/*------------------------------------------------------------/ / Open or create a file in append mode / (This function was sperseded by FA_OPEN_APPEND at FatFs R0.12a) /------------------------------------------------------------*/ FRESULT open_append ( FIL* fp, /* [OUT] File object to create */ const char* path /* [IN] File name to be opened */ ) { FRESULT fr; /* Opens an existing file. If not exist, creates a new file. */ fr = f_open(fp, path, FA_WRITE | FA_OPEN_ALWAYS); if (fr == FR_OK) { /* Seek to end of the file to append data */ fr = f_lseek(fp, f_size(fp)); if (fr != FR_OK) f_close(fp); } return fr; } int main (void) { FRESULT fr; FATFS fs; FIL fil; /* Open or create a log file and ready to append */ f_mount(&fs, "", 0); fr = open_append(&fil, "logfile.txt"); if (fr != FR_OK) return 1; /* Append a line */ f_printf(&fil, "%02u/%02u/%u, %2u:%02u\n", Mday, Mon, Year, Hour, Min); /* Close the file */ f_close(&fil); return 0; }