmax defl ?lclen
+ endif
+ endm
+; repeat execution of last common code snippet
+comrep macro
+ call ?exclst
+ endm
+ cseg
+ DB 'DDT/Z - HD64180 (ROM)'
+ DB CR,LF,0
+ DB 'DDT/Z180 (ROM) Commands:',CR,LF
+ DB '> @ examine/substitute the displacement register @',CR,LF
+ DB '> A [address] Assemble',CR,LF
+ DB '> B[X] display [or clear] all Breakpoints',CR,LF
+ DB ' B breakp [:count] [breakp..] set Breakpoints',CR,LF
+ DB ' BX address [address..] clear Breakpoints',CR,LF
+ DB '>>C[N][J] [count] trace over Calls [No list] [Jumps only]',CR,LF
+ DB ' C[N][J] W|U expression trace over Calls While|Until ...',CR,LF
+ DB '>>D [startadr] [endadr] Display memory in hex and ascii',CR,LF
+ DB '> G [startadr] [;breakp..] Go [to start] [temporary breakpoints]',CR,LF
+ DB '> H [expression [expression]] compute expressions / show High/max load adr.',CR,LF
+ DB '>>I [port] Input a byte from port',CR,LF
+ DB '>>L [startadr] [endadr] List disassembled code',CR,LF
+ DB '> M[V] startadr endadr destadr Move memory [and verify]',CR,LF
+ DB '>>O [byte] [port] Output a byte to port',CR,LF
+ DB '> Q[J] startadr endadr bytes Qery memory for byte string [Justified]',CR,LF
+ DB '> R [displacement] Read intel hex from console [add displacemt]',CR,LF
+ DB '> S address Substitute memory',CR,LF
+ DB '>>T[N][J] [count] Trace [No list] [Jumps only] [count steps]',CR,LF
+ DB ' T[N][J] W|U expression Trace While|Until expression',CR,LF
+ DB '> V startadr endadr destadr Verify (compare) two memory areas',CR,LF
+ DB '> X[register] eXamine [and substitute] registers',CR,LF
+ DB '> Y[0..9] eXamine [and substitute] Y variables',CR,LF
+ DB '> Z startadr endadr bytes Zap (fill) memory with a byte string',CR,LF
+ DB 0
+ ld sp,$stack
+ ld a,(wstrtflg) ;check warm start flag
+ or a
+ jr nz,ddtz_w
+ exx
+ ld hl,sysramc
+ ld de,topcodbeg
+ ld bc,topcodend-topcodbeg
+ ldir
+ ld hl,vartab
+ ld de,ddtram
+ ld bc,vartabe-vartab
+ ldir
+ exx
+ ld a,e
+ ld (ubbr),a
+ ld hl,MSG ;073c
+ call PSTR ;073f
+ call ddtei ;0742
+; DDTZ main loop
+ ld sp,$stack ;0761
+ ld hl,l07eah ;0764
+ ld (CMD_ERR),hl ;0767
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;076a
+ ld (OFFS.pc),hl ;076d
+ call sub_0e68h ;0770
+ ld hl,(CMD_RPT) ;0773
+ ld de,DDTZML ;0776
+ call CP.HL.DE ;0779
+ ld a,'>' ;077c
+ call OUTCHAR ;077e
+ call nz,OUTCHAR ;0781
+ call z,OUTBL ;0784
+ call INLINE ;0787
+ call SKIPBL ;078a
+ jr z,exe_hl ;078d
+ ld hl,DDTZML ;078f
+ ld (CMD_RPT),hl ;0792
+ inc de ;0795
+ sub '?' ;0796
+ jr c,ERROR ;0798
+ cp 'Z'+1-'?' ;079a
+ jr nc,ERROR ;079c
+ add a,a ;079e
+ ld hl,CMDTAB ;079f
+ call ADD_HL_A ;07a2
+ ld a,(hl) ;07a5
+ inc hl ;07a6
+ ld h,(hl) ;07a7
+ ld l,a ;07a8
+ jr exe_hl ;07a9
+ ld hl,(CMD_ERR) ;07ab
+ call CALL.HL ;07ae
+ jr DDTZML ;07b1
+ jp (hl) ;07b3
+ defw CMD.?
+ defw CMD.@ ;07b4
+ defw CMD.A ;07b6
+ defw CMD.B ;07b8
+ defw CMD.C ;07ba
+ defw CMD.D ;07bc
+ defw ERROR ;07be
+ defw ERROR ;07c0
+ defw CMD.G ;07c2
+ defw CMD.H ;07c4
+ defw CMD.I ;07c6
+ defw ERROR ;07c8
+ defw ERROR ;07ca
+ defw CMD.L ;07cc
+ defw CMD.M ;07ce
+ defw ERROR ;07d0
+ defw CMD.O ;07d2
+ defw ERROR ;07d4
+ defw CMD.Q ;07d6
+ defw CMD.R ;07d8
+ defw CMD.S ;07da
+ defw CMD.T ;07dc
+ defw ERROR ;07de
+ defw CMD.V ;07e0
+ defw ERROR ;07e2
+ defw CMD.X ;07e4
+ defw CMD.Y ;07e6
+ defw CMD.Z ;07e8
+ ld a,'?' ;07ea
+ call OUTCHAR ;07ec
+ jp CRLF ;07ef
+ call assert_eol
+ ld hl,HLPMSG
+ call PSTR
+ ret
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ call ?conin
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ ld c,a
+ call ?cono
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret
+ ld a,b
+ or a
+ ret z
+ call DELC1
+ dec hl
+ dec b
+ inc c
+ ld a,(hl)
+ cp ' '
+ ret nc
+ push de
+ push hl
+ push bc
+ ld c,BS
+ call ?cono
+ ld c,' '
+ call ?cono
+ ld c,BS
+ call ?cono
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop de
+ ret
+ ld a,b ;
+ or a ;
+ ret z ;
+ call DELC ;
+ jr DELL ;
+ push hl ;
+ ld hl,CI.BUF ;
+ ld c,(hl) ;
+ inc hl ;
+ ld b,000h ;
+ inc hl ;
+ ld a,c ;
+ or a ;
+ jr z,inl_e ;
+ call $ci ;
+ cp CR ;
+ jr z,inl_e ;Accept line
+ cp LF ;
+ jr z,inl_e ;Accept line
+ cp BS ;
+ jr nz,l0844h ;
+ call DELC ;Delete Char
+ jr inlnxtch ;
+ cp DEL ;
+ jr nz,l084dh ;
+ call DELC ;Delete Char
+ jr inlnxtch ;
+ cp CNTRX ;
+ jr nz,l0856h ;
+ call DELL ;Delete Line
+ jr inlnxtch ;
+ cp TAB ;
+ jr nz,l085ch ;
+ ld a,' ' ;
+ ld (hl),a ;
+ cp ' ' ;
+ jr nc,l0869h ;
+ ld a,'^' ;Controle characters
+ call $co ;
+ ld a,(hl) ;
+ add a,'@' ;
+ call $co ;
+ inc hl ;
+ inc b ;
+ dec c ;
+ jr inlnxtch ;
+ ld hl,ci.buf+1 ;
+ ld (hl),b ;
+ call CRLF ;
+ ld de,ci.buf+1 ;
+ ld a,(de) ;
+ ld b,a ;
+ ld c,000h ;
+ inc b ;
+ inc de ;
+ dec b ;
+ jr z,l08b2h ;
+ ld a,(de) ;
+ bit 0,c ;
+ call z,UPCASE ;
+ ld (de),a ;
+ cp '''' ;
+ jr nz,l0880h ;
+ push de ;
+ dec de ;
+ ld a,(de) ;
+ cp '''' ;
+ jr z,l08aeh ;
+ dec de ;
+ ld a,(de) ;
+ cp '^' ;
+ jr z,l08a2h ;
+ dec de ;
+ ld a,(de) ;
+ cp '^' ;
+ jr nz,l08aeh ;
+ inc de ;
+ push bc ;
+ call sub_0a0eh ;
+ pop bc ;
+ dec de ;
+ ld a,(de) ;
+ cp '''' ;
+ jr z,l08afh ;
+ inc c ;
+ pop de ;
+ jr l0880h ;
+ xor a ;
+ ld (de),a ;
+ ld de,ci.buf+2 ;
+ pop hl ;
+ ret ;
+ cp 'a' ;
+ ret c ;
+ cp 'z'+1 ;
+ ret nc ;
+ and 05fh ;
+ ret ;
+ call out.hl ;
+ push de ;
+ push hl ;
+ ld de,(offs.@) ;
+ ld a,d ;
+ or e ;
+ jr z,l08ddh ;
+ call OUTBL ;
+ ld a,'@' ;
+ call OUTCHAR ;
+ and a ;
+ sbc hl,de ;
+ call out.hl ;
+ pop hl ;
+ pop de ;
+ ret ;
+ ld a,h ;
+ call out.bin.b ;
+ ld a,l ;
+ ld b,008h ;
+ add a,a ;
+ push af ;
+ ld a,0 ;
+ adc a,a ;
+ call out.digit ;
+ pop af ;
+ djnz l08e7h ;
+ ld a,'"' ;
+ jp OUTCHAR ;
+ ld a,'-' ;
+ call OUTCHAR ;
+ dec hl ;
+ jp cpl.hl ;
+ push hl ;
+ call sub_08f7h ;
+ db 3eh ; ld a,0E5h
+ push hl
+ ld b,6 ;
+ call sub_0917h ;
+ pop hl ;
+ ld a,'.' ;
+ call OUTCHAR ;
+ call OUTBL ;
+ djnz l0911h ;
+ ret ;
+ dec b ;0917
+ push de ;0918
+ ld de,10 ;0919
+ call DIV_HL_DE ;091c
+ ld a,h ;091f
+ or l ;0920
+ call nz,sub_0917h ;0921
+ ld a,e ;0924
+ pop de ;0925
+ jr out.digit ;0926
+ push hl ;0928
+ call sub_08f7h ;0929
+ call out.hl ;092c
+ pop hl ;092f
+ ret ;0930
+ ld a,h ;0931
+ call out.hex ;0932
+ ld a,l ;0935
+ push af ;0936
+ rra ;0937
+ rra ;0938
+ rra ;0939
+ rra ;093a
+ call out.digit ;093b
+ pop af ;093e
+ and 00fh ;093f
+ cp 10 ;0941
+ jr c,l0947h ;0943
+ add a,007h ;0945
+ add a,'0' ;0947
+ jr OUTCHAR ;0949
+ ld a,'-' ;094b
+ call OUTCHAR ;094d
+ ld a,040h ;0950
+ ex af,af' ;0952
+ call outquote ;0953
+ ex af,af' ;0956
+ push af ;0957
+ res 7,a ;0958
+ cp ' ' ;095a
+ jr nc,l0960h ;095c
+ sub 0c0h ;095e
+ call OUTCHAR ;0960
+ push af ;0963
+ cp '''' ;0964
+ call z,OUTCHAR ;0966
+ pop af ;0969
+ ex af,af' ;096a
+ call outquote ;096b
+ pop af ;096e
+ or a ;096f
+ ld a,'.' ;0970
+ call m,OUTCHAR ;0972
+ ex af,af' ;0975
+ jr c,l094bh ;0976
+ ret ;0978
+ ld a,'''' ;0979
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ push af
+ and 07fh
+ ld c,a
+ call ?cono
+ ld hl,CON.COL
+ inc (hl)
+ pop af
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret ;0988
+ push hl
+ push de
+ push bc
+ call ?const
+ and a
+ jr z,inch1
+ call ?conin
+ scf ;0991
+ pop bc
+ pop de
+ pop hl
+ ret ;0992
+ ld c,000h ;0993
+ ld a,(hl) ;0995
+ and a ;0996
+ ret z ;0997
+ call OUTCHAR ;0998
+ inc c ;099b
+ inc hl ;099c
+ and a ;099d
+ ret m ;099e
+ jr l0995h ;099f
+ call outbl2 ;09a1
+ call outbl2 ;09a4
+ call OUTBL ;09a7
+ ld a,' ' ;09aa
+ jr OUTCHAR ;09ac
+ call inchar ;09ae
+ ld a,CR ;09b1
+ call OUTCHAR ;09b3
+ ld a,LF ;09b6
+ call OUTCHAR ;09b8
+ ld a,000h ;09bb
+ ld (CON.COL),a ;09bd
+ jp c,DDTZML ;09c0
+ ret ;09c3
+ add a,l ;09c4
+ ld l,a ;09c5
+ ret nc ;09c6
+ inc h ;09c7
+ ret ;09c8
+ inc de ;09c9
+ ld a,(de) ;09ca
+ cp ' ' ;09cb
+ jr z,SKIPBL0 ;09cd
+ cp 009h ;09cf
+ jr z,SKIPBL0 ;09d1
+ or a ;09d3
+ ret ;09d4
+ call SKIPBL ;09d5
+ cp ',' ;09d8
+ ret nz ;09da
+ inc de ;09db
+ call SKIPBL ;09dc
+ cp a ;09df
+ ret ;09e0
+ call SKIPBL ;09e1
+ ret z ;09e4
+ jp ERROR ;09e5
+ push hl ;09e8
+ push de ;09e9
+ ld hl,0 ;09ea
+ add hl,sp ;09ed
+ ld de,$stack-50 ;09ee
+ call CP.HL.DE ;09f1
+ pop de ;09f4
+ pop hl ;09f5
+ jr c,l09e5h ;09f6
+ ret ;09f8
+ and a ;09f9
+ sbc hl,de ;09fa
+ add hl,de ;09fc
+ ret ;09fd
+ ld b,000h ;09fe
+ ld a,(hl) ;0a00
+ and a ;0a01
+ ret z ;0a02
+ ld a,(de) ;0a03
+ cp (hl) ;0a04
+ jr z,l0a0bh ;0a05
+ inc hl ;0a07
+ inc b ;0a08
+ jr l0a00h ;0a09
+ scf ;0a0b
+ inc de ;0a0c
+ ret ;0a0d
+ ld hl,b_0x132A_start ;0a0e
+ ld b,07fh ;0a11
+ jr l0a17h ;0a13
+ ld b,0ffh ;0a15
+ inc b ;0a17
+ ld a,(hl) ;0a18
+ and a ;0a19
+ ret z ;0a1a
+ call l0a27 ;0a1b
+ jr nc,l0a17h ;0a1e
+ res 7,b ;0a20
+ ret ;0a22
+ push bc ;0a23
+ res 7,b ;0a24
+ db 3eh ;0a26 ld a,0c5h
+ push bc ;0a27
+ push de ;0a28
+ ld a,(de) ;0a29
+ xor (hl) ;0a2a
+ and 07fh ;0a2b
+ jr nz,l0a41h ;0a2d
+ bit 7,(hl) ;0a2f
+ inc hl ;0a31
+ inc de ;0a32
+ jr z,l0a29h ;0a33
+ scf ;0a35
+ bit 7,b ;0a36
+ call z,sub_0d20h ;0a38
+ jr nc,l0a44h ;0a3b
+ pop af ;0a3d
+ scf ;0a3e
+ pop bc ;0a3f
+ ret ;0a40
+ call sub_0a50h ;0a41
+ pop de ;0a44
+ and a ;0a45
+ pop bc ;0a46
+ ret ;0a47
+ inc b ;0a48
+ dec b ;0a49
+ ret z ;0a4a
+ call sub_0a50h ;0a4b
+ jr l0a49h ;0a4e
+ ld a,(hl) ;0a50
+ and a ;0a51
+ ret z ;0a52
+ ld a,(hl) ;0a53
+ inc hl ;0a54
+ and a ;0a55
+ ret m ;0a56
+ jr l0a53h ;0a57
+ call get_arg_range ;0a59
+ push hl ;0a5c
+ push bc ;0a5d
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;0a5e
+ call get_arg ;0a61
+ ex de,hl ;0a64
+ pop bc ;0a65
+ pop hl ;0a66
+ ret ;0a67
+ call EXPR ;0a68
+ jr c,error0 ;0a6b
+ ret ;0a6d
+ call sub_0a68h ;0a6e
+ jp assert_eol ;0a71
+ call get_arg_def ;0a74
+ jr l0a71h ;0a77
+ push hl ;0a79
+ call EXPR ;0a7a
+ jr c,l0a80h ;0a7d
+ ex (sp),hl ;0a7f
+ pop hl ;0a80
+ ret ;0a81
+ call sub_0a87h ;0a82
+ jr l0a71h ;0a85
+ db 0e6h ;0a87 and 037h (clear carry)
+ scf
+ ex af,af' ;0a89
+ push bc ;0a8a
+ push hl ;0a8b
+ call EXPR ;0a8c
+ jr nc,l0a97h ;0a8f
+ ex af,af' ;0a91
+ jr c,error0 ;0a92
+ ex af,af' ;0a94
+ pop hl ;0a95
+ defb 03eh ;0a96
+ pop af ;0a97
+ call sub_0aa5h ;0a98
+ jr nc,l0aa3h ;0a9b
+ ex af,af' ;0a9d
+ pop bc ;0a9e
+ ret nc ;0a9f
+ jp ERROR ;0aa0
+ pop af ;0aa3
+ ret ;0aa4
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;0aa5
+ cp 'S' ;0aa8
+ jr nz,l0aadh ;0aaa
+ inc de ;0aac
+ push hl ;0aad
+ push af ;0aae
+ call EXPR ;0aaf
+ jr c,l0ac3h ;0ab2
+ ld b,h ;0ab4
+ ld c,l ;0ab5
+ pop af ;0ab6
+ pop hl ;0ab7
+ jr z,l0ac1h ;0ab8
+ ld a,c ;0aba
+ sub l ;0abb
+ ld c,a ;0abc
+ ld a,b ;0abd
+ sbc a,h ;0abe
+ ld b,a ;0abf
+ inc bc ;0ac0
+ and a ;0ac1
+ ret ;0ac2
+ pop af ;0ac3
+ pop hl ;0ac4
+ jr z,error0 ;0ac5
+ scf ;0ac7
+ ret ;0ac8
+ call SKIPBL ;0ac9
+ call do_subexpr ;0acc
+ ret c ;0acf
+ call do_rel_op ;0ad0
+ ret nc ;0ad3
+ push bc ;0ad4
+ push hl ;0ad5
+ call do_subexpr ;0ad6
+ jr c,error0 ;0ad9
+ ex de,hl ;0adb
+ ex (sp),hl ;0adc
+ and a ;0add
+ sbc hl,de ;0ade
+ ld hl,0ffffh ;0ae0
+ pop de ;0ae3
+ ret ;0ae4
+ jr z,l0af8h ;0ae5
+ jr l0af7h ;0ae7
+ jr nz,l0af8h ;0ae9
+ jr l0af7h ;0aeb
+ jr z,l0af8h ;0aed
+ jr c,l0af8h ;0aef
+ jr l0af7h ;0af1
+ jr z,l0af7h ;0af3
+ jr nc,l0af8h ;0af5
+ inc hl ;0af7
+ and a ;0af8
+ ret ;0af9
+ push hl ;0afa
+ ld hl,tab_eq_le_ge ;0afb
+ call lookupch ;0afe
+ jr nc,l0b28h ;0b01
+ ld a,b ;0b03
+ or a ;0b04
+ jr z,l0b1ch ;0b05
+ ld a,(de) ;0b07
+ cp '=' ;0b08
+ jr nz,l0b11h ;0b0a
+ inc de ;0b0c
+ inc b ;0b0d
+ inc b ;0b0e
+ jr l0b1ch ;0b0f
+ bit 0,b ;0b11
+ jr z,l0b1ch ;0b13
+ cp '>' ;0b15
+ jr nz,l0b1ch ;0b17
+ inc de ;0b19
+ ld b,005h ;0b1a
+ ld hl,tab_func_eqlege ;0b1c
+ ld a,b ;0b1f
+ add a,a ;0b20
+ call ADD_HL_A ;0b21
+ ld c,(hl) ;0b24
+ inc hl ;0b25
+ ld b,(hl) ;0b26
+ scf ;0b27
+ pop hl ;0b28
+ ret ;0b29
+ db '=<>',0
+ defw do_op_eq ;0b2e
+ defw do_op_lt ;0b30
+ defw do_op_gt ;0b32
+ defw do_op_le ;0b34
+ defw do_op_ge ;0b36
+ defw do_op_ne ;0b38
+ call do_factor ;0b3a
+ ret c ;0b3d
+ call do_binary_op ;0b3e
+ push hl ;0b41
+ push bc ;0b42
+ call do_factor ;0b43
+ pop bc ;0b46
+ ex de,hl ;0b47
+ ex (sp),hl ;0b48
+ jr nc,l0b52h ;0b49
+ pop de ;0b4b
+ ld a,b ;0b4c
+ or c ;0b4d
+ ret z ;0b4e
+ jp ERROR ;0b4f
+ ld a,b ;0b52
+ or c ;0b53
+ push bc ;0b54
+ ret nz ;0b55
+ pop bc ;0b56
+ add hl,de ;0b57
+ pop de ;0b58
+ jr l0b3eh ;0b59
+ and a ;0b5b
+ sbc hl,de ;0b5c
+ jr l0b58h ;0b5e
+ push bc ;0b60
+ ld b,h
+ ld c,e
+ ld h,e
+ ld e,l
+ mlt bc
+ mlt de
+ mlt hl
+ ld a,h
+ add a,c
+ add a,e
+ ld h,a
+ pop bc ;0b72
+ jr l0b58h ;0b73
+ call DIV_HL_DE ;0b75
+ jr l0b58h ;0b78
+ call DIV_HL_DE ;0b7a
+ ex de,hl ;0b7d
+ jr l0b58h ;0b7e
+ push bc ;0b80
+ ex de,hl ;0b81
+ ld b,h ;0b82
+ ld c,l ;0b83
+ ld hl,0 ;0b84
+ ld a,16 ;0b87
+ push af ;0b89
+ add hl,hl ;0b8a
+ ex de,hl ;0b8b
+ xor a ;0b8c
+ add hl,hl ;0b8d
+ ex de,hl ;0b8e
+ adc a,l ;0b8f
+ sub c ;0b90
+ ld l,a ;0b91
+ ld a,h ;0b92
+ sbc a,b ;0b93
+ ld h,a ;0b94
+ inc de ;0b95
+ jr nc,l0b9ah ;0b96
+ add hl,bc ;0b98
+ dec de ;0b99
+ pop af ;0b9a
+ dec a ;0b9b
+ jr nz,l0b89h ;0b9c
+ ex de,hl ;0b9e
+ pop bc ;0b9f
+ ret ;0ba0
+ ld a,h ;0ba1
+ and d ;0ba2
+ ld h,a ;0ba3
+ ld a,l ;0ba4
+ and e ;0ba5
+ ld l,a ;0ba6
+ jr l0b58h ;0ba7
+ ld a,h ;0ba9
+ or d ;0baa
+ ld h,a ;0bab
+ ld a,l ;0bac
+ or e ;0bad
+ ld l,a ;0bae
+ jr l0b58h ;0baf
+ ld a,h ;0bb1
+ xor d ;0bb2
+ ld h,a ;0bb3
+ ld a,l ;0bb4
+ xor e ;0bb5
+ ld l,a ;0bb6
+ jr l0b58h ;0bb7
+ push hl ;0bb9
+ ld hl,tab_op_a ;0bba
+ call lookupch ;0bbd
+ ld a,b ;0bc0
+ ld hl,tab_func_opa ;0bc1
+ add a,a ;0bc4
+ call ADD_HL_A ;0bc5
+ ld c,(hl) ;0bc8
+ inc hl ;0bc9
+ ld b,(hl) ;0bca
+ pop hl ;0bcb
+ ret ;0bcc
+ DB '+-*/%&!#',0
+ defw do_op_add ;0bd6
+ defw do_op_sub ;0bd8
+ defw do_op_mlt ;0bda
+ defw do_op_div ;0bdc
+ defw do_op_mod ;0bde
+ defw do_op_and ;0be0
+ defw do_op_or ;0be2
+ defw do_op_xor ;0be4
+ defw 0 ;0be6
+ call do_factor ;0be8
+ ret nc ;0beb
+ jp ERROR ;0bec
+ call chk.sp ;0bef
+ call get.number ;0bf2
+ ret nc ;0bf5
+ inc de ;0bf6
+ ld hl,TOPRAM ;0bf7
+ cp 'T' ;0bfa
+ ret z ;0bfc
+ ld hl,(HILOD) ;0bfd
+ cp 'H' ;0c00
+ ret z ;0c02
+ ld hl,(MAXLOD) ;0c03
+ cp 'M' ;0c06
+ ret z ;0c08
+ ld hl,TPA ;0c09
+ cp 'L' ;0c0c
+ ret z ;0c0e
+ ld hl,(offs.@) ;0c0f
+ cp '@' ;0c12
+ ret z ;0c14
+ ld hl,(OFFS.pc) ;0c15
+ cp '$' ;0c18
+ ret z ;0c1a
+ cp '-' ;0c1b
+ jr z,fact_factneg ;0c1d
+ cp '~' ;0c1f
+ jr z,fact_factinv ;0c21
+ cp '+' ;0c23
+ jr z,fact_factor ;0c25
+ cp '^' ;0c27
+ jr z,fact_reg.CPU ;0c29
+ cp 'Y' ;0c2b
+ jr z,fact_reg.Y ;0c2d
+ cp '(' ;0c2f
+ jr z,fact_mem ;0c31
+ cp '[' ;0c33
+ jp z,EXPR_BRCKT ;0c35 [ expression ]
+ cp '''' ;0c38
+ jr z,fact_factstring ;0c3a
+ dec de ;0c3c
+ scf ;0c3d
+ ret ;0c3e
+ call get.decdigit ;0c3f
+ jp c,ERROR ;0c42
+ inc de ;0c45
+ add a,a ;0c46
+ ld hl,reg.Y ;0c47
+ call ADD_HL_A ;0c4a
+ ld a,(hl) ;0c4d
+ inc hl ;0c4e
+ ld h,(hl) ;0c4f
+ ld l,a ;0c50
+ and a ;0c51
+ ret ;0c52
+ ld hl,0 ;0c53
+ ld a,(de) ;0c56
+ cp '''' ;0c57
+ jr z,l0c62h ;0c59
+ and a ;0c5b
+ ret z ;0c5c
+ ld h,l ;0c5d
+ ld l,a ;0c5e
+ inc de ;0c5f
+ jr l0c56h ;0c60
+ inc de ;0c62
+ ld a,(de) ;0c63
+ cp '''' ;0c64
+ jr z,l0c5dh ;0c66
+ sub '.' ;0c68
+ or a ;0c6a
+ ret nz ;0c6b
+ inc de ;0c6c
+ set 7,l ;0c6d
+ ret ;0c6f
+ call sub_1315h ;0c70
+ jr nc,l0cbbh ;0c73
+ ld a,(hl) ;0c75
+ inc hl ;0c76
+ ld h,(hl) ;0c77
+ ld l,a ;0c78
+ and a ;0c79
+ bit 0,c ;0c7a
+ ret nz ;0c7c
+ ld h,000h ;0c7d
+ ret ;0c7f
+ call fact_factor ;0c80
+ dec hl ;0c83
+ ld a,h ;0c84
+ cpl ;0c85
+ ld h,a ;0c86
+ ld a,l ;0c87
+ cpl ;0c88
+ ld l,a ;0c89
+ ret ;0c8a
+ call fact_factor ;0c8b
+ jr cpl.hl ;0c8e
+ call EXPR1 ;0c90
+ jr c,l0cbbh ;0c93
+ ld a,(de) ;0c95
+ cp ')' ;0c96
+ jr nz,l0cbbh ;0c98
+ inc de ;0c9a
+ comst
+ ld a,(hl) ;0c9f
+ inc hl ;
+ ld h,(hl) ;
+ comend
+ ld l,a ;0ca7
+ ld a,(de) ;0ca8
+ inc de ;0ca9
+ cp '.' ;0caa
+ ret z ;0cac
+ dec de ;0cad
+ xor a ;0cae
+ ld h,a ;0caf
+ ret ;0cb0
+ call EXPR1 ;0cb1
+ jr c,l0cbbh ;0cb4
+ ld a,(de) ;0cb6
+ cp ']' ;0cb7
+ inc de ;0cb9
+ ret z ;0cba
+ jp ERROR ;0cbb
+ call get.hexdigit ;0cbe
+ ret c ;0cc1
+ push de ;0cc2
+ inc de ;0cc3
+ call get.hexdigit ;0cc4
+ jr nc,l0cc3h ;0cc7
+ pop de ;0cc9
+ cp '.' ;0cca
+ jr z,l0d04h ;0ccc
+ cp '"' ;0cce
+ jr z,l0ce9h ;0cd0
+ ld hl,0 ;0cd2
+ call get.hexdigit ;0cd5
+ jr c,l0ce4h ;0cd8
+ add hl,hl ;0cda
+ add hl,hl ;0cdb
+ add hl,hl ;0cdc
+ add hl,hl ;0cdd
+ call ADD_HL_A ;0cde
+ inc de ;0ce1
+ jr l0cd5h ;0ce2
+ xor 'H' ;0ce4
+ ret nz ;0ce6
+ inc de ;0ce7
+ ret ;0ce8
+ ld hl,0 ;0ce9
+ call get.decdigit ;0cec
+ inc de ;0cef
+ jr c,l0cf8h ;0cf0
+ add hl,hl ;0cf2
+ call ADD_HL_A ;0cf3
+ jr l0cech ;0cf6
+ cp '"' ;0cf8
+ jp nz,ERROR ;0cfa
+ call get.decdigit ;0cfd
+ jr nc,l0cefh ;0d00
+ or a ;0d02
+ ret ;0d03
+ ld hl,0 ;0d04
+ call get.decdigit ;0d07
+ inc de ;0d0a
+ jr c,l0d1ah ;0d0b
+ push bc ;0d0d
+ add hl,hl ;0d0e hl *= 10
+ ld b,h ;0d0f
+ ld c,l ;0d10
+ add hl,hl ;0d11
+ add hl,hl ;0d12
+ add hl,bc ;0d13
+ pop bc ;0d14
+ call ADD_HL_A ;0d15
+ jr l0d07h ;0d18
+ cp '.' ;0d1a
+ ret z ;0d1c
+ jp ERROR ;0d1d
+ ld a,(de) ;0d20
+ cp 05bh ;0d21
+ jr l0d28h ;0d23
+ ld a,(de) ;0d25
+ cp 'F'+1 ;0d26
+ ccf ;0d28
+ ret c ;0d29
+ cp 'A' ;0d2a
+ jr c,l0d32h ;0d2c
+ sub 'A'-10 ;0d2e
+ ret ;0d30
+ ld a,(de) ;0d31
+ cp '9'+1 ;0d32
+ jr l0d39h ;0d34
+ ld a,(de) ;0d36
+ cp '1'+1 ;0d37
+ ccf ;0d39
+ ret c ;0d3a
+ cp '0' ;0d3b
+ ret c ;0d3d
+ sub '0' ;0d3e
+ ret ;0d40
+ call assert_eol ;0d41
+ call prnt_f ;0d44
+ call outbl2 ;0d47
+ ld hl,b_0x0DFD_start ;0d4a
+ ld de,b_0x0E1D_start ;0d4d
+ ld b,006h ;0d50
+ call prnt_regs ;0d52
+ djnz l0d52h ;0d55
+ push hl ;0d57
+ push de ;0d58
+ ld iy,(REG.PC) ;0d59
+ call sub_1f77h ;0d5d
+ exx ;0d60
+ ex af,af' ;0d61
+ call CRLF ;0d62
+ call prnt_f2 ;0d65
+ call outbl2 ;0d68
+ pop de ;0d6b
+ pop hl ;0d6c
+ ld b,007h ;0d6d
+ call prnt_regs ;0d6f
+ djnz l0d6fh ;0d72
+ exx ;0d74
+ ex af,af' ;0d75
+ and a ;0d76
+ jr z,l0d7fh ;0d77
+ call outbl6 ;0d79
+ call sub_1f5bh ;0d7c
+ jp crlf ;0d7f
+ ld a,(reg.f) ;0d82
+ call prnt_flags ;0d85
+ ld a,(reg.iff) ;0d88
+ cp 0f3h ;0d8b
+ jp z,outbl ;0d8d
+ ld a,'E' ;0d90
+ jp outchar ;0d92
+ ld a,(reg.f2) ;0d95
+ call prnt_flags ;0d98
+ jp outbl ;0d9b
+ ld b,a ;0d9e
+ ld a,'S' ;0d9f
+ call sub_0dbeh ;0da1
+ ld a,'Z' ;0da4
+ call sub_0dbeh ;0da6
+ rl b ;0da9
+ ld a,'H' ;0dab
+ call sub_0dbeh ;0dad
+ rl b ;0db0
+ ld a,'V' ;0db2
+ call sub_0dbeh ;0db4
+ ld a,'N' ;0db7
+ call sub_0dbeh ;0db9
+ ld a,'C' ;0dbc
+ rl b ;0dbe
+ jp c,OUTCHAR ;0dc0
+ jp OUTBL ;0dc3
+ push bc ;0dc6
+ push de ;0dc7
+ call PSTR ;0dc8
+ ld a,'=' ;0dcb
+ call OUTCHAR ;0dcd
+ ex (sp),hl ;0dd0
+ ld e,(hl) ;0dd1
+ inc hl ;0dd2
+ ld d,(hl) ;0dd3
+ inc hl ;0dd4
+ ld a,(hl) ;0dd5
+ inc hl ;0dd6
+ push hl ;0dd7
+ and a ;0dd8
+ jr z,l0df2h ;0dd9
+ push af ;0ddb
+ ld a,(de) ;0ddc
+ ld l,a ;0ddd
+ inc de ;0dde
+ ld a,(de) ;0ddf
+ ld h,a ;0de0
+ pop af ;0de1
+ dec a ;0de2
+ jr z,l0dedh ;0de3
+ call out.hl.@ ;0de5
+ call z,outbl6 ;0de8
+ jr l0df6h ;0deb
+ call out.hl ;0ded
+ jr l0df6h ;0df0
+ ld a,(de) ;0df2
+ call out.hex ;0df3
+ call OUTBL ;0df6
+ pop de ;0df9
+ pop hl ;0dfa
+ pop bc ;0dfb
+ ret ;0dfc
+ DC 'A '
+ DC 'BC '
+ DC 'DE '
+ DC 'HL '
+ DC 'SP'
+ DC 'PC'
+ DC 'A'''
+ DC 'BC'''
+ DC 'DE'''
+ DC 'HL'''
+ DC 'IX'
+ DC 'IY'
+ DC 'I'
+ DB 0
+ defw reg.a ;0e1d
+ defb 000h ;0e1f
+ defw reg.c ;0e20
+ defb 001h ;0e22
+ defw reg.e ;0e23
+ defb 001h ;0e25
+ defw reg.l ;0e26
+ defb 001h ;0e28
+ defw reg.sp ;0e29
+ defb 001h ;0e2b
+ defw reg.pc ;0e2c
+ defb 002h ;0e2e
+ defw reg.a2 ;0e2f
+ defb 000h ;0e31
+ defw reg.c2 ;0e32
+ defb 001h ;0e34
+ defw reg.e2 ;0e35
+ defb 001h ;0e37
+ defw reg.l2 ;0e38
+ defb 001h ;0e3a
+ defw reg.ix ;0e3b
+ defb 001h ;0e3d
+ defw reg.iy ;0e3e
+ defb 001h ;0e40
+ defw reg.i ;0e41
+ dw 0 ;0e43
+ sub a ;0e45
+ ld (TCFLG),a ;0e46
+ ld (XA747),a ;0e49
+ call EXPR ;0e4c
+ jr c,l0e54h ;0e4f
+ ld (REG.PC),hl ;0e51
+ call SKIPBL ;0e54
+ jp z,l1183h ;0e57
+ cp ';' ;0e5a
+ jp nz,ERROR ;0e5c
+ inc de ;0e5f
+ ld a,002h ;0e60
+ call sub_0f24h ;0e62
+ jp l1183h ;0e65
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;0e68
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;0e6a
+ ld a,(ix+000h) ;0e6e
+ and 0f1h ;0e71
+ ld (ix+000h),a ;0e73
+ call sub_11c5h ;0e76
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;0e79
+ add ix,de ;0e7c
+ djnz l0e6eh ;0e7e
+ ret ;0e80
+ call SKIPBL ;0e81
+ jr z,l0ecbh ;0e84
+ inc de ;0e86
+ cp 'X' ;0e87
+ jr z,l0e91h ;0e89
+ dec de ;0e8b
+ ld a,001h ;0e8c
+ jp sub_0f24h ;0e8e
+ call SKIPBL ;0e91
+ jr z,l0ea6h ;0e94
+ call EXPR ;0e96
+ jp c,assert_eol ;0e99
+ push de ;0e9c
+ call sub_0ea7h ;0e9d
+ pop de ;0ea0
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;0ea1
+ jr l0e96h ;0ea4
+ scf ;0ea6
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;0ea7
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;0ea9
+ push af ;0ead
+ jr c,l0ebbh ;0eae
+ ld e,(ix+002h) ;0eb0
+ ld d,(ix+003h) ;0eb3
+ call CP.HL.DE ;0eb6
+ jr nz,l0ec2h ;0eb9
+ ld (ix+000h),000h ;0ebb
+ call sub_11c5h ;0ebf
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;0ec2
+ add ix,de ;0ec5
+ pop af ;0ec7
+ djnz l0eadh ;0ec8
+ ret ;0eca
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;0ecb
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;0ecd
+ bit 0,(ix+000h) ;0ed1
+ jr z,l0f1ch ;0ed5
+ ld a,'R' ;0ed7
+ bit 4,(ix+000h) ;0ed9
+ jr nz,l0ee1h ;0edd
+ ld a,' ' ;0edf
+ call OUTCHAR ;0ee1
+ call OUTBL ;0ee4
+ ld l,(ix+002h) ;0ee7
+ ld h,(ix+003h) ;0eea
+ call out.hl.@ ;0eed
+ call outbl2 ;0ef0
+ ld a,':' ;0ef3
+ call OUTCHAR ;0ef5
+ ld l,(ix+004h) ;0ef8
+ ld h,(ix+005h) ;0efb
+ call out.hl ;0efe
+ ld l,(ix+006h) ;0f01
+ ld h,(ix+007h) ;0f04
+ ld a,h ;0f07
+ or l ;0f08
+ jr z,l0f19h ;0f09
+ call outbl4 ;0f0b
+ ld a,'I' ;0f0e
+ call OUTCHAR ;0f10
+ call outbl2 ;0f13
+ call PSTR ;0f16
+ call CRLF ;0f19
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;0f1c
+ add ix,de ;0f1f
+ djnz l0ed1h ;0f21
+ ret ;0f23
+ ld b,a ;0f24
+ call SKIPBL ;0f25
+ ret z ;0f28
+ cp 'R' ;0f29
+ jr nz,l0f30h ;0f2b
+ inc de ;0f2d
+ set 4,b ;0f2e
+ push bc ;0f30
+ call EXPR ;0f31
+ jp c,ERROR ;0f34
+ pop bc ;0f37
+ bit 0,b ;0f38
+ push bc ;0f3a
+ push de ;0f3b
+ push hl ;0f3c
+ call nz,sub_0ea7h ;0f3d
+ pop hl ;0f40
+ call sub_0f68h ;0f41
+ pop de ;0f44
+ ld (ix+002h),l ;0f45
+ ld (ix+003h),h ;0f48
+ call sub_0f80h ;0f4b
+ ld (ix+004h),l ;0f4e
+ ld (ix+005h),h ;0f51
+ call sub_0f91h ;0f54
+ ld (ix+006h),l ;0f57
+ ld (ix+007h),h ;0f5a
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;0f5d
+ pop af ;0f60
+ ld (ix+000h),a ;0f61
+ and 00fh ;0f64
+ jr sub_0f24h ;0f66
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;0f68
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;0f6a
+ ld a,(ix+000h) ;0f6e
+ and 00fh ;0f71
+ ret z ;0f73
+ push bc ;0f74
+ ld bc,BP_SIZE ;0f75
+ add ix,bc ;0f78
+ pop bc ;0f7a
+ djnz l0f6eh ;0f7b
+ jp ERROR ;0f7d
+ call SKIPBL ;0f80
+ ld hl,1 ;0f83
+ cp 03ah ;0f86
+ ret nz ;0f88
+ inc de ;0f89
+ call EXPR ;0f8a
+ jp c,ERROR ;0f8d
+ ret ;0f90
+ call SKIPBL ;0f91
+ cp 049h ;0f94
+ ld hl,0 ;0f96
+ ret nz ;0f99
+ inc de ;0f9a
+ call SKIPBL ;0f9b
+ push de ;0f9e
+ call EXPR ;0f9f
+ jp c,ERROR ;0fa2
+ ex de,hl ;0fa5
+ pop de ;0fa6
+ push de ;0fa7
+ sbc hl,de ;0fa8
+ ld b,h ;0faa
+ ld c,l ;0fab
+ ld hl,(sexp1) ;0fac
+ push hl ;0faf
+ add hl,bc ;0fb0
+ ld de,sexpbufe ;0fb1
+ call CP.HL.DE ;0fb4
+ jp nc,ERROR ;0fb7
+ pop hl ;0fba
+ ld (sexp2),hl ;0fbb
+ pop de ;0fbe
+ ex de,hl ;0fbf
+ ldir ;0fc0
+ xor a ;0fc2
+ ld (de),a ;0fc3
+ inc de ;0fc4
+ ex de,hl ;0fc5
+ ld (sexp1),hl ;0fc6
+ ld hl,(sexp2) ;0fc9
+ ret ;0fcc
+ ld h,ROMEN ;0fcd
+ jr z,l0fd2h ;0fcf
+ inc h ;0fd1
+ push hl ;0fd2 save rom enable stat
+ endif
+ push bc ;0fd3
+ push de ;0fd4
+ push ix ;0fd5
+ push iy ;0fd7
+ ld a,i ;0fd9
+ ld h,a ;0fdb
+ ld l,000h ;0fdc
+ push hl ;0fde
+ ld a,0f3h ;0fdf DI
+ jp po,l0fe6h ;0fe1
+ ld a,0fbh ;0fe4 EI
+ ld (reg.iff),a ;0fe6
+ ld hl,ivtab ;0fe9
+ ld a,h ;0fec
+ ld i,a ;0fed
+ call ddtei ;0fef
+ ex af,af' ;0ff2
+ push af ;0ff3
+ exx ;0ff4
+ push bc ;0ff5
+ push de ;0ff6
+ push hl ;0ff7
+ call bp.unset ;0ff8
+ in0 a,(itc) ;0ffb
+ jp p,l1017h ;0ffe
+ res TRAP,a ;1001
+ out0 (itc),a ;1003
+ bit UFO,a ;1006
+ jr z,l1011h ;1008
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;100a
+ dec hl ;100d
+ ld (REG.PC),hl ;100e
+ ld hl,MSG_trap ;1011
+ call PSTR ;1014
+ ld a,(XBFE8) ;1017
+ dec a ;101a
+ jr z,l1051h ;101b
+ call inchar ;101d
+ jr c,l102eh ;1020
+ call sub_1059h ;1022
+ and a ;1025
+ jp z,l1183h ;1026
+ and 083h ;1029
+ jp z,l284ah ;102b
+ call sub_0e68h ;102e
+ call prnt_cpustat ;1031
+ jp DDTZML ;1034
+ DB CR,LF,'Undefined opcode trap'
+ DB CR,LF,0
+ ld (XBFE8),a ;1051
+ ld c,007h ;1054
+ jp l119fh ;1056
+ ld a,080h ;1059
+ ex af,af' ;105b
+ sub a ;105c
+ ld (XA747),a ;105d
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;1060
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;1062
+ ld a,(ix+000h) ;1066
+ and 007h ;1069
+ jr z,l107eh ;106b
+ ld e,(ix+002h) ;106d
+ ld d,(ix+003h) ;1070
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;1073
+ call CP.HL.DE ;1076
+ push bc ;1079
+ call z,sub_1087h ;107a
+ pop bc ;107d
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;107e
+ add ix,de ;1081
+ djnz l1066h ;1083
+ ex af,af' ;1085
+ ret ;1086
+ ex af,af' ;1087
+ res 7,a ;1088
+ ex af,af' ;108a
+ ld e,(ix+006h) ;108b
+ ld d,(ix+007h) ;108e
+ ld a,d ;1091
+ or e ;1092
+ ld hl,0ffffh ;1093
+ call nz,EXPR ;1096
+ ld a,h ;1099
+ or l ;109a
+ jr z,l10aeh ;109b
+ ld e,(ix+004h) ;109d
+ ld d,(ix+005h) ;10a0
+ dec de ;10a3
+ ld a,d ;10a4
+ or e ;10a5
+ jr z,l10b9h ;10a6
+ ld (ix+004h),e ;10a8
+ ld (ix+005h),d ;10ab
+ bit 4,(ix+000h) ;10ae
+ ret z ;10b2
+ ld a,001h ;10b3
+ ld (XA747),a ;10b5
+ ret ;10b8
+ ex af,af' ;10b9
+ or (ix+000h) ;10ba
+ ex af,af' ;10bd
+ ret
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;10bf
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;10c1
+ bit 5,(ix+000h) ;10c5
+ res 5,(ix+000h) ;10c9
+ jr z,l10e7h ;10cd
+ ld l,(ix+002h) ;10cf
+ ld h,(ix+003h) ;10d2
+ ld a,(ddtrst) ;10d5
+ comst ;10e2
+ cp (hl) ;10dc
+ comend
+ jr nz,l10e7h ;10dd
+ ld a,(ix+001h) ;10df
+ comst ;10e2
+ ld (hl),a ;10e6
+ comend
+ res 3,(ix+000h) ;10e7
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;10eb
+ add ix,de ;10ee
+ djnz l10c5h ;10f0
+ ret ;10f2
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;10f3
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;10f5
+ ld a,(ix+000h) ;10f9
+ and 003h ;10fc
+ jr z,l110dh ;10fe
+ ld e,(ix+002h) ;1100
+ ld d,(ix+003h) ;1103
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;1106
+ call CP.HL.DE ;1109
+ ret z ;110c
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;110d
+ add ix,de ;1110
+ djnz l10f9h ;1112
+ sub a ;1114
+ inc a ;1115
+ ret ;1116
+ call sub_0f68h ;1117
+ ld (ix+004h),001h ;111a
+ ld (ix+005h),000h ;111e
+ ld (ix+002h),l ;1122
+ ld (ix+003h),h ;1125
+ ld (ix+006h),000h ;1128
+ ld (ix+007h),000h ;112c
+ ld a,(XBFE8) ;1130
+ and a ;1133
+ ld a,008h ;1134
+ jr nz,l113ah ;1136
+ ld a,004h ;1138
+ ld (ix+000h),a ;113a
+ ret ;113d
+ ld b,BP_CNT ;113e
+ ld ix,bp_tab ;1140
+ ld a,(ix+000h) ;1144
+ and c ;1147
+ jr z,l117bh ;1148
+ set 5,(ix+000h) ;114a
+ ld l,(ix+002h) ;114e
+ ld h,(ix+003h) ;1151
+ if 0
+ comst ;1154
+ ld a,(hl) ;1158
+ comend
+ ld (ix+001h),a ;1159
+ ld a,(ddtrst) ;115c
+ comst ;115f
+ ld (hl),a ;1163
+ comend
+ and 038h ;1164
+ ld h,000h ;1166
+ ld l,a ;1168
+ ld a,0c3h ;1169
+ comrep ;116b
+ inc hl ;116e
+ ld de,bpent ;116f
+ ld a,e ;1172
+ comrep ;1173
+ inc hl ;1176
+ ld a,d ;1177
+ comrep ;1178
+ else
+ ld a,(ddtrst) ;115c
+ comst ;115f
+ ld e,(hl) ;1158
+ ld (hl),a ;1163
+ comend
+ ld (ix+001h),e ;1159
+ and 038h ;1164
+ ld h,0 ;1166
+ ld l,a ;1168
+ ld de,bpent ;116f
+ comst ;
+ ld (hl),0c3h ;1169
+ inc hl ;116e
+ ld (hl),e ;1172
+ inc hl ;1176
+ ld (hl),d ;1177
+ comend
+ endif
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;117b
+ add ix,de ;117e
+ djnz l1144h ;1180
+ ret
+ ;1182
+ sub a ;1183
+ ld (XBFE8),a ;1184
+ ld a,(XA747) ;1187
+ and a ;118a
+ call nz,prnt_cpustat ;118b
+ call sub_10f3h ;118e
+ ld c,007h ;1191
+ jr nz,l119fh ;1193
+ ld a,001h ;1195
+ ld (XBFE8),a ;1197
+ call sub_26e7h ;119a
+ ld c,008h ;119d
+ call bp.set ;119f
+ ld sp,$stack ;11a2 set/restore user cpu state
+ pop hl ;11a5
+ pop de ;11a6
+ pop bc ;11a7
+ pop af ;11a8
+ exx ;11a9
+ ex af,af' ;11aa
+ pop af ;11ab
+ ld i,a ;11ac
+ pop iy ;11ae
+ pop ix ;11b0
+ pop de ;11b2
+ pop bc ;11b3
+ pop hl ;11b4
+ ld a,l ;11b5
+ and M_MWI ;11b6
+ ld l,a ;11b8
+ di ;11b9
+ in0 a,(dcntl) ;11ba
+ and ~M_MWI ;11bd
+ or l ;11bf
+ ld l,a ;11c0
+ ld a,h ;11c1
+ else
+ pop hl
+ di
+ endif
+ jp $go ;11c2 common ram, switch banks and go to user prog
+ ld a,(ix+000h) ;11c5
+ and 003h ;11c8
+ ret nz ;11ca
+ ld e,(ix+006h) ;11cb
+ ld d,(ix+007h) ;11ce
+ ld a,d ;11d1
+ or e ;11d2
+ ret z ;11d3
+ push bc ;11d4
+ ld h,d ;11d5
+ ld l,e ;11d6
+ sub a ;11d7
+ ld (ix+006h),a ;11d8
+ ld (ix+007h),a ;11db
+ ld bc,0ffffh ;11de
+ cpir ;11e1
+ push de ;11e3
+ ld de,(sexp1) ;11e4
+ call CP.HL.DE ;11e8
+ pop de ;11eb
+ jr nc,l11f9h ;11ec
+ call sub_11ffh ;11ee
+ ld a,(hl) ;11f1
+ ldi ;11f2
+ and a ;11f4
+ jr nz,l11f1h ;11f5
+ jr l11e3h ;11f7
+ ld (sexp1),de ;11f9
+ pop bc ;11fd
+ ret ;11fe
+ ld iy,bp_tab ;11ff
+ push de ;1203
+ ld e,(iy+006h) ;1204
+ ld d,(iy+007h) ;1207
+ call CP.HL.DE ;120a
+ jr z,l1216h ;120d
+ ld de,BP_SIZE ;120f
+ add iy,de ;1212
+ jr l1204h ;1214
+ pop de ;1216
+ ld (iy+006h),e ;1217
+ ld (iy+007h),d ;121a
+ ret ;121d
+ call get.decdigit ;121e
+ jr c,l122fh ;1221
+ inc de ;1223
+ push af ;1224
+ call assert_eol ;1225
+ pop af ;1228
+ call sub_1248h ;1229
+ jp l127ch ;122c
+ call assert_eol ;122f
+ xor a ;1232
+ push af ;1233
+ call sub_1248h ;1234
+ call outbl4 ;1237
+ pop af ;123a
+ inc a ;123b
+ bit 0,a ;123c
+ push af ;123e
+ call z,CRLF ;123f
+ pop af ;1242
+ cp LF ;1243
+ jr c,l1233h ;1245
+ ret ;1247
+ ld c,a ;1248
+ ld b,0 ;1249
+ add a,'0'+080h ;124b
+ ld de,msg.Y+1 ;124d
+ ld (de),a ;1250
+ dec de ;1251
+ ld hl,reg.Y ;1252
+ add hl,bc ;1255
+ add hl,bc ;1256
+ ex de,hl ;1257
+ ld c,003h ;1258
+ jp l129ah ;125a
+ call SKIPBL ;125d
+ call sub_1315h ;1260
+ jp nc,l0d41h ;1263
+ call assert_eol ;1266
+ ld a,b ;1269
+ cp 01fh ;126a
+ jr z,l12c6h ;126c
+ cp 020h ;126e
+ jr z,l12b6h ;1270
+ ex de,hl ;1272
+ ld hl,b_0x132A_start ;1273
+ call sub_0a48h ;1276
+ call l129ah ;1279
+ call OUTBL ;127c
+ push de ;127f
+ push bc ;1280
+ call INLINE ;1281
+ call SKIPBL ;1284
+ jr z,l1297h ;1287
+ call get_arg ;1289
+ ld b,h ;128c
+ ld c,l ;128d
+ pop af ;128e
+ pop hl ;128f
+ ld (hl),c ;1290
+ bit 0,a ;1291
+ ret z ;1293
+ inc hl ;1294
+ ld (hl),b ;1295
+ ret ;1296
+ pop af ;1297
+ pop hl ;1298
+ ret ;1299
+ ld b,c ;129a
+ call PSTR ;129b
+ ld a,'=' ;129e
+ call OUTCHAR ;12a0
+ ld a,(de) ;12a3
+ bit 0,b ;12a4
+ jp z,out.hex ;12a6
+ ld l,a ;12a9
+ inc de ;12aa
+ ld a,(de) ;12ab
+ dec de ;12ac
+ ld h,a ;12ad
+ bit 1,b ;12ae
+ jp z,out.hl ;12b0
+ jp out.hl.@ ;12b3
+ call prnt_f ;12b6
+ ld a,0f3h ;12b9
+ ld (reg.iff),a ;12bb
+ scf ;12be
+ call sub_12d1h ;12bf
+ ld (reg.f),a ;12c2
+ ret ;12c5
+ call prnt_f2 ;12c6
+ and a ;12c9
+ call sub_12d1h ;12ca
+ ld (reg.f2),a ;12cd
+ ret ;12d0
+ ex af,af' ;12d1
+ ld b,000h ;12d2
+ call outbl ;12d4
+ call assert_eol ;12d7
+ call inline ;12da
+ call skipbl ;12dd
+ ld a,b ;12e0
+ ret z ;12e1
+ push bc ;12e2
+ ld hl,tab_pr_flags ;12e3
+ call lookupch ;12e6
+ jp nc,error ;12e9
+ ld a,b ;12ec
+ cp 008h ;12ed
+ jr z,l12feh ;12ef
+ inc b ;12f1
+ ld a,001h ;12f2
+ jr l12f7h ;12f4
+ rlca ;12f6
+ djnz l12f6h ;12f7
+ pop bc ;12f9
+ or b ;12fa
+ ld b,a ;12fb
+ jr l12ddh ;12fc
+ ex af,af' ;12fe
+ jp nc,ERROR ;12ff
+ ex af,af' ;1302
+ ld a,0FBh ;1303
+ ld (reg.iff),a ;1305
+ pop bc ;1308
+ jr l12ddh ;1309
+ db 'CNV H ZSE'
+ db 0
+ call sub_0a0eh ;1315
+ ret nc ;1318
+ ld a,b ;1319
+ add a,b ;131a
+ add a,b ;131b
+ ld hl,b_0x136C_start ;131c
+ call ADD_HL_A ;131f
+ ld c,(hl) ;1322
+ inc hl ;1323
+ ld a,(hl) ;1324
+ inc hl ;1325
+ ld h,(hl) ;1326
+ ld l,a ;1327
+ scf ;1328
+ ret ;1329
+ DC 'BBR'
+ DC 'BC'''
+ DC 'DE'''
+ DC 'HL'''
+ DC 'BC'
+ DC 'DE'
+ DC 'HL'
+ DC 'A'''
+ DC 'B'''
+ DC 'C'''
+ DC 'D'''
+ DC 'E'''
+ DC 'H'''
+ DC 'L'''
+ DC 'A'
+ DC 'B'
+ DC 'C'
+ DC 'D'
+ DC 'E'
+ DC 'H'
+ DC 'L'
+ DC 'IX'
+ DC 'IY'
+ DC 'SP'
+ DC 'PC'
+ DC 'X'
+ DC 'Y'
+ DC 'S'
+ DC 'P'
+ DC 'I'
+ DC 'F'''
+ DC 'F'
+ endif
+ DB 0
+ defb 000h ;136c
+ defw ucbar ;136d
+ defb 000h ;136f
+ defw ubbr ;1370
+ defb 003h ;1372
+ defw reg.c2 ;1373
+ defb 003h ;1375
+ defw reg.e2 ;1376
+ defb 003h ;1378
+ defw reg.l2 ;1379
+ defb 003h ;137b
+ defw reg.c ;137c
+ defb 003h ;137e
+ defw reg.e ;137f
+ defb 003h ;1381
+ defw reg.l ;1382
+ defb 000h ;1384
+ defw reg.a2 ;1385
+ defb 000h ;1387
+ defw reg.b2 ;1388
+ defb 000h ;138a
+ defw reg.c2 ;138b
+ defb 000h ;138d
+ defw reg.d2 ;138e
+ defb 000h ;1390
+ defw reg.e2 ;1391
+ defb 000h ;1393
+ defw reg.h2 ;1394
+ defb 000h ;1396
+ defw reg.l2 ;1397
+ defb 000h ;1399
+ defw reg.a ;139a
+ defb 000h ;139c
+ defw reg.b ;139d
+ defb 000h ;139f
+ defw reg.c ;13a0
+ defb 000h ;13a2
+ defw reg.d ;13a3
+ defb 000h ;13a5
+ defw reg.e ;13a6
+ defb 000h ;13a8
+ defw reg.h ;13a9
+ defb 000h ;13ab
+ defw reg.l ;13ac
+ defb 003h ;13ae
+ defw reg.ix ;13af
+ defb 003h ;13b1
+ defw reg.iy ;13b2
+ defb 003h ;13b4
+ defw reg.sp ;13b5
+ defb 003h ;13b7
+ defw reg.pc ;13b8
+ defb 003h ;13ba
+ defw reg.ix ;13bb
+ defb 003h ;13bd
+ defw reg.iy ;13be
+ defb 003h ;13c0
+ defw reg.sp ;13c1
+ defb 003h ;13c3
+ defw reg.pc ;13c4
+ defb 000h ;13c6
+ defw reg.i ;13c7
+ defb 000h ;13c9
+ defw reg.f2 ;13ca
+ defb 000h ;13cc
+ defw reg.f ;13cd
+ defb 000h ;13cf
+ defw uromen ;13d0
+ endif
+ ld hl,(lst.S) ;13d2
+ call get_lastarg_def ;13d5
+ ld (lst.S),hl ;13d8
+ call out.hl.@ ;13db
+ call OUTBL ;13de
+ comst ;13e1
+ ld a,(hl) ;13e5
+ comend
+ call out.hex ;13e6
+ call outbl2 ;13e9
+ call INLINE ;13ec
+ call SKIPBL ;13ef
+ inc hl ;13f2
+ jr z,l13d8h ;13f3
+ dec hl ;13f5
+ inc de ;13f6
+ cp '.' ;13f7
+ jp z,assert_eol ;13f9
+ cp '-' ;13fc
+ jr nz,l1406h ;13fe
+ ld a,(de) ;1400
+ or a ;1401
+ dec hl ;1402
+ jr z,l13d8h ;1403
+ inc hl ;1405
+ dec de ;1406
+ call get_bytes_m ;1407
+ jr l13d8h ;140a
+ call assert_eol ;140c
+ ld hl,MSG_at ;140f
+ ld de,offs.@ ;1412
+ ld c,001h ;1415
+ jp l1279h ;1417
+ dc '@'
+ ld hl,CMD.I ;141b
+ ld (CMD_RPT),hl ;141e
+ ld hl,(lst.IP) ;1421
+ call get_lastarg_def ;1424
+ ld (lst.IP),hl ;1427
+ ld b,h ;142a
+ ld c,l ;142b
+ ld a,b ;142c
+ or a ;142d
+ jr nz,l1442h ;142e
+ ld a,c ;1430
+ ld hl,ucbar ;1431
+ cp cbar ;1434
+ jr z,l143fh ;1436
+ ld hl,ubbr ;1438
+ cp bbr ;143b
+ jr nz,l1442h ;143d
+ ld a,(hl) ;143f
+ jr l1444h ;1440
+ in a,(c) ;1442
+ push af ;1444
+ call out.hex ;1445
+ call outbl4 ;1448
+ pop af ;144b
+ call out.bin.b ;144c
+ jp CRLF ;144f
+ ld hl,CMD.O ;1452
+ ld (CMD_RPT),hl ;1455
+ ld hl,(lst.OD) ;1458
+ call get_arg_def ;145b
+ ld a,l ;145e
+ ld (lst.OD),a ;145f
+ push af ;1462
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1463
+ ld hl,(lst.OP) ;1466
+ call get_lastarg_def ;1469
+ ld (lst.OP),hl ;146c
+ ld b,h ;146f
+ ld c,l ;1470
+ ld a,b ;1471
+ or a ;1472
+ jr nz,l1489h ;1473
+ ld a,c ;1475
+ ld hl,ucbar ;1476
+ cp cbar ;1479
+ jr z,l148dh ;147b
+ ld hl,ubbr ;147d
+ cp bbr ;1480
+ jr z,l148dh ;1482
+ cp cbr ;1484
+ jp z,ERROR ;1486
+ pop af ;1489
+ out (c),a ;148a
+ ret ;148c
+ pop af ;148d
+ ld (hl),a ;148e
+ ret ;148f
+ call get_arg3 ;1490 get from, size, to
+ push bc ;1493
+ comst ;1494
+ ld a,(de) ;1498
+ ld b,(hl) ;1499
+ comend
+ cp b ;149a
+ jr z,l14bah ;149b
+ ld c,a ;149d
+ call out.hl.@ ;149e
+ call OUTBL ;14a1
+ ld a,b ;14a4
+ call out.hex ;14a5
+ call outbl2 ;14a8
+ ld a,c ;14ab
+ call out.hex ;14ac
+ call OUTBL ;14af
+ ex de,hl ;14b2
+ call out.hl.@ ;14b3
+ ex de,hl ;14b6
+ call CRLF ;14b7
+ pop bc ;14ba
+ inc hl ;14bb
+ inc de ;14bc
+ dec bc ;14bd
+ ld a,b ;14be
+ or c ;14bf
+ jr nz,cmp_mem ;14c0
+ ret ;14c2
+ ld a,(de) ;14c3
+ cp 'V' ;14c4
+ jr nz,bm_nv ;14c6
+ inc de ;14c8
+ push af ;14c9 save 'V' flag
+ call get_arg3 ;14ca
+ push hl ;14cd
+ push de ;14ce
+ push bc ;14cf
+ call CP.HL.DE ;14d0
+ jr nc,bm_mvdown ;14d3
+ add hl,bc ;14d5
+ ex de,hl ;14d6
+ add hl,bc ;14d7
+ ex de,hl ;14d8
+ dec hl ;14d9
+ dec de ;14da
+ comst ;14db
+ lddr ;14df
+ comend
+ jr bm_done ;14e1
+ comst ;14e3
+ ldir ;14e7
+ comend
+ pop bc ;14e9
+ pop de ;14ea
+ pop hl ;14eb
+ pop af ;14ec
+ jr z,cmp_mem ;14ed validate?
+ ret ;14ef
+ call EXPR ;14f0
+ jp c,l173ch ;14f3
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;14f6
+ push hl ;14f9
+ call EXPR ;14fa
+ push af ;14fd
+ call assert_eol ;14fe
+ pop af ;1501
+ ex de,hl ;1502
+ pop hl ;1503
+ jr c,l1511h ;1504
+ push hl ;1506
+ push de ;1507
+ add hl,de ;1508
+ call l1511h ;1509
+ pop de ;150c
+ pop hl ;150d
+ and a ;150e
+ sbc hl,de ;150f
+ call out.hl ;1511 val
+ call outbl2 ;1514
+ call sub_0928h ;1517 -val
+ call outbl4 ;151a
+ call out.hl.dec ;151d dec
+ call outbl2 ;1520
+ call out.hl.decm ;1523 -dec
+ call outbl4 ;1526
+ call out.bin.w ;1529 bin
+ call outbl2 ;152c
+ ld a,l ;152f
+ call out.ascii ;1530
+ jp CRLF ;1533
+ ld a,(de) ;1536
+ sub 'J' ;1537
+ ld (lst.Qj),a ;1539
+ jr nz,l153fh ;153c
+ inc de ;153e
+ call get_arg_range ;153f
+ push bc ;1542
+ push hl ;1543
+ call sub_15a7h ;1544
+ pop hl ;1547
+ call sub_1594h ;1548
+ jr nz,l1562h ;154b
+ push bc ;154d
+ push hl ;154e
+ ld a,(lst.Qj) ;154f
+ or a ;1552
+ jr nz,l1559h ;1553
+ ld bc,-8 ;1555
+ add hl,bc ;1558
+ ld bc,MEMDUMP_CNT ;1559
+ and a ;155c
+ call memdump ;155d
+ pop hl ;1560
+ pop bc ;1561
+ inc hl ;1562
+ ex (sp),hl ;1563
+ dec hl ;1564
+ ld a,h ;1565
+ or l ;1566
+ ex (sp),hl ;1567
+ jr nz,l1548h ;1568
+ pop bc ;156a
+ ret ;156b
+ call get_arg_range ;156c
+ push bc ;156f
+ push hl ;1570
+ call sub_15a7h ;1571
+ ld a,b ;1574
+ pop hl ;1575
+ pop bc ;1576
+ push hl ;1577
+ ex de,hl ;1578
+ push af ;1579
+ ld a,(hl) ;157a
+ comst ;157b
+ ld (de),a ;157f
+ comend
+ pop af ;1580
+ inc de ;1581
+ cpi ;1582
+ jp po,l1592h ;1584
+ dec a ;1587
+ jr nz,l1579h ;1588
+ pop hl ;158a
+ comst ;158b
+ ldir ;158f
+ comend
+ ret ;1591
+ pop hl ;1592
+ ret ;1593
+ push hl ;1594
+ push de ;1595
+ push bc ;1596
+ ld a,(de) ;1597
+ comst ;1598
+ cp (hl) ;159c
+ comend
+ jr nz,l15a3h ;159d
+ inc de ;159f
+ inc hl ;15a0
+ djnz l1597h ;15a1
+ pop bc ;15a3
+ pop de ;15a4
+ pop hl ;15a5
+ ret ;15a6
+ ld hl,ci.buf+1 ;15a7
+ call get_bytes ;15aa
+ ld de,ci.buf+1 ;15ad
+ and a ;15b0
+ sbc hl,de ;15b1
+ ld b,l ;15b3
+ ret nz ;15b4
+ jp ERROR ;15b5
+ db 0e6h ;15b8 and 037h (clear carry, skip next opc)
+ scf
+ push af ;15ba
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;15bb
+ cp 'W' ;15be
+ jr nz,l15d9h ;15c0
+ inc de ;15c2
+ push hl ;15c3
+ call sub_0a68h ;15c4
+ ex de,hl ;15c7
+ pop bc ;15c8
+ pop af ;15c9
+ push af ;15ca
+ push bc ;15cb
+ ex (sp),hl ;15cc
+ jr nc,l15d3h ;15cd
+ comst ;15cf
+ ld (hl),e ;15d3
+ comend
+ inc hl ;15d4
+ ld c,d ;15d5
+ pop de ;15d6
+ jr l15e5h ;15d7
+ cp '''' ;15d9
+ jr z,l15f1h ;15db
+ push hl ;15dd
+ call EXPR ;15de
+ ld c,l ;15e1
+ pop hl ;15e2
+ jr c,l1626h ;15e3
+ pop af ;15e5
+ push af ;15e6
+ jr nc,l15edh ;15e7
+ comst ;15e9
+ ld (hl),c ;15ed
+ comend
+ inc hl ;15ee
+ jr l161eh ;15ef
+ inc de ;15f1
+ ld a,(de) ;15f2
+ cp '''' ;15f3
+ jr z,l1607h ;15f5
+ or a ;15f7
+ jr z,l1626h ;15f8
+ ld c,a ;15fa
+ pop af ;15fb
+ push af ;15fc
+ jr nc,l1603h ;15fd
+ comst ;15ff
+ ld (hl),c ;1603
+ comend
+ inc hl ;1604
+ jr l15f1h ;1605
+ inc de ;1607
+ ld a,(de) ;1608
+ cp '''' ;1609
+ jr z,l15fah ;160b
+ cp '.' ;160d
+ jr nz,l161eh ;160f
+ inc de ;1611
+ dec hl ;1612
+ pop af ;1613
+ push af ;1614
+ jr nc,l161bh ;1615
+ comst ;1617
+ set 7,(hl) ;161b
+ comend
+ inc hl ;161d
+ pop af ;161e
+ jr nc,l15bah ;161f
+ ld (lst.S),hl ;1621
+ jr l15bah ;1624
+ pop af ;1626
+ ret nc ;1627
+ ld (lst.S),hl ;1628
+ ret ;162b
+ ld hl,CMD.D ;162c
+ ld (CMD_RPT),hl ;162f
+ ld hl,(lst.D) ;1632
+ ld bc,00080h ;1635
+ call sub_0a82h ;1638
+ scf ;163b
+ push bc ;163c
+ push de ;163d
+ push hl ;163e
+ ex af,af' ;163f
+ call out.hl.@ ;1640
+ call z,outbl2 ;1643
+ call OUTBL ;1646
+ ld de,0 ;1649
+ comst ;164c
+ ld a,(hl) ;1650
+ comend
+ inc hl ;1651
+ call out.hex ;1652
+ call OUTBL ;1655
+ dec bc ;1658
+ inc e ;1659
+ ld a,e ;165a
+ cp 010h ;165b
+ jr z,l1668h ;165d
+ and 003h ;165f
+ call z,OUTBL ;1661
+ ld a,b ;1664
+ or c ;1665
+ jr nz,l164ch ;1666
+ call OUTBL ;1668
+ and a ;166b
+ sbc hl,de ;166c
+ comst ;166e
+ ld a,(hl) ;1672
+ comend
+ call sub_168fh ;1673
+ call OUTCHAR ;1676
+ inc hl ;1679
+ dec e ;167a
+ jr nz,l166eh ;167b
+ ex af,af' ;167d
+ jr nc,l1683h ;167e
+ ld (lst.D),hl ;1680
+ ex af,af' ;1683
+ call CRLF ;1684
+ ld a,b ;1687
+ or c ;1688
+ jr nz,l1640h ;1689
+ pop hl ;168b
+ pop de ;168c
+ pop bc ;168d
+ ret ;168e
+ and 07fh ;168f
+ cp 07fh ;1691
+ jr z,l1698h ;1693
+ cp 020h ;1695
+ ret nc ;1697
+ ld a,02eh ;1698
+ ret ;169a
+; Read Intel Hex File from console.
+ ld hl,0 ;169b
+ call get_lastarg_def ;169e get offset from command line
+ push hl ;16a1
+ ld hl,0 ;16a2
+ ld (HILOD),hl ;16a5
+ call i.getchar ;16a8
+ jr z,l16deh ;16ab
+ cp ':' ;16ad
+ jr nz,w_recstart ;16af
+ ld c,0 ;16b1 init checksum
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16b3 record len
+ ld b,a ;16b6
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16b7 address high
+ ld h,a ;16ba
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16bb address low
+ ld l,a ;16be
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16bf record type (ignored)
+ ld a,b ;16c2
+ and a ;16c3 record len == 0?
+ jr z,l16deh ;16c4
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16c6
+ pop de ;16c9 offset
+ push de ;16ca
+ push hl ;16cb
+ add hl,de ;16cc
+ call i.storebyte ;16cd
+ pop hl ;16d0
+ inc hl ;16d1
+ djnz l16c6h ;16d2 repeat for record len
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16d4 checksum
+ ld a,c ;16d7
+ and a ;16d8
+ jp nz,ERROR ;16d9 exit if checksum error
+ jr w_recstart ;16dc next record
+ pop hl ;16de
+ call i.gethexbyte ;16df
+ jp l173fh ;16e2
+ call sub_16f6h ;16e5
+ rlca ;16e8
+ rlca ;16e9
+ rlca ;16ea
+ rlca ;16eb
+ ld d,a ;16ec
+ call sub_16f6h ;16ed
+ add a,d ;16f0
+ ld d,a ;16f1
+ add a,c ;16f2
+ ld c,a ;16f3
+ ld a,d ;16f4
+ ret ;16f5
+ call i.getchar ;16f6
+ jr z,l16ffh ;16f9
+ call sub_0d26h ;16fb
+ ret nc ;16fe
+ jp ERROR ;16ff
+ call $ci ;1702
+ cp 01ah ;1705
+ ret ;1707
+ push af ;1708
+ push de ;1709
+ ld de,TPA ;170a lowest allowed load address
+ call CP.HL.DE ;170d
+ jp c,ERROR ;1710
+ ld de,$stcka ;1713 highest allowed load address
+ call CP.HL.DE ;1716
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1719
+ ld de,(HILOD) ;171c
+ call CP.HL.DE ;1720
+ jr c,l1728h ;1723
+ ld (HILOD),hl ;1725
+ ld de,(MAXLOD) ;1728
+ call CP.HL.DE ;172c
+ jr c,l1734h ;172f
+ ld (MAXLOD),hl ;1731
+ pop de ;1734
+ pop af ;1735
+ comst ;1736
+ ld (hl),a ;173a store byte
+ comend
+ ret ;173b
+ call assert_eol ;173c
+ ld hl,MSG_high ;173f
+ call PSTR ;1742
+ ld hl,(HILOD) ;1745
+ call out.hl ;1748
+ ld hl,MSG_max ;174b
+ call PSTR ;174e
+ ld hl,(MAXLOD) ;1751
+ call out.hl ;1754
+ jp CRLF ;1757
+ DC 'High = '
+ DC ' Max = '
+ ld hl,(lst.A) ;1769
+ call get_lastarg_def ;176c
+ push hl ;176f
+ pop iy ;1770
+ ld hl,l17c4h ;1772
+ ld (CMD_ERR),hl ;1775
+ ld (XB068),sp ;1778
+ push iy ;177c
+ pop hl ;177e
+ ld (lst.A),hl ;177f
+ ld (OFFS.pc),hl ;1782
+ push hl ;1785
+ call sub_1f3fh ;1786
+ pop iy ;1789
+ ld c,b ;178b
+ ld de,(offs.@) ;178c
+ ld a,d ;1790
+ or e ;1791
+ ld b,011h ;1792
+ jr z,l1798h ;1794
+ ld b,019h ;1796
+ call OUTBL ;1798
+ ld a,(CON.COL) ;179b
+ cp b ;179e
+ jr c,l1798h ;179f
+ push bc ;17a1
+ call INLINE ;17a2
+ pop bc ;17a5
+ call SKIPBL ;17a6
+ cp '.' ;17a9
+ ret z ;17ab
+ cp '-' ;17ac
+ jr nz,l17b6h ;17ae
+ ld iy,(XB06C) ;17b0
+ jr l177ch ;17b4
+ and a ;17b6
+ call nz,sub_17cdh ;17b7
+ ld (XB06C),iy ;17ba
+ ld b,0 ;17be
+ add iy,bc ;17c0
+ jr l177ch ;17c2
+ call l07eah ;17c4
+ ld sp,(XB068) ;17c7
+ jr l177ch ;17cb
+ call SKIPBL ;17cd
+ ld hl,t_MNEMONICS ;17d0
+ call sub_0a15h ;17d3
+ jp nc,ERROR ;17d6
+ call SKIPBL ;17d9
+ push de ;17dc
+ ld a,b ;17dd
+ add a,b ;17de
+ add a,b ;17df
+ ld hl,b_0x17EE_start ;17e0
+ call ADD_HL_A ;17e3
+ ld e,(hl) ;17e6
+ inc hl ;17e7
+ ld d,(hl) ;17e8
+ inc hl ;17e9
+ ld b,(hl) ;17ea
+ ex de,hl ;17eb
+ pop de ;17ec
+ jp (hl) ;17ed
+ defw l1b54h ;17ee
+ defb 088h ;17f0
+ defw l1b74h ;17f1
+ defb 080h ;17f3
+ defw l1babh ;17f4
+ defb 0a0h ;17f6
+ defw l1c14h ;17f7
+ defb 040h ;17f9
+ defw l1c38h ;17fa
+ defb 0c4h ;17fc
+ defw l1b36h ;17fd
+ defb 03fh ;17ff
+ defw l1babh ;1800
+ defb 0b8h ;1802
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1803
+ defb 0a9h ;1805
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1806
+ defb 0b9h ;1808
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1809
+ defb 0a1h ;180b
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;180c
+ defb 0b1h ;180e
+ defw l1b36h ;180f
+ defb 02fh ;1811
+ defw l1b36h ;1812
+ defb 027h ;1814
+ defw l1dabh ;1815
+ defb 005h ;1817
+ defw l1b36h ;1818
+ defb 0f3h ;181a
+ defw l1ca4h ;181b
+ defb 010h ;181d
+ defw l1b36h ;181e
+ defb 0fbh ;1820
+ defw l1d54h ;1821
+ defb 0e3h ;1823
+ defw l1b36h ;1824
+ defb 0d9h ;1826
+ defw l1b36h ;1827
+ defb 076h ;1829
+ defw l1cbfh ;182a
+ defb 046h ;182c
+ defw l1cf8h ;182d
+ defb 040h ;182f
+ defw l1dabh ;1830
+ defb 004h ;1832
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1833
+ defb 0aah ;1835
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1836
+ defb 0bah ;1838
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1839
+ defb 0a2h ;183b
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;183c
+ defb 0b2h ;183e
+ defw l1c5eh ;183f
+ defb 0c2h ;1841
+ defw l1cabh ;1842
+ defb 020h ;1844
+ defw l1934h ;1845
+ defb 040h ;1847
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1848
+ defb 0a8h ;184a
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;184b
+ defb 0b8h ;184d
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;184e
+ defb 0a0h ;1850
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1851
+ defb 0b0h ;1853
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1854
+ defb 044h ;1856
+ defw l1b36h ;1857
+ defb 000h ;1859
+ defw l1babh ;185a
+ defb 0b0h ;185c
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;185d
+ defb 0bbh ;185f
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1860
+ defb 0b3h ;1862
+ defw l1d2ch ;1863
+ defb 041h ;1865
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1866
+ defb 0abh ;1868
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1869
+ defb 0a3h ;186b
+ defw l1ce4h ;186c
+ defb 0c1h ;186e
+ defw l1ce4h ;186f
+ defb 0c5h ;1871
+ defw l1c14h ;1872
+ defb 080h ;1874
+ defw l1c50h ;1875
+ defb 0c0h ;1877
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1878
+ defb 04dh ;187a
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;187b
+ defb 045h ;187d
+ defw l1bd8h ;187e
+ defb 010h ;1880
+ defw l1b36h ;1881
+ defb 017h ;1883
+ defw l1bd8h ;1884
+ defb 000h ;1886
+ defw l1b36h ;1887
+ defb 007h ;1889
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;188a
+ defb 06fh ;188c
+ defw l1bd8h ;188d
+ defb 018h ;188f
+ defw l1b36h ;1890
+ defb 01fh ;1892
+ defw l1bd8h ;1893
+ defb 008h ;1895
+ defw l1b36h ;1896
+ defb 00fh ;1898
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;1899
+ defb 067h ;189b
+ defw l1cd5h ;189c
+ defb 0c7h ;189e
+ defw l1b54h ;189f
+ defb 098h ;18a1
+ defw l1b36h ;18a2
+ defb 037h ;18a4
+ defw l1c14h ;18a5
+ defb 0c0h ;18a7
+ defw l1bd8h ;18a8
+ defb 020h ;18aa
+ defw l1bd8h ;18ab
+ defb 028h ;18ad
+ defw l1bd8h ;18ae
+ defb 038h ;18b0
+ defw l1babh ;18b1
+ defb 090h ;18b3
+ defw l1babh ;18b4
+ defb 0a8h ;18b6
+ defw A.IN0 ;18b7
+ defb 000h ;18b9
+ defw A.MLT ;18ba
+ defb 04ch ;18bc
+ ld b,e ;18bd
+ dec de ;18be
+ defb 08bh ;18bf
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;18c0
+ defb 09bh ;18c2
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;18c3
+ defb 083h ;18c5
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;18c6
+ defb 093h ;18c8
+ defw l18fdh ;18c9
+ defb 001h ;18cb
+ defw gen.opc.ED2 ;18cc
+ defb 076h ;18ce
+ defw l191dh ;18cf
+ defb 004h ;18d1
+ defw l192ch ;18d2
+ defb 074h ;18d4
+ call sub_1e41h ;18d5
+ jr nc,l1931h ;18d8
+ cp 006h ;18da
+ jr z,l1931h ;18dc
+ rlca ;18de
+ rlca ;18df
+ rlca ;18e0
+ add a,b ;18e1
+ ld b,a ;18e2
+ call sub_1ed1h ;18e3
+ call sub_1e06h ;18e6
+ call assert_eol ;18e9
+ comst ;18ec
+ ld (iy+000h),0edh ;18f0
+ ld (iy+001h),b ;18f4
+ ld (iy+002h),l ;18f7
+ comend
+ ld c,003h ;18fa
+ ret ;18fc
+ call sub_1e06h ;18fd
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1900
+ call sub_1e41h ;1903
+ jr nc,l1931h ;1906
+ cp 006h ;1908
+ jr z,l1931h ;190a
+ rlca ;190c
+ rlca ;190d
+ rlca ;190e
+ add a,b ;190f
+ ld b,a ;1910
+ jr l18e9h ;1911
+ call sub_1e2eh ;1913
+ jr nc,l1931h ;1916
+ add a,b ;1918
+ ld b,a ;1919
+ jp gen.opc.ED2 ;191a
+ call sub_1e41h ;191d
+ jr nc,l192ah ;1920
+ rlca ;1922
+ rlca ;1923
+ rlca ;1924
+ add a,b ;1925
+ ld b,a ;1926
+ jp gen.opc.ED2 ;1927
+ ld b,064h ;192a
+ call sub_1e12h ;192c
+ jr l18e9h ;192f
+ jp ERROR ;1931
+ call sub_1e41h ;1934
+ jp c,l19bfh ;1937
+ call sub_1e68h ;193a
+ jp c,l1a64h ;193d
+ call sub_1e2eh ;1940
+ jp c,l1a93h ;1943
+ call sub_1e50h ;1946
+ jp c,l1af0h ;1949
+ ld a,(de) ;194c
+ cp 049h ;194d
+ jp z,l1b0ch ;194f
+ cp 052h ;1952
+ jp z,l1b14h ;1954
+ cp 028h ;1957
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1959
+ inc de ;195c
+ call sub_1e2eh ;195d
+ jp c,l1b23h ;1960
+ call tst_EXPR ;1963
+ call sub_1ed8h ;1966
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1969
+ call sub_1e2eh ;196c
+ jr c,l19adh ;196f
+ call sub_1e50h ;1971
+ jr nc,l1991h ;1974
+ ld b,022h ;1976
+ call assert_eol ;1978
+ ld a,(pfx.IXY) ;197b
+ comst ;197e
+ ld (iy+000h),a ;1982
+ ld (iy+001h),b ;1985
+ ld (iy+002h),l ;1988
+ ld (iy+003h),h ;198b
+ comend
+ ld c,004h ;198e
+ ret ;1990
+ ld a,(de) ;1991
+ cp 041h ;1992
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1994
+ inc de ;1997
+ ld b,032h ;1998
+ call assert_eol ;199a
+ comst ;199d
+ ld (iy+000h),b ;19a1
+ ld (iy+001h),l ;19a4
+ ld (iy+002h),h ;19a7
+ comend
+ ld c,003h ;19aa
+ ret ;19ac
+ cp 020h ;19ad
+ jr z,l19bbh ;19af
+ add a,043h ;19b1
+ ld b,a ;19b3
+ call assert_eol ;19b4
+ ld a,0edh ;19b7
+ jr l197eh ;19b9
+ ld b,022h ;19bb
+ jr l199ah ;19bd
+ ld b,a ;19bf
+ call sub_1ed1h ;19c0
+ call sub_1e41h ;19c3
+ jr nc,l19dbh ;19c6
+ push af ;19c8
+ ld a,b ;19c9
+ rlca ;19ca
+ rlca ;19cb
+ rlca ;19cc
+ ld b,a ;19cd
+ pop af ;19ce
+ add a,b ;19cf
+ add a,040h ;19d0
+ cp 076h ;19d2
+ jp z,ERROR ;19d4
+ ld b,a ;19d7
+ jp l1b36h ;19d8
+ call sub_1e68h ;19db
+ jr nc,l1a02h ;19de
+ ld a,b ;19e0
+ rlca ;19e1
+ rlca ;19e2
+ rlca ;19e3
+ add a,046h ;19e4
+ cp 076h ;19e6
+ jp z,ERROR ;19e8
+ ld b,a ;19eb
+ call assert_eol ;19ec
+ ld a,(pfx.IXY) ;19ef
+ comst ;19f2
+ ld (iy+000h),a ;19f6
+ ld (iy+001h),b ;19f9
+ ld (iy+002h),c ;19fc
+ comend
+ ld c,003h ;19ff
+ ret ;1a01
+ ld a,(de) ;1a02
+ cp 'I' ;1a03
+ jr z,l1a15h ;1a05
+ cp 'R' ;1a07
+ jr nz,l1a21h ;1a09
+ ld a,b ;1a0b
+ cp 007h ;1a0c
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1a0e
+ ld b,05fh ;1a11
+ jr l1a1dh ;1a13
+ ld a,b ;1a15
+ cp 007h ;1a16
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1a18
+ ld b,057h ;1a1b
+ inc de ;1a1d
+ jp gen.opc.ED2 ;1a1e
+ cp '(' ;1a21
+ jr z,l1a3fh ;1a23
+ call sub_1e12h ;1a25
+ ld a,b ;1a28 ld r,nn
+ rlca ;1a29
+ rlca ;1a2a
+ rlca ;1a2b
+ add a,006h ;1a2c
+ ld b,a ;1a2e
+ call assert_eol ;1a2f
+ comst ;1a32
+ ld (iy+000h),b ;1a36
+ ld (iy+001h),l ;1a39
+ comend
+ ld c,002h ;1a3c
+ ret ;1a3e
+ inc de ;1a3f
+ ld a,b ;1a40
+ cp 007h ;1a41
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1a43
+ call sub_1e2eh ;1a46
+ jr nc,l1a59h ;1a49
+ cp 030h ;1a4b
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1a4d
+ add a,00ah ;1a50
+ ld b,a ;1a52
+ call sub_1ed8h ;1a53
+ jp l1b36h ;1a56
+ call tst_EXPR ;1a59
+ call sub_1ed8h ;1a5c
+ ld b,03ah ;1a5f
+ jp l199ah ;1a61
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1a64
+ call sub_1e41h ;1a67
+ jr nc,l1a76h ;1a6a
+ cp 006h ;1a6c
+ jp z,ERROR ;1a6e
+ add a,070h ;1a71
+ jp l19ebh ;1a73
+ call sub_1e12h ;1a76
+ call assert_eol ;1a79
+ ld a,(pfx.IXY) ;1a7c
+ comst ;1a7f
+ ld (iy+000h),a ;1a83 dd/fd
+ ld (iy+001h),036h ;1a86
+ ld (iy+002h),c ;1a8a displacement
+ ld (iy+003h),l ;1a8d nn
+ comend
+ ld c,4 ;1a90
+ ret ;1a92
+ ld b,a ;1a93
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1a94
+ ld hl,t_HL.AF ;1a97
+ call sub_0a23h ;1a9a
+ jr c,l1abeh ;1a9d
+ call sub_1e50h ;1a9f
+ jr nc,l1ac7h ;1aa2
+ ld a,b ;1aa4
+ cp 030h ;1aa5
+ jr nz,l1b20h ;1aa7
+ ld b,0f9h ;1aa9
+ call assert_eol ;1aab
+ ld a,(pfx.IXY) ;1aae
+ comst ;1ab1
+ ld (iy+000h),a ;1ab5
+ ld (iy+001h),b ;1ab8
+ comend
+ ld c,002h ;1abb
+ ret ;1abd
+ ld a,b ;1abe
+ cp 030h ;1abf
+ jr nz,l1b20h ;1ac1
+ ld b,0f9h ;1ac3
+ jr l1b36h ;1ac5
+ ld a,(de) ;1ac7
+ cp 028h ;1ac8
+ jr nz,l1ae3h ;1aca
+ inc de ;1acc
+ call tst_EXPR ;1acd
+ call sub_1ed8h ;1ad0
+ ld a,b ;1ad3
+ cp 020h ;1ad4
+ jr z,l1adeh ;1ad6
+ add a,04bh ;1ad8
+ ld b,a ;1ada
+ jp l19b4h ;1adb
+ ld b,02ah ;1ade
+ jp l199ah ;1ae0
+ call tst_EXPR ;1ae3
+ call assert_eol ;1ae6
+ ld a,001h ;1ae9
+ add a,b ;1aeb
+ ld b,a ;1aec
+ jp l199ah ;1aed
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1af0
+ ld a,(de) ;1af3
+ cp 028h ;1af4
+ jr nz,l1b04h ;1af6
+ inc de ;1af8
+ call tst_EXPR ;1af9
+ call sub_1ed8h ;1afc
+ ld b,02ah ;1aff
+ jp l1978h ;1b01
+ call tst_EXPR ;1b04
+ ld b,021h ;1b07
+ jp l1978h ;1b09
+ inc de ;1b0c
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1b0d
+ ld b,047h ;1b10
+ jr l1b1ah ;1b12
+ inc de ;1b14
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1b15
+ ld b,04fh ;1b18
+ ld a,(de) ;1b1a
+ inc de ;1b1b
+ cp 041h ;1b1c
+ jr z,gen.opc.ED2 ;1b1e
+ jp ERROR ;1b20
+ cp 020h ;1b23
+ jr nc,l1b20h ;1b25
+ add a,002h ;1b27
+ ld b,a ;1b29
+ call sub_1ed8h ;1b2a
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1b2d
+ ld a,(de) ;1b30
+ cp 041h ;1b31
+ jr nz,l1b20h ;1b33
+ inc de ;1b35
+ call assert_eol ;1b36
+ comst ;1b39
+ ld (iy+000h),b ;1b3d
+ comend
+ ld c,001h ;1b40
+ ret ;1b42
+ call assert_eol ;1b43
+ comst ;1b46
+ ld (iy+000h),0edh ;1b4a
+ ld (iy+001h),b ;1b4e
+ comend
+ ld c,002h ;1b51
+ ret ;1b53
+ ld hl,t_HL.AF ;1b54
+ call sub_0a23h ;1b57
+ jr nc,l1babh ;1b5a
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1b5c
+ call sub_1e2eh ;1b5f
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1b62
+ push af ;1b65
+ ld a,b ;1b66
+ cp 088h ;1b67
+ ld b,04ah ;1b69
+ jr z,l1b6fh ;1b6b
+ ld b,042h ;1b6d
+ pop af ;1b6f
+ add a,b ;1b70
+ ld b,a ;1b71
+ jr gen.opc.ED2 ;1b72
+ ld hl,t_HL.AF ;1b74
+ call sub_0a23h ;1b77
+ jr c,l1b9dh ;1b7a
+ call sub_1e50h ;1b7c
+ jr nc,l1babh ;1b7f
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1b81
+ ld hl,t_BC.DE.IX.SP ;1b84
+ ld a,(pfx.IXY) ;1b87
+ cp 0fdh ;1b8a
+ jr nz,l1b91h ;1b8c
+ ld hl,t_BC.DE.IY.SP ;1b8e
+ call sub_1e2bh ;1b91
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1b94
+ add a,009h ;1b97
+ ld b,a ;1b99
+ jp l1aabh ;1b9a
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1b9d
+ call sub_1e2eh ;1ba0
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1ba3
+ add a,009h ;1ba6
+ jp l19d7h ;1ba8
+ ld a,(de) ;1bab
+ cp 041h ;1bac
+ jr nz,l1bbbh ;1bae
+ push de ;1bb0
+ inc de ;1bb1
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1bb2
+ jr z,l1bbah ;1bb5
+ pop de ;1bb7
+ jr l1bbbh ;1bb8
+ pop af ;1bba
+ call sub_1e41h ;1bbb
+ jr c,l1bceh ;1bbe
+ call sub_1e68h ;1bc0
+ jr c,l1bd2h ;1bc3
+ call sub_1e12h ;1bc5
+ ld a,b ;1bc8
+ add a,046h ;1bc9
+ jp l1a2eh ;1bcb
+ add a,b ;1bce
+ jp l19d7h ;1bcf
+ ld a,b ;1bd2
+ add a,006h ;1bd3
+ jp l19ebh ;1bd5
+ call sub_1e41h ;1bd8
+ jr c,l1c01h ;1bdb
+ call sub_1e68h ;1bdd
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1be0
+ ld a,b ;1be3
+ add a,006h ;1be4
+ ld b,a ;1be6
+ call assert_eol ;1be7
+ ld a,(pfx.IXY) ;1bea
+ comst ;1bed
+ ld (iy+000h),a ;1bf1
+ ld (iy+001h),0cbh ;1bf4
+ ld (iy+002h),c ;1bf8
+ ld (iy+003h),b ;1bfb
+ comend
+ ld c,004h ;1bfe
+ ret ;1c00
+ add a,b ;1c01
+ ld b,a ;1c02
+ call assert_eol ;1c03
+ comst ;1c06
+ ld (iy+000h),0cbh ;1c0a
+ ld (iy+001h),b ;1c0e
+ comend
+ ld c,002h ;1c11
+ ret ;1c13
+ call sub_1de6h ;1c14
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1c17
+ call sub_1e41h ;1c1a
+ jr c,l1c2fh ;1c1d
+ call sub_1e68h ;1c1f
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1c22
+ ld a,l ;1c25
+ rlca ;1c26
+ rlca ;1c27
+ rlca ;1c28
+ add a,006h ;1c29
+ add a,b ;1c2b
+ ld b,a ;1c2c
+ jr l1be7h ;1c2d
+ add a,b ;1c2f
+ ld b,a ;1c30
+ ld a,l ;1c31
+ rlca ;1c32
+ rlca ;1c33
+ rlca ;1c34
+ add a,b ;1c35
+ jr l1c02h ;1c36
+ push de ;1c38
+ call sub_1eb8h ;1c39
+ jr nc,l1c47h ;1c3c
+ add a,b ;1c3e
+ ld b,a ;1c3f
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1c40
+ jr z,l1c49h ;1c43
+ pop de ;1c45
+ push de ;1c46
+ ld b,0cdh ;1c47
+ pop af ;1c49
+ call tst_EXPR ;1c4a
+ jp l199ah ;1c4d
+ call sub_1eb8h ;1c50
+ jr nc,l1c59h ;1c53
+ add a,b ;1c55
+ ld b,a ;1c56
+ jr l1c5bh ;1c57
+ ld b,0c9h ;1c59
+ jp l1b36h ;1c5b
+ push de ;1c5e
+ call sub_1eb8h ;1c5f
+ jr c,l1c71h ;1c62
+ pop de ;1c64
+ ld hl,b_0x1C97_start ;1c65
+ call sub_0a15h ;1c68
+ jr c,l1c7fh ;1c6b
+ ld b,0c3h ;1c6d
+ jr l1c79h ;1c6f
+ add a,b ;1c71
+ ld b,a ;1c72
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1c73
+ jr nz,l1c64h ;1c76
+ pop af ;1c78
+ call tst_EXPR ;1c79
+ jp l199ah ;1c7c
+ call assert_eol ;1c7f
+ ld a,b ;1c82
+ and a ;1c83
+ jr nz,l1c8bh ;1c84
+ ld b,0e9h ;1c86
+ jp l1b36h ;1c88
+ ld b,0ddh ;1c8b
+ dec a ;1c8d
+ jr z,l1c92h ;1c8e
+ ld b,0fdh ;1c90
+ ld l,0e9h ;1c92
+ jp l1a2fh ;1c94
+ DC '(HL)'
+ DC '(IX)'
+ DC '(IY)'
+ DB 0
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1ca4
+ ld b,010h ;1ca7
+ jr l1cb9h ;1ca9
+ call sub_1ebfh ;1cab
+ jr c,l1cb4h ;1cae
+ ld b,018h ;1cb0
+ jr l1cb9h ;1cb2
+ add a,b ;1cb4
+ ld b,a ;1cb5
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1cb6
+ call sub_1defh ;1cb9
+ jp l1a2fh ;1cbc
+ call sub_1e12h ;1cbf
+ ld a,l ;1cc2
+ cp 003h ;1cc3
+ jr nc,l1d23h ;1cc5
+ and a ;1cc7
+ jr z,l1cd2h ;1cc8
+ ld b,056h ;1cca
+ cp 001h ;1ccc
+ jr z,l1cd2h ;1cce
+ ld b,05eh ;1cd0
+ jp gen.opc.ED2 ;1cd2
+ call sub_1e12h ;1cd5
+ ld a,l ;1cd8
+ push af ;1cd9
+ add a,b ;1cda
+ ld b,a ;1cdb
+ pop af ;1cdc
+ and 0c7h ;1cdd
+ jr nz,l1d23h ;1cdf
+ jp l1b36h ;1ce1
+ call sub_1e50h ;1ce4
+ jr c,l1cf2h ;1ce7
+ call sub_1e25h ;1ce9
+ jr nc,l1d23h ;1cec
+ add a,b ;1cee
+ jp l19d7h ;1cef
+ ld a,b ;1cf2
+ add a,020h ;1cf3
+ jp l1b99h ;1cf5
+ call sub_1e41h ;1cf8
+ jr nc,l1d23h ;1cfb
+ cp 006h ;1cfd
+ jr z,l1d23h ;1cff
+ rlca ;1d01
+ rlca ;1d02
+ rlca ;1d03
+ add a,b ;1d04
+ ld b,a ;1d05
+ cp 078h ;1d06
+ jr nz,l1d1ah ;1d08
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1d0a
+ call sub_1d26h ;1d0d
+ jr c,l1d20h ;1d10
+ call sub_1e06h ;1d12
+ ld b,0dbh ;1d15
+ jp l1a2fh ;1d17
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1d1a
+ call sub_1d26h ;1d1d
+ jp c,gen.opc.ED2 ;1d20
+ jp ERROR ;1d23
+ ld hl,t__C_ ;1d26
+ jp sub_0a23h ;1d29
+ call sub_1d26h ;1d2c
+ jr nc,l1d44h ;1d2f
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1d31
+ call sub_1e41h ;1d34
+ jr nc,l1d23h ;1d37
+ cp 006h ;1d39
+ jr z,l1d23h ;1d3b
+ rlca ;1d3d
+ rlca ;1d3e
+ rlca ;1d3f
+ add a,b ;1d40
+ jp l1b71h ;1d41
+ call sub_1e06h ;1d44
+ call sub_1ed1h ;1d47
+ cp 041h ;1d4a
+ jr nz,l1d23h ;1d4c
+ inc de ;1d4e
+ ld b,0d3h ;1d4f
+ jp l1a2fh ;1d51
+ ld hl,b_0x1D80_start ;1d54
+ call sub_0a15h ;1d57
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1d5a
+ ld c,b ;1d5d
+ call assert_eol ;1d5e
+ ld b,000h ;1d61
+ ld hl,b_0x1DA1_start ;1d63
+ add hl,bc ;1d66
+ add hl,bc ;1d67
+ ld a,(hl) ;1d68
+ comst ;1d69
+ ld (iy+000h),a ;1d6d
+ comend
+ ld c,001h ;1d70
+ inc hl ;1d72
+ ld a,(hl) ;1d73
+ and a ;1d74
+ ret z ;1d75
+ comst ;1d76
+ ld (iy+001h),a ;1d7a
+ comend
+ ld c,002h ;1d7d
+ ret ;1d7f
+ DC 'AF,AF'''
+ DC 'DE,HL'
+ DC '(SP),HL'
+ DC '(SP),IX'
+ DC '(SP),IY'
+ db 000h ;1da0
+ db 008h ;1da1
+ db 000h ;1da2
+ db 0ebh ;1da3
+ db 000h ;1da4
+ db 0e3h ;1da5
+ db 000h ;1da6
+ db 0ddh ;1da7
+ db 0e3h ;1da8
+ db 0fdh ;1da9
+ db 0e3h ;1daa
+ call sub_1e50h ;1dab
+ jr c,l1dc6h ;1dae
+ call sub_1e2eh ;1db0
+ jr c,l1dd2h ;1db3
+ call sub_1e41h ;1db5
+ jr c,l1ddfh ;1db8
+ call sub_1e68h ;1dba
+ jp nc,ERROR ;1dbd
+ ld a,b ;1dc0
+ add a,030h ;1dc1
+ jp l19ebh ;1dc3
+ ld a,b ;1dc6
+ ld b,023h ;1dc7
+ cp 004h ;1dc9
+ jr z,l1dcfh ;1dcb
+ ld b,02bh ;1dcd
+ jp l1aabh ;1dcf
+ push af ;1dd2
+ ld a,b ;1dd3
+ ld b,003h ;1dd4
+ cp 004h ;1dd6
+ jr z,l1ddch ;1dd8
+ ld b,00bh ;1dda
+ pop af ;1ddc
+ jr l1de2h ;1ddd
+ rlca ;1ddf
+ rlca ;1de0
+ rlca ;1de1
+ add a,b ;1de2
+ jp l19d7h ;1de3
+ call sub_1e12h ;1de6
+ ld a,l ;1de9
+ cp 008h ;1dea
+ jr nc,error1 ;1dec
+ ret ;1dee
+ call tst_EXPR ;1def
+ push bc ;1df2
+ push iy ;1df3
+ pop bc ;1df5
+ and a ;1df6
+ sbc hl,bc ;1df7
+ dec hl ;1df9
+ dec hl ;1dfa
+ pop bc ;1dfb
+ call sub_1e15h ;1dfc
+ ld a,h ;1dff
+ xor l ;1e00
+ bit 7,a ;1e01
+ jr nz,error1 ;1e03
+ ret ;1e05
+ ld a,(de) ;1e06
+ cp 028h ;1e07
+ jr nz,sub_1e12h ;1e09
+ inc de ;1e0b
+ call sub_1e12h ;1e0c
+ jp sub_1ed8h ;1e0f
+ call tst_EXPR ;1e12
+ ld a,h ;1e15
+ and a ;1e16
+ ret z ;1e17
+ inc a ;1e18
+ ret z ;1e19
+ jr error1 ;1e1a
+ push bc ;1e1c
+ call EXPR ;1e1d
+ pop bc ;1e20
+ ret nc ;1e21
+ jp ERROR ;1e22
+ push hl ;1e25
+ ld hl,t_BC.DE.HL.AF ;1e26
+ jr l1e32h ;1e29
+ push hl ;1e2b
+ jr l1e32h ;1e2c
+ push hl ;1e2e
+ ld hl,t_BC.DE.HL.SP ;1e2f
+ push bc ;1e32
+ call sub_0a15h ;1e33
+ jr nc,l1e3eh ;1e36
+ ld a,b ;1e38
+ rlca ;1e39
+ rlca ;1e3a
+ rlca ;1e3b
+ rlca ;1e3c
+ scf ;1e3d
+ pop bc ;1e3e
+ pop hl ;1e3f
+ ret ;1e40
+ call SKIPBL ;1e41
+ push bc ;1e44
+ push hl ;1e45
+ ld hl,t_BCDEHL_HL_A ;1e46
+ call sub_0a15h ;1e49
+ ld a,b ;1e4c
+ pop hl ;1e4d
+ pop bc ;1e4e
+ ret ;1e4f
+ push hl ;1e50
+ push bc ;1e51
+ ld hl,t_IX.IY ;1e52
+ call sub_0a15h ;1e55
+ jr nc,l1e65h ;1e58
+ ld a,0ddh ;1e5a
+ dec b ;1e5c
+ jr nz,l1e61h ;1e5d
+ ld a,0fdh ;1e5f
+ ld (pfx.IXY),a ;1e61
+ scf ;1e64
+ pop bc ;1e65
+ pop hl ;1e66
+ ret ;1e67
+ push hl ;1e68
+ push bc ;1e69
+ ld a,(de) ;1e6a
+ cp '(' ;1e6b
+ jr nz,l1eb4h ;1e6d
+ push de ;1e6f
+ inc de ;1e70
+ ld hl,t_IX.IY ;1e71
+ call sub_0a15h ;1e74
+ jr nc,l1eb3h ;1e77
+ pop af ;1e79
+ ld a,0ddh ;1e7a
+ dec b ;1e7c
+ jr nz,l1e81h ;1e7d
+ ld a,0fdh ;1e7f
+ ld (pfx.IXY),a ;1e81
+ ld a,(de) ;1e84
+ cp '+' ;1e85
+ jr z,l1e95h ;1e87
+ cp ')' ;1e89
+ ld hl,0 ;1e8b
+ jr z,l1eadh ;1e8e
+ cp '-' ;1e90
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1e92
+ push af ;1e95
+ inc de ;1e96
+ call sub_1e12h ;1e97 get displacement
+ pop af ;1e9a
+ cp '+' ;1e9b
+ jr z,l1ea7h ;1e9d
+ ld b,h ;1e9f
+ ld c,l ;1ea0
+ ld hl,0 ;1ea1
+ and a ;1ea4
+ sbc hl,bc ;1ea5
+ ld a,(de) ;1ea7
+ cp ')' ;1ea8
+ jp nz,ERROR ;1eaa
+ inc de ;1ead
+ pop bc ;1eae
+ ld c,l ;1eaf
+ pop hl ;1eb0
+ scf ;1eb1
+ ret ;1eb2
+ pop de ;1eb3
+ pop bc ;1eb4
+ pop hl ;1eb5
+ and a ;1eb6
+ ret ;1eb7
+ ld hl,t_tstfl_ZCPS ;1eb8
+ ld c,007h ;1ebb
+ jr l1ec4h ;1ebd
+ ld hl,t_tstfl_ZC ;1ebf
+ ld c,003h ;1ec2
+ push bc ;1ec4
+ call sub_0a15h ;1ec5
+ ld a,b ;1ec8
+ pop bc ;1ec9
+ ret nc ;1eca
+ and c ;1ecb
+ rlca ;1ecc
+ rlca ;1ecd
+ rlca ;1ece
+ scf ;1ecf
+ ret ;1ed0
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1ed1
+ ret z ;1ed4
+ jp ERROR ;1ed5
+ ld a,(de) ;1ed8
+ cp 029h ;1ed9
+ jr nz,l1ed5h ;1edb
+ inc de ;1edd
+ ret ;1ede
+ ld hl,CMD.L ;1edf
+ ld (CMD_RPT),hl ;1ee2
+ call EXPR ;1ee5
+ jr nc,l1eedh ;1ee8
+ ld hl,(lst.L) ;1eea
+ push hl ;1eed
+ pop iy ;1eee
+ call skip_to_nextarg ;1ef0
+ call sub_0aa5h ;1ef3
+ jr nc,l1f17h ;1ef6
+ call assert_eol ;1ef8
+ ld b,010h ;1efb
+ push bc ;1efd
+ push iy ;1efe
+ pop hl ;1f00
+ push hl ;1f01
+ call sub_1f3fh ;1f02
+ call CRLF ;1f05
+ pop iy ;1f08
+ ld c,b ;1f0a
+ ld b,000h ;1f0b
+ add iy,bc ;1f0d
+ ld (lst.L),iy ;1f0f
+ pop bc ;1f13
+ djnz l1efdh ;1f14
+ ret ;1f16
+ call assert_eol ;1f17
+ ld h,b ;1f1a
+ ld l,c ;1f1b
+ ld a,b ;1f1c
+ or c ;1f1d
+ jr nz,l1f21h ;1f1e
+ dec hl ;1f20
+ push hl ;1f21
+ push iy ;1f22
+ pop hl ;1f24
+ push hl ;1f25
+ call sub_1f3fh ;1f26
+ call CRLF ;1f29
+ pop iy ;1f2c
+ ld e,b ;1f2e
+ ld d,000h ;1f2f
+ add iy,de ;1f31
+ ld (lst.L),iy ;1f33
+ pop hl ;1f37
+ and a ;1f38
+ sbc hl,de ;1f39
+ ret z ;1f3b
+ ret c ;1f3c
+ jr l1f21h ;1f3d
+ call out.hl.@ ;1f3f
+ call z,OUTBL ;1f42
+ call OUTBL ;1f45
+ sub a ;1f48
+ ld (CON.COL),a ;1f49
+ call sub_1f77h ;1f4c
+ and a ;1f4f
+ ret z ;1f50
+ call OUTBL ;1f51
+ ld a,(CON.COL) ;1f54
+ cp 010h ;1f57
+ jr c,l1f51h ;1f59
+ ld de,(offs.@) ;1f5b
+ ld a,d ;1f5f
+ or e ;1f60
+ ret z ;1f61
+ ld a,'(' ;1f62
+ call OUTCHAR ;1f64
+ ld a,'@' ;1f67
+ call OUTCHAR ;1f69
+ and a ;1f6c
+ sbc hl,de ;1f6d
+ call out.hl ;1f6f
+ ld a,')' ;1f72
+ jp OUTCHAR ;1f74
+ sub a ;1f77
+ ld (XBE03),a ;1f78
+ call sub_1f9eh ;1f7b
+ jr nc,l1f91h ;1f7e
+ push bc ;1f80
+ call sub_2581h ;1f81
+ ex de,hl ;1f84
+ call sub_1fdbh ;1f85
+ pop bc ;1f88
+ ld a,(XBE03) ;1f89
+ ld hl,(XBE01) ;1f8c
+ scf ;1f8f
+ ret ;1f90
+ ld hl,b_0x1F9B_start ;1f91
+ call PSTR ;1f94
+ ld b,001h ;1f97
+ sub a ;1f99
+ ret ;1f9a
+ DC '???'
+ sub a ;1f9e
+ ld (is.pfx.IXY),a ;1f9f
+ comst ;1fa2
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;1fa6
+ comend
+ cp 0edh ;1fa9
+ jp z,disas_pfx.ED ;1fab
+ cp 0ddh ;1fae
+ jr z,l1fc5h ;1fb0
+ cp 0fdh ;1fb2
+ jr z,l1fc9h ;1fb4
+ comst ;1fb6
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;1fba
+ comend
+ cp 0cbh ;1fbd
+ jp z,l2061h ;1fbf
+ jp l2078h ;1fc2
+ ld a,001h ;1fc5
+ jr l1fcbh ;1fc7
+ ld a,002h ;1fc9
+ ld (is.pfx.IXY),a ;1fcb
+ call sub_1fdch ;1fce
+ ret nc ;1fd1
+ push bc ;1fd2
+ call sub_1fb6h ;1fd3
+ pop af ;1fd6
+ add a,b ;1fd7
+ ld b,a ;1fd8
+ scf ;1fd9
+ ret ;1fda
+ jp (hl) ;1fdb
+ inc iy ;1fdc
+ ld hl,b_0x2011_start ;1fde
+ call sub_20bbh ;1fe1
+ ld b,002h ;1fe4
+ ret c ;1fe6
+ ld hl,l202ch ;1fe7
+ call sub_20bbh ;1fea
+ ld b,001h ;1fed
+ ret c ;1fef
+ comst ;1ff0
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;1ff4
+ comend
+ cp 0cbh ;1ff7
+ jr nz,l200fh ;1ff9
+ comst ;1ffb
+ ld a,(iy+002h) ;1fff
+ comend
+ cp 036h ;2002
+ ret z ;2004
+ and 007h ;2005
+ cp 006h ;2007
+ jr nz,l200fh ;2009
+ ld b,002h ;200b
+ scf ;200d
+ ret ;200e
+ and a ;200f
+ ret ;2010
+ db 034h ;2011
+ db 035h ;2012
+ db 036h ;2013
+ db 046h ;2014
+ db 04eh ;2015
+ db 056h ;2016
+ db 05eh ;2017
+ db 066h ;2018
+ db 06eh ;2019
+ db 070h ;201a
+ db 071h ;201b
+ db 072h ;201c
+ db 073h ;201d
+ db 074h ;201e
+ db 075h ;201f
+ db 076h ;2020
+ db 077h ;2021
+ db 07eh ;2022
+ db 086h ;2023
+ db 08eh ;2024
+ db 096h ;2025
+ db 09eh ;2026
+ db 0a6h ;2027
+ db 0aeh ;2028
+ db 0b6h ;2029
+ db 0beh ;202a
+ db 000h ;202b
+ db 009h ;202c
+ db 019h ;202d
+ db 021h ;202e
+ db 022h ;202f
+ db 023h ;2030
+ db 029h ;2031
+ db 02ah ;2032
+ db 02bh ;2033
+ db 039h ;2034
+ db 0e1h ;2035
+ db 0e3h ;2036
+ db 0e5h ;2037
+ db 0e9h ;2038
+ db 0f9h ;2039
+ db 000h ;203a
+ inc iy ;203b
+ ld hl,b_0x2200_start ;203d
+ call sub_209dh ;2040
+ ld b,002h ;2043
+ ret c ;2045
+ ld hl,l2235h ;2046
+ call lookup_opc ;2049
+ ld b,002h ;204c
+ ret c ;204e
+ ld hl,l228bh ;204f
+ call lookup_opc ;2052
+ ld b,003h ;2055
+ ret c ;2057
+ ld hl,l22b4h ;2058
+ call lookup_opc ;205b
+ ld b,004h ;205e
+ ret ;2060
+ push iy ;2061
+ inc iy ;2063
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;2065
+ and a ;2068
+ jr z,l206dh ;2069
+ inc iy ;206b
+ ld hl,l22c9h ;206d
+ call lookup_opc ;2070
+ pop iy ;2073
+ ld b,002h ;2075
+ ret ;2077
+ ld hl,b_0x218B_start ;2078
+ call lookup_opc ;207b
+ ld b,002h ;207e
+ ret c ;2080
+ ld hl,b_0x20ED_start ;2081
+ call sub_209dh ;2084
+ ld b,001h ;2087
+ ret c ;2089
+ ld hl,b_0x2108_start ;208a
+ call lookup_opc ;208d
+ ld b,001h ;2090
+ ret c ;2092
+ ld hl,b_0x21D2_start ;2093
+ call lookup_opc ;2096
+ ret nc ;2099
+ ld b,003h ;209a
+ ret ;209c
+ ld a,(hl) ;209d
+ cp 0ffh ;209e
+ ret z ;20a0
+ comst ;20a1
+ cp (iy+000h) ;20a5
+ comend
+ jr z,l20aeh ;20a8
+ inc hl ;20aa
+ inc hl ;20ab
+ jr sub_209dh ;20ac
+ inc hl ;20ae
+ ld c,(hl) ;20af
+ ld hl,t_MNEMONICS ;20b0
+ ld b,000h ;20b3
+ add hl,bc ;20b5
+ ld de,l230bh ;20b6
+ scf ;20b9
+ ret ;20ba
+ ld a,(hl) ;20bb
+ and a ;20bc
+ ret z ;20bd
+ inc hl ;20be
+ comst ;20bf
+ cp (iy+000h) ;20c3
+ comend
+ jr nz,sub_20bbh ;20c6
+ scf ;20c8
+ ret ;20c9
+ comst ;20ca
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;20ce
+ comend
+ and (hl) ;20d1
+ inc hl ;20d2
+ cp (hl) ;20d3
+ jr z,l20dfh ;20d4
+ inc hl ;20d6
+ inc hl ;20d7
+ inc hl ;20d8
+ inc hl ;20d9
+ ld a,(hl) ;20da
+ and a ;20db
+ jr nz,lookup_opc ;20dc
+ ret ;20de
+ inc hl ;20df
+ ld c,(hl) ;20e0
+ inc hl ;20e1
+ ld e,(hl) ;20e2
+ inc hl ;20e3
+ ld d,(hl) ;20e4
+ ld hl,t_MNEMONICS ;20e5
+ ld b,000h ;20e8
+ add hl,bc ;20ea
+ scf ;20eb
+ ret ;20ec
+b_0x20ED_start: ; 1 byte opcodes (no parameters)
+ db 076h ;20ed halt
+ db 039h ;20ee
+ db 0d9h ;20ef exx
+ db 036h ;20f0
+ db 0f3h ;20f1 di
+ db 02ch ;20f2
+ db 0fbh ;20f3 ei
+ db 032h ;20f4
+ db 000h ;20f5 nop
+ db 069h ;20f6
+ db 007h ;20f7 rlca
+ db 09eh ;20f8
+ db 00fh ;20f9 rrca
+ db 0adh ;20fa
+ db 017h ;20fb rla
+ db 098h ;20fc
+ db 01fh ;20fd rra
+ db 0a7h ;20fe
+ db 027h ;20ff daa
+ db 026h ;2100
+ db 02fh ;2101 cpl
+ db 023h ;2102
+ db 037h ;2103 scf
+ db 0bah ;2104
+ db 03fh ;2105 ccf
+ db 010h ;2106
+ db 0ffh ;2107 EOT
+b_0x2108_start: ; 1 byte opcodes
+ defb 0c0h ;2108 ld r,r
+ defb 040h ;2109
+ defb 056h ;210a
+ defw l22fch ;210b
+ defb 0f8h ;210d add a,r
+ defb 080h ;210e
+ defb 003h ;210f
+ defw l2305h ;2110
+ defb 0f8h ;2112 adc a,r
+ defb 088h ;2113
+ defb 000h ;2114
+ defw l2305h ;2115
+ defb 0f8h ;2117
+ defb 090h ;2118
+ defb 0c9h ;2119
+ defw l24ebh ;211a
+ defb 0f8h ;211c
+ defb 098h ;211d
+ defb 0b7h ;211e
+ defw l2305h ;211f
+ defb 0f8h ;2121
+ defb 0a0h ;2122
+ defb 006h ;2123
+ defw l24ebh ;2124
+ defb 0f8h ;2126
+ defb 0a8h ;2127
+ defb 0cch ;2128
+ defw l24ebh ;2129
+ defb 0f8h ;212b
+ defb 0b0h ;212c
+ defb 06ch ;212d
+ defw l24ebh ;212e
+ defb 0f8h ;2130
+ defb 0b8h ;2131
+ defb 013h ;2132
+ defw l24ebh ;2133
+ defb 0c7h ;2135
+ defb 0c0h ;2136 ret cc
+ defb 08bh ;2137
+ defw l2561h ;2138
+ defb 0c7h ;213a rst
+ defb 0c7h ;213b
+ defb 0b4h ;213c
+ defw l231eh ;213d
+ defb 0ffh ;213f ret
+ defb 0c9h ;2140
+ defb 08bh ;2141
+ defw l230bh ;2142
+ defb 0cfh ;2144 pop rr
+ defb 0c1h ;2145
+ defb 081h ;2146
+ defw l2546h ;2147
+ defb 0cfh ;2149 push rr
+ defb 0c5h ;214a
+ defb 084h ;214b
+ defw l2546h ;214c
+ defb 0ffh ;214e ex (sp),hl
+ defb 0e3h ;214f
+ defb 034h ;2150
+ defw l232ah ;2151
+ defb 0ffh ;2153 jp (hl)
+ defb 0e9h ;2154
+ defb 052h ;2155
+ defw l2338h ;2156
+ defb 0ffh ;2158 ex de,hl
+ defb 0ebh ;2159
+ defb 034h ;215a
+ defw l2345h ;215b
+ defb 0ffh ;215d ld sp,hl
+ defb 0f9h ;215e
+ defb 056h ;215f
+ defw l234bh ;2160
+ defb 0cfh ;2162 inc rr
+ defb 003h ;2163
+ defb 041h ;2164
+ defw l254bh ;2165
+ defb 0cfh ;2167 dec rr
+ defb 00bh ;2168
+ defb 029h ;2169
+ defw l254bh ;216a
+ defb 0c7h ;216c inc r
+ defb 004h ;216d
+ defb 041h ;216e
+ defw l24dfh ;216f
+ defb 0c7h ;2171 dec r
+ defb 005h ;2172
+ defb 029h ;2173
+ defw l24dfh ;2174
+ defb 0ffh ;2176 ex af,af'
+ defb 008h ;2177
+ defb 034h ;2178
+ defw l2357h ;2179
+ defb 0cfh ;217b add hl,rr
+ defb 009h ;217c
+ defb 003h ;217d
+ defw l235dh ;217e
+ defb 0efh ;2180 ld (rr),a ;rr=bc,de
+ defb 002h ;2181
+ defb 056h ;2182
+ defw l2366h ;2183
+ defb 0efh ;2185 ld a,(rr) ;rr=bc,de
+ defb 00ah ;2186
+ defb 056h ;2187
+ defw l236fh ;2188
+ defb 000h ;218a EOT
+b_0x218B_start: ; 2 byte opdodes
+ defb 0c7h ;218b ld r,nn
+ defb 006h ;218c
+ defb 056h ;218d
+ defw l2384h ;218e
+ defb 0ffh ;2190 add a,nn
+ defb 0c6h ;2191
+ defb 003h ;2192
+ defw l237fh ;2193
+ defb 0ffh ;2195 adc a,nn
+ defb 0ceh ;2196
+ defb 000h ;2197
+ defw l237fh ;2198
+ defb 0ffh ;219a sub a,nn
+ defb 0d6h ;219b
+ defb 0c9h ;219c
+ defw l2397h ;219d
+ defb 0ffh ;219f
+ defb 0deh ;21a0
+ defb 0b7h ;21a1
+ defw l237fh ;21a2
+ defb 0ffh ;21a4 and a,nn
+ defb 0e6h ;21a5
+ defb 006h ;21a6
+ defw l2397h ;21a7
+ defb 0ffh ;21a9
+ defb 0eeh ;21aa
+ defb 0cch ;21ab
+ defw l2397h ;21ac
+ defb 0ffh ;21ae
+ defb 0f6h ;21af
+ defb 06ch ;21b0
+ defw l2397h ;21b1
+ defb 0ffh ;21b3 cp a,nn
+ defb 0feh ;21b4
+ defb 013h ;21b5
+ defw l2397h ;21b6
+ defb 0ffh ;21b8 djnz
+ defb 010h ;21b9
+ defb 02eh ;21ba
+ defw l23b0h ;21bb
+ defb 0ffh ;21bd jr
+ defb 018h ;21be
+ defb 054h ;21bf
+ defw l23b0h ;21c0
+ defb 0e7h ;21c2 jr,cc
+ defb 020h ;21c3
+ defb 054h ;21c4
+ defw l23a1h ;21c5
+ defb 0ffh ;21c7
+ defb 0d3h ;21c8 out (nn),a
+ defb 076h ;21c9
+ defw l23d5h ;21ca
+ defb 0ffh ;21cc in a,(nn)
+ defb 0dbh ;21cd
+ defb 03fh ;21ce
+ defw l23c3h ;21cf
+ defb 000h ;21d1 EOT
+b_0x21D2_start: ; 3 byte opcodes
+ defb 0c7h ;21d2
+ defb 0c2h ;21d3
+ defb 052h ;21d4
+ defw l23e0h ;21d5
+ defb 0c7h ;21d7
+ defb 0c4h ;21d8
+ defb 00ch ;21d9
+ defw l23e0h ;21da
+ defb 0cfh ;21dc
+ defb 001h ;21dd
+ defb 056h ;21de
+ defw l23fch ;21df
+ defb 0ffh ;21e1
+ defb 0c3h ;21e2
+ defb 052h ;21e3
+ defw l23e6h ;21e4
+ defb 0ffh ;21e6
+ defb 0cdh ;21e7
+ defb 00ch ;21e8
+ defw l23e6h ;21e9
+ defb 0ffh ;21eb
+ defb 022h ;21ec
+ defb 056h ;21ed
+ defw l2404h ;21ee
+ defb 0ffh ;21f0
+ defb 02ah ;21f1
+ defb 056h ;21f2
+ defw l240dh ;21f3
+ defb 0ffh ;21f5
+ defb 032h ;21f6
+ defb 056h ;21f7
+ defw l2416h ;21f8
+ defb 0ffh ;21fa
+ defb 03ah ;21fb
+ defb 056h ;21fc
+ defw l2421h ;21fd
+ defb 000h ;21ff
+b_0x2200_start: ; prefix ED + 1 byte opcode
+ defb 044h ;2200 neg
+ defb 066h ;2201
+ defb 045h ;2202 retn
+ defb 092h ;2203
+ defb 04dh ;2204 reti
+ defb 08eh ;2205
+ defb 067h ;2206 rrd
+ defb 0b1h ;2207
+ defb 06fh ;2208 rld
+ defb 0a2h ;2209
+ defb 0a0h ;220a ldi
+ defb 05fh ;220b
+ defb 0a1h ;220c
+ defb 01ch ;220d
+ defb 0a2h ;220e
+ defb 04bh ;220f
+ defb 0a3h ;2210
+ defb 07dh ;2211
+ defb 0a8h ;2212 ldd
+ defb 058h ;2213
+ defb 0a9h ;2214
+ defb 015h ;2215
+ defb 0aah ;2216
+ defb 044h ;2217
+ defb 0abh ;2218
+ defb 079h ;2219
+ defb 0b0h ;221a ldir
+ defb 062h ;221b
+ defb 0b1h ;221c
+ defb 01fh ;221d
+ defb 0b2h ;221e
+ defb 04eh ;221f
+ defb 0b3h ;2220
+ defb 072h ;2221
+ defb 0b8h ;2222 lddr
+ defb 05bh ;2223
+ defb 0b9h ;2224
+ defb 018h ;2225
+ defb 0bah ;2226
+ defb 047h ;2227
+ defb 0bbh ;2228
+ defb 06eh ;2229
+ defb 08bh ;222a otdm
+ defb 0d5h ;222b
+ defb 09bh ;222c otdmr
+ defb 0d9h ;222d
+ defb 083h ;222e otim
+ defb 0deh ;222f
+ defb 093h ;2230 otimr
+ defb 0e2h ;2231
+ defb 076h ;2232 slp
+ defb 0ebh ;2233
+ defb 0ffh ;2234 EOT
+ defb 0e7h ;2235 in r,(c) ;r=bcde
+ defb 040h ;2236
+ defb 03fh ;2237
+ defw l2455h ;2238
+ defb 0f7h ;223a in r,(c) ;r=hl
+ defb 060h ;223b
+ defb 03fh ;223c
+ defw l2455h ;223d
+ defb 0ffh ;223f in r,(c) ;r=a
+ defb 078h ;2240
+ defb 03fh ;2241
+ defw l2455h ;2242
+ defb 0e7h ;2244
+ defb 041h ;2245
+ defb 076h ;2246
+ defw l2461h ;2247
+ defb 0f7h ;2249
+ defb 061h ;224a
+ defb 076h ;224b
+ defw l2461h ;224c
+ defb 0ffh ;224e out (c),r ;r=a
+ defb 079h ;224f
+ defb 076h ;2250
+ defw l2461h ;2251
+ defb 0cfh ;2253 sbc hl,rr
+ defb 042h ;2254
+ defb 0b7h ;2255
+ defw l246dh ;2256
+ defb 0cfh ;2258 adc hl,rr
+ defb 04ah ;2259
+ defb 000h ;225a
+ defw l246dh ;225b
+ defb 0ffh ;225d im 0
+ defb 046h ;225e
+ defb 03dh ;225f
+ defw l2427h ;2260
+ defb 0ffh ;2262 im 1
+ defb 056h ;2263
+ defb 03dh ;2264
+ defw l242bh ;2265
+ defb 0ffh ;2267 im 2
+ defb 05eh ;2268
+ defb 03dh ;2269
+ defw l242fh ;226a
+ defb 0ffh ;226c ld i,a
+ defb 047h ;226d
+ defb 056h ;226e
+ defw l2434h ;226f
+ defb 0ffh ;2271
+ defb 057h ;2272
+ defb 056h ;2273
+ defw l2439h ;2274
+ defb 0ffh ;2276
+ defb 04fh ;2277
+ defb 056h ;2278
+ defw l243eh ;2279
+ defb 0ffh ;227b
+ defb 05fh ;227c
+ defb 056h ;227d
+ defw l2443h ;227e
+ defb 0cfh ;2280 mlt rr
+ defb 04ch ;2281
+ defb 0d2h ;2282
+ defw l254bh ;2283
+ defb 0c7h ;2285 tst r
+ defb 004h ;2286
+ defb 0eeh ;2287
+ defw l24dfh ;2288
+ defb 000h ;228a
+ defb 0e7h ;228b
+ defb 000h ;228c
+ defb 0cfh ;228d
+ defw l230ch ;228e
+ defb 0f7h ;2290
+ defb 020h ;2291
+ defb 0cfh ;2292
+ defw l230ch ;2293
+ defb 0ffh ;2295
+ defb 038h ;2296
+ defb 0cfh ;2297
+ defw l230ch ;2298
+ defb 0e7h ;229a
+ defb 001h ;229b
+ defb 0e7h ;229c
+ defw l2315h ;229d
+ defb 0f7h ;229f
+ defb 021h ;22a0
+ defb 0e7h ;22a1
+ defw l2315h ;22a2
+ defb 0ffh ;22a4
+ defb 039h ;22a5
+ defb 0e7h ;22a6
+ defw l2315h ;22a7
+ defb 0ffh ;22a9
+ defb 064h ;22aa
+ defb 0eeh ;22ab
+ defw l2397h ;22ac
+ defb 0ffh ;22ae
+ defb 074h ;22af
+ defb 0f1h ;22b0
+ defw l2397h ;22b1
+ defb 000h ;22b3
+ defb 0efh ;22b4
+ defb 043h ;22b5
+ defb 056h ;22b6
+ defw l2476h ;22b7
+ defb 0ffh ;22b9
+ defb 073h ;22ba
+ defb 056h ;22bb
+ defw l2476h ;22bc
+ defb 0efh ;22be
+ defb 04bh ;22bf
+ defb 056h ;22c0
+ defw l247fh ;22c1
+ defb 0ffh ;22c3
+ defb 07bh ;22c4
+ defb 056h ;22c5
+ defw l247fh ;22c6
+ defb 000h ;22c8
+ defb 0f8h ;22c9
+ defb 000h ;22ca
+ defb 09bh ;22cb
+ defw l24aeh ;22cc
+ defb 0f8h ;22ce
+ defb 008h ;22cf
+ defb 0aah ;22d0
+ defw l24aeh ;22d1
+ defb 0f8h ;22d3
+ defb 010h ;22d4
+ defb 096h ;22d5
+ defw l24aeh ;22d6
+ defb 0f8h ;22d8
+ defb 018h ;22d9
+ defb 0a5h ;22da
+ defw l24aeh ;22db
+ defb 0f8h ;22dd
+ defb 020h ;22de
+ defb 0c0h ;22df
+ defw l24aeh ;22e0
+ defb 0f8h ;22e2
+ defb 028h ;22e3
+ defb 0c3h ;22e4
+ defw l24aeh ;22e5
+ defb 0f8h ;22e7
+ defb 038h ;22e8
+ defb 0c6h ;22e9
+ defw l24aeh ;22ea
+ defb 0c0h ;22ec
+ defb 040h ;22ed
+ defb 009h ;22ee
+ defw l2487h ;22ef
+ defb 0c0h ;22f1
+ defb 080h ;22f2
+ defb 088h ;22f3
+ defw l2487h ;22f4
+ defb 0c0h ;22f6
+ defb 0c0h ;22f7
+ defb 0bdh ;22f8
+ defw l2487h ;22f9
+ defb 000h ;22fb
+ call l24dfh ;22fc
+ call sub_257ch ;22ff
+ jp l24ebh ;2302
+ call sub_2579h ;2305
+ jp l24ebh ;2308
+ ret ;230b
+ call l24dfh ;230c
+ call sub_257ch ;230f
+ jp l23c6h ;2312
+ call l23c6h ;2315
+ call sub_257ch ;2318
+ jp l24dfh ;231b
+ comst ;231e
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;2322
+ comend
+ and 038h ;2325
+ jp out.hex ;2327
+ ld hl,b_0x2333_start ;232a
+ call PSTR ;232d
+ jp l253eh ;2330
+ DC '(SP),'
+ ld a,'(' ;2338
+ call OUTCHAR ;233a
+ call l253eh ;233d
+ ld a,')' ;2340
+ jp OUTCHAR ;2342
+ ld hl,l1d86h ;2345
+ jp PSTR ;2348
+ ld hl,b_0x2354_start ;234b
+ call PSTR ;234e
+ jp l253eh ;2351
+ DC 'SP,'
+ ld hl,b_0x1D80_start ;2357
+ jp PSTR ;235a
+ call l253eh ;235d
+ call sub_257ch ;2360
+ jp l254bh ;2363
+ call sub_2372h ;2366
+ call sub_257ch ;2369
+ jp l23dbh ;236c
+ call sub_2579h ;236f
+ ld a,'(' ;2372
+ call OUTCHAR ;2374
+ call l254bh ;2377
+ ld a,')' ;237a
+ jp OUTCHAR ;237c
+ call sub_2579h ;237f
+ jr l2397h ;2382
+ call l24dfh ;2384
+ call sub_257ch ;2387
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;238a
+ and a ;238d
+ comst ;238e
+ ld a,(iy+002h) ;2392
+ comend
+ jr nz,l239eh ;2395
+ comst ;2397
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;239b
+ comend
+ jp out.hex ;239e
+ comst ;23a1
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;23a5
+ comend
+ and 018h ;23a8
+ call sub_2568h ;23aa
+ call sub_257ch ;23ad
+ comst ;23b0
+ ld c,(iy+001h) ;23b4
+ comend
+ ld a,c ;23b7
+ rla ;23b8
+ sbc a,a ;23b9
+ ld b,a ;23ba
+ push iy ;23bb
+ pop hl ;23bd
+ add hl,bc ;23be
+ inc hl ;23bf
+ inc hl ;23c0
+ jr l23f0h ;23c1
+ call sub_2579h ;23c3
+ ld a,028h ;23c6
+ call OUTCHAR ;23c8
+ comst ;23cb
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;23cf
+ comend
+ jp l252bh ;23d2
+ call l23c6h ;23d5
+ call sub_257ch ;23d8
+ ld a,041h ;23db
+ jp OUTCHAR ;23dd
+ call l2561h ;23e0
+ call sub_257ch ;23e3
+ comst ;23e6
+ ld l,(iy+001h) ;23ea
+ ld h,(iy+002h) ;23ed
+ comend
+ ld a,002h ;23f0
+ ld (XBE03),a ;23f2
+ ld (XBE01),hl ;23f5
+ call out.hl ;23f8
+ ret ;23fb
+ call l254bh ;23fc
+ call sub_257ch ;23ff
+ jr l23e6h ;2402
+ call sub_24c6h ;2404
+ call sub_257ch ;2407
+ jp l253eh ;240a
+ call l253eh ;240d
+ call sub_257ch ;2410
+ jp sub_24c6h ;2413
+ call sub_24c6h ;2416
+ call sub_257ch ;2419
+ ld a,041h ;241c
+ jp OUTCHAR ;241e
+ call sub_2579h ;2421
+ jp sub_24c6h ;2424
+ ld a,030h ;2427
+ jr l2431h ;2429
+ ld a,031h ;242b
+ jr l2431h ;242d
+ ld a,032h ;242f
+ jp OUTCHAR ;2431
+ ld hl,b_0x2449_start ;2434
+ jr l2446h ;2437
+ ld hl,l244ch ;2439
+ jr l2446h ;243c
+ ld hl,l244fh ;243e
+ jr l2446h ;2441
+ ld hl,l2452h ;2443
+ jp PSTR ;2446
+ DC 'I,A'
+ DC 'A,I'
+ DC 'R,A'
+ DC 'A,R'
+ call l24dfh ;2455
+ call sub_257ch ;2458
+ ld hl,t__C_ ;245b
+ jp PSTR ;245e
+ ld hl,t__C_ ;2461
+ call PSTR ;2464
+ call sub_257ch ;2467
+ jp l24dfh ;246a
+ call l253eh ;246d
+ call sub_257ch ;2470
+ jp l254bh ;2473
+ call sub_24c6h ;2476
+ call sub_257ch ;2479
+ jp l254bh ;247c
+ call l254bh ;247f
+ call sub_257ch ;2482
+ jr sub_24c6h ;2485
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;2487
+ and a ;248a
+ jr nz,l2496h ;248b
+ comst ;248d
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;2491
+ comend
+ jr l249dh ;2494
+ comst ;2496
+ ld a,(iy+002h) ;249a
+ comend
+ push af ;249d
+ rra ;249e
+ rra ;249f
+ rra ;24a0
+ and 007h ;24a1
+ add a,'0' ;24a3
+ call OUTCHAR ;24a5
+ call sub_257ch ;24a8
+ pop af ;24ab
+ jr l24f2h ;24ac
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;24ae
+ and a ;24b1
+ jr nz,l24bdh ;24b2
+ comst ;24b4
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;24b8
+ comend
+ jr l24c4h ;24bb
+ comst ;24bd
+ ld a,(iy+002h) ;24c1
+ comend
+ jr l24f2h ;24c4
+ ld a,'(' ;24c6
+ call OUTCHAR ;24c8
+ comst ;24cb
+ ld l,(iy+001h) ;24cf
+ ld h,(iy+002h) ;24d2
+ comend
+ ld a,001h ;24d5
+ call sub_23f2h ;24d7
+ ld a,')' ;24da
+ jp OUTCHAR ;24dc
+ comst ;24df
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;24e3
+ comend
+ rra ;24e6
+ rra ;24e7
+ rra ;24e8
+ jr l24f2h ;24e9
+ comst ;24eb
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;24ef
+ comend
+ and 007h ;24f2
+ cp 006h ;24f4
+ jr nz,l2533h ;24f6
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;24f8
+ and a ;24fb
+ ld a,006h ;24fc
+ jr z,l2533h ;24fe
+ ld hl,b_0x2538_start ;2500
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;2503
+ dec a ;2506
+ jr z,l250ch ;2507
+ ld hl,b_0x253B_start ;2509
+ call PSTR ;250c
+ comst ;250f
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;2513
+ comend
+ and a ;2516
+ push af ;2517
+ jp m,l2523h ;2518
+ ld a,'+' ;251b
+ call OUTCHAR ;251d
+ pop af ;2520
+ jr l252bh ;2521
+ ld a,'-' ;2523
+ call OUTCHAR ;2525
+ pop af ;2528
+ neg ;2529
+ call out.hex ;252b
+ ld a,')' ;252e
+ jp OUTCHAR ;2530
+ ld hl,t_BCDEHL_HL_A ;2533
+ jr l2572h ;2536
+ DC '(IX'
+ DC '(IY'
+ ld a,(is.pfx.IXY) ;253e
+ ld hl,t_HL.IX.IY ;2541
+ jr l2572h ;2544
+ ld hl,t_BC.DE.HL.AF ;2546
+ jr l254eh ;2549
+ ld hl,t_BC.DE.HL.SP ;254b
+ comst ;254e
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;2552
+ comend
+ rra ;2555
+ rra ;2556
+ rra ;2557
+ rra ;2558
+ and 003h ;2559
+ cp 002h ;255b
+ jr z,l253eh ;255d
+ jr l2572h ;255f
+ comst ;2561
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;2565
+ comend
+ rra ;2568
+ rra ;2569
+ rra ;256a
+ and 007h ;256b
+ ld hl,t_tstfl_ZCPS ;256d
+ jr l2572h ;2570
+ ld b,a ;2572
+ call sub_0a48h ;2573
+ jp PSTR ;2576
+ call l23dbh ;2579
+ ld a,',' ;257c
+ jp OUTCHAR ;257e
+ call PSTR ;2581
+ call OUTBL ;2584
+ inc c ;2587
+ ld a,c ;2588
+ cp 006h ;2589
+ jr nz,l2584h ;258b
+ ret ;258d
+ DC 'ADC'
+ DC 'ADD'
+ DC 'AND'
+ DC 'BIT'
+ DC 'CCF'
+ DC 'CP'
+ DC 'CPD'
+ DC 'CPI'
+ DC 'CPL'
+ DC 'DAA'
+ DC 'DEC'
+ DC 'DI'
+ DC 'EI'
+ DC 'EX'
+ DC 'EXX'
+ DC 'IM'
+ DC 'IN'
+ DC 'INC'
+ DC 'IND'
+ DC 'INI'
+ DC 'JP'
+ DC 'JR'
+ DC 'LD'
+ DC 'LDD'
+ DC 'LDI'
+ DC 'NEG'
+ DC 'NOP'
+ DC 'OR'
+ DC 'OUT'
+ DC 'POP'
+ DC 'RES'
+ DC 'RET'
+ DC 'RL'
+ DC 'RLA'
+ DC 'RLC'
+ DC 'RLD'
+ DC 'RR'
+ DC 'RRA'
+ DC 'RRC'
+ DC 'RRD'
+ DC 'RST'
+ DC 'SBC'
+ DC 'SCF'
+ DC 'SET'
+ DC 'SLA'
+ DC 'SRA'
+ DC 'SRL'
+ DC 'SUB'
+ DC 'XOR'
+ DC 'IN0'
+ DC 'MLT'
+ DC 'OUT0'
+ DC 'SLP'
+ DC 'TST'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'B'
+ DC 'C'
+ DC 'D'
+ DC 'E'
+ DC 'H'
+ DC 'L'
+ DC '(HL)'
+ DC 'A'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'BC'
+ DC 'DE'
+ DC 'HL'
+ DC 'SP'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'BC'
+ DC 'DE'
+ DC 'HL'
+ DC 'AF'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'BC'
+ DC 'DE'
+ DC 'IY'
+ DC 'SP'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'BC'
+ DC 'DE'
+ DC 'IX'
+ DC 'SP'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'HL'
+ DC 'IX'
+ DC 'IY'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'NZ'
+ DC 'Z'
+ DC 'NC'
+ DC 'C'
+ DC 'NE'
+ DC 'EQ'
+ DC 'GE'
+ DC 'LT'
+ DB 0
+ DC 'NZ'
+ DC 'Z'
+ DC 'NC'
+ DC 'C'
+ DC 'PO'
+ DC 'PE'
+ DC 'P'
+ DC 'M'
+ DC 'NE'
+ DC 'EQ'
+ DC 'GE'
+ DC 'LT'
+ DC 'NV'
+ DC 'V'
+ DB 0
+ DC '(C)'
+ DB 0
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;26e7
+ ld a,h ;26ea
+ or l ;26eb
+ jr z,l2715h ;26ec
+ ld iy,(REG.PC) ;26ee
+ call sub_1f9eh ;26f2
+ jp nc,ERROR ;26f5
+ ld c,b ;26f8
+ ld b,000h ;26f9
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;26fb
+ add hl,bc ;26fe
+ call sub_1117h ;26ff
+ ld iy,(REG.PC) ;2702
+ ld hl,b_0x2717_start ;2706
+ call lookup_opc ;2709
+ ccf ;270c
+ ret c ;270d
+ ex de,hl ;270e
+ call CALL.HL ;270f
+ call c,sub_1117h ;2712
+ scf ;2715
+ ret ;2716
+ db 0ffh ;2717
+ db 0ddh ;2718
+ db 000h ;2719
+ dw x278d
+ db 0ffh ;271c
+ db 0fdh ;271d
+ db 000h ;271e
+ dw x2792
+ db 0ffh ;2721
+ db 0edh ;2722
+ db 000h ;2723
+ dw x27a2
+ db 0ffh ;2726
+ db 0cdh ;2727
+ db 000h ;2728
+ dw x275e
+ db 0ffh ;272b
+ db 0c3h ;272c
+ db 000h ;272d
+ dw x2769
+ db 0ffh ;2730
+ db 0e9h ;2731
+ db 000h ;2732
+ dw x2788
+ db 0ffh ;2735
+ db 0c9h ;2736
+ db 000h ;2737
+ dw x27c9
+ db 0ffh ;273a
+ db 0cfh ;273b
+ db 000h ;273c
+ dw x280e
+ db 0c7h ;273f
+ db 0c7h ;2740
+ db 000h ;2741
+ dw x27ea
+ db 0c7h ;2744
+ db 0c4h ;2745
+ db 000h ;2746
+ dw x275e
+ db 0f7h ;2749
+ db 010h ;274a
+ db 000h ;274b
+ dw x2775
+ db 0e7h ;274e
+ db 020h ;274f
+ db 000h ;2750
+ dw x2775
+ db 0c7h ;2753
+ db 0c2h ;2754
+ db 000h ;2755
+ dw x2769
+ db 0c7h ;2758
+ db 0c0h ;2759
+ db 000h ;275a
+ dw x27b3
+ db 000h ;275d
+ ld a,(XBFE8) ;275e
+ and a ;2761
+ jr nz,x2769 ;2762
+ ld a,(TCFLG) ;2764
+ and a ;2767
+ ret nz ;2768
+ comst ;2769
+ ld l,(iy+001h) ;276d
+ ld h,(iy+002h) ;2770
+ comend
+ scf ;2773
+ ret ;2774
+ comst ;2775
+ ld c,(iy+001h) ;2779
+ comend
+ ld a,c ;277c
+ rla ;277d
+ sbc a,a ;277e
+ ld b,a ;277f
+ ld hl,(REG.PC) ;2780
+ add hl,bc ;2783
+ inc hl ;2784
+ inc hl ;2785
+ scf ;2786
+ ret ;2787
+ ld hl,(REG.L) ;2788
+ scf ;278b
+ ret ;278c
+ ld hl,(reg.ix) ;278d
+ jr l2795h ;2790
+ ld hl,(reg.iy) ;2792
+ comst ;2795
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;2799
+ comend
+ cp 0e9h ;279c
+ scf ;279e
+ ret z ;279f
+ and a ;27a0
+ ret ;27a1
+ comst ;27a2
+ ld a,(iy+001h) ;27a6
+ comend
+ cp 04dh ;27a9
+ jr z,x27c9 ;27ab
+ cp 045h ;27ad
+ jr z,x27c9 ;27af
+ and a ;27b1
+ ret ;27b2
+ comst ;27b3
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;27b7
+ comend
+ ld (XBEDD),a ;27ba
+ ld hl,(REG.F) ;27bd
+ push hl ;27c0
+ pop af ;27c1
+ call XBEDD ;27c2
+ scf ;27c5
+ jr c,x27c9 ;27c6
+ ret ;27c8
+ ld a,(XBFE8) ;27c9
+ and a ;27cc
+ jr nz,l27dah ;27cd
+ ld a,(TCFLG) ;27cf
+ and a ;27d2
+ jr z,l27dah ;27d3
+ call l27dah ;27d5
+ pop hl ;27d8
+ ret ;27d9
+ ld hl,(REG.SP) ;27da
+ comst ;27dd
+ ld e,(hl) ;27e1
+ inc hl ;27e2
+ ld d,(hl) ;27e3
+ comend
+ ex de,hl ;27e4
+ call sub_1117h ;27e5
+ and a ;27e8
+ ret ;27e9
+ ld a,(ddtrst) ;27ea
+ comst ;27ed
+ cp (iy+000h) ;27f1
+ comend
+ ret z ;27f4
+ comst ;27f5
+ ld a,(iy+000h) ;27f9
+ comend
+ and 038h ;27fc
+ ld l,a ;27fe
+ ld h,000h ;27ff
+ ld a,(XBFE8) ;2801
+ and a ;2804
+ jr nz,l280ch ;2805
+ ld a,(TCFLG) ;2807
+ and a ;280a
+ ret nz ;280b
+ scf ;280c
+ ret ;280d
+ and a ;280e
+ ret ;280f
+ ld hl,CMD.C ;2810
+ ld a,001h ;2813
+ jr l281bh ;2815
+ xor a ;2817
+ ld hl,CMD.T ;2818
+ ld (CMD_RPT),hl ;281b
+ ld (TCFLG),a ;281e
+ ld a,(de) ;2821
+ sub 'N' ;2822
+ jr nz,l2827h ;2824
+ inc de ;2826
+ ld (TCNFLG),a ;2827
+ ld a,(de) ;282a
+ sub 'J' ;282b
+ jr nz,l2830h ;282d
+ inc de ;282f
+ ld (TRJFLG),a ;2830
+ call sub_289fh ;2833
+ jr z,l283eh ;2836
+ ld hl,1 ;2838
+ call get_lastarg_def ;283b
+ ld (TCCSTR),hl ;283e
+ sub a ;2841
+ ld (XA747),a ;2842
+ call sub_26e7h ;2845
+ jr l289ch ;2848
+ call sub_0e68h ;284a
+ ld a,(TRJFLG) ;284d
+ and a ;2850
+ jr nz,l2864h ;2851
+ ld iy,(REG.PC) ;2853
+ call sub_28c1h ;2857
+ jr z,l2864h ;285a
+ ld hl,l2726h ;285c
+ call lookup_opc ;285f
+ jr nc,l2845h ;2862
+ ld a,(XBFEA) ;2864
+ and a ;2867
+ jr z,l2881h ;2868
+ ld de,(TCCSTR) ;286a
+ call EXPR ;286e
+ ld a,h ;2871
+ or l ;2872
+ add a,0ffh ;2873
+ sbc a,a ;2875
+ ld hl,XBFEA ;2876
+ xor (hl) ;2879
+ bit 1,a ;287a
+ jr z,l288ch ;287c
+ jp l102eh ;287e
+ ld hl,(TCCSTR) ;2881
+ dec hl ;2884
+ ld (TCCSTR),hl ;2885
+ ld a,h ;2888
+ or l ;2889
+ jr z,l287eh ;288a
+ call sub_26e7h ;288c
+ jr nc,l287eh ;288f
+ ld a,(TCNFLG) ;2891
+ ld b,a ;2894
+ ld a,(XA747) ;2895
+ or b ;2898
+ ld (XA747),a ;2899
+ jp l1183h ;289c
+ call SKIPBL ;289f
+ xor a ;28a2
+ ld (XBFEA),a ;28a3
+ ld a,(de) ;28a6
+ cp 'U' ;28a7
+ jr z,l28aeh ;28a9
+ cp 'W' ;28ab
+ ret nz ;28ad
+ inc de ;28ae
+ push af ;28af
+ push de ;28b0
+ call EXPR ;28b1
+ jp c,ERROR ;28b4
+ call assert_eol ;28b7
+ pop hl ;28ba
+ pop af ;28bb
+ ld (XBFEA),a ;28bc
+ sub a ;28bf
+ ret ;28c0
+ comst
+ ld a,(iy+000h)
+ ld b,(iy+0001)
+ comend
+ cp 0edh
+ jr z,l28dbh
+ and 0dfh
+ cp 0ddh
+ ret nz
+ ld a,b
+ cp 0e9h
+ ret
+ ld a,b
+ and 0f7h
+ cp 045h
+ ret
+ ex (sp),hl ;28e7
+ push af ;28e8
+ push bc ;28e9
+ push de ;28ea
+ ld c,(hl) ;28eb
+ ld b,000h ;28ec
+ inc hl ;28ee
+ ld a,?lcmax
+ sub c
+ ld de,?exeit ;28ef
+ ldir
+ ex de,hl
+ ld (hl),018h
+ inc hl
+ ld (hl),a
+ ex de,hl
+ pop de ;28f7
+ pop bc ;28f8
+ pop af ;28f9
+ ex (sp),hl ;28fa
+ push hl ;28fb
+ ld hl,(ubbr) ;2900
+ push af ;28fc
+ ld a,(uromen) ;28fd
+ endif
+ jp ?comcod ;2903
+; ddtram
+ dseg
+; The following 2 params are changeable by user.
+; Should these moved to top ram?
+ddtrst: inidat ;
+ rst DRSTNUM ;rst used by ddtz
+ inidate ;
+ddtei: inidat ;
+ ei ;ints enabled/disabled while ddtz is running
+ ret ;
+ inidate ;
+ inidat
+ dw TPA
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 80
+ rept 83
+ db 0
+ endm
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ rept BP_CNT
+ db 0,0
+ dw 0,0,0
+ endm
+BP_SIZE equ 8
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw sexpbuf
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw sexpbuf
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ rept 128
+ db 0
+ endm
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dc 'Y0'
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ rept 10
+ dw 0
+ endm
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 000h
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 000h
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 000h
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ ret ;ret cc
+ and a
+ pop hl
+ inc hl
+ jp (hl)
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ dw 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 0
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ db 1
+ inidate
+ cseg
+ .phase sysram_start+stacksize
+$stcka equ $ - stacksize
+curphse defl $
+ .dephase
+ .phase curphse
+reg.l2: db 0 ; 0fe50h
+reg.h2: db 0 ; 0fe51h
+reg.e2: db 0 ; 0fe52h
+reg.d2: db 0 ; 0fe53h
+reg.c2: db 0 ; 0fe54h
+reg.b2: db 0 ; 0fe55h
+reg.f2: db 0 ; 0fe56h
+reg.a2: db 0 ; 0fe57h
+ db 0
+reg.i: db high ivtab
+reg.iy: dw 0 ; 0fe5ah
+reg.ix: dw 0 ; 0fe5ch
+reg.e: db 0 ; 0fe5eh
+reg.d: db 0 ; 0fe5fh
+reg.c: db 0 ; 0fe60h
+reg.b: db 0 ; 0fe61h
+udcntl: db CWAITIO ; 0fe62h (mem-, io- wait)
+uromen: db ROM_DIS ; 0fe63h
+ endif
+ubbr: db 0 ; 0fe64h
+ucbar: db USR$CBAR ; 0fe65h
+reg.f: db 0 ; 0fe66h
+reg.a: db 0 ; 0fe67h
+reg.l: db 0 ; 0fe68h
+reg.h: db 0 ; 0fe69h
+reg.sp: dw TOPRAM ; 0fe6ah
+ out (000h),a ;064c fe6c
+ out0 (dcntl),l ;064e
+ pop hl ;0651
+ endif
+ out0 (cbar),h ;0652
+ out0 (bbr),l ;0655
+ pop af ;0658
+ pop hl ;0659
+ ld sp,(reg.sp) ;065a
+ ei ;065e
+ db 0C3h ;jp TPA ;065f feff ($+1): reg.pc
+ dw TPA
+ ld (reg.l),hl ;0662 fe82: bpent:
+ pop hl ;0665
+ dec hl ;0666
+ ld (reg.pc),hl ;0667
+ ld (reg.sp),sp ;066a
+ ld sp,reg.l ;066e
+ push af ;0671
+ in0 h,(cbar) ;0672
+ in0 l,(bbr) ;0675
+ push hl ;0678
+ ld a,SYS$CBAR ;0679
+ out0 (cbar),a ;067b
+ in0 l,(dcntl) ;067e
+ out0 (dcntl),a ;0683
+ ld a,($crom) ;0686
+ cp c$rom ;0689
+ ld a,ROM_EN ;068b
+ out (000h),a ;068d
+ endif
+ jp bpddtz ;068f
+ out (000h),a ;0692 feb2
+ pop af ;069a
+ endif
+ out0 (cbar),h ;0694
+ out0 (bbr),l ;0697
+ pop hl ;069b
+ ds ?lcmax+2
+ push af ;069f
+ ld a,SYS$CBAR ;06a0
+ out0 (cbar),a ;06a2
+ ld a,ROM_EN ;06a5
+ out (000h),a ;06a7
+ endif
+ pop af ;06a9
+ ret ;06aa
+curph defl $
+ .dephase
+ end
diff --git a/z180/fifoio.180 b/z180/fifoio.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd99c53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/fifoio.180
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+; FIFO channels for communication with stm32
+ global f.init,,f.out,
+ extrn buf.init
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf rx.buf,rx.buf_len
+ mkbuf tx.buf,tx.buf_len
+ cseg
+; Init Serial I/O for console input and output
+ ld ix,rx.buf
+ ld a,rx.buf.mask
+ call buf.init
+ ld ix,tx.buf
+ ld a,tx.buf.mask
+ jp buf.init
+ push ix
+ ld ix,rx.buf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,rx.buf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ cp (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ jr z,bg.wait
+ push hl ;
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,
+ inc h
+ ld l,(hl)
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),a
+ ld a,l
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,tx.buf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,tx.buf ;
+ push hl ;
+ push bc
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld (hl),b
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ ld a,b
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ end
diff --git a/z180/ b/z180/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e60e44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ ; equates for mode byte bit fields
+mb$input equ 00000001b ; device may do input
+mb$output equ 00000010b ; device may do output
+mb$in$out equ mb$input+mb$output
+mb$soft$baud equ 00000100b ; software selectable
+ ; baud rates
+mb$serial equ 00001000b ; device may use protocol
+mb$xon$xoff equ 00010000b ; XON/XOFF protocol
+ ; enabled
+baud$none equ 0 ; no baud rate associated
+ ; with this device
+baud$50 equ 1 ; 50 baud
+baud$75 equ 2 ; 75 baud
+baud$110 equ 3 ; 110 baud
+baud$134 equ 4 ; 134.5 baud
+baud$150 equ 5 ; 150 baud
+baud$300 equ 6 ; 300 baud
+baud$600 equ 7 ; 600 baud
+baud$1200 equ 8 ; 1200 baud
+baud$1800 equ 9 ; 1800 baud
+baud$2400 equ 10 ; 2400 baud
+baud$3600 equ 11 ; 3600 baud
+baud$4800 equ 12 ; 4800 baud
+baud$7200 equ 13 ; 7200 baud
+baud$9600 equ 14 ; 9600 baud
+baud$19200 equ 15 ; 19.2k baud
diff --git a/z180/msgbuf-a.180 b/z180/msgbuf-a.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36e0871
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/msgbuf-a.180
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+ global mrx.fifo,mtx.fifo
+ global msginit,,,,msg.out
+ global msg.sout
+ extrn buf.init
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf mrx.fifo,mrx.fifo_len
+ mkbuf mtx.fifo,mtx.fifo_len
+ cseg
+; Init buffer
+ ld ix,mrx.fifo
+ ld a,mrx.fifo.mask
+ call buf.init
+ ld ix,mtx.fifo
+ ld a,mtx.fifo.mask
+ jp buf.init
+ push ix
+ ld ix,mrx.fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,mrx.fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ cp (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ jr z,bg.wait
+ push hl ;
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,
+ inc h
+ ld l,(hl)
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),a
+ ld a,l
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,mtx.fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,mtx.fifo ;
+ push hl ;
+ push bc
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld (hl),b
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ ld a,b
+ out0 (AVRINT5),a
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+; (hl): data
+ push ix
+ ld ix,mtx.fifo ;
+ push bc
+ push de
+ ld b,(hl) ;
+ inc hl
+ ex de,hl
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld a,c
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,ms.on
+ inc h
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,ms.wait
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,(de)
+ inc de
+ ld (hl),a
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),c
+ djnz ms.ol
+ out0 (AVRINT5),a
+ ex de,hl
+ pop de
+ pop bc
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push af
+ push hl
+ ld (buf_char),a
+ ld hl,buf
+ call msg.sout
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ ret
+ db buf_end - $ - 1 ;output string length
+ db 0AEh ; message start token
+ db buf_end - $ - 1 ; message length
+ db 1 ; command
+ db 1 ; subcommand
+ db 0 ; pay load
+ end
diff --git a/z180/msgbuf-s.180 b/z180/msgbuf-s.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bfd709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/msgbuf-s.180
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+ global msg_fifo
+ global msginit
+ global msg.out,msg.sout,
+ extrn buf.init
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf msg_fifo, 0
+ cseg
+; Init buffer
+ ld ix,msg_fifo
+ ld a,msg_fb_len-1
+ jp buf.init
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_fifo ;
+ push bc
+ ld b,a ;save char
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,b
+ out (PMSG),a
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),c
+ pop bc
+ pop ix
+ ret
+; (hl): data
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_fifo ;
+ push bc
+ ld b,(hl) ;count
+ inc hl
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ dec a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp b
+ jr c,obs_1
+ ld c,(hl) ;port address
+ inc hl
+ ld a,b
+ otir
+ add (ix+o.in_idx)
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ pop bc
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push af
+ push hl
+ ld (buf_char),a
+ ld hl,buf
+ call msg.sout
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ ret
+ db buf_end - $ - 2 ;output string length
+ db PMSG ;output port
+ db 0AEh ; message start token
+ db buf_end - $ - 1 ; message length
+ db 1 ; command
+ db 1 ; subcommand
+ db 0 ; pay load
+ end
diff --git a/z180/msgfifo.180 b/z180/msgfifo.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..582c219
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/msgfifo.180
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+ global msg_rx_fifo,msg_tx_fifo
+ global msginit,,,,msg.out
+ global msg.sout,
+ extrn buf.init
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf msg_rx_fifo,msg_rx_fifo_len
+ mkbuf msg_tx_fifo,msg_tx_fifo_len
+ cseg
+; Init buffer
+ ld ix,msg_rx_fifo
+ ld a,msg_rx_fifo.mask
+ call buf.init
+ ld ix,msg_tx_fifo
+ ld a,msg_tx_fifo.mask
+ jp buf.init
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_rx_fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_rx_fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ cp (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ jr z,bg.wait
+ push hl ;
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,
+ inc h
+ ld l,(hl)
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),a
+ ld a,l
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_tx_fifo ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_tx_fifo ;
+ push hl ;
+ push bc
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld (hl),b
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ ld a,b
+ out0 (AVRINT5),a
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+if 0
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_fifo ;
+ push bc
+ ld b,a ;save char
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,b
+ out (PMSG),a
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),c
+ pop bc
+ pop ix
+ ret
+; (hl): data
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_tx_fifo ;
+ push bc
+ push de
+ ld b,(hl) ;
+ inc hl
+ ex de,hl
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld a,c
+ add l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,ms.on
+ inc h
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,ms.wait
+ ld c,a
+ ld a,(de)
+ inc de
+ ld (hl),a
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),c
+ djnz ms.ol
+ out0 (AVRINT5),a
+ ex de,hl
+ pop de
+ pop bc
+ pop ix
+ ret
+if 0
+ push ix
+ ld ix,msg_fifo ;
+ push bc
+ ld b,(hl) ;count
+ inc hl
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ dec a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp b
+ jr c,obs_1
+ ld c,(hl) ;port address
+ inc hl
+ ld a,b
+ otir
+ add (ix+o.in_idx)
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ pop bc
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ push af
+ push hl
+ ld (buf_char),a
+ ld hl,buf
+ call msg.sout
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ ret
+ db buf_end - $ - 1 ;output string length
+ db 081h ; message start token
+ db buf_end - $ - 1 ; message length
+ db 1 ; command
+ db 1 ; subcommand
+ db 0 ; pay load
+ end
diff --git a/z180/r3init.180 b/z180/r3init.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9edeaf2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/r3init.180
@@ -0,0 +1,957 @@
+ page 255
+ .z80
+ extrn ddtz,bpent
+ extrn $stack
+ extrn charini,?const,?conin
+ extrn romend
+ global isv_sw
+ include
+ include
+ include z180.lib
+;CR equ 0dh
+ cseg
+ jp start
+; restart vectors
+rsti defl 1
+ rept 7
+ db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ jp bpent
+rsti defl rsti+1
+ endm
+ db 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ ;org 40h
+ dw 0
+ db 0
+$crom: defb c$rom ;
+ else
+ db 0 ;
+ endif
+dmclrt: ;clear ram per dma
+ db dmct_e-dmclrt-2 ;
+ db sar0l ;first port
+ dw nullbyte ;src (fixed)
+ db 000h ;src
+ dw romend ;dst (inc), start after "rom" code
+ db 00h ;dst
+ dw 0-romend ;count (64k)
+ endif
+ db 3 ;count
+ db rcr,CREFSH ;configure DRAM refresh
+ db dcntl,INIWAITS ;wait states
+ db cbar,SYS$CBAR
+ ld (tmpstack),sp
+ ld sp,tmpstack
+ push af
+ in0 a,(itc) ;Illegal opcode trap?
+ jp m,??st01
+ ld a,i ;I register == 0 ?
+ jr z,??st02 ; yes, harware reset
+ ld a,(syscbr)
+ out0 (cbr),a
+ pop af ;restore registers
+ ld sp,(tmpstack) ;
+ jp bpent ;
+ di ;0058
+ ld a,CREFSH
+ out0 (rcr),a ; configure DRAM refresh
+ ld a,CWAITIO
+ out0 (dcntl),a ; wait states
+ ld a,M_NCD ;No Clock Divide
+ out0 (ccr),a
+; ld a,M_X2CM ;X2 Clock Multiplier
+; out0 (cmr),a
+; search warm start mark
+ ld ix,mark_55AA ;00b8 ; top of common area
+ ld a,SYS$CBAR ;
+ out0 (cbar),a ;
+ ld a,071h ;00bc
+ ex af,af' ;00be ;for cbr = 0x70 downto 0x40
+ ex af,af' ;00bf
+ dec a ;00c0
+ cp 03fh ;00c1
+ jr z,kstart ;00c3 ; break (mark not found)
+ out0 (cbr),a ;00c5
+ ex af,af' ;00c8
+ ld a,0aah ;00c9
+ cp (ix+000h) ;00cb
+ jr nz,swsm_l ;00ce
+ cp (ix+002h) ;00d0
+ jr nz,swsm_l ;00d3
+ cpl ;00d5
+ cp (ix+001h) ;00d6
+ jr nz,swsm_l ;00d9
+ cp (ix+003h) ;00db
+ jr nz,swsm_l ;00de
+ ld sp,$stack ;00e0 mark found, check
+ call checkcrc_alv ;00e3
+ jp z,wstart ;00e6 check ok,
+; ram not ok, initialize -- kstart --
+ ld a,088h ;00e9 0000-7fff: common 0
+ out0 (cbar),a ;00eb 8000-ffff: common 1
+ ld ix,08000h ;00f3
+ ld a,0 ;00f1 start at 008000 (2. phys. 32k block)
+ out0 (cbr),a ;00f9
+ ld (ix+0),a ;0103
+ cpl
+ ld (ix+1),a ;0103
+ cpl
+ add a,8 ;010a next 'bank'
+ cp 078h ;010c stop at 078000
+ jr nz,??f_0 ;010e
+ ld de,8000h ;0114 first block not tested, but mark as ok
+ ld a,0 ;00f1 start at 008000 (2. phys. 32k block)
+ out0 (cbr),a ;011c
+ ld c,a
+ xor (ix+0)
+ ld b,a
+ ld a,c
+ cpl
+ xor (ix+1)
+ or b
+ jr nz,??cp_1
+ scf
+ rr d
+ rr e
+ ld a,c
+ add a,8
+ cp 078h ; stop at 078000
+ jr nz,??cp_0
+; ram test found 1 or more error free blocks (32k)
+ ld a,SYS$CBAR ;01c8
+ out0 (cbar),a ;01ca
+ ld h,d
+ ld l,e
+ ld c,070h ;01ce highest block
+ ld b,15 ;01d0
+ add hl,hl
+ jr c,alloc ;01d4 highest "error free" block
+ ld a,c ;01d6
+ sub 008h ;01d7
+ ld c,a ;01d9
+ djnz ??sr_1 ;01da
+ slp ;01dc should never be reached
+ out0 (cbr),c ;01de
+ ld a,c
+ ld (syscbr),a
+ ld sp,$stack ;01e1
+; Clear RAM using DMA0
+ ld hl,dmclrt ;load DMA registers
+ call io.ini.m
+ ld a,0cbh ;01ef dst +1, src fixed, burst
+ out0 (dmode),a ;01f1
+ ld b,512/64
+ ld a,062h ;01f4 enable dma0,
+ out0 (dstat),a ;01f9 clear (up to) 64k
+ djnz ??cl_1 ; end of RAM?
+; Init bank manager
+ ld hl,banktabsys ;020f
+ ld (hl),c ; Common area
+ inc hl ;0213
+ ld (hl),c ; System work area
+ inc hl ;0215 Point to bank 0 entry
+ ld b,BANKS ;0216
+ ld (hl),0ffh ;0218 Mark all banks as unassigned
+ inc hl ;021a
+ djnz l0218h ;021b
+ ld hl,memalv ;
+ ld b,8 ; 8*4k ie. first 32k
+ ld (hl),0e0h ; mark as sys ("rom"/monitor)
+ inc hl
+ djnz ??a_0
+ rr d ; shift out bit for block 0
+ rr e ;
+ ld c,15 ;022c 15*32k remaining blocks
+ ld a,0feh ; 0xfe == block with error(s)
+ rr d ;
+ rr e
+ adc a,0 ; ==> 0xff : block ok
+ ld b,32/4 ; 32k == 8 * 4k
+ ld (hl),a ;
+ inc hl ;
+ djnz l0236h ;
+ dec c ;
+ jr nz,l022eh ;next 32k block
+ ld hl,memalv+0ch ;memalv+0ch
+ ld a,(banktabsys) ;
+ call add_hl_a
+ ld b,3 ;
+ ld (hl),0ech ;alloc system ram
+ inc hl ;
+ djnz l024ah ;
+ ld (hl),0efh ;alloc common
+ call gencrc_alv
+ ld hl,0000h ;bank #
+ ld bc,0f0fh ; size (?) (4k blocks)
+ xor a ;
+ call sub_0420h ;alloc mem for bank 0
+ ld c,l ;
+ or a ;
+ call z,sub_04b5h ;
+ ld hl,0101h ;
+ ld bc,0f0fh ;
+ xor a ;
+ call sub_0420h ;
+ ld c,l ;
+ or a ;
+ call z,sub_04b5h ;
+ ld hl,055AAh ;set warm start mark
+ ld (mark_55AA),hl ;
+ ld (mark_55AA+2),hl;
+; crc ok -- wstart --
+ call sysram_init ;027f
+ call ivtab_init
+ call prt0_init
+ call charini
+ call bufferinit
+ im 2 ;?030e
+ ei ;0282
+ call ?const ;0284
+ call ?const ;0287
+ or a ;028a
+ call nz,?conin ;028d
+ ld a,(banktab) ;
+ ld e,a ;
+ jp ddtz ;0290
+ ds 8
+ dw 2
+syscbr: db 1
+;TODO: Make a ringbuffer module.
+ global buf.init
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),0
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),0
+ ld (ix+o.mask),a
+ ret
+if 0
+ extrn msginit,msg_tx_fifo,msg_rx_fifo
+ extrn msg.sout
+ ld de,msg_tx_fifo
+ in0 a,cbr
+ call log2phys
+ ld (40h+0),hl
+ ld (40h+2),a
+; ld (bufdat+1),hl
+; ld (bufdat+3),a
+; ld a,1
+; ld (bufdat+0),a
+; ld hl,inimsg
+; call msg.sout
+ ld de,msg_rx_fifo
+ in0 a,cbr
+ call log2phys
+ ld (bufdat+1),hl
+ ld (bufdat+3),a
+ ld a,2
+ ld (bufdat+0),a
+ ld hl,inimsg
+ call msg.sout
+ ret
+ db inimsg_e - $ - 1
+ db 0AEh
+ db inimsg_e - $ - 1
+ db 0
+ db 0
+ dw 0
+ db 0
+ extrn msginit,msg.sout
+ extrn mtx.fifo,mrx.fifo
+ extrn co.fifo,ci.fifo
+ call msginit
+ ld hl,buffers
+ ld b,buftablen
+ ld a,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld (bufdat+0),a
+ ld e,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld d,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ push hl
+ or a
+ jr nz,bfi_2
+ in0 a,cbr
+ call log2phys
+ ld (40h+0),hl
+ ld (40h+2),a
+ out0 (AVRINT5),a
+ jr bfi_3
+ in0 a,cbr
+ call log2phys
+ ld (bufdat+1),hl
+ ld (bufdat+3),a
+ ld hl,inimsg
+ call msg.sout
+ pop hl
+ djnz bfi_1
+ ret
+ db 0
+ dw mtx.fifo
+ db 1
+ dw mrx.fifo
+ db 2
+ dw co.fifo
+ db 3
+ dw ci.fifo
+buftablen equ ($ - buffers)/3
+ db inimsg_e - $ -1
+ db 0AEh
+ db inimsg_e - $ -1
+ db 0
+ db 0
+ dw 0
+ db 0
+ ld hl,sysramw
+ ld de,topcodsys
+ ld bc,sysrame-sysramw
+ ldir
+ ret
+ ld hl,ivtab ;
+ ld a,h ;
+ ld i,a ;
+ out0 (il),l ;
+; Let all vectors point to spurious int routines.
+ ld d,high sp.int0
+ ld a,low sp.int0
+ ld b,9
+ ld (hl),a
+ inc l
+ ld (hl),d
+ inc l
+ add a,
+ djnz ivt_i1
+ ret
+ ld a,i
+ ld h,a
+ in0 a,(il)
+ and 0E0h
+ or IV$PRT0
+ ld l,a
+ ld (hl),low iprt0
+ inc hl
+ ld (hl),high iprt0
+ ld hl,prt0itab
+ call io.ini.m
+ ret
+ db prt0it_e-prt0itab-2
+ db tmdr0l
+ dw PRT_TC10MS
+ dw PRT_TC10MS
+ db M_TIE0+M_TDE0 ;enable timer 0 interrupt and down count.
+ push bc
+ ld b,0 ;high byte port adress
+ ld a,(hl) ;count
+ inc hl
+ ld c,(hl) ;port address
+ inc hl
+ outi
+ inc b ;outi decrements b
+ dec a
+ jr nz,ioi_1
+ pop bc
+ ret
+ push bc
+ ld b,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ ld c,(hl)
+ inc hl
+ otimr
+ pop bc
+ ret
+; compute crc
+; hl: start adr
+; bc: len
+; bc returns crc val
+ ld de,0FFFFh
+ ld a,(hl)
+ xor e
+ ld e,a
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ and 0Fh
+ xor e
+ ld e,a
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ rrca
+ push af
+ and 1Fh
+ xor d
+ ld d,a
+ pop af
+ push af
+ rrca
+ and 0F0h
+ xor d
+ ld d,a
+ pop af
+ and 0E0h
+ xor e
+ ld e,d
+ ld d,a
+ cpi
+ jp pe,crc1
+ or e ;z-flag
+ ret
+ push hl ;03f6
+ push de ;03f7
+ push bc
+ push af ;03f8
+ ld hl,banktabsys ;03f9
+ ld bc,crc_len ;03fc
+ call do_crc16 ;03ff
+ ld (hl),e
+ inc hl
+ ld (hl),d
+ pop af ;0406
+ pop bc
+ pop de ;0407
+ pop hl ;0408
+ ret ;0409
+ push hl ;040a
+ push de
+ push bc ;040b
+ ld hl,banktabsys ;040d
+ ld bc,crc_len+2 ;0410
+ call do_crc16 ;0413
+ pop bc ;041d
+ pop de
+ pop hl ;041e
+ ret ;041f
+; alloc
+; h: max bank #
+; l: min bank #
+; b: max size
+; c: min size
+; ret:
+; a: 0 == ok
+; 1 ==
+; 2 == no bank # in requested range
+; ff == crc error
+ call checkcrc_alv ;0420
+ jr nz,l049ch ;0424 crc error, tables corrupt
+ call sub_049dh ;0427 bank # in req. range available?
+ jr c,l0499h ;042a
+ push ix ;042c
+ push iy ;042e
+ push de ;0430
+ push hl ;0431
+ push bc ;0432
+ ld c,b ;0433
+ ld b,alv_len+1 ;0434
+ ld d,0 ;0436
+ ld hl,memalv-1 ;0438
+ jr l0441h ;043b
+; find free blocks
+ ld a,(hl) ;043d
+ inc a ;043e free blocks are marked 0ffh
+ jr z,l0446h ;043f
+ inc hl ;0441
+ djnz l043dh ;0442
+ jr l0464h ;0444
+ push hl ;0446
+ pop ix ;0447 free blocks start here
+ ld e,000h ;0449
+ jr l0451h ;044b
+l044dh: ; count free blocks
+ ld a,(hl) ;044d
+ inc a ;044e
+ jr nz,l0457h ;044f
+ inc e ;0451
+ inc hl ;0452
+ djnz l044dh ;0453
+ jr l0464h ;0455
+; end of free blocks run.
+ ld a,d ;0457
+ cp e ;0458 nr of blocks >= requested ?
+ jr nc,l0441h ;0459
+ ld d,e ;045b
+ push ix ;045c
+ pop iy ;045e
+ ld a,d ;0460
+ cp c ;0461
+ jr c,l0441h ;0462
+ pop bc ;0464
+ ld a,d ;0465
+ cp b ;0466
+ jr c,l046ch ;0467
+ ld d,b ;0469
+ jr l0471h ;046a
+ cp c ;046c
+ jr nc,l0471h ;046d
+ ld d,000h ;046f
+ ld a,d ;0471
+ push iy ;0472
+ pop hl ;0474
+ ld de,memalv ;0475
+ or a ;0478
+ sbc hl,de ;0479
+ ld b,l ;047b
+ ld c,a ;047c
+ pop hl ;047d
+ or a ;047e
+ jr z,l0489h ;047f
+ ld (iy+0),l ;0481
+ inc iy ;0484
+ dec a ;0486
+ jr l047eh ;0487
+ pop de ;0489
+ pop iy ;048a
+ pop ix ;048c
+ call gencrc_alv ;048e
+ ld a,c ;0491
+ or a ;0492
+ ld a,000h ;0493
+ ret nz ;0495
+ or 001h ;0496
+ ret ;0498
+ ld a,2 ;0499
+ or a
+ ret ;049c
+; search a free bank number in range
+; h: max #
+; l: min #
+; ret:
+; l: bank number available
+; nc, if found, bank nr. in l
+; cy, if none found
+ push de ;049d
+ push bc ;049e
+ ex de,hl ;049f
+ dec e ;04a0
+ inc e ;04a1 test next #
+ ld a,d ;04a2
+ cp e ;04a3
+ jr c,l04b1h ;04a4
+ ld a,e ;04a6
+ ld hl,memalv ;04a7
+ ld bc,alv_len ;04aa
+ cpir ;04ad bank# allready allocated?
+ jr z,l04a1h ;04af if yes, search for next
+ ex de,hl ;04b1
+ pop bc ;04b2
+ pop de ;04b3
+ ret ;04b4
+ ld a,l ;04b5
+ cp 012h ;04b6
+ ccf ;04b8
+ ret c ;04b9
+ push hl ;04ba
+ ld hl,banktab ;04bb
+ call add_hl_a
+ ld (hl),b ;04c3
+ call gencrc_alv ;04c4
+ pop hl ;04c7
+ or a ;04c8 clear carry
+ ret ;04c9
+; de: Log. Address
+; a: Bank number
+;out ahl: Phys. (linear) Address
+ push hl
+ ld hl,banktab
+ call add_hl_a
+ ld a,(hl)
+ pop hl
+ ; fall thru
+; de: Log. Address
+; a: Bank (bbr)
+; OP: ahl = (a<<12) + (d<<8) + e
+;out ahl: Phys. (linear) Address
+ push bc ;
+ ld c,a ;
+ ld b,16 ;
+ mlt bc ;bc = a<<4
+ ld l,d ;
+ ld h,0 ;
+ add hl,bc ;bc + d == a<<4 + d
+ ld a,h ;
+ ld h,l ;
+ ld l,e ;
+ pop bc ;
+ ret ;
+; hl = hl + a
+; Flags undefined
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ ret nc
+ inc h
+ ret
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+ .phase isvsw_loc
+; Trampoline for interrupt routines in banked ram.
+; Switch stack pointer to "system" stack in top ram
+; Save cbar
+isv_sw: ;
+ ex (sp),hl ; save hl, return adr in hl
+ push de ;
+ push af ;
+ ex de,hl ;
+ ld hl,0 ;
+ add hl,sp ;
+ ld a,h ;
+ cp 0f8h ;
+ jr nc,isw_1 ;
+ ld sp,$stack ;
+ push hl ;
+ in0 h,(cbar) ;
+ push hl ;
+ ld a,SYS$CBAR ;
+ out0 (cbar),a ;
+ ex de,hl ;
+ ld e,(hl) ;
+ inc hl ;
+ ld d,(hl) ;
+ ex de,hl ;
+ push bc ;
+ call jphl ;
+ pop bc ;
+ pop hl ;
+ out0 (cbar),h ;
+ pop hl ;
+ ld sp,hl ;
+ pop af ;
+ pop de ;
+ pop hl ;
+ ei ;
+ ret ;
+ jp (hl) ;
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+ push af
+ push hl
+ in0 a,(tcr)
+ in0 a,(tmdr0l)
+ in0 a,(tmdr0h)
+ ld a,(tim_ms)
+ inc a
+ cp 100
+ jr nz,iprt_1
+ xor a
+ ld hl,(tim_s)
+ inc hl
+ ld (tim_s),hl
+ ld (tim_ms),a
+ pop hl
+ pop af
+ ei
+ ret
+; ---------------------------------------------------------
+ ld a,0d0h
+ jr sp.i.1 equ $-sp.int0
+ ld a,0d1h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d2h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d3h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d4h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d5h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d6h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d7h
+ jr sp.i.1
+ ld a,0d8h
+; out (80h),a
+ halt
+curph defl $
+ .dephase
+ .phase curph
+tim_ms: db 0
+tim_s: dw 0
+ .dephase
+ dseg
+ ds 1
+ ds 1 ;0c001h
+ ds 1 ;0c002h
+ ds BANKS ;0c003h
+ ds 512/4 ;Number of 4k blocks
+alv_len equ $-memalv
+crc_len equ $-banktabsys
+ ds 2 ;
+ cseg
+ ;.phase 0ffc0h
+;ivtab equ 0ffc0h ; 0ffc0h ;int vector table
+ ;.dephase
+ ;.phase 0fffch
+mark_55AA equ 0fffch
+ ;ds 4 ; 0fffch
+ ;.dephase
+ end
diff --git a/z180/romend.180 b/z180/romend.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2a63342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/romend.180
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ global romend
+ cseg
+romend equ $
+ end
diff --git a/z180/ser1-i.180 b/z180/ser1-i.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2410e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/ser1-i.180
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+ page 200
+ extrn buf.init
+ extrn isv_sw
+ global ser.init
+ global,
+ global ser.ost,ser.out
+;TODO: define a trampoline area somewhere in top ram.
+rtxisvjmp equ 0FF60h ;momentan frei...
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf ser1.inbuf,s1.rx_len
+ mkbuf ser1.outbuf,s1.tx_len
+ cseg
+; Init Serial I/O for console input and output (ASCI1)
+; ld a,i
+; push af ;save IFF
+; di
+ xor a ;
+ out0 (stat1),a ;Disable rx/tx interrupts
+ ld hl,rxtx_src ;move rx and tx isv to common ram
+ ld de,rxtx_dst ;
+ ld bc,rxtx_src_e-rxtx_src ;
+ ldir ;
+ ld hl,rtxisvjmp ;rx/tx int vector
+ ld (ivtab + IV$ASCI1),hl;
+ ld a,0cdh ;
+ ld (rtxisvjmp),a ;
+ ld hl,isv_sw ;
+ ld (rtxisvjmp + 1),hl ;
+ ld hl,rxtxisv ;
+ ld (rtxisvjmp + 3),hl ;
+; ASCI1: 8N1, highest baudrate (56700), CTS disabled
+ ld a,M_MPBT
+ out0 (cntlb1),a
+ ld a,M_RE + M_TE + M_MOD2
+ out0 (cntla1),a
+ ld a,M_RIE
+ out0 (stat1),a ;Enable rx interrupts
+ ld ix,ser1.inbuf
+ ld a,ser1.inbuf.mask
+ call buf.init
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf
+ ld a,ser1.outbuf.mask
+ call buf.init
+; pop af
+; ret po
+; ei
+ ret ;
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.inbuf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push hl ;11
+ push de ;11
+ ld hl,ser1.inbuf-1 ; 9 hl = &rx.out_idx
+ ld a,(hl) ; 6 a = rx.out_idx
+ dec hl ; 4 hl = &rx.in_idx
+ jr bg.w1
+ halt
+ cp (hl) ; 6 while (out_idx==in_idx)
+ jr z,bg.wait ; 6 (/8) ;
+ ld e,a ; 4
+ ld d,0 ; 6
+ inc de
+ inc de
+ ex de,hl ; 3
+ add hl,de ;10
+ ld l,(hl) ; 6
+ ex de,hl ; 3
+ inc a ; 4
+ dec hl ; 4
+ and (hl) ; 6
+ inc hl ; 4
+ inc hl ; 4
+ ld (hl),a ; 7
+ ld a,e ; 4
+ pop de ; 9
+ pop hl ; 9
+ ret ; 9
+ ; 153
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf ;
+ push hl ;
+ push bc
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld a,c
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld (hl),a
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ di ;036f
+ in0 a,(stat1) ;0374
+ set TIE,a ;0377
+ out0 (stat1),a ;0379
+ ei ;037c
+ ld a,b
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+; ASCI 1 Transmit/Receive interupt routines
+; moved to common ram
+ dseg
+rxtx_dst: ; (0c097h) old
+ inidat
+ in0 a,(stat1) ;receive flag set?
+ jp p,txisv ;
+ in0 d,(rdr1) ;todo: break detection
+ bit FE,a ;framing error?
+ jr nz,??ri_1
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.inbuf ;
+ ld hl,ser1.inbuf ;
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,??ri_0
+ ld (hl),d
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ pop ix
+ in0 a,(cntla1) ;0705 c0c0
+ res EFR,a ;0708
+ out0 (cntla1),a ;070a
+ ret
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ cp (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ jr z,??ti_2
+ ld hl,ser1.outbuf ;
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,??ti_1
+ inc h
+ ld l,(hl)
+ out0 (tdr1),l ;071b
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),a
+ jr ??ti_3
+ in0 a,(stat1) ;0730 disable tx-int
+ res TIE,a ;0733
+ out0 (stat1),a ;0735
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ inidate
+ cseg
+ end
diff --git a/z180/z180.lib b/z180/z180.lib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffe0ab7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/z180.lib
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ .xlist
+;; Z180 / HD64180 MACRO LIBRARY
+;; HD64180 instructions:
+;; SLP ; Enter SLEEP mode
+;; MLT RR ; 8 bit multiply with 16 bit result
+;; IN0 R,P ; Input from internal port
+;; OUT0 P,R ; Output to internal port
+;; OTIM ; Block output, increment
+;; OTIMR ; Block output, increment and repeat
+;; OTDM ; Block output, decrement
+;; OTDMR ; Block output, decrement and repeat
+;; TSTIO P ; Non destructive AND, I/O port and A
+;; TST R ; Non destructive AND, reg and A
+;; TST ID ; Non destructive AND, immediate data and A
+;; TST (HL) ; Non destructive AND, (HL) and A
+??BC EQU 0 ; Double-register definitions
+??DE EQU 1
+??HL EQU 2
+??SP EQU 3
+??A EQU 7 ; Single-register defintions
+??B EQU 0
+??C EQU 1
+??D EQU 2
+??E EQU 3
+??H EQU 4
+??L EQU 5
+ DB 0EDH,4CH+(??&?R AND 3) SHL 4
+ DB 0EDH,(??&?R AND 7) SHL 3, ?P
+ DB 0EDH,1+(??&?R AND 7) SHL 3,?P
+ DB 0EDH,83H
+ DB 0EDH,93H
+ DB 0EDH,74H,?P
+ DB 0EDH,4+(??&?R AND 7) SHL 3
+ DB 0EDH,64H,?P
+ DB 0EDH,34H
+ ?D: SET 0
+ IRPC ?X,?R
+ ?D: SET ?D+1 ; Count # chars in "?R"
+ IF ?D EQ 1 ; IF # chars = 1
+ IRPC ?X,ABCDEHL ; Look up the character
+ IF ??&?X EQ ??&?R
+ DB 0EDH,4+(??&?R AND 7) SHL 3
+ DB 0EDh,64h,?R
+ IF (?R = 2) & (?D = 4)
+ ?D: SET 0
+ IRPC ?X,?R
+ IFIDN <?X>,<(>
+ DB 0EDh,34h
+ ?D: SET ?D + 1
+ IF ?D NE 0
+ DB 0EDH,64H,?R
+ .list
diff --git a/z180/ b/z180/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bbd088
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ .xlist
+;; HD64180/Z180 Register Definitions
+b2m macro name,nr
+name equ nr
+M_&name equ 1 shl nr
+ endm
+; ifndef IOBASE
+IOBASE equ 0
+; endif
+cntla0 equ IOBASE+00h ;ASCI Control Register A Channel 0
+cntla1 equ IOBASE+01h ;ASCI Control Register A Channel 1
+ b2m MPE, 7 ;Multi-Processor Mode Enable
+ b2m RE, 6 ;Receiver Enable
+ b2m TE, 5 ;Transmitter Enable
+ b2m RTS0, 4 ;Request to Send Channel 0
+ b2m CKA1D, 4 ;
+ b2m MPBR, 3 ;Multiprocessor Bit Receive (Read)
+ b2m EFR, 3 ;Error Flag Reset (Write)
+ b2m MOD2, 2 ;Data Format Mode 1 = 8-Bit data
+ b2m NOD1, 1 ;1 = Parity enabled
+ b2m MOD0, 0 ;1 = 2 stop bits
+cntlb0 equ IOBASE+02h ;ASCI Control Register B Channel 0
+cntlb1 equ IOBASE+03h ;ASCI Control Register B Channel 1
+ b2m MPBT,7 ;Multiprocessor Bit Transmit
+ b2m MP,6 ;Multiprocessor Mode
+ b2m CTS,5 ;Clear to Send
+ b2m PS,5 ;Prescale
+ b2m PEO,4 ;Parity Even Odd
+ b2m DR,3 ;Divede Ratio
+ b2m SS2,2 ;Source/Speed Select 2,1,0
+ b2m SS1,1 ;
+ b2m SS0,0 ;
+stat0 equ IOBASE+04h ;ASCI Status Channel 0
+stat1 equ IOBASE+05h ;ASCI Status Channel 1
+ b2m RDRF,7 ;Receive Data Register Full
+ b2m OVRN,6 ;Overrun Error
+ b2m PERR,5 ;Parity Error (M80: PE conflicts with JP/CALL cc)
+ b2m FE,4 ;Framing Error
+ b2m RIE,3 ;Receive Interrupt Enable
+ b2m DCD0,2 ;Data Carrier Detect (Ch 0)
+ b2m CTS1E,2 ;Clear To Send (Ch 1)
+ b2m TDRE,1 ;Transmit Data Register Empty
+ b2m TIE,0 ;Transmit Interrupt Enable
+tdr0 equ IOBASE+06h ;ASCI Transmit Data
+tdr1 equ IOBASE+07h ;ASCI Transmit Data
+rdr0 equ IOBASE+08h ;ASCI Receive Data
+rdr1 equ IOBASE+09h ;ASCI Receive Data
+cntr equ IOBASE+0Ah ;CSI/O Control Register
+trdr equ IOBASE+0Bh ;CSI/O Transmit/Receive Data Register
+tmdr0l equ IOBASE+0Ch ;Timer Data Register Channel 0
+tmdr0h equ IOBASE+0Dh ;
+rldr0l equ IOBASE+0Eh ;Timer Reload Register Channel 0
+rldr0h equ IOBASE+0Fh ;
+tcr equ IOBASE+10h ;Timer Control Register
+ b2m TIF1,7 ;Timer Interrupt Flag
+ b2m TIF0,6 ;
+ b2m TIE1,5 ;Timer Interrupt Enable
+ b2m TIE0,4 ;
+ b2m TOC1,3 ;Timer Output Control
+ b2m TOC0,2 ;
+ b2m TDE1,1 ;Timer Down Count Enable
+ b2m TDE0,0 ;
+asext0 equ IOBASE+12h ;ASCI Extension Control Register
+asext1 equ IOBASE+13h ;ASCI Extension Control Register
+tmdr1l equ IOBASE+14h ;Timer Data Register Channel 1
+tmdr1h equ IOBASE+15h ;
+rldr1l equ IOBASE+16h ;Timer Reload Register Channel 1
+rldr1h equ IOBASE+17h ;
+frc equ IOBASE+18h ;Free Running Counter
+astc0l equ IOBASE+1Ah ;ASCI Time Constant Register 0
+astc0h equ IOBASE+1Bh ;
+astc1l equ IOBASE+1Ch ;ASCI Time Constant Register 1
+astc1h equ IOBASE+1Dh ;
+cmr equ IOBASE+1Eh ;Clock Mutiplier Register
+ b2m X2CM,7 ;X2 Clock Multiplier
+ b2m LNC,6 ;Low Noise Crystal
+ccr equ IOBASE+1Fh ;CPU Control Register
+ b2m NCD 7 ;No Clock Divide
+sar0l equ IOBASE+20h ;DMA Src Adr Register Channel 0
+sar0h equ IOBASE+21h ;
+sar0b equ IOBASE+22h ;
+dar0l equ IOBASE+23h ;DMA Dst Adr Register Channel 0
+dar0h equ IOBASE+24h ;
+dar0b equ IOBASE+25h ;
+bcr0l equ IOBASE+26h ;DMA Byte Count Register Channel 0
+bcr0h equ IOBASE+27h ;
+mar1l equ IOBASE+28h ;DMA Memory Address Register Channel 1
+mar1h equ IOBASE+29h ;
+mar1b equ IOBASE+2Ah ;
+iar1l equ IOBASE+2Bh ;DMA I/O Address Register Channel 1
+iar1h equ IOBASE+2Ch ;
+iar1b equ IOBASE+2Dh ;
+ b2m ALTE,7 ;Alternating Chnnels
+ b2m ALTC,6 ;Currently selected DMA Channel when Bit7=1
+ b2m REQ1SEL2,2 ;
+ b2m REQ1SEL1,1 ;
+ b2m REQ1SEL0,0 ;
+bcr1l equ IOBASE+2Eh ;DMA Byte Count Register Channel 1
+bcr1h equ IOBASE+2Fh ;
+dstat equ IOBASE+30h ;DMA Status Register
+ b2m DE1,7 ;DMA enable ch 1,0
+ b2m DE0,6 ;
+ b2m DWE1,5 ;DMA Enable Bit Write Enable 1,0
+ b2m DWE0,4 ;
+ b2m DIE1,3 ;DMA Interrupt Enable 1,0
+ b2m DIE0,2 ;
+ b2m DME,0 ;DMA Master enable
+dmode equ IOBASE+31h ;DMA Mode Register
+ b2m DM1,5 ;Ch 0 Destination Mode 1,0
+ b2m DM0,4 ;
+ b2m SM1,3 ;Ch 0 Source Mode 1,0
+ b2m SM0,2 ;
+ b2m MMOD,1 ;Memory MODE select (0=cycle steel/1=burst)
+dcntl equ IOBASE+32h ;DMA/WAIT Control
+ b2m MWI1,7 ;Memory Wait Insertion
+ b2m MWI0,6 ;
+ b2m IWI1,5 ;I/O Wait Insertion
+ b2m IWI0,4 ;
+ b2m DMS1,3 ;DREQi Select (Edge/Level)
+ b2m DMS0,2 ;
+ b2m DIMA1,1 ;DMA Ch1 I/O Memory Mode Select
+ b2m DIMA0,0
+M_MWI equ M_MWI1 + M_MWI0
+M_IWI equ M_IWI1 + M_IWI0
+il equ IOBASE+33h ;Interrupt Vector Low Register
+itc equ IOBASE+34h ;INT/TRAP Control Register
+ b2m TRAP,7 ;Trap
+ b2m UFO,6 ;Unidentified Fetch Object
+ b2m ITE2,2 ;/INT Enable 2,1,0
+ b2m ITE1,1 ;
+ b2m ITE0,0 ;
+rcr equ IOBASE+36h ;Refresh Control Register
+ b2m REFE,7 ;Refresh Enable
+ b2m REFW,6 ;Refresh Wait State
+ b2m CYC1,1 ;Cycle select
+ b2m CYC0,0 ;
+cbr equ IOBASE+38h ;MMU Common Base Register
+bbr equ IOBASE+39h ;MMU Bank Base Register
+cbar equ IOBASE+3Ah ;MMU Common/Bank Register
+omcr equ IOBASE+3Eh ;Operation Mode Control Register
+ b2m M1E,7 ;M1 Enable
+ b2m M1TE,6 ;M1 Temporary Enable
+ b2m IOC,5 ;I/O Compatibility
+icr equ IOBASE+3Fh ;I/O Control Register
+ b2m IOSTP,5 ;I/O Stop
+; Interrupt Vectors
+IV$INT1 equ 0 ;/INT1 (highest priority)
+IV$INT2 equ 2 ;/INT2
+IV$PRT0 equ 4 ;PRT channel 0
+IV$PRT1 equ 6 ;PRT channel 1
+IV$DMA0 equ 8 ;DMA channel 0
+IV$DMA1 equ 10 ;DMA channel 1
+IV$CSIO equ 12 ;CSI/O
+IV$ASCI0 equ 14 ;ASCI channel 0
+IV$ASCI1 equ 16 ;ASCI channel 1 (lowest priority)
+ .list