/* * (C) Copyright 2014-2016, 2018 Leo C. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 */ #include "common.h" #include "command.h" #include "cmd_mem.h" #include "cmd_boot.h" #include "cmd_cpu.h" #include "cmd_misc.h" #include "cmd_date.h" #include "cmd_run.h" #include "cmd_loadcpm3.h" #include "cmd_loadihex.h" #include "cmd_gpio.h" #include "cmd_sd.h" #include "cmd_fat.h" #include "cmd_attach.h" #include "env.h" #include "debug.h" cmd_tbl_t cmd_tbl[] = { CMD_TBL_ITEM_TOP( xx, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_cpu, "experimental commands", " args ...\n" "xx help\n", cmd_tbl_cpu ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( date, 2, 1, do_date, "get/set date & time", "[MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss]]\n" " - without arguments: print date & time\n" " - with numeric argument: set the system date & time\n" ), #ifdef DEBUG CMD_TBL_ITEM( !mdr, 3, CTBL_DBG|CTBL_RPT, do_dump_mem, "RAM dump", "address [count]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !mde, 3, CTBL_DBG|CTBL_RPT, do_dump_mem, "EEPROM dump", "address [count]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !mdf, 3, CTBL_DBG|CTBL_RPT, do_dump_mem, "FLASH dump", "address [count]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !cpe, 4, CTBL_DBG, do_eep_cp, "EEPROM copy", "source target count" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !mm, 2, CTBL_DBG|CTBL_RPT, do_mem_mm_avr, "avr memory modify (auto-incrementing address)", "address" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !nm, 2, CTBL_DBG|CTBL_RPT, do_mem_nm_avr, "avr memory modify (constant address)", "address" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !prfree, 1, CTBL_DBG|CTBL_RPT, do_pr_free_avr, "print avr heap free list", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( !prheap, 1, CTBL_DBG, do_pr_heap_avr, "dump avr heap", "" ), #endif CMD_TBL_ITEM( msize, 1, 1, do_mem_size, "Detect memory size", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mstep, 2, 1, do_busreq_pulse, "execute one M cycle", "[count]\n" " - repeat count times" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( echo, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_echo, "display a line of text", "[-n] [argument ...]\n" "- echo the argument(s) to console.\n" " -n do not output the trailing newline" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( sleep , 2, 1, do_sleep, "delay execution for some time", "N[m][s]\n" " - delay execution for decimal N (milli) seconds" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_COMPLETE( run, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_run, "run commands in an environment variable", "var [...]\n" " - run the commands in the environment variable(s) 'var'", var_complete ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( boot, 1, 1, do_bootd, "boot default, i.e., run 'bootcmd'", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_COMPLETE( source, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_source, "run commands from a file", "filename\n" " - run the commands in the script file 'filename'", var_complete ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_TOP( env, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_env, "environment handling commands", "", cmd_tbl_env ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loadf, 1, 0, do_loadf, "load srec_cat prepared image from controller flash", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( bootcf, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_bootcf, "boot from cf card", "[options]\n" " Load a number of sectors from the first CP/M partition and jump to\n" " the load address.\n" " -a ADDRESS\n" " Load and start address (default 100 hex)\n" " -s NUM\n" " First sector of partition to load (0..255, default 0)\n" " -c NUM\n" " Number of sectors to load (1..127, default 7)\n" " -i NUM\n" " Partition type to look for (default 52 hex)\n" " -n\n" " Load only, do not execute\n" " -t NUM\n" " Timeout for IDE commands (1..65535, default 10000)\n" " -v verbose\n" " TODO: be verbose" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loadcpm3, 3, 0, do_loadcpm3, "load CPM3.SYS file", "[filename [common-base [banked-base]]] \n" " - Load CP/M 3 system file from FAT filesystem. This command makes\n" " CPMLDR superfluous. Uses the following environment variables if set:\n" " '"ENV_CPM3_SYSFILE"' File to load. Default is '"CONFIG_CPM3_SYSFILE"'.\n" " '"ENV_CPM3_BANKED_BASE"' Default is '"CONFIG_CPM3_BANKED_BASE_STR"'.\n" " Sets the following environment variables after loading:\n" " '"ENV_CPM3_COMMON_BASE"'\n" " '"ENV_STARTADDRESS"'" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loadi, 2, 0, do_loadihex, "load intel hex file over serial line", "[[-]offset]\n" " - load Intel-Hex-Record file over serial line with offset 'offset'" ), #if defined(CONFIG_CMD_LOADB) CMD_TBL_ITEM( loadb, 1, 0, do_load_serial_bin, "load binary file over serial line (kermit mode)", " - load binary file over serial line" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loadx, 1, 0, do_load_serial_bin, "load binary file over serial line (xmodem mode)", " - load binary file over serial line" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( loady, 1, 0, do_load_serial_bin, "load binary file over serial line (ymodem mode)", " - load binary file over serial line" ), #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_LOADB */ CMD_TBL_ITEM( go, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_go, "start application at address 'addr'", "[-h] addr\n" " - start application at address 'addr'" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( reset, 1, 0, do_reset, "Keep CPU in RESET state", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( restart, 1, 1, do_restart, "Perform RESET of the CPU", "" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( connect, 1, 0, do_console, "Connect to CPU console i/o", "\n" " - type the escape character followed by Q to close the connection, \n" " or followed by ? to see other options. The default escape character \n" " is Ctrl-^ (0x1E). It can be changed by setting env var '"ENV_ESC_CHAR"'." ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( pin, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_gpio, "Set or query pin state", "[-s] []\n" " - print cofiguration and state or frequency of pins\n" " print all pins, if argument is omitted\n" "pin h[igh]|l[ow]\n" " - config pins as output and set to level high or low\n" "pin ts|i[n]|p[ullup]\n" " - config pins as input/tristate or input with pullup\n" "pin value[K|M][Hz]\n" " - output a clock on pins\n" " value is system clock divider or frequency, if 'Hz' is appended\n" " divider is rounded down to next possible value (depends on pin)\n" "\n" " is a comma separated list of numbers or ranges, i.e. \"0,9,3-6\"\n" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( md, 3, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_md, "memory display", "address [# of objects]" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mm, 2, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_mm, "memory modify (auto-incrementing address)", "address" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( nm, 2, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_nm, "memory modify (constant address)", "address" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mw, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_mw, "memory write (fill)", "[-bwl] address value [count]\n" " -b write value as byte (8 bit, default)\n" " -w write value as word (16 bit)\n" " -l write value as long (32 bit)" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mcp, 4, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_cp, "memory copy", "source target count" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mcmp, 4, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_cmp, "memory compare", "addr1 addr2 count" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( base, 2, 0, do_mem_base, "print or set address offset", "\n" " - print address offset for memory commands\n" "base offset\n" " - set address offset for memory commands to 'offset'" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mloop, 3, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_loop, "infinite loop on address range", "address number_of_bytes" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mloopw, 4, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_loopw, "infinite write loop on address range", "address number_of_bytes data_to_write" ), #ifdef CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST CMD_TBL_ITEM( mtest, 4, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_mtest, "simple RAM read/write test", "[start [end [iterations]]]" ), #endif /* CONFIG_CMD_MEMTEST */ #ifdef CONFIG_MX_CYCLIC CMD_TBL_ITEM( mdc, 4, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_mdc, "memory display cyclic", "address count delay(ms)" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( mwc, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, CTBL_RPT, do_mem_mdc, "memory write cyclic", "[-bwl] address value delay(ms)\n" " -b write value as byte (8 bit, default)\n" " -w write value as word (16 bit)\n" " -l write value as long (32 bit)" ), #endif /* CONFIG_MX_CYCLIC */ CMD_TBL_ITEM_TOP( sd, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_sd, "SD/MMC card handling commands", " args ...\n" "sd help\n" " - print help on subcommands", cmd_tbl_sd ), CMD_TBL_ITEM_TOP( fat, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_fat, "fat filesystem commands", " args ...\n" "fat help\n" " - print help on subcommands", cmd_tbl_fat ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( attach, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, CTBL_RPT, do_attach, "attach filesystem image file to CP/M drive", "[-rw] [-o options] dsk diskfile\n" " Attach diskfile to dsk, where n in 0.."CONFIG_CPM_MAX_DRNR_STR"\n" " -r File is read only (write protected)\n" " -w File is read/write (default)\n" " -o options\n" " Options is a comma-separated list of\n" " ro, rw, debug, nodebug\n" "\n" "attach [-rw] -o reattach[,other options] dsk\n" " Change options for dsk.\n" " Options as above.\n" "\n" "attach -d -a|dsk\n" "detach -a|dsk\n" " Detach diskfile from dsk.\n" " -a Detach all.\n" "\n" "attach\n" " Without arguments, list current assignments" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( detach, 2, 0, do_attach, "detach file from CP/M drive", "dsk]\n" " - alias for 'attach -d dsk'" ), CMD_TBL_ITEM( help, CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 0, do_help, "print command description/usage", "[-a]\n" " print brief description of all commands\n" " -a print description of subcommands too\n" "help -fk keyword ...\n" " print brief description of commands matching keyword\n" " -f search keyword in command name\n" " -k search keyword in command name and description\n" "help [-a] command ...\n" " print detailed usage of 'command'" ), /* This does not use the CMD_TBL_ITEM macro as ? can't be used in symbol names */ {FSTR("?"), CONFIG_SYS_MAXARGS, 1, do_help, FSTR("alias for 'help'"), #ifdef CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP FSTR(""), #endif /* CONFIG_SYS_LONGHELP */ NULL, #ifdef CONFIG_AUTO_COMPLETE NULL, #endif }, /* Mark end of table */ CMD_TBL_END(cmd_tbl) };