From 64f220e684c533b59ee6806fafa5ba739f8ee80d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Leo Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2010 11:57:12 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] added documantation improvements from Karl heinz Buchegger. git-svn-id: svn://cu.loc/avr-cpm/trunk@3 57430480-672e-4586-8877-bcf8adbbf3b7 --- avrcpm/avr/z80.asm | 740 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 563 insertions(+), 177 deletions(-) diff --git a/avrcpm/avr/z80.asm b/avrcpm/avr/z80.asm index f138f92..6e8d57b 100755 --- a/avrcpm/avr/z80.asm +++ b/avrcpm/avr/z80.asm @@ -22,27 +22,27 @@ .include "" ;device ATmega88 -.equ MMC_DEBUG = 0 -.equ INS_DEBUG = 0 -.equ MEMTEST = 0 -.equ BOOTWAIT = 0 -.equ PORT_DEBUG = 0 -.equ DISK_DEBUG = 0 -.equ MEMFILL_CB = 1 -.equ STACK_DBG = 0 -.equ PRINT_PC = 0 +.equ MMC_DEBUG = 0 +.equ INS_DEBUG = 0 +.equ MEMTEST = 0 +.equ BOOTWAIT = 0 +.equ PORT_DEBUG = 0 +.equ DISK_DEBUG = 0 +.equ MEMFILL_CB = 1 +.equ STACK_DBG = 0 +.equ PRINT_PC = 0 ;Port declarations ; Port D -.equ rxd = 0 -.equ txd = 1 -.equ ram_oe = 2 -.equ ram_a8 = 3 -.equ mmc_cs = 4 -.equ ram_a5 = 5 -.equ ram_a6 = 6 -.equ ram_a7 = 7 +.equ rxd = 0 +.equ txd = 1 +.equ ram_oe = 2 +.equ ram_a8 = 3 +.equ mmc_cs = 4 +.equ ram_a5 = 5 +.equ ram_a6 = 6 +.equ ram_a7 = 7 ;Port B .equ ram_a4 = 0 @@ -73,35 +73,35 @@ .equ ZFL_C = 0 ;Register definitions -.def z_a = r2 -.def z_b = r3 -.def z_c = r4 -.def z_d = r5 -.def z_e = r6 -.def z_l = r7 -.def z_h = r8 -.def z_spl = r9 -.def z_sph = r10 - -.def dsk_trk= r11 -.def dsk_sec= r12 -.def dsk_dmah= r13 -.def dsk_dmal= r14 - -.def parityb= r15 - -.def temp = R16 ;The temp register -.def temp2 = R17 ;Second temp register -.def trace = r18 -.def opl = r19 -.def oph = r20 -.def adrl = r21 -.def adrh = r22 -.def insdecl= r23 -.def z_pcl = r24 -.def z_pch = r25 -.def insdech= r26 -.def z_flags= r27 +.def z_a = r2 +.def z_b = r3 +.def z_c = r4 +.def z_d = r5 +.def z_e = r6 +.def z_l = r7 +.def z_h = r8 +.def z_spl = r9 +.def z_sph = r10 + +.def dsk_trk = r11 +.def dsk_sec = r12 +.def dsk_dmah = r13 +.def dsk_dmal = r14 + +.def parityb = r15 + +.def temp = R16 ;The temp register +.def temp2 = R17 ;Second temp register +.def trace = r18 +.def opl = r19 +.def oph = r20 +.def adrl = r21 +.def adrh = r22 +.def insdecl = r23 +.def z_pcl = r24 +.def z_pch = r25 +.def insdech = r26 +.def z_flags = r27 ;SRAM @@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ bootwait2: .endif rcall printstr - .db "CPM on an AVR, v1.0",13,0 + .db "CPM on an AVR, v1.0",13,0,0 rcall printstr @@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ iplwriteloop: ldi trace,0 rcall printstr - .db 13,"Ok, CPU is live!",13,0 + .db 13,"Ok, CPU is live!",13,0,0 main: ldi trace,0 @@ -1773,6 +1773,182 @@ opjumps: ; ;I sure hope I got the mapping between flags and instructions correct... +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;| | +;| Zilog | +;| | +;| ZZZZZZZ 88888 000 | +;| Z 8 8 0 0 | +;| Z 8 8 0 0 0 | +;| Z 88888 0 0 0 | +;| Z 8 8 0 0 0 | +;| Z 8 8 0 0 | +;| ZZZZZZZ 88888 000 | +;| | +;| Z80 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary | +;| | +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes | +;|----------+------+---------------------+----------------------| +;|ADC A,s |***V0*|Add with Carry |A=A+s+CY | +;|ADC HL,ss |**?V0*|Add with Carry |HL=HL+ss+CY | +;|ADD A,s |***V0*|Add |A=A+s | +;|ADD HL,ss |--?-0*|Add |HL=HL+ss | +;|ADD IX,pp |--?-0*|Add |IX=IX+pp | +;|ADD IY,rr |--?-0*|Add |IY=IY+rr | +;|AND s |***P00|Logical AND |A=A&s | +;|BIT b,m |?*1?0-|Test Bit |m&{2^b} | +;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL | +;|CALL nn |------|Unconditional Call |-[SP]=PC,PC=nn | +;|CCF |--?-0*|Complement Carry Flag|CY=~CY | +;|CP s |***V1*|Compare |A-s | +;|CPD |****1-|Compare and Decrement|A-[HL],HL=HL-1,BC=BC-1| +;|CPDR |****1-|Compare, Dec., Repeat|CPD till A=[HL]or BC=0| +;|CPI |****1-|Compare and Increment|A-[HL],HL=HL+1,BC=BC-1| +;|CPIR |****1-|Compare, Inc., Repeat|CPI till A=[HL]or BC=0| +;|CPL |--1-1-|Complement |A=~A | +;|DAA |***P-*|Decimal Adjust Acc. |A=BCD format | +;|DEC s |***V1-|Decrement |s=s-1 | +;|DEC xx |------|Decrement |xx=xx-1 | +;|DEC ss |------|Decrement |ss=ss-1 | +;|DI |------|Disable Interrupts | | +;|DJNZ e |------|Dec., Jump Non-Zero |B=B-1 till B=0 | +;|EI |------|Enable Interrupts | | +;|EX [SP],HL|------|Exchange |[SP]<->HL | +;|EX [SP],xx|------|Exchange |[SP]<->xx | +;|EX AF,AF' |------|Exchange |AF<->AF' | +;|EX DE,HL |------|Exchange |DE<->HL | +;|EXX |------|Exchange |qq<->qq' (except AF)| +;|HALT |------|Halt | | +;|IM n |------|Interrupt Mode | (n=0,1,2)| +;|IN A,[n] |------|Input |A=[n] | +;|IN r,[C] |***P0-|Input |r=[C] | +;|INC r |***V0-|Increment |r=r+1 | +;|INC [HL] |***V0-|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 | +;|INC xx |------|Increment |xx=xx+1 | +;|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1 | +;|INC ss |------|Increment |ss=ss+1 | +;|IND |?*??1-|Input and Decrement |[HL]=[C],HL=HL-1,B=B-1| +;|INDR |?1??1-|Input, Dec., Repeat |IND till B=0 | +;|INI |?*??1-|Input and Increment |[HL]=[C],HL=HL+1,B=B-1| +;|INIR |?1??1-|Input, Inc., Repeat |INI till B=0 | +;|JP [HL] |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=[HL] | +;|JP [xx] |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=[xx] | +;|JP nn |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=nn | +;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP | +;|JR e |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=PC+e | +;|JR cc,e |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JR(cc=C,NC,NZ,Z)| +;|LD dst,src|------|Load |dst=src | +;|LD A,i |**0*0-|Load |A=i (i=I,R)| +;|LDD |--0*0-|Load and Decrement |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL-1,# | +;|LDDR |--000-|Load, Dec., Repeat |LDD till BC=0 | +;|LDI |--0*0-|Load and Increment |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL+1,# | +;|LDIR |--000-|Load, Inc., Repeat |LDI till BC=0 | +;|NEG |***V1*|Negate |A=-A | +;|NOP |------|No Operation | | +;|OR s |***P00|Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs | +;|OTDR |?1??1-|Output, Dec., Repeat |OUTD till B=0 | +;|OTIR |?1??1-|Output, Inc., Repeat |OUTI till B=0 | +;|OUT [C],r |------|Output |[C]=r | +;|OUT [n],A |------|Output |[n]=A | +;|OUTD |?*??1-|Output and Decrement |[C]=[HL],HL=HL-1,B=B-1| +;|OUTI |?*??1-|Output and Increment |[C]=[HL],HL=HL+1,B=B-1| +;|POP xx |------|Pop |xx=[SP]+ | +;|POP qq |------|Pop |qq=[SP]+ | +;|PUSH xx |------|Push |-[SP]=xx | +;|PUSH qq |------|Push |-[SP]=qq | +;|RES b,m |------|Reset bit |m=m&{~2^b} | +;|RET |------|Return |PC=[SP]+ | +;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET | +;|RETI |------|Return from Interrupt|PC=[SP]+ | +;|RETN |------|Return from NMI |PC=[SP]+ | +;|RL m |**0P0*|Rotate Left |m={CY,m}<- | +;|RLA |--0-0*|Rotate Left Acc. |A={CY,A}<- | +;|RLC m |**0P0*|Rotate Left Circular |m=m<- | +;|RLCA |--0-0*|Rotate Left Circular |A=A<- | +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes | +;|----------+------+---------------------+----------------------| +;|RLD |**0P0-|Rotate Left 4 bits |{A,[HL]}={A,[HL]}<- ##| +;|RR m |**0P0*|Rotate Right |m=->{CY,m} | +;|RRA |--0-0*|Rotate Right Acc. |A=->{CY,A} | +;|RRC m |**0P0*|Rotate Right Circular|m=->m | +;|RRCA |--0-0*|Rotate Right Circular|A=->A | +;|RRD |**0P0-|Rotate Right 4 bits |{A,[HL]}=->{A,[HL]} ##| +;|RST p |------|Restart | (p=0H,8H,10H,...,38H)| +;|SBC A,s |***V1*|Subtract with Carry |A=A-s-CY | +;|SBC HL,ss |**?V1*|Subtract with Carry |HL=HL-ss-CY | +;|SCF |--0-01|Set Carry Flag |CY=1 | +;|SET b,m |------|Set bit |m=mv{2^b} | +;|SLA m |**0P0*|Shift Left Arithmetic|m=m*2 | +;|SRA m |**0P0*|Shift Right Arith. |m=m/2 | +;|SRL m |**0P0*|Shift Right Logical |m=->{0,m,CY} | +;|SUB s |***V1*|Subtract |A=A-s | +;|XOR s |***P00|Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs | +;|----------+------+--------------------------------------------| +;| F |-*01? |Flag unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown | +;| S |S |Sign flag (Bit 7) | +;| Z | Z |Zero flag (Bit 6) | +;| HC | H |Half Carry flag (Bit 4) | +;| P/V | P |Parity/Overflow flag (Bit 2, V=overflow) | +;| N | N |Add/Subtract flag (Bit 1) | +;| CY | C|Carry flag (Bit 0) | +;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------| +;| n |Immediate addressing | +;| nn |Immediate extended addressing | +;| e |Relative addressing (PC=PC+2+offset) | +;| [nn] |Extended addressing | +;| [xx+d] |Indexed addressing | +;| r |Register addressing | +;| [rr] |Register indirect addressing | +;| |Implied addressing | +;| b |Bit addressing | +;| p |Modified page zero addressing (see RST) | +;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------| +;|DEFB n(,...) |Define Byte(s) | +;|DEFB 'str'(,...) |Define Byte ASCII string(s) | +;|DEFS nn |Define Storage Block | +;|DEFW nn(,...) |Define Word(s) | +;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------| +;| A B C D E |Registers (8-bit) | +;| AF BC DE HL |Register pairs (16-bit) | +;| F |Flag register (8-bit) | +;| I |Interrupt page address register (8-bit) | +;| IX IY |Index registers (16-bit) | +;| PC |Program Counter register (16-bit) | +;| R |Memory Refresh register | +;| SP |Stack Pointer register (16-bit) | +;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------| +;| b |One bit (0 to 7) | +;| cc |Condition (C,M,NC,NZ,P,PE,PO,Z) | +;| d |One-byte expression (-128 to +127) | +;| dst |Destination s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], [nn] | +;| e |One-byte expression (-126 to +129) | +;| m |Any register r, [HL] or [xx+d] | +;| n |One-byte expression (0 to 255) | +;| nn |Two-byte expression (0 to 65535) | +;| pp |Register pair BC, DE, IX or SP | +;| qq |Register pair AF, BC, DE or HL | +;| qq' |Alternative register pair AF, BC, DE or HL | +;| r |Register A, B, C, D, E, H or L | +;| rr |Register pair BC, DE, IY or SP | +;| s |Any register r, value n, [HL] or [xx+d] | +;| src |Source s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], nn, [nn] | +;| ss |Register pair BC, DE, HL or SP | +;| xx |Index register IX or IY | +;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------| +;| + - * / ^ |Add/subtract/multiply/divide/exponent | +;| & ~ v x |Logical AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR | +;| <- -> |Rotate left/right | +;| [ ] |Indirect addressing | +;| [ ]+ -[ ] |Indirect addressing auto-increment/decrement| +;| { } |Combination of operands | +;| # |Also BC=BC-1,DE=DE-1 | +;| ## |Only lower 4 bits of accumulator A used | +;---------------------------------------------------------------- + ;ToDo: Parity at more instructions... @@ -1786,84 +1962,140 @@ opjumps: do_op_nop: ret +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes | +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;|INC r |***V0-|Increment |r=r+1 | +;|INC [HL] |***V0-|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 | +;|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1 | +; +; OK do_op_inc: - andi z_flags,1 - ldi temp,1 - add opl,temp - in temp,sreg - mov parityb,opl - bst temp,AVR_Z - bld z_flags,ZFL_Z - sbrc opl,7 - ori z_flags,(1<A | +; +; OK do_op_rrc: ;Rotate Right Cyclical. All bits move 1 to the ;right, the lsb becomes c and msb. - andi z_flags,0b11101100 - lsr opl - brcc do_op_rrc_noc - ori opl,0x80 - ori z_flags,(1<{CY,A} | +; +; OK do_op_rr: ;Rotate Right. All bits move 1 to the right, the lsb ;becomes c, c becomes msb. clc - sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C - sec - ror opl - in temp,sreg - andi z_flags,0b11101100 - bst temp,AVR_C - bld z_flags,ZFL_C - ret - + sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C + sec + ror opl + in temp,sreg + andi z_flags,~( (1< todo rcall do_op_inv @@ -2051,20 +2343,40 @@ do_op_da: ret +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes | +;---------------------------------------------------------------- +; +; Not yet checked do_op_scf: ori z_flags,(1<