IGNBRK equ 00000001B ;Ignore BREAK condition on input. BRKINT equ 00000010B INPCK equ 00000100B ;Enable input parity checking. IGNPAR equ 00001000B ;Ignore framing errors and parity errors. PARMRK equ 00010000B ;Prefix a character with a parity error or framing error with FFH 00H. ISTRIP equ 00100000B ;Strip off eighth bit. PARODD equ 01000000B ;If set, then parity for input and output is odd. IXON equ 00000001B ;Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output. IXANY equ 00000010B ;Typing any character will restart stopped output. IXOFF equ 00000100B ;Enable XON/XOFF flow control on input. CRTS_IFLOW equ 00001000B ;RTS flow control of input. CCTS_OFLOW equ 00010000B ;CTS flow control of output. CLOCAL equ 00100000B ;Ignore modem control lines. CREAD equ 01000000B ;Enable receiver. CBAUD equ 0x1F ;Baud speed mask B0 equ 0x00 ;hang up B50 equ 0x11 B75 equ 0x12 B110 equ 0x13 B134 equ 0x14 B150 equ 0x05 B300 equ 0x06 B600 equ 0x07 B1200 equ 0x08 B1800 equ 0x09 B2400 equ 0x0A B3600 equ 0x0B B4800 equ 0x0C B7200 equ 0x0D B9600 equ 0x0E B19200 equ 0x0F B28800 equ 0x01 B38400 equ 0x02 B57600 equ 0x03 B115200 equ 0x04 B144000 equ 0x14 B192000 equ 0x16 B288000 equ 0x17 CSIZE equ 0x20 ;Character size mask. CS7 equ 0x00 ; CS8 equ 0x20 ; CSTOPB equ 0x40 ;Set two stop bits, rather than one. PARENB equ 0x80 ;Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input. checked on input isr: ===================== IGNBRK equ 00000001B ;Ignore BREAK condition on input. BRKINT equ 00000010B INPCK equ 00000100B ;Enable input parity checking. IGNPAR equ 00001000B ;Ignore framing errors and parity errors. PARMRK equ 00010000B ;Prefix a character with a parity error or framing error with FFH 00H. IXON equ 00000001B ;Enable XON/XOFF flow control on output. IXANY equ 00000010B ;Typing any character will restart stopped output. IXOFF equ 00000100B ;Enable XON/XOFF flow control on input. CRTS_IFLOW equ 00001000B ;RTS flow control of input. checked on input: ================= checked on output isr ===================== checked on output ================= ISTRIP equ 00100000B ;Strip off eighth bit. config (init) ============= CBAUD equ 0x1F ;Baud speed mask B0 equ 0x00 ;hang up B50 equ 0x11 B75 equ 0x12 B110 equ 0x13 B134 equ 0x14 B150 equ 0x05 B300 equ 0x06 B600 equ 0x07 B1200 equ 0x08 B1800 equ 0x09 B2400 equ 0x0A B3600 equ 0x0B B4800 equ 0x0C B7200 equ 0x0D B9600 equ 0x0E B19200 equ 0x0F B28800 equ 0x01 B38400 equ 0x02 B57600 equ 0x03 B115200 equ 0x04 B144000 equ 0x14 B192000 equ 0x16 B288000 equ 0x17 CSIZE equ 0x20 ;Character size mask. CS7 equ 0x00 ; CS8 equ 0x20 ; CSTOPB equ 0x40 ;Set two stop bits, rather than one. PARENB equ 0x80 ;Enable parity generation on output and parity checking for input. PARODD equ 01000000B ;If set, then parity for input and output is odd. CCTS_OFLOW equ 00010000B ;CTS flow control of output. CLOCAL equ 00100000B ;Ignore modem control lines. CREAD equ 01000000B ;Enable receiver.