FALSE equ 0 TRUE equ NOT FALSE DEBUG equ true banked equ true ;----------------------------------------------------- ; CPU and BANKING types CPU_Z180 equ TRUE CPU_Z80 equ FALSE ROMSYS equ FALSE AVRCLK equ 18432 ;[KHz] if CPU_Z180 ;----------------------------------------------------- ;FOSC equ AVRCLK/2 ;Oscillator frequency [KHz] ;PHI equ FOSC*2 ;CPU frequency (clock doubler enabled) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Baudrate Generator for x16 clock mode: ; TC = (f PHI / (32 * baudrate)) - 2 ; ; PHI [MHz]: 9.216 18.432 ; baudrate TC TC ; ---------------------- ; 115200 - 3 ; 57600 3 8 ; 38400 - 13 ; 19200 13 28 ; 9600 28 58 ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Programmable Reload Timer (PRT) PRT_PRE equ 20 ;PRT prescaler ;----------------------------------------------------- ; MMU COMMON_SIZE equ 4*1024 ;Common Area size in bytes ;must be multiple of 4K if (COMMON_SIZE mod 1000h) .printx COMMON_SIZE not multiple of 4K! end ;stop assembly endif CMN_SIZE equ COMMON_SIZE/1000h ;4K units BNK_SIZE equ 64/4 - CMN_SIZE ;bank size (4K units) BANKS equ (512/4 - CMN_SIZE)/BNK_SIZE ;max nr. of banks ; Logical address space, CBAR values CA equ 10h - CMN_SIZE ;common area start (64K - common size) BA equ 0 ;banked area start if 0 SYS$CBR equ 0 SYS$CBAR equ CA*16 + CA ;CBAR in system mode USR$CBAR equ CA*16 + BA ;CBAR in user mode (CP/M) endif if 1 SYS$CBR equ BNK_SIZE SYS$CBAR equ CA*16 + CA ;CBAR in system mode USR$CBAR equ CA*16 + BA ;CBAR in user mode (CP/M) endif ;----------------------------------------------------- CREFSH equ 0 ;Refresh rate register (disable refresh) CWAITIO equ 3 shl IWI0 ;Max I/O Wait States, 0 Memory Wait States PHI_X2 equ 0 ;set to M_X2CM to enable the clock doubler endif ;CPU_Z180 if CPU_Z80 PHI equ AVRCLK/5 ;CPU frequency [KHz] BAUDCLCK equ AVRCLK/10 ;Baudrate clock [KHz] ;BDCLK16 equ SIOAD EQU 0bch SIOAC EQU 0bdh SIOBD EQU 0beh SIOBC EQU 0bfh CTC0 EQU 0f4h CTC1 EQU 0f5h CTC2 EQU 0f6h CTC3 EQU 0f7h ; ; Init Serial I/O for console input and output (SIO-A) ; ; Baudrate clock: 1843200 Hz (Bus connector pin A17) ; ; Baudrate Divider SIO CTC ; --------------------------------- ; 115200 16 16 1 ; 57600 32 16 2 ; 38400 48 16 3 ; 19200 96 16 6 ; 9600 192 16 12 ; 4800 384 16 24 ; 2400 768 16 48 ; 1200 1536 16 96 ; 600 3072 16 192 ; 300 6144 64 92 endif ; CPU_Z80 if ROMSYS c$rom equ 0a5h ROM_EN equ 0C0h ROM_DIS equ ROMEN+1 if CPU_Z180 CWAITROM equ 2 shl MWI0 endif endif DDTZRSTVEC equ 030h ;DDTZ Restart vector (breakpoints) INIDONE equ 03Fh ;CP/M skip hw init, if this address INIDONEVAL equ 080h ; is set to this value. mtx.fifo_len equ 64 ;Message transfer fifos mtx.fifo_id equ 0 ; This *must* have #0 mrx.fifo_len equ 64 mrx.fifo_id equ 1 ci.fifo_len equ 32 ;AVRCON Character I/O via AVR ci.fifo_id equ 2 co.fifo_len equ 32 co.fifo_id equ 3 s1.rx_len equ 128 ;Serial 1 (ASCI1) buffers s1.rx_id equ 4 ; s1.tx_len equ 128 ; s1.tx_id equ 5 ; AVRINT5 equ 4Fh AVRINT6 equ 5Fh ;PMSG equ 80h ;----------------------------------------------------- ; Definition of (logical) top 2 memory pages sysram_start equ 0FE00h bs$stack$size equ 80 isvsw_loc equ 0FEE0h ivtab equ 0ffc0h ;int vector table iv2tab equ ivtab + 2*9 ;----------------------------------------------------- o.id equ -4 o.mask equ -3 o.in_idx equ -2 o.out_idx equ -1 .lall mkbuf macro id,name,size if ((size AND (size-1)) NE 0) OR (size GT 256) .printx Error: buffer ^size must be power of 2 and in range 0..256! name&.mask equ ;wrong size error else db id db size-1 ds 2 name:: ds size name&.mask equ low (size-1) if size ne 0 name&.end equ $-1 name&.len equ size name&.id equ id endif endif endm ;----------------------------------------------------- inidat macro cseg ??ps.a defl $ endm inidate macro ??ps.len defl $ - ??ps.a dseg ds ??ps.len endm ;----------------------------------------------------- b0call macro address call _b0call dw address endm