TITLE 'compactflash disk handler' ; CP/M-80 Version 3 -- Modular BIOS ; Disk drive dispatching tables for linked BIOS public cf0,cf1,cf2,cf3 ; Variables containing parameters passed by BDOS extrn @xdph extrn @adrv,@rdrv extrn @trk,@sect,@cnt extrn @dma,@dbnk ; System Control Block variables extrn @ermde ; BDOS error mode ; Utility routines extrn ?wboot ; warm boot vector extrn ?pmsg ; print message @ extrn pr.idx ; print indexed message extrn pr.inln ; print inline message extrn pr.decl ; print 32 bit decimal number extrn pr.errors ; print BIOS disk error header extrn ?cono ; console out extrn bnk2phy ; translate banked to physical linear address extrn add_hla ; add to extrn gstimer ; get timer short (16 bit) ; Port Address Equates include config.inc include z180reg.inc ; CP/M 3 Disk definition macros maclib cpm3slr.lib ; Z180 macro library instruction definitions (ignored by slr180) include z180.lib DEBUG equ false ; not used MULTIIO equ true ; Multi I/O currently not fully implemented. ; IDE Task File Register Definitions ;IdeDOR equ IDEBASE+6 ; Digital Output Register IDEDat equ IDEBASE+0 ; Data Register IDEErr equ IDEBASE+1 ; Error Register IDEFeat equ IDEBASE+1 ; Feature Register IDESCnt equ IDEBASE+2 ; Sector Count IDESNum equ IDEBASE+3 ; Sector Number IDECLo equ IDEBASE+4 ; Cylinder Low IDECHi equ IDEBASE+5 ; Cylinder High IDESDH equ IDEBASE+6 ; Drive and Head IDECmd equ IDEBASE+7 ; Command / Status ; IDE Hard disk commands: CmdHome equ 10h ; Recalibrate CmdRd equ 20h ; Read Sector CmdWr equ 30h ; Write Sector CmdInit equ 91h ; Initialize Drive Params CmdId equ 0ECh ; Read ID CmdSF equ 0EFh ; Set Feature ; Partition Table Structures PART_TYPE equ 4 PART_START equ 8 PART_SIZE equ 12 ; Partition table id ; (see http://www.win.tue.nl/~aeb/partitions/partition_types-1.html) PARTID1_FAT16 equ 00EH PARTID2_FAT16 equ 006H PARTID_CPM equ 052H MAXDISKS equ 4 ; parttabl fields PTAB_TYPE equ 0 ; 1 byte PTAB_START equ 1 ; 4 byte (28 bit, max 128 GiB) PTAB_SIZE equ 5 ; 4 byte (3 needed, 20 bit, max 512 MiB) PTAB_SPT equ 9 ; 1 byte PTAB_BSH equ 10 ; 1 byte PARTENTRY_SIZE equ 11 ; common control characters cr equ 13 lf equ 10 bell equ 7 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Macro: wait while device is busy WAITNOTBUSY macro local wait wait: in a,(IdeCmd) rla jr c,wait endm ; Macro: wait until device is ready WAITREADY macro local wait wait: in a,(IdeCmd) xor 01000000b and 11000000b jr nz,wait endm ; Macro: wait for DRQ signal WAITDRQ macro local wait wait: in a,(IdeCmd) bit 3,a jr z,wait endm ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dseg ; Extended Disk Parameter Headers (XPDHs) ; dph translate$table, - disk parameter header ; disk$parameter$block, ; checksum$size, (optional) ; alloc$size (optional) dw cf$write dw cf$read dw cf$login dw cf$init0 db 0,0 ; relative drive zero cf0: dph 0,dpbsimhd512,0 dw cf$write dw cf$read dw cf$login dw cf$init1 db 1,0 ; relative drive one cf1: dph 0,dpbsimhd512,0 dw cf$write dw cf$read dw cf$login dw cf$init2 db 2,0 ; relative drive zero cf2: dph 0,dpbsimhd512,0 dw cf$write dw cf$read dw cf$login dw cf$init3 db 3,0 ; relative drive one cf3: dph 0,dpbsimhd512,0 cseg ; DPB must be resident ; dpb physical$sector$size, - disk parameter block ; physical$sectors$per$track, ; number$tracks, ; block$size, ; number$dir$entries, ; track$offset, ; checksum$vec$size (optional) dpbsimhd512: dpb 512,8,2048,4096,1024,6,8000h ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dseg ; rest is banked ; Disk I/O routines for standardized BIOS interface ; Initialization entry point. ; called for first time initialization. cf$init0: call pr.inln ; db 'cfio: CompactFlash Memory Card driver',0 ld hl,parttbl ; Clear partition table ld b,PARTENTRY_SIZE*MAXDISKS ini_clrtbl: ld (hl),0 inc hl djnz ini_clrtbl call cf_init ; init ide interface / cf card jr nz,nocard call ident_read ; identify drive jr nz,nocard call prnt_info ; print device information call ptab_read ; read the partition table jr nz,pend ld c,0 ; number of found disks (paritions) jr nz,pend ld hl,tmpsecbuf+512-1 ; Point to first byte of partition table ld a,(hl) ; Test, if it has a valid MBR cp 0AAH ; jr nz,pend ; dec hl ld a,(hl) ; cp 055H ; jr nz,pend ; ; Search for valid Partitions ld hl,tmpsecbuf+512-2-64+PART_TYPE ; Point to partition type of first first partition table entry ld de,parttbl ; ld b,4 ; Max # of partition table entries ploop: ld a,(hl) ; Get Partitiontype cp PARTID_CPM ; Test for CP/M Partition ld a,16 ; Offset to next entry jr nz,nextp push bc ld a,(hl) ; (Re)get Partitiontype ld (de),a ; Save paritition type inc de inc hl ; Point to partition start (lba) inc hl inc hl inc hl ld bc,8 ; Copy partition start and size ldir rept PARTENTRY_SIZE-8-1 inc de endm pop bc inc c ; One more found ld a,c cp MAXDISKS jr z,pend ld a,4 nextp: call add_hla djnz ploop pend: ;TODO: variable disk format: sectors per track, ... call prnt_ptab ; Print partition table info ret nocard: call pr.inln db ": No Card",cr,lf,0 ret cf$init1: cf$init2: cf$init3: ret ; all initialization done by drive 0 ; Read ID from Hard Disk ident_read: WAITREADY ld a,0E0h ; assume unit 0, out (IdeSDH),a ; ld a,CmdId out (IdeCmd),a ; command: read sector data ld hl,tmpsecbuf ld bc,IdeDat ; B = 0 (counter), C = I/O address WAITDRQ ; wait for DRQ to become active inir inir ; read 512 data bytes (2 x 256) WAITNOTBUSY in a,(IdeCmd) ; check final drive status and 10001001b ; Busy, DRQ, or Error? ret z ; no: everything is ok ld a,1 ; return with A=1 on error ret ; Read partition table ptab_read: WAITREADY ld a,0E0h ; assume unit 0, lba mode out (IdeSDH),a ; xor a ; sector 0 (lba) out (IdeSNum),a ; out (IdeCLo),a out (IdeCHi),a ; inc a ; one sector to read out (IdeSCnt),a ; set sector count ld a,CmdRd out (IdeCmd),a ; command: read sector data ld hl,tmpsecbuf ld bc,IdeDat ; B = 0 (counter), C = I/O address WAITDRQ ; wait for DRQ to become active inir inir ; read 512 data bytes (2 x 256) WAITNOTBUSY in a,(IdeCmd) ; check final drive status and 10001001b ; Busy, DRQ, or Error? ret z ; no: everything is ok ld a,1 ; return with A=1 on error ret cf_init: ld hl,25600 ; 32000/1.25 ms call wait_nbsy_to ; wait for BSY == 0 jr c,cfi_error ; return error on timeout ld hl,25600 ; 32000/1.25 ms call wait_rdy_to ; wait for RDY == 1 jr c,cfi_error ; return error on timeout ld a,0E0h ; assume unit 0, lba mode out (IdeSDH),a ; xor a ; execute NOP command out (IdeCmd),a ; ld hl,100 call wait_rdy_to jr c,cfi_error and 11111001b ; cp 01010001b ; should return error jr nz,cfi_error ; ld a,10h ; execute RECALIBRATE command out (IdeCmd),a ; ld hl,100 call wait_rdy_to and 11111001b ; cp 01010000b ; should return ok jr nz,cfi_error ; ld a,1 ; Enable 8-bit data transfer. out (IDEFeat),a ld a,CmdSF ; Set feature command out (IdeCmd),a ; WAITNOTBUSY in a,(IdeCmd) ; check final drive status and 10001001b ; Busy, DRQ, or Error? ret z ; no: everything is ok cfi_error: ld a,1 ; return with A=1 on error ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; print char, skipping leading blanks pr_char_nlbl: bit 0,b jr z,pr_char cp ' ' ret z res 0,b ; fall thru ; print character, saving hl, de, bc pr_char: push hl push de push bc ld c,a call ?cono pop bc pop de pop hl ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reftime:dw 2 to: dw 2 chk_to: or a jr z,chk_1 ld (to),hl ld hl,0 call gstimer ld (reftime),hl ret chk_1: push hl push de ld hl,(reftime) call gstimer ex de,hl ld hl,(to) or a sbc hl,de pop de pop hl ret ; Wait while device is busy with time out ; hl: timer tics (1.25ms) to wait ; return: ; a: IDE status register ; carry flag set, if time out wait_nbsy_to: ld a,1 call chk_to wnb_l: in a,(IdeCmd) rla jr nc,wnb_e xor a call chk_to jr nc,wnb_l wnb_e: in a,(IdeCmd) ret ; Wait for ready signal with time out ; hl: timer tics (1.25ms) to wait ; return: ; a: IDE status register ; carry flag set, if time out wait_rdy_to: ld a,1 call chk_to wrdy_l: in a,(IdeCmd) xor 01000000b and 11000000b ; clears carry jr z,wrdy_e xor a call chk_to jr nc,wrdy_l wrdy_e: in a,(IdeCmd) ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Print an id string ; Remove leading and trailing spaces pr_id: push hl ; Save string address ld b,0 add hl,bc dec hl ; Point to last char. ld a,' ' prn_el: ; Reduce string len by number of trailing spaces dec hl cpi jr nz,prn_el1 ; No more spaces jp po,prn_el2 ; No more characters cpd dec hl jr nz,prn_el1 jp po,prn_el2 jr prn_el prn_el1: inc c prn_el2: pop hl ; Restore beginning of string ld a,c or a ; Test number of remaining chars ret z ; Done, if string was spaces only ld b,1 ; Flag, skip spaces prn_lp: inc hl ;Text is low byte high byte format ld a,(hl) call pr_char_nlbl dec c ret z dec hl prn_lp1: ld a,(hl) call pr_char_nlbl dec c ret z inc hl inc hl jr prn_lp ; Print divice information prnt_info: call pr.inln db cr,lf,' Model: ',0 ld hl,tmpsecbuf + 27*2 ; Model number ld c,20*2 ; max character count call pr_id ; call pr.inln db ', S/N: ',0 ld hl,tmpsecbuf + 10*2 ; Serial number ld c, 10*2 call pr_id call pr.inln db ', Rev: ',0 ld hl,tmpsecbuf + 23*2 ; Firmware revision ld c, 4*2 call pr_id call pr.inln db cr,lf,' Size: ',0 ld hl,(tmpsecbuf+60*2) ;Total Sectors Addressable in LBA Mode ld de,(tmpsecbuf+61*2) ; push hl push de ld bc,1 call pr.decl call pr.inln db ' Sectors (',0 pop de pop hl srl d rr e rr h rr l ld bc,1 call pr.decl call pr.inln db ' KiB)',cr,lf,0 ret ; Print partition table info prnt_ptab: ld ix,parttbl ld c,0 prp_lp: ld a,c cp 4 ret z ld a,(ix+PTAB_TYPE) or a ret z push bc call pr.inln db ' ',0 ld a,(@adrv) add a,c add a,'A' call pr_char call pr.inln db ': CP/M partition at: ',0 ld l,(ix+PTAB_START+0) ld h,(ix+PTAB_START+1) ld e,(ix+PTAB_START+2) ld d,(ix+PTAB_START+3) ld bc,1 call pr.decl call pr.inln db ', size: ',0 ld l,(ix+PTAB_SIZE+0) ld h,(ix+PTAB_SIZE+1) ld e,(ix+PTAB_SIZE+2) ld d,(ix+PTAB_SIZE+3) srl d rr e rr h rr l ld bc,1 call pr.decl call pr.inln db 'KiB',cr,lf,0 ld bc,PARTENTRY_SIZE add ix,bc pop bc inc c jr prp_lp ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This entry is called when a logical drive is about to ; be logged into for the purpose of density determination. ; It may adjust the parameters contained in the disk ; parameter header pointed at by ; ; absolute drive number in @adrv (8 bits) +0 ; relative drive number in @rdrv (8 bits) +1 cf$login: xor a ld (residual),a ; just in case ld hl,parttbl ld a,(@rdrv) ld e,a ld d,PARTENTRY_SIZE mlt de add hl,de ld a,(hl) or a ret nz ld hl,0 ld (@xdph),hl ret ; ; disk READ and WRITE entry points. ; these entries are called with the following arguments: ; ; operation type (r/w) in @op (8 bits) +0 ; absolute drive number in @adrv (8 bits) +1 ; relative drive number in @rdrv (8 bits) +2 ; disk track address in @trk (16 bits) +3 ; disk sector address in @sect(16 bits) +5 ; multi sector count in @cnt (8 bits) +7 ; disk transfer address in @dma (16 bits) +8 ; disk transfer bank in @dbnk (8 bits) +10 ; pointer to XDPH in ; ; they transfer the appropriate data, perform retries ; if necessary, then return an error code in cf$read: ld bc,M_DIM1*256 + CmdRd ; Transfermode: i/o to memory++ jr rw$common cf$write: ld bc,0*256 + CmdWr ; Transfermode: memory++ to i/o rw$common: if MULTIIO ld hl,residual ; remainng sectors from last multi io? ld a,(hl) sub a,1 jr c,rwc_new_sectors ld (hl),a xor a ret endif rwc_new_sectors: ld (cfstack),sp ld sp,cfstack in0 a,(dcntl) and a,~(M_DMS1+M_DIM1+M_DIM0) or b out0 (dcntl),a ld b,1 ; assume 1 sector to transfer if MULTIIO ld a,(@cnt) or a jr z,rwc_doit ld b,a ; number of sectors to transfer dec a ; save remaining ld (hl),a xor a ; reset multi sector count ld (@cnt),a rwc_doit: endif ld iy,parttbl ld a,(@rdrv) ld e,a ld d,PARTENTRY_SIZE mlt de add iy,de retry: ld a,b out (IdeSCnt),a ; set sector count ; compute logical block number (lba) --> cf-controller ; TODO: sectors per track from dpb ; lba = track * 8 + sector xor a ld hl,(@trk) add hl,hl adc a,a ; *2 add hl,hl adc a,a ; *4 add hl,hl adc a,a ; *8 ld de,(@sect) add hl,de adc a,0 push hl ; check, if block# fits in partition ld e,(iy+PTAB_SIZE+0) ld d,(iy+PTAB_SIZE+1) sbc hl,de ld e,a sbc a,(iy+PTAB_SIZE+2) pop hl jr c,lba_ok ld a,1 ; block# >= partition size, return error jp exit ; ret lba_ok: WAITREADY ld a,(iy+PTAB_START+0) ; add partition start add a,l out (IdeSNum),a ld a,(iy+PTAB_START+1) adc a,h out (IdeCLo),a ld a,(iy+PTAB_START+2) adc a,e out (IdeCHi),a ld a,(iy+PTAB_START+3) adc a,0 and 00FH or 0E0H out (IdeSDH),a ld hl,(@dma) ld a,(@dbnk) ; compute pysical transfer address --> DMA call bnk2phy ; phys. linear address out0 mar1l,l out0 mar1h,h out0 mar1b,a ld a,IdeDat out0 iar1l,a xor a out0 iar1h,a out0 iar1b,a out0 bcr1l,a ld a,c out (IDECmd),a push bc nxt_sec: ld a,2 out0 bcr1h,a WAITDRQ ld a,M_DE1+M_NDWE0 out0 (dstat),a wait_dma: in0 a,(dstat) bit DE1,A jr nz,wait_dma WAITNOTBUSY in a,(IdeCmd) ; check final drive status bit 0,a ; any error? jr nz,err_out djnz nxt_sec err_out: pop bc ld e,a and 10001001b ; Busy, DRQ, or Error? jr z,exit ; ret z ; Return to BDOS if no error ld hl,print_details call pr.errors jp z,retry ; Yes, then retry once more ; otherwise, xor a ld (residual),a ld a,1 ; return hard error to BDOS exit: ld sp,(cfstack) ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- print_details: ld hl,msg$drq bit 3,e call nz,?pmsg bit 0,e ret z in a,(IDEErr) ld e,8 errm1: ld hl,b0$msg ; point at message[0] dec e ; index of next message add a,a ; shift left and push residual bits with status push af ld a,e call c,pr.idx ; print it, if bit is set. pop af jr nz,errm1 ; if any more bits left, continue ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; error message components msg$drq: db 'DRQ, ',0 b7$msg: db ' Bad Block detected,',0 b6$msg: db ' Uncorrectable Data Error,',0 b5$msg: db ' Media Changed,',0 b4$msg: db ' Sector ID Not Found,',0 b3$msg: db ' Media Change Requst,',0 b2$msg: db ' Aborted Command,',0 b1$msg: db ' Track 0 Not Found,',0 b0$msg: db ' AM Not Found (or general error),',0 db 0 ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- residual: db 0 parttbl: ds PARTENTRY_SIZE*MAXDISKS tmpsecbuf: ;temporary sector buffer ds 512 rept 80 db 07CH endm cfstack:: dw 0 end