program RTCDemo; {$C- } {Sonst funktioniert 'keypressed' nicht} {--------------------------------------------------------------------- AVRCPM Test und Demonstration des I2C-Interface I2C Uhrenchip PCF8583 Zeit und Datum lesen und schreiben Moegliche Erweiterung (TODO:): - Control/Status-Register und Alarmregister lesen/schreiben - RAM lesen/schreiben $Id$ ----------------------------------------------------------------------} const I2CCMD = 5; {adr of I2C Command Port (1=read, 2=write)} I2CMSGLEN = 6; {Transferpuffergroesse} I2CADRL = 7; {Transferpufferadresse low/high} I2CADRH = 8; I2C_CMD_Read = 1; {I2C Read Command} I2C_CMD_Write = 2; {I2C Write Command} { TP Delay Loop } T100ms = 100; {20MHz AVR + Config fuer 3 MHz Z80 (TINST)} {T100ms = 75;} {20MHz AVR + Config fuer 4 MHz Z80 (TINST default)} type I2CBufLen = 0..16; CalTime = record sec: 0..59; min: 0..59; hrs: 0..23; day: 1..31; month: 1..12; year: integer; end; DTinput = array [1..3] of integer; var msgbuf : array[0..16] of Byte; {TODO: Transferbuffer nicht global} Time : CalTime; Done: boolean; {--------------------------------------------------------------------- Debugging: Print 16 byte RAM ab adr ----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure hexdump(adr: integer); var i: integer; c: byte; function hexdigit(c: byte): char; begin if c < 10 then hexdigit := char(c + $30) else hexdigit := char(c - 10 + $41); end; {TODO: print adr } begin for i := 0 to 15 do begin c := Mem[adr+i]; write(hexdigit(c shr 4), hexdigit(c and $f), ' '); end; writeln; end; {--------------------------------------------------------------------- I2C - Routinen ----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure i2c_init; var i: integer; begin msgbuf[0] := $A0; {I2C-Adresse des RTC-Chips} Port[I2CADRH] := Hi(Addr(msgbuf)); Port[I2CADRL] := Lo(Addr(msgbuf)); end; procedure i2c_write(len:Byte); begin Port[I2CMSGLEN] := len; Port[I2CCMD] := I2C_CMD_Write; end; procedure i2c_read(len:Byte); begin Port[I2CMSGLEN] := len; Port[I2CCMD] := I2C_CMD_Read; end; function BCDtoBINbyte(i: byte): byte; begin BCDtoBINbyte := (i div 16) * 10 + (i and $F); end; function BINtoBCDbyte(i: byte): byte; begin BINtoBCDbyte := (i div 10) * 16 + (i mod 10); end; procedure ReadRTC(var t: CalTime); begin msgbuf[1] := 2; i2c_write(2); i2c_read(6); with t do begin sec := BCDtoBINbyte(msgbuf[1]); min := BCDtoBINbyte(msgbuf[2]); hrs := BCDtoBINbyte(msgbuf[3] and $3F); end; msgbuf[1] := $10; i2c_write(2); i2c_read(3); with t do begin day := BCDtoBINbyte(msgbuf[4] and $3F); month:= BCDtoBINbyte(msgbuf[5] and $1F); year := msgbuf[1] + 256*msgbuf[2]; while Lo(year) and $3 <> (msgbuf[4] shr 6) do year := year + 1; end; end; procedure WriteRTC(t: CalTime); begin with t do begin msgbuf[1] := 1; {register address} msgbuf[2] := 0; {hundredth of sec} msgbuf[3] := BINtoBCDbyte(sec); msgbuf[4] := BINtoBCDbyte(min); msgbuf[5] := BINtoBCDbyte(hrs); msgbuf[6] := BINtoBCDbyte(day) + (Lo(year) shl 6); msgbuf[7] := BINtoBCDbyte(month); {TODO: weekdays} end; i2c_write(8); msgbuf[1] := $10; {register address} with t do begin msgbuf[2] := Lo(year); msgbuf[3] := Hi(year); end; i2c_write(4); end; {--------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog Routinen ----------------------------------------------------------------------} procedure PrintTime(t: CalTime); begin with t do {TODO: Fuehrende '0' statt ' '} begin write('Zeit: ', hrs:2, ':',min:2, ':',sec:2, ' ', 'Datum: ', day, '.', month, '.', year); end; end; procedure PrintMenu; begin ClrScr; writeln('Menu:'); writeln(' T) Zeit setzen'); writeln(' D) Datum setzen'); writeln(' Q) Quit'); writeln('> '); end; function GetKey: char; var c: char; begin Read(Kbd, c); GetKey := c; end; {Daemliche input routine ohne Fehlerpruefung (TODO:)} procedure GetDateTime(var a: DTinput; sep: char); var line: String[80]; s: String[4]; i,j,k: integer; rc: integer; begin readln(line); line := line + sep; j := 1; for i := 1 to 3 do begin k := 1; while line[k+j] in ['0'..'9'] do k := k + 1; s := Copy(line, j, k); val(s, a[i], rc); j := j + k + 1; end; end; procedure SetTime; var a: DTinput; begin write('Zeit (hh:mm:ss): '); a[1] := -1; GetDateTime(a, ':'); { writeln('intime:', a[1], ':', a[2], ':', a[3]); } if (a[1] in [0..24]) and (a[2] in [0..59]) and (a[3] in [0..59]) then begin ReadRTC(Time); Time.hrs := a[1]; Time.min := a[2]; Time.sec := a[3]; WriteRTC(Time); end else begin writeln('Fehler in Eingabe.'); end; end; procedure SetDate; var a: DTinput; begin write('Datum (TT.MM.JJJJ): '); a[1] := -1; GetDateTime(a, '.'); { writeln('indate:', a[1], '.', a[2], '.', a[3]); } if (a[1] in [1..31]) and (a[2] in [1..12]) and (a[3] > 0) and (a[3] <= 2076) then begin ReadRTC(Time); := a[1]; Time.month:= a[2]; Time.year := a[3]; WriteRTC(Time); end else begin writeln('Fehler in Eingabe.'); end; end; procedure CleanConsolebuffer; var c: char; begin while keypressed do c := GetKey; end; {--------------------------------------------------------------------- main ----------------------------------------------------------------------} begin PrintMenu; i2c_init; writeln; Done := False; repeat Delay(T100ms); ReadRTC(Time); GotoXY(35,1); PrintTime(Time); ClrEol; gotoXY(2,5); ClrEol; if keypressed then begin gotoXY(1,7); ClrEol; gotoXY(1,6); ClrEol; case UpCase(GetKey) of 'T': SetTime; 'D': SetDate; 'Q': Done := True; end; end; until Done; CleanConsolebuffer; end.