page 255 .z80 ; ; FIFO channels for communication with avr ; global ff.init,,,ff.out,ff.ost extrn bufinit,fifolst include if CPU_Z180 include endif cseg mkbuf co.fifo_id, co.fifo, co.fifo_len mkbuf ci.fifo_id, ci.fifo, ci.fifo_len ico equ co.fifo_id * 3 ici equ ci.fifo_id * 3 ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ; Init Serial I/O for console input and output ; ff.init: ld a,(INIDONE) cp INIDONEVAL ret z ld ix,ci.fifo ld a,ci.fifo.mask call bufinit ld ix,co.fifo ld a,co.fifo.mask jp bufinit ;-------------------------------------------------------------- push ix ld ix,(fifolst+ici) ; buf.empty: ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ; sub (ix+o.out_idx) ; pop ix ret z or 0ffh ret push ix ld ix,(fifolst+ici) ; buf.get: ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ; bg.wait: cp (ix+o.in_idx) ; jr z,bg.wait push hl ; push ix pop hl add a,l ld l,a jr nc, inc h ld l,(hl) ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ; inc a and (ix+o.mask) ld (ix+o.out_idx),a ld a,l pop hl pop ix ret ;-------------------------------------------------------------- ff.ost: push ix ld ix,(fifolst+ico) ; buf.full: ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ; inc a and (ix+o.mask) sub (ix+o.out_idx) ; pop ix ret z or 0ffh ret if 1 ff.out: push ix ;15 ld ix,(fifolst+ico) ; buf.put: push hl ;11 push bc ;11 push ix ;15 pop hl ;10 ld a,c ;4 ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;19 ld b,0 ;7 add hl,bc ;11 ld (hl),a ;7 ld b,a ;4 ld a,c ;4 inc a ;4 and (ix+o.mask) ;19 bp.wait: cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;19 jr z,bp.wait ;12/7 ld (ix+o.in_idx),a ;19 out (AVRINT6),a ;11 ld a,b ;4 pop bc ;10 pop hl ;10 pop ix ;14 ret ;10 else ff.out: push ix ;15 ld ix,co.fifo ;14 buf.put: push hl ;11 push ix ;15 pop hl ;10 ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;19 add a,l ;4 ld l,a ;4 jr nc,bp.1 ;12/7 inc l ;4 ld (hl),c ;7 ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;19 inc a ;4 and (ix+o.mask) ;19 bp.wait: cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;19 jr z,bp.wait ;12/7 ld (ix+o.in_idx),a ;19 out (AVRINT6),a ;11 ld a,c ;4 pop hl ;10 pop ix ;14 ret ;10 | endif ;-------------------------------------------------------------- end