#include "common.h" #include "command.h" #include "cmd_mem.h" extern command_ret_t do_help(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_echo(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_env_print(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_env_default(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_env_set(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_env_save(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_loadf(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_go(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_restart(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_dump_mem(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_eep_cp(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_busreq_pulse(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_date(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); extern command_ret_t do_clock(cmd_tbl_t *, int, int, char * const []); cmd_tbl_t cmd_tbl[] = { CMD_TBL_ITEM( date, 2, 1, do_date, "get/set/reset date & time", "[MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]\ndate reset\n" " - without arguments: print date & time\n" " - with numeric argument: set the system date & time\n" " - with 'reset' argument: reset the RTC" ), #ifdef DEBUG CMD_TBL_ITEM( !mdr, 3, 1, do_dump_mem, "RAM dump", "address [count]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !mde, 3, 1, do_dump_mem, "EEPROM dump", "address [count]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !cpe, 4, 0, do_eep_cp, "EEPROM copy", "source target count" ), #endif CMD_TBL_ITEM( mstep, 2, 1, do_busreq_pulse, "execute one M cycle", "[count]\n" " - repeat count times" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( echo, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_echo, "echo args to console", "[args..]\n" " - echo args to console; \\c suppresses newline" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_COMPLETE( run, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_run, "run commands in an environment variable", "var [...]\n" " - run the commands in the environment variable(s) 'var'", var_complete ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_COMPLETE( printenv, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_env_print, "print environment variables", "\n" " - print values of all environment variables\n" "printenv name ...\n" " - print value of environment variable 'name'", var_complete ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_COMPLETE( setenv, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_env_set, "set environment variables", "name value ...\n" " - set environment variable 'name' to 'value ...'\n" "setenv name\n" " - delete environment variable 'name'", var_complete ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( saveenv, 1, 0, do_env_save, "save environment variables to persistent storage", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( defaultenv, 1, 0, do_env_default, "set all environment variables to their default values", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loadf, 1, 0, do_loadf, "load srec_cat prepared image from controller flash", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( go, 2, 0, do_go, "start application at address 'addr'", "addr\n" " - start application at address 'addr'" // "\n" // " passing 'arg' as arguments" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( reset, 1, 0, do_reset, "Keep CPU in RESET state", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( restart, 1, 0, do_restart, "Perform RESET of the CPU", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( clock, 2, 0, do_clock, "Set or get CPU frequency", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( md, 3, 1, do_mem_md, "memory display", "address [# of objects]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mm, 2, 1, do_mem_mm, "memory modify (auto-incrementing address)", "address" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( nm, 2, 1, do_mem_nm, "memory modify (constant address)", "address" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mw, 4, 1, do_mem_mw, "memory write (fill)", "address value [count]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( cp, 4, 1, do_mem_cp, "memory copy", "source target count" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( cmp, 4, 1, do_mem_cmp, "memory compare", "addr1 addr2 count" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( base, 2, 1, do_mem_base, "print or set address offset", "\n" " - print address offset for memory commands\n" "base offset\n" " - set address offset for memory commands to 'offset'" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loop, 3, 1, do_mem_loop, "infinite loop on address range", "address number_of_bytes" ), #ifdef CONFIG_LOOPW CMD_TBL_ITEM( loopw, 4, 1, do_mem_loopw, "infinite write loop on address range", "address number_of_bytes data_to_write" ), #endif /* CONFIG_LOOPW */ #ifdef CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST CMD_TBL_ITEM( mtest, 5, 1, do_mem_mtest, "simple RAM read/write test", "[start [end [pattern [iterations]]]]" ), #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST */ #ifdef CONFIG_MX_CYCLIC CMD_TBL_ITEM( mdc, 4, 1, do_mem_mdc, "memory display cyclic", "address count delay(ms)" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mwc, 4, 1, do_mem_mwc, "memory write cyclic", "address value delay(ms)" ), #endif /* CONFIG_MX_CYCLIC */ CMD_TBL_ITEM( help, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_help, "print command description/usage", "\n" " - print brief description of all commands\n" "help command ...\n" " - print detailed usage of 'command'" ), /* This does not use the CMD_TBL_ITEM macro as ? can't be used in symbol names */ {FSTR("?"), CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_help, FSTR("alias for 'help'"), #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP FSTR(""), #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP */ #ifdef CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE 0, #endif }, /* Mark end of table */ { 0 }, };