VERS EQU 02 .Z80 ; NAME AVRCLK ; Change this to no more than 6-char ; name for the REL driver module ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Time format (6 bytes packed BCD) ; ; TIME+0 last 2 digits of year (prefix 19 assumed for 78 to 99, else 20 assumed) ; TIME+1 month [1..12] ; TIME+2 day [1..31] ; TIME+3 hour [0..23] ; TIME+4 minute [0..59] ; TIME+5 second [0..59] ; ; This first section contains identification information for the driver ; The information is not placed in the clock driver code section, but are ; located in a different area located by the _CLKID Named Common directive. COMMON /_CLKID/ DESCST: DEFW 0000 ; Add label here if a static year byte ; is used by your clock driver. The ; label should point to the year byte ;123456789012345678901234 CLKNAM: DEFB 'AVRCPM Clock ' ; Exactly 24 chars in name DEFB VERS/10+'0','.',VERS MOD 10 +'0',0 DESCR: DEFB 'This is the AVRCPM clock',0 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This section contains any configurable parameters needed for the ; clock driver. They must be structured in the manner shown in order ; for the loader to properly match and set the values. ; The values in this section are not loaded in the same code section ; as the actual driver code, but are located in another base referenced ; by the _PARM_ Named Common directive. COMMON /_PARM_/ PARBAS: DEFW 0 ; # of parameters (Set to 00 if none) DEFW 0 ; Pointer to STRS (Set to 00 if none) ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; This section should contain the actual Clock Driver code, and all ; entries here are located in the CSEG, or Code Segment. CSEG MHZ equ 2 ; Base Processor speed CLOCKPORT equ 47h ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Z S D O S C L O C K H E A D E R ;----------------------------------------------------------- ; Enter: HL points to a 6-byte buffer to Get/Set time ; Exit : A=1 on Success, A=FFH if error ; HL points to last char in buffer ; E contains original seconds (HL+5) ; NOTE: If clock Set is not included, comment these two jumps ; out to save a few bytes. The loader, SETUPZST, uses ; these two jumps to recognize a full ZSDOS clock and ; modify the interface code. PRGBAS: JP GETTIM ; Jump to Read Clock JP WRCLK ; Jump to Set Clock ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; R e a d T h e C l o c k ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GETTIM: ; The work of reading the clock ; goes here. Values needing to be set ; during installation are referenced as: ld bc,5 add hl,bc push hl ld b,6 ld c,CLOCKPORT ld e,(hl) GETT_l: in a,(c) ld (hl),a inc c dec hl djnz GETT_l pop hl ld a,1 ret ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ; S e t T h e C l o c k ;- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - WRCLK: ld a,(hl) cp 78h ld a,19h jr nc,WRC_1 ld a,20h WRC_1: out (CLOCKPORT+6),a ld b,6 ld c,CLOCKPORT+5 WRC_l: ld a,(hl) out (c),a dec c inc hl djnz WRC_l dec hl ld a,1 ret ;------------------------------------------------------------- ; This code installs configurable items into the clock module ; Enter with DE pointing to the physical base address of the ; relocatable module. DE MUST BE USED TO SET VALUES IN ; THE CSEG PORTION OF CODE! ; NOTE: Code in this section is not added to the actual clock ; driver, but placed in a different area referenced to ; the common base _POST_. COMMON /_POST_/ ; Values in the _PARM_, _POST_ and _PRE_ sections may be loaded ; and saved directly, since their addresses are constant from ; linkage through execution. Setting or reading values in the ; CSEG must be indirect based on the value in the DE register ; pair. The following examples show how to access the various ; sections. ; ; LD A,(XYR) ; EXAMPLE - Get byte from _PARM_ directly ; LD HL,YYR ; " - Begin offset into CSEG indirectly ; ADD HL,DE ; " - HL now addresses relocated loc'n ; LD (HL),A ; " - value can be stored ; ; Likewise, 16-bit values must be accessed indirectly, and may use ; the BC register pair as transfer storage. ; ; LD BC,(XPORT) ; EXAMPLE - Get word from _PARM_ directly ; LD HL,YPORT1 ; " - Begin offset into CSEG indirectly ; ADD HL,DE ; " - HL now addresses relocated loc'n ; LD (HL),C ; " - value can be saved.. ; INC HL ; " - ...a byte.. ; LD (HL),B ; " - a time.. ; ; LD (YPORT2),BC ; EXAMPLE - Values can be stored directly into ; " - other sections such as _PRE_ RET ; This RETURN MUST be present even if no other ; code is included in this section ;---------------------------------------------------------------- ; This module is executed just prior to installing the module to ; insure that a valid clock is present ; Enter with DE pointing to base of relocated clock code segment ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ; Read clock and wait for seconds to roll - watchdog protected ; Enter with: DE pointing to relocated clock read routine ; HL pointing to base of high module COMMON /_PRE_/ ; Optional final setup of the clock module may go here. Examples of such ; code would be installation-dependant items such as physical RAM location ; for the driver module. If any code is added here, the DE register pair ; MUST be preserved to properly inter PRECLOCK code (If included). ;YPORT2 EQU $+1 ; EXAMPLE - just to show accessing method ; LD BC,0000 ; " - ..from _POST_ code. INCLUDE PRECLOCK.LIB ; This section of code merely calls the ; clock and waits an arbitrary period of ; time (>> 1 second) to see if the time ; changes. It returns an error if not. if 0 TSTRD: JR TSTRD0 ; Jump around address store DEFW TSTRD ; Org location of the code TSTRD0: SCF LD A,1 RET endif END