/* * (C) Copyright 2014,2016,2018 Leo C. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ /* * FAT filesystem commands */ #include "cmd_fat.h" #include "ff.h" #include "z80-if.h" #include "eval_arg.h" #include "con-utils.h" #include "print-utils.h" #include "time.h" #include "timer.h" #include "debug.h" #include "env.h" /* TODO: use memory size test function (detect_ramsize() in cmd_loadihex.c) */ /* TODO: detect_ramsize() should be moved to z80-if.c */ #define MAX_MEMORY CONFIG_SYS_RAMSIZE_MAX #define BUFFER_SIZE 512 /* * Multible (fat) partitions per physical drive are not supported, * but we have up to 2 sdcard slots. */ FATFS FatFs0; FATFS FatFs1; void setup_fatfs(void) { f_mount(&FatFs0, "0:", 0); f_mount(&FatFs1, "1:", 0); } DWORD get_fattime (void) { time_t timer; struct tm tm_timer; time(&timer); gmtime_r(&timer, &tm_timer); return fatfs_time(&tm_timer); } static bool check_abort(void) { bool ret = ctrlc(); if (ret) printf_P(PSTR("Abort\n")); return ret; } static const FLASH char * const FLASH rc_names[] = { FSTR("OK"), FSTR("DISK_ERR"), FSTR("INT_ERR"), FSTR("NOT_READY"), FSTR("NO_FILE"), FSTR("NO_PATH"), FSTR("INVALID_NAME"), FSTR("DENIED"), FSTR("EXIST"), FSTR("INVALID_OBJECT"), FSTR("WRITE_PROTECTED"), FSTR("INVALID_DRIVE"), FSTR("NOT_ENABLED"), FSTR("NO_FILE_SYSTEM"), FSTR("MKFS_ABORTED"), FSTR("TIMEOUT"), FSTR("LOCKED"), FSTR("NOT_ENOUGH_CORE"), FSTR("TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES"), FSTR("INVALID_PARAMETER") }; static void put_rc (FRESULT rc) { #if GCC_BUG_61443 printf_P(PSTR("rc=%u FR_"), rc); my_puts_P(rc < ARRAY_SIZE(rc_names) ? rc_names[rc] : PSTR(" Unknown Error")); my_puts_P(PSTR("\n")); #else printf_P(PSTR("rc=%u FR_%S\n"), rc, rc < ARRAY_SIZE(rc_names) ? rc_names[rc] : PSTR(" Unknown Error")); #endif } static void swirl(void) { static const FLASH char swirlchar[] = { '-','\\','|','/' }; static uint_fast8_t cnt; static uint32_t tstamp; if (get_timer(0) > tstamp) { printf_P(PSTR("\b%c"), swirlchar[cnt]); cnt = (cnt+1) % ARRAY_SIZE(swirlchar); tstamp = get_timer(0) + 250; } } /* * pwd - Print current directory of the current drive. * */ command_ret_t do_pwd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp UNUSED, uint_fast8_t flag UNUSED, int argc UNUSED, char * const argv[] UNUSED) { FRESULT res; char *buf; buf = (char *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { printf_P(PSTR("pwd: Out of Memory!\n")); free(buf); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } res = f_getcwd(buf, BUFFER_SIZE); /* Get current directory path */ if (!res) { puts(buf); } free(buf); if (res) { put_rc(res); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } return CMD_RET_SUCCESS; } /* * cd - Change the current/working directory. * */ command_ret_t do_cd(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp UNUSED, uint_fast8_t flag UNUSED, int argc, char * const argv[]) { char *arg; FRESULT res = 0; if (argc < 2) { arg = getenv_str(PSTR(ENV_HOME)); if (arg == NULL) { printf_P(PSTR("%s: \"%S\" is not set\n"), argv[0], PSTR(ENV_HOME)); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } } else arg = argv[1]; if (arg[1] == ':') { char drv[3]; drv[2] = '\0'; drv[1] = ':'; drv[0] = arg[0]; res = f_chdrive(drv); } if (!res) { res = f_chdir(arg); } if (res) { put_rc(res); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } return CMD_RET_SUCCESS; } /* * ls path - Directory listing * */ command_ret_t do_ls(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp UNUSED, uint_fast8_t flag UNUSED, int argc, char * const argv[]) { FATFS *fs; DIR Dir; /* Directory object */ FILINFO Finfo; unsigned long p1; unsigned int s1, s2; FRESULT res = FR_OK; char *buf; buf = (char *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { printf_P(PSTR("pwd: Out of Memory!\n")); free(buf); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } if (argc < 2) res = f_getcwd(buf, BUFFER_SIZE); /* Get current directory path */ else strncpy(buf, argv[1], BUFFER_SIZE); if (res == FR_OK) res = f_opendir(&Dir, buf); if (res != FR_OK) { free(buf); put_rc(res); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } p1 = s1 = s2 = 0; for(;;) { res = f_readdir(&Dir, &Finfo); if ((res != FR_OK) || !Finfo.fname[0]) break; if (Finfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) { s2++; } else { s1++; p1 += Finfo.fsize; } printf_P(PSTR("%c%c%c%c%c %u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u %9lu %s\n"), (Finfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) ? 'D' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_RDO) ? 'R' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_HID) ? 'H' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_SYS) ? 'S' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_ARC) ? 'A' : '-', (Finfo.fdate >> 9) + 1980, (Finfo.fdate >> 5) & 15, Finfo.fdate & 31, (Finfo.ftime >> 11), (Finfo.ftime >> 5) & 63, Finfo.fsize, Finfo.fname); if (check_abort()) break; } if (res == FR_OK) { printf_P(PSTR("%4u File(s),%10lu bytes total\n%4u Dir(s)"), s1, p1, s2); if (f_getfree(buf, (DWORD*)&p1, &fs) == FR_OK) printf_P(PSTR(", %10luK bytes free\n"), p1 * fs->csize / 2); } free(buf); if (res) { put_rc(res); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } return CMD_RET_SUCCESS; } #if 0 static FRESULT mkpath(TCHAR *path) { /* TODO: */ (void) path; FILINFO fd TCHAR *p, *q; FRESULT ret; res = f_stat (path, &fd) p = strchr(path, ':'); if (p == NULL || *++p == '\0' || *p++ != '/') return FR_OK; while ((q = strchr(p, '/')) != NULL) { *q = '\0'; ret = f_mkdir(path); *q = '/'; if (ret != FR_OK && ret != FR_EXIST) return ret; p = q + 1; } return FR_OK; } #endif /* Work register for fs command */ struct stat_dat_s { DWORD AccSize; WORD AccFiles, AccDirs; FILINFO Finfo; }; static FRESULT scan_files ( char *path, /* Pointer to the working buffer with start path */ struct stat_dat_s *statp ) { DIR dirs; FRESULT res; int i; char *fn; res = f_opendir(&dirs, path); swirl(); if (res == FR_OK) { i = strlen(path); while (((res = f_readdir(&dirs, &statp->Finfo)) == FR_OK) && statp->Finfo.fname[0]) { if (FF_FS_RPATH && statp->Finfo.fname[0] == '.') continue; fn = statp->Finfo.fname; if (statp->Finfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) { statp->AccDirs++; path[i] = '/'; strcpy(path+i+1, fn); res = scan_files(path, statp); path[i] = '\0'; if (res != FR_OK) break; } else { //printf_P(PSTR("%s/%s\n"), path, fn); statp->AccFiles++; statp->AccSize += statp->Finfo.fsize; } if (check_abort()) { res = 255; break; } } } return res; } /* * fatstat path - Show logical drive status * */ command_ret_t do_stat(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp UNUSED, uint_fast8_t flag UNUSED, int argc, char * const argv[]) { FATFS *fs; DWORD nfreeclst; FRESULT res; char *buf; char *path = ""; struct stat_dat_s statp; buf = (char *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) { printf_P(PSTR("fat stat: Out of Memory!\n")); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } if (argc > 1) path = argv[1]; res = f_getfree(path, &nfreeclst, &fs); if (!res) { printf_P(PSTR( "FAT type: %u\n" "Bytes/Cluster: %lu\n" "Number of FATs: %u\n" "Root DIR entries: %u\n" "Sectors/FAT: %lu\n" "Number of clusters: %lu\n" "FAT start (lba): %lu\n" "DIR start (lba,cluster): %lu\n" "Data start (lba): %lu\n"), fs->fs_type, (DWORD)fs->csize * 512, fs->n_fats, fs->n_rootdir, fs->fsize, fs->n_fatent - 2, fs->fatbase, fs->dirbase, fs->database); #if FF_USE_LABEL DWORD serial; res = f_getlabel(path, buf, &serial); if (!res) { printf_P(PSTR( "Volume name: %s\n" "Volume S/N: %04X-%04X\n"), buf, (WORD)(serial >> 16), (WORD)(serial & 0xFFFF)); } #endif if (!res) { my_puts_P(PSTR("\nCounting... ")); statp.AccSize = statp.AccFiles = statp.AccDirs = 0; strcpy(buf, path); res = scan_files(buf, &statp); } if (!res) { printf_P(PSTR("\r%u files, %lu bytes.\n%u folders.\n" "%lu KB total disk space.\n%lu KB available.\n"), statp.AccFiles, statp.AccSize, statp.AccDirs, (fs->n_fatent - 2) * (fs->csize / 2), nfreeclst * (fs->csize / 2) ); } } free(buf); if (res) { put_rc(res); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } return CMD_RET_SUCCESS; } /* * fatread/write - load binary file to/from a dos filesystem * read [bytes [pos]] * write */ command_ret_t do_rw(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp UNUSED, uint_fast8_t flag UNUSED, int argc, char * const argv[]) { FIL File; uint32_t addr; unsigned long bytes; unsigned long pos; unsigned long bytes_rw; bool dowrite = (argv[0][0] == 'w'); FRESULT res = FR_OK; bool buserr = 0; uint32_t timer; uint8_t *buffer; if (argc < (dowrite ? 4 : 3)) return CMD_RET_USAGE; addr = eval_arg(argv[2], NULL); if (addr >= MAX_MEMORY) { printf_P(PSTR("address too high: 0x%0lx\n"), addr); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } if (argc > 3) bytes = eval_arg(argv[3], NULL); else bytes = MAX_MEMORY; if (argc > 4) pos = eval_arg(argv[4], NULL); else pos = 0; if (addr + bytes > MAX_MEMORY) bytes = MAX_MEMORY - addr; buffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(BUFFER_SIZE); if (buffer == NULL) { printf_P(PSTR("fatstat: Out of Memory!\n")); free(buffer); return CMD_RET_FAILURE; } if (!res) { res = f_open(&File, argv[1], dowrite ? FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS : FA_READ ); if (!res) { res = f_lseek(&File, pos); if (!res) { bytes_rw = 0; timer = get_timer(0); while (bytes) { unsigned int cnt, br; if (bytes >= BUFFER_SIZE) { cnt = BUFFER_SIZE; bytes -= BUFFER_SIZE; } else { cnt = bytes; bytes = 0; } if (dowrite) { if (!(z80_bus_cmd(Request) & ZST_ACQUIRED)) { buserr = 1; break; } z80_read_block(buffer, addr, cnt); z80_bus_cmd(Release); res = f_write(&File, buffer, cnt, &br); if (res != FR_OK) break; } else { res = f_read(&File, buffer, cnt, &br); if (res != FR_OK) break; if (!(z80_bus_cmd(Request) & ZST_ACQUIRED)) { buserr = 1; break; } z80_write_block(buffer, addr, br); z80_bus_cmd(Release); } addr += br; bytes_rw += br; if (cnt != br) { if (dowrite) printf_P(PSTR("Disk full?\n")); break; } if (check_abort()) break; } FRESULT fr = f_close(&File); if (!res) res = fr; timer = get_timer(timer); printf_P(PSTR("%lu (0x%lx) bytes read/written with %lu bytes/sec.\n"), bytes_rw, bytes_rw, timer ? (bytes_rw * 1000 / timer) : 0); } } } free(buffer); if (buserr) my_puts_P(PSTR("Bus timeout\n")); if (res) put_rc(res); if (buserr || res) return CMD_RET_FAILURE; return CMD_RET_SUCCESS; } /* * command table for fat subcommands */ cmd_tbl_t cmd_tbl_fat[] = { CMD_TBL_ITEM( stat, 2, CTBL_RPT, do_stat, "Show logical drive status", "dev" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( pwd, 2, CTBL_RPT, do_pwd, "Print name of current/working directory", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( cd, 2, 0, do_cd, "Change the current/working directory.", "path" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( ls, 2, CTBL_RPT, do_ls, "Directory listing", "path" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( load, 5, 0, do_rw, "load binary file from a dos filesystem", " [bytes [pos]]\n" " - Load binary file 'path/filename' on logical drive 'd'\n" " to address 'addr' from dos filesystem.\n" " 'pos' gives the file position to start loading from.\n" " If 'pos' is omitted, 0 is used. 'pos' requires 'bytes'.\n" " 'bytes' gives the size to load. If 'bytes' is 0 or omitted,\n" " the load stops on end of file." ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( write, 4, 0, do_rw, "write file into a dos filesystem", " \n" " - Write file to 'path/filename' on logical drive 'd' from RAM\n" " starting at address 'addr'.\n" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( help, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, CTBL_RPT, do_help, "Print sub command description/usage", "\n" " - print brief description of all sub commands\n" "fat help command ...\n" " - print detailed usage of sub cmd 'command'" ), /* This does not use the CMD_TBL_ITEM macro as ? can't be used in symbol names */ {FSTR("?"), CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_help, FSTR("Alias for 'help'"), #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP FSTR(""), #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP */ NULL, #ifdef CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE NULL, #endif }, /* Mark end of table */ CMD_TBL_END(cmd_tbl_fat) }; command_ret_t do_fat(cmd_tbl_t *cmdtp UNUSED, uint_fast8_t flag UNUSED, int argc UNUSED, char * const argv[] UNUSED) { puts_P(PSTR("Huch?")); return CMD_RET_USAGE; }