; Various Management functions for the Interaction with the File- ; systems ; ; Copyright (C) 2010 Frank Zoll ; ; This file is part of avrcpm. ; ; avrcpm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; avrcpm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with avrcpm. If not, see . ; ; $Id$ ; ;-------------------------- Defines for the disk management Structures ;----------------------------------------------- Start of Data Segment .dseg ; ------------------------------- Start of Code Segment .cseg ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Scans a Disk for CP/M Partions ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; Registers : [w] temp Number of disk images (raw and fat16) found. ; + 0x80 if sd card changes. (not used, doesn't work) ; SREG : Z according to temp ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; This Function scans an SD-Cards Boot-Sector for valid Partitions. ; First all original CP/M Partitions will be usesed as Drives for ; the CPM-System. Wenn all CP/M Partitions are found, a second ; scann will be made. In the second Scan, the first FAT16 Partition ; on the Disk will be used for a detailed analyses. If there ; are any Files like "cpm_x.img" are found, these Files will be ; used as Disks by the CP/M- System. ( x must be in the Range A to D ) ; ==================================================================== mgr_init_partitions: sts ndisks,_0 ; Set Number of Disks to 0 ; Initialize partition table ldiw y,hostparttbl ldi temp2,PARTENTRY_SIZE*MAXDISKS mgr_picl: st y+,_0 dec temp2 brne mgr_picl ; Start mmc Card interaction lcall mmcInit andi temp,MMCST_NOINIT & MMCST_NODISK brne mgr_pierr ;Load first sector from MMC (boot sector) ldiw y,0 ; Sector 0 movw x,y lcall mmcReadSect tst temp breq mgr_check_bootsektor mgr_pierr: clr temp ret mgr_check_bootsektor: ;Pointer to first table entry ldiw y,hostparttbl ldi temp3,0 ;temp3 holds number of found disks (paritions) ;Test, if it has a valid MBR lds temp,hostbuf+510 ;MBR signature (0xAA55) at and of sector? lds temp2,hostbuf+510+1 ldi temp4,0xAA cpi temp,0x55 cpc temp2,temp4 breq mgr_search ;No MBR, no partition table ... inc temp3 ;pretend we have one. sts ndisks,temp3 ldi temp,high((1<<16) * 128/512) ldi temp2,dskType_CPM std y+0,temp2 std y+1,_0 ;start at beginning of card std y+2,_0 std y+3,_0 std y+4,_0 std y+5,_0 ;max CP/M 2.2 disk size std y+6,temp ; std y+7,_0 std y+8,_0 rjmp mgr_pend ; Search for valid Partitions and ImageFiles mgr_search: ldiw z,hostbuf+510-64 ;Point to first byte of partition table ldi temp4,4 ;Partition table has 4 entries. mgr_ploop: ; Get Partitiontype ldd temp,z+PART_TYPE ; Test for CP/M Partition cpi temp,PARTID_CPM brne mgr_nextp rcall cpm_add_partition inc temp3 sts ndisks,temp3 cpi temp3,MAXDISKS breq mgr_pend mgr_nextp: adiw zl,16 dec temp4 brne mgr_ploop #if FAT16_SUPPORT ; Test for FAT16 Partition ldiw z,hostbuf+510-64 ;Point to first byte of partition table ldi temp4,4 mgr_ploop2: ; Get Partitiontype ldd temp,z+PART_TYPE ; Test for FAT Partition Type 1 cpi temp,PARTID1_FAT16 breq mgr_fatfound ; Test for FAT Partition Type 2 cpi temp,PARTID2_FAT16 brne mgr_nextp2 mgr_fatfound: rcall fat_add_partition rcall fat_scan_partition rcall fat_reset_cache rjmp mgr_pend ;Stop after first FAT16 partition found. mgr_nextp2: adiw zl,16 dec temp4 brne mgr_ploop2 #endif mgr_pend: lds temp,ndisks ;return # of "disks" tst temp ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Print partition table info ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : none ; Variables : [r] hostparttbl Table with Partitioninformations ; [r] hostparttbltop Pointer to the Top of the Table ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== mgr_prnt_parttbl: ldiw z,hostparttbl lds yl,ndisks ldi xh,'A' pprl: ldd temp ,z+1 ;Get partition start ldd temp2,z+2 ldd temp3,z+3 ldd temp4,z+4 printnewline cp temp,_0 ;If zero ... cpc temp2,_0 cpc temp3,_0 cpc temp4,_0 breq mgr_prnop ;... no partition table at 0 ; Partitiontype examining ldd xl,z+0 ; CP/M ? cpi xl,dskType_CPM brne mgr_prtb_nocpm rcall mgr_prnt_diskname rcall mgr_prnt_table_cpm rjmp mgr_prnt_size mgr_prtb_nocpm: #if FAT16_SUPPORT ; FAT16 ? cpi xl,dskType_FAT brne mgr_prtb_nofat rcall mgr_prnt_diskname rcall mgr_prnt_table_fat rjmp mgr_prnt_size mgr_prtb_nofat: #endif #if 0 /* RAMDISK is not on SD card */ ; RAMDISK ? cpi xl,dskType_RAM brne mgr_prnt_err rcall mgr_prnt_diskname rcall mgr_prnt_table_ram rjmp mgr_prnt_size #endif mgr_prnt_err: ; Entry Error rcall mgr_prnt_table_err rjmp mgr_prnt_size mgr_prnop: rcall mgr_prnt_diskname rcall mgr_prnt_image mgr_prnt_size: lcall print_ultoa printstring ", size: " ldd temp ,z+5 ;Get partition size ldd temp2,z+6 ldd temp3,z+7 ldd temp4,z+8 lsr temp4 ror temp3 ror temp2 ror temp lcall print_ultoa printstring "KB." mgr_goto_next_part: adiw z,PARTENTRY_SIZE inc xh dec yl brne pprl mgr_pppre: ret mgr_prnt_fatsize: lcall print_ultoa printstring ", size: " ldd temp ,z+5 ;Get partition size ldd temp2,z+6 ldd temp3,z+7 ldd temp4,z+8 lcall print_ultoa printstring "BYTE." rjmp mgr_goto_next_part mgr_prnt_diskname: push temp mov temp,xh lcall uartputc ldi temp,':' lcall uartputc pop temp ret mgr_prnt_table_cpm: printstring "CP/M partition at: " ret mgr_prnt_table_fat: printstring "FAT16 File-Image at: " ret mgr_prnt_table_ram: printstring "Ramdisk at: " ret mgr_prnt_table_err: printstring "Unknown Entry at: " ret mgr_prnt_image: printstring "Assuming CP/M image at: " ret