; Filesystem functions for the Interaction with BIOS and Disks ; ; Copyright (C) 2010 Frank Zoll ; ; This file is part of avrcpm. ; ; avrcpm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it ; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; avrcpm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with avrcpm. If not, see . ; ; $Id$ ; .equ DSKSEL_DEBUG = 0 ; ---------------- Defines for the Filesystem Interface ------- ;***************************************************** ;* Disk-Manager constants * ;***************************************************** ; Fields in the parttabl .equ MAXDISKS = 8 ;Max number of Disks (partitions) .equ PARTENTRY_SIZE = 9 ;Size of a Partitiontableentry .equ PTAB_TYPE = 0 .equ PTAB_START = 1 .equ PTAB_SIZE = 5 .equ PTAB_SPT = 7 .equ PTAB_BSH = 8 .equ dskType_None = 0 << 4 .equ dskType_CPM = 1 << 4 .equ dskType_FAT = 2 << 4 ; .equ dskType_RAM = 3 << 4 .equ dskType_MASK = 0xf << 4 ;***************************************************** ;* CP/M to host disk constants * ;***************************************************** ; .equ blksize = 1024 ;CP/M allocation size ; .equ CPMSPT = 26 ; .equ HOSTSIZE = 512 ;host disk sector size .equ HOSTBLK = HOSTSIZE/128 ;CP/M sects/host buff .equ SECMSK = HOSTBLK-1 ;sector mask .equ SECSHF = log2(HOSTBLK) ;sector shift ;***************************************************** ;* BDOS constants on entry to write * ;***************************************************** .equ WRALL = 0 ;write to allocated .equ WRDIR = 1 ;write to directory .equ WRUAL = 2 ;write to unallocated .equ WRTMSK= 3 ;write type mask .equ READ_FUNC = 7 .equ WRITE_FUNC = 6 .equ BOOT_FUNC = 5 .equ HOME_FUNC = 4 ;----------------------------------------------- Start of Data Segment .dseg ; The following 3 variables are copied from DRAM. ; Don't change order. biosdrvtbl: .byte 2 ; biosdirbuf: .byte 2 ; biosenddat: .byte 2 ; ndisks: .byte 1 ;Number of CP/M disks ; The following 5 variables are accessed from 8080/z80 via the ; virtual port interface. Don't change order. biospar_base: bcbadr: .byte 2 ;adr of BiosControlBlock seekdsk: .byte 1 ;seek disk number seektrk: .byte 2 ;seek track number seeksec: .byte 2 ;seek sector number dmaadr: .byte 2 ;last dma address hdrsize: .byte 1 ;Image header size (offset) cpmspt: .byte 1 ;CP/M sectors per track secpblk: .byte 1 ;sectors per block (alloc size) unacnt: .byte 1 ;unalloc rec cnt unadsk: .byte 1 ;last unalloc disk unatrk: .byte 2 ;last unalloc track unasec: .byte 1 ;last unalloc sector erflag: .byte 1 ;error reporting wrtype: .byte 1 ;write operation type hostdsk: .byte 1 ;host disk number hostlba: .byte 3 ;host sector number (relative to partition start) hostparttbl: .byte PARTENTRY_SIZE*MAXDISKS ;host partition table (type, start sector, sector count) hostparttbltop: hostbuf: .byte HOSTSIZE ;host buffer (from/to SD-card) ; ------------------------------- Start of Code Segment .cseg ;--------------------------------------------------------------------- .if DSKSEL_DEBUG dbg_prdrvtbl: push xh push xl push temp3 push temp2 push temp printnewline printstring "drvtbl (" lds xl,biosdrvtbl lds xh,biosdrvtbl+1 movw temp,x rcall printhexw printstring "): " ldi temp3,16 dbg_pcpel: rcall dram_readw_pp rcall printhexw printstring " " dec temp3 brne dbg_pcpel pop temp pop temp2 pop temp3 pop xl pop xh ret dbg_print_biosd: printnewline lds temp,bcbadr lds temp2,bcbadr+1 rcall printhexw printstring " " lds temp,biosdrvtbl lds temp2,biosdrvtbl+1 rcall printhexw printstring " " lds temp,biosdirbuf lds temp2,biosdirbuf+1 rcall printhexw printstring " " lds temp,biosenddat lds temp2,biosenddat+1 rcall printhexw printstring " " ret .endif ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Get a Pointer to a Partitiontable entry ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : [w] z Pointer to the Partitionentry ; [r] zl Number of Diskentry to Read ; [w] _tmp0 scratch ; [w] _tmp1 " ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_getpartentry: ldi zh,PARTENTRY_SIZE mul zh,zl ldiw z,hostparttbl add zl,_tmp0 add zh,_tmp1 ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Virtual Port Interface ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; Variables : ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_param_getadr: ldiw z,biospar_base add zl,temp3 adc zh,_0 ret dsk_param_wr: rcall dsk_param_getadr st z,temp cpi temp3,bcbadr+1-seektrk brne dsk_param_wr1 std z+1,_0 dsk_param_wr1: cpi temp3,bcbadr+1-biospar_base breq SetBCB ret dsk_param_rd: cpi temp3,seekdsk-biospar_base breq dskDiskCheck rcall dsk_param_getadr ld temp,z ret SetBCB: lds xl,bcbadr mov xh,temp ldiw z,biosdrvtbl ldi temp3,6 sbcb_l: rcall dram_read_pp st z+,temp dec temp3 brne sbcb_l ; rcall dbg_print_biosd rcall dpb_drvtblinit ; rcall dbg_prdrvtbl ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Check if disk exists ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; Variables : ; return 0, if selected disk not exist. ; return !0, if disk exist ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dskDiskCheck: lds temp2,ndisks lds temp,seekdsk .if DSKSEL_DEBUG printnewline printstring "DiskCheck: " rcall printhexw .endif cpi temp,RAMDISKNR brsh dsk_dchrd ;maybe ramdisk ; Check if selected disk # is less then # of disks. lds temp2,ndisks tst temp2 ;0 disks? brne dsk_dchpart1 ; No disks yet, need to init rcall mgr_init_partitions ;disk chanched? ; sbrs temp,7 ; rjmp dsk_dchpart0 push temp rcall dpb_drvtblinit ; rcall dbg_prdrvtbl pop temp2 dsk_dchpart0: cbr temp2,0x80 lds temp,seekdsk dsk_dchpart1: cp temp,temp2 brsh dsk_dch_err .if DSKSEL_DEBUG printnewline printstring "Select: " rcall printhex .endif rcall dpb_drvtbl_entry_get or temp,temp2 ;if !0, drive is allready initialized brne dsk_dchend lds temp,seekdsk rcall dpb_diskinit dsk_dchend: .if DSKSEL_DEBUG push temp lds temp,seekdsk rcall dpb_drvtbl_entry_get printstring ", " rcall printhexw pop temp .endif ret dsk_dch_err: ldi temp,0 ;error return ret ; Check RAMDISK dsk_dchrd: #if RAMDISKCNT cpi temp,RAMDISKNR+RAMDISKCNT brsh dsk_dchrd_err ldi temp,0xff ;return ok ret #endif dsk_dchrd_err: ldi temp,0 ;error return ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Return status of last disk i/o function ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; Variables : ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dskErrorRet: lds temp,erflag ret ; ------------------------------------------------------------------- .dseg tmpdpb: .byte 16 .cseg ; DPBs for varios fixed formats ; dpb data starts at 2. byte dpbdat_avrcpm: ;(dpb243) .db 0x00,0x1A ;sector offset, low(spt) .db 0x00,0x03 ;high (spt), block shift .db 0x07,0x00 ;bock mask, extent mask .db 0xF2,0x00 ;disk size - 1, .db 0x3F,0x00 ;dir max .db 0xC0,0x00 ;alloc0, alloc1 .db 0x10,0x00 ;chk size .db 0x02,0x00 ;offset dpbdat_myz80: ; .db 0x02,0x80 ;sector offset, low(spt) .db 0x00,0x05 ;high (spt), block shift .db 0x1F,0x01 ;bock mask, extent mask .db 0xFF,0x07 ;disk size - 1, .db 0xFF,0x03 ;dir max .db 0xFF,0x00 ;alloc0, alloc1 .db 0x00,0x01 ;chk size .db 0x00,0x00 ;offset #if 0 ;rd1016 .db 0x20,0x00 ;spt .db 0x04,0x0F ;block shift, bock mask .db 0x00,0xFB ;extent mask, low(disk size -1), .db 0x01,0xBF ;high(disk size -1), low(dir max) .db 0x00,0xE0 ;high(dir max), alloc0 .db 0x00,0x30 ;alloc1, low(chk size) .db 0x00,0x02 ;high(chk size), low(offset) .db 0x00,0x00 ;high(offset), fill ;rd9192s .db 0x20,0x00 ;spt .db 0x05,0x1F ;block shift, bock mask .db 0x01,0xFD ;extent mask, low(disk size -1), .db 0x07,0xFF ;high(disk size -1), low(dir max) .db 0x01,0xF0 ;high(dir max), alloc0 .db 0x00,0x80 ;alloc1, low(chk size) .db 0x00,0x02 ;high(chk size), low(offset) .db 0x00,0x00 ;high(offset), fill #endif ; Copy the dpb data in flash memory, pointed to by Z to temp ram. dpb_copy_p: push yh push yl ldi temp2,16 ldiw y,tmpdpb cpydpb_pl: lpm temp,z+ st y+,temp dec temp2 brne cpydpb_pl pop yl pop yh ret ; Copy the dpb data, pointed to by Z to temp ram. dpb_copy: st y+,temp ldi temp2,15 cpydpb_l: ld temp,z+ st y+,temp dec temp2 brne cpydpb_l ret ; String compare (z, y), one z-string in flash. strcmp_p: lpm _tmp0,z+ tst _tmp0 breq strcmp_pex ld temp, y+ lpm _tmp0, z+ sub temp,_tmp0 brne strcmp_pex tst _tmp0 brne strcmp_p strcmp_pex: ret ; String compare (x, y, temp2). Max temp2 bytes are compared. strncmp_p: subi temp2,1 brcs strncmp_peq ld temp,y+ lpm _tmp0, z+ sub temp,_tmp0 brne strncmp_pex tst _tmp0 brne strncmp_p strncmp_peq: sub temp,temp strncmp_pex: ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: get drive table entry pointer for drive # in temp ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; Variables : ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dpb_drvtbl_entry_p: ldsw x,biosdrvtbl lsl temp ;drive # add xl,temp adc xh,_0 ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: get drive table entry for drive # in temp ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; Variables : ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dpb_drvtbl_entry_get: rcall dpb_drvtbl_entry_p ljmp dram_readw_pp ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Clear drive table (entries 0 to 7) ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; Variables : ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== ; dpb_drvtblinit: ldsw x,biosdrvtbl ; adiw x,2 ldi temp3,8 dpb_drvi_l: ldi temp,0 ldi temp2,0 rcall dram_writew_pp dec temp3 brne dpb_drvi_l lds temp,biosenddat lds temp2,biosenddat+1 rcall heap_init clr temp ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : temp drive # ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_tst_avrcpmhd: ori temp,0xff ; Test, return 'not found' for now. ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Test disk format: YAZE ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : temp drive # ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: From the YAZE Doc: ; ; The new disk header occupies the first 128 BYTES of the file and has the ; new format: ; ; 0 - 9 ; 10 - 15 a null-terminated ascii comment (may be empty) ; new 16 version (0 = yaze-1.06/1.10, 1 = yaze-ag-2.xx) ; 17 - 31 a null-terminated ascii comment (may be empty) ; 32 - 33 sectors per track ; 34 block shift factor ; 35 block mask ; 36 extent mask ; 37 - 38 disk size max ; 39 - 40 directory max ; 41 al0 ; 42 al1 ; 43 - 44 check size (always zero) ; 45 - 46 track offset ; new 47 psh (used if version=1 and CP/M 3.1 is running) ; new 48 phm ( " " " " " " " " " ) ; 49 - 127 unused (zeros) ; ==================================================================== pstrn_YAZE: .db 10,"",0 dsk_tst_yaze: ldiw y,hostbuf ldiw z,pstrn_YAZE*2 lpm temp2,z+ ; get length rcall strncmp_p brne dsk_tyze_not ldiw z,hostbuf+32 ldiw y,tmpdpb ldi temp,1 ;1 sector header size rcall dpb_copy clr temp ret dsk_tyze_not: ori temp,0xff ;Not a YAZE disk image. ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Test disk format: MyZ80 ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : temp drive # ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: Test, if first 2 Sectors are filled with 0xE5, ; and Size = 8192 KB. ; ==================================================================== dsk_tst_myz80: mov zl,temp3 rcall dsk_getpartentry ;get partition entry ldd temp,z+PTAB_SIZE ldd temp2,z+PTAB_SIZE+1 ;check, if (rounded) size is 8192KB lsr temp2 ror temp cpi temp,low(8192) ldi temp,high(8192) cpc temp2,temp brne dsk_tmyz80_not ;wrong size ldiw z,hostbuf ldi temp2,0 dsk_tmyz80_loop: ld temp,z+ cpi temp,0xE5 brne dsk_tmyz80_not dec temp2 brne dsk_tmyz80_loop clr temp ret dsk_tmyz80_not: ori temp,0xff ;Not a MyZ80 hard disk image. ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : temp drive # ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_img_type: ; todo: flush hostbuf! ; todo: flush hostbuf! ; Get first sector (512 byte) of current drive into hostbuf. push temp3 mov temp3,temp ldi temp,0 ldi temp2,0 ; rcall dsk_readhost_lba pop temp3 push temp3 ; Test for variable format avrcpmhd. rcall dsk_tst_avrcpmhd breq dsk_img_prep ; Test for YAZE formats. rcall dsk_tst_yaze breq dsk_img_prep ; Test for MyZ80 format. rcall dsk_tst_myz80 ldiw z,dpbdat_myz80*2 breq dsk_img_fix ; No special image found. Use avrcpm. ldiw z,dpbdat_avrcpm*2 dsk_img_fix: rcall dpb_copy_p dsk_img_prep: pop temp3 mov zl,temp3 rcall dsk_getpartentry ;get partition entry ldiw y,tmpdpb ; std y+12,_0 ;Test: set check size to 0 ; std y+13,_0 ldd temp,y+0 andi temp,~dskType_MASK ldd temp2,z+PTAB_TYPE andi temp2,dskType_MASK or temp,temp2 std z+PTAB_TYPE,temp ldd temp,y+1 std z+PTAB_SPT,temp ldd temp,y+2 tst temp ;more then 256 sectors per track? brne dsk_imgprp_err ;todo: support 16 bit sector numbers ldd temp2,y+3 andi temp2,0x0f swap temp2 std z+PTAB_BSH,temp2 ori temp,255 ret dsk_imgprp_err: printnewline ldi temp,'A' add temp,temp3 call uartputc printstring ": Format not supported: Too much sectors per track! " printnewline clr temp ret ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init CP/M data structures ; temp = drive # ; ; return !0 if ok ; 0 on error dpb_diskinit: mov temp3,temp ;save disk # rcall dsk_img_type brne dpb_di_0 rjmp dpb_di_err dpb_di_0: ; get mem for DPH ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ; DPH: | XLT | | | |DIRBUF | DPB | CSV | ALV | ; ----------------------------------------------------------------- ;(offset) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ldi temp, low (16) ldi temp2,high(16) rcall heap_get brne dpb_di_1 rjmp dpb_di_err ; dpb_di_1: movw x,temp movw y,temp ;save dph pointer ldi temp,0 ldi temp2,0 rcall dram_writew_pp ;XLT adiw x,6 lds temp,biosdirbuf lds temp2,biosdirbuf+1 rcall dram_writew_pp ;DIRBUF ; get mem for DPB ; ------------------------------------------------------------- ; DPB: | SPT |BSH|BLM|EXM| DSM | DRM |AL0|AL1| CKS | OFF | ; ------------------------------------------------------------- ; 0 5 7 11 13 ldi temp, low (15) ldi temp2,high(15) rcall heap_get breq dpb_di_err_p1 movw x,temp ldiw z,tmpdpb+1 ;skip sector offset byte dpb_dicpl: ld temp,z+ rcall dram_write_pp cpi zl,low(tmpdpb + 16) brne dpb_dicpl sbiw x,15 movw temp,x movw x,y adiw x,10 rcall dram_writew_pp ;DPB ; get mem for dir check vector lds temp,tmpdpb+12 ;cks lds temp2,tmpdpb+12+1 cp temp,_0 cpc temp2,_0 breq dpb_dicks0 rcall heap_get breq dpb_di_err_p1 dpb_dicks0: rcall dram_writew_pp ;CSV ; get mem for alloc vector lds temp,tmpdpb+6 ;dsm lds temp2,tmpdpb+6+1 subi temp, low (-8) sbci temp2,high(-8) lsr temp2 ror temp lsr temp2 ror temp lsr temp2 ror temp ;(dsm+1+7)/8 rcall heap_get breq dpb_di_err_p1 rcall dram_writew_pp ;ALV ; success, insert DPH into drvtbl mov temp,temp3 rcall dpb_drvtbl_entry_p movw temp,y rcall dram_writew_pp ori temp,0xff ;return ok ret ; error, free mem dpb_di_err_p1: movw temp,y rcall heap_release dpb_di_err: eor temp,temp ;return 0 (+ Z-flag) ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_setdrvparam: ldd temp2,z+PTAB_TYPE andi temp2,~dskType_MASK ;Lower nibble is image header size sts hdrsize,temp2 ldd temp2,z+PTAB_SPT sts cpmspt,temp2 ldd temp2,z+PTAB_BSH swap temp2 andi temp2,0x0f clr _tmp0 inc _tmp0 dsk_sdrvpl: lsl _tmp0 dec temp2 brne dsk_sdrvpl sts secpblk,_tmp0 ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Does a Disk interaction ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : none ; Variables : [r] seeksec Sector to read ; [r] seektrk Track to read ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dskDoIt: .if DISK_DEBUG push temp sbrc temp,READ_FUNC rjmp dskdbgr sbrc temp,WRITE_FUNC rjmp dskdbgw rjmp dskdbge dskdbgr: printnewline printstring "Disk read: " rjmp dskdbg1 dskdbgw: printnewline printstring "Disk write: " dskdbg1: lds temp,seekdsk subi temp,-('A') rcall uartputc printstring ": track " lds temp2,seektrk+1 lds temp,seektrk rcall printhexw printstring ", sector " lds temp,seeksec rcall printhex printstring ", dma-addr " lds temp2,dmaadr+1 lds temp,dmaadr rcall printhexw pop temp push temp sbrs temp,WRITE_FUNC rjmp dskdbge printstring " wrtype " andi temp,3 rcall printhex dskdbge: pop temp .endif ;See what has to be done. sbrc temp,READ_FUNC rjmp dsk_read sbrc temp,WRITE_FUNC rjmp dsk_write sbrc temp,HOME_FUNC rjmp dsk_home sbrc temp,BOOT_FUNC rjmp dsk_boot printstring "DISK I/O: Invalid Function code: " rcall printhex rjmp haltinv dsk_boot: sts ndisks,_0 ;no active partitions dsk_inval_hostbuf: cbi flags,hostact ;host buffer inactive sts unacnt,_0 ;clear unalloc count ret dsk_home: sbis flags,hostwrt ;check for pending write cbi flags,hostact ;clear host active flag ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Does a Disk read operation ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : in: temp ; Variables : [r] seekdsk Number of Disk to Read ; [r] seeksec Sector to read ; [r] seektrk Track to read ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_read: sts erflag,_0 sbi flags,readop ; Set read operation flag ;RAM disk? lds zl,seekdsk #if RAMDISKCNT cpi zl,RAMDISKNR brlt PC+2 rjmp rdsk_read #endif rcall dsk_getpartentry ; Get Paritiontableentry ld temp,z ; Get Partitiontype andi temp,dskType_MASK ; Isn't it a Disk ? cpi temp,dskType_None brne PC+2 rjmp dsk_read_err ; It must be a FAT16-Imagefile or CP/M Partition. rcall dsk_setdrvparam ;todo: do this only if needed (disk change) sts unacnt,_0 sbi flags,rsflag ;must read data ldi temp,WRUAL ;write type sts wrtype,temp ;treat as unalloc rjmp dsk_rwoper ;to perform the read dsk_read_err: ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Does a Disk write operation ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : in: temp Write type ; Variables : [r] seekdsk Number of Disk to Read ; [r] seeksec Sector to read ; [r] seektrk Track to read ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_write: ;write the selected sector sts erflag,_0 cbi flags,readop ; not a read operation ;RAM disk? lds zl,seekdsk #if RAMDISKCNT cpi zl,RAMDISKNR brlt PC+2 rjmp rdsk_write #endif rcall dsk_getpartentry ; Get Paritiontableentry ld temp2,z ; Get Partitiontype andi temp,dskType_MASK ; Isn't it a Disk ? cpi temp2,dskType_None brne PC+2 rjmp dsk_write_err ; It must be a FAT16-Imagefile or CP/M Partition. rcall dsk_setdrvparam ;todo: do this only if needed (disk change) cbi flags,readop ;not a read operation andi temp,WRTMSK sts wrtype,temp ;save write type cpi temp,WRUAL ;write unallocated? brne dsk_chkuna ;check for unalloc ; write to unallocated, set parameters lds temp,secpblk ;next unalloc recs (blocksize/128) sts unacnt,temp lds temp,seekdsk ;disk to seek sts unadsk,temp ;unadsk = sekdsk lds temp,seektrk sts unatrk,temp ;unatrk = sectrk lds temp,seektrk+1 sts unatrk+1,temp ;unatrk = sectrk lds temp,seeksec sts unasec,temp ;unasec = seksec ; dsk_chkuna: ;check for write to unallocated sector lds temp,unacnt ;any unalloc remain? tst temp breq dsk_alloc ;skip if not ; more unallocated records remain dec temp ;unacnt = unacnt-1 sts unacnt,temp lds temp,seekdsk ;same disk? lds temp2,unadsk cp temp,temp2 ;seekdsk = unadsk? brne dsk_alloc ;skip if not ; disks are the same lds temp,unatrk lds temp2,unatrk+1 lds temp3,seektrk lds temp4,seektrk+1 cp temp,temp3 ;seektrk = unatrk? cpc temp2,temp4 brne dsk_alloc ;skip if not ; tracks are the same lds temp,seeksec ;same sector? lds temp2,unasec cp temp,temp2 ;seeksec = unasec? brne dsk_alloc ;skip if not ; match, move to next sector for future ref inc temp2 ;unasec = unasec+1 sts unasec,temp2 lds _tmp0,cpmspt cp temp2,_tmp0 ;end of track? (count CP/M sectors) brlo dsk_noovf ;skip if no overflow ; overflow to next track sts unasec,_0 ;unasec = 0 lds temp,unatrk lds temp2,unatrk+1 subi temp, low(-1) ;unatrk = unatrk+1 sbci temp2,high(-1) sts unatrk,temp sts unatrk+1,temp2 ; dsk_noovf: cbi flags,rsflag ;rsflag = 0 rjmp dsk_rwoper ;to perform the write ; dsk_alloc: ;not an unallocated record, requires pre-read sts unacnt,_0 ;unacnt = 0 sbi flags,rsflag ;rsflag = 1 rjmp dsk_rwoper dsk_write_err: ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Does a Disk read/write operation ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : none ; Variables : [r] seekdsk Number of Disk to Read ; [r] seeksec Sector to read ; [r] seektrk Track to read ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_rwoper: ;enter here to perform the read/write .if DISK_DEBUG printstring ", flags: " in temp,flags rcall printhex .endif sts erflag,_0 ;no errors (yet) ;Convert track/sector to an LBA address (in 128byte blocks) lds xl,seeksec ; ldi xh,0 ; ldi yl,0 ; lds temp,hdrsize ;add image header size add xl,temp ; adc xh,_0 ; lds temp3,seektrk ; lds temp4,seektrk+1 ; lds temp,cpmspt ; mul temp3,temp ; add xl,r0 ; adc xh,r1 ; mul temp4,temp ; add xh,r0 ;yl:xh:xl := sec + trk * SectorsPerTrack adc yl,r1 ; mov temp,xl andi temp,SECMSK ;mask buffer number push temp ;save for later ;Convert from CP/M LBA blocks to host LBA blocks ldi temp,SECSHF dsk_sh1: lsr yl ror xh ror xl dec temp brne dsk_sh1 ;yl:xh:xl = host block to seek ; active host sector? in _tmp0,flags ;host active flag sbi flags,hostact ;always becomes 1 sbrs _tmp0,hostact ;was it already? rjmp dsk_filhst ;fill host if not ; host buffer active, same as seek buffer? lds temp,seekdsk lds temp2,hostdsk ;same disk? cp temp,temp2 ;seekdsk = hostdsk? brne dsk_nomatch ; same disk, same block? lds temp,hostlba lds temp2,hostlba+1 lds temp3,hostlba+2 cp xl,temp cpc xh,temp2 cpc yl,temp3 breq dsk_match ; dsk_nomatch: ;proper disk, but not correct sector sbis flags,hostwrt ;host written? rjmp dsk_filhst push xl push xh push yl rcall dsk_writehost ;clear host buff pop yl pop xh pop xl dsk_filhst: ;may have to fill the host buffer lds temp,seekdsk sts hostdsk,temp sts hostlba,xl sts hostlba+1,xh sts hostlba+2,yl sbic flags,rsflag ;need to read? rcall dsk_readhost ;yes, if 1 cbi flags,hostwrt ;no pending write dsk_match: ;copy data to or from buffer ldiw z,hostbuf ldi temp,128 pop temp2 ;get buffer number (which part of hostbuf) mul temp2,temp add zl,r0 ;offset in hostbuf adc zh,r1 .if DISK_DEBUG > 2 push r0 push r1 printstring "; host buf adr: " pop temp2 pop temp rcall printhexw .endif lds xl,dmaadr lds xh,dmaadr+1 ldi temp3,128 ;length of move sbic flags,readop ;which way? rjmp dsk_rmove ;skip if read ; mark write operation sbi flags,hostwrt ;hostwrt = 1 dsk_wmove: mem_read st z+,temp adiw xl,1 dec temp3 brne dsk_wmove rjmp dsk_rwmfin dsk_rmove: ld temp,z+ mem_write adiw xl,1 dec temp3 brne dsk_rmove dsk_rwmfin: ; data has been moved to/from host buffer lds temp,wrtype ;write type cpi temp,WRDIR ;to directory? breq dsk_wdir ret ;no further processing dsk_wdir: ; clear host buffer for directory write lds temp,erflag tst temp ;errors? breq dsk_wdir1 ret ;skip if so dsk_wdir1: rcall dsk_writehost ;clear host buff cbi flags,hostwrt ;buffer written ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : temp2:temp block to read (lba) ; temp3 disk # ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_readhost_lba: sts hostlba+0,temp sts hostlba+1,temp2 sts hostlba+2,_0 sts hostdsk,temp3 #if 0 printnewline printstring "readhst lba" #endif rjmp dsk_readhost ;returns 0, if ok ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Does a Disk write operation ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : none ; Variables : [r] seekdsk Number of Disk to Read ; [r] seeksec Sector to read ; [r] seektrk Track to read ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_writehost: lds zl,hostdsk rcall dsk_getpartentry ld temp,z andi temp,dskType_MASK #if FAT16_SUPPORT ; Is it a FAT16 Diskimage ? cpi temp,dskType_FAT brne PC+2 rjmp fat_writehost #endif ; Is it a CP/M Partition ? cpi temp,dskType_CPM brne PC+2 rjmp cpm_writehost ; Disktype not supported -> Return ret ; ==================================================================== ; Function: Does a Disk read operation ; ==================================================================== ; Parameters ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Registers : none ; Variables : [r] seekdsk Number of Disk to Read ; [r] seeksec Sector to read ; [r] seektrk Track to read ; -------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Description: ; ==================================================================== dsk_readhost: #if 0 printnewline printstring "readhost" ldiw z,biosdrvtbl rcall dbg_hexdump_line adiw z,16 rcall dbg_hexdump_line #endif lds zl,hostdsk rcall dsk_getpartentry ld temp,z andi temp,dskType_MASK #if FAT16_SUPPORT ; Is it a FAT16 Diskimage ? cpi temp,dskType_FAT brne PC+2 rjmp fat_readhost #endif ; Is it a CP/M Partition ? cpi temp,dskType_CPM brne PC+2 rjmp cpm_readhost ; Disktype not supported -> Return ret