SHELL := /bin/bash RUNDIR := $(CURDIR) ifndef TOP TOP := $(shell \ top=$(RUNDIR); \ while [ ! -r "$$top/" ] && [ "$$top" != "" ]; do \ top=$${top%/*}; \ done; \ echo $$top) endif MK := $(TOP)/mk .PHONY: dir tree all clean clean_all clean_tree dist_clean # Default target when nothing is given on the command line. Reasonable # options are: # "dir" - updates only targets from current directory and its dependencies # "tree" - updates targets (and their dependencies) in whole subtree # starting at current directory # "all" - updates all targets in the project .DEFAULT_GOAL := dir dir : dir_$(RUNDIR) tree : tree_$(RUNDIR) clean : clean_$(RUNDIR) clean_tree : clean_tree_$(RUNDIR) # $(d) keeps the path of "current" directory during tree traversal and # $(dir_stack) is used for backtracking during traversal d := $(TOP) dir_stack := include $(MK)/ include $(MK)/ # Automatic inclusion of the at the top level - that way # has exactly the same structure as other include $(MK)/ .SECONDEXPANSION: $(eval $(value HEADER)) include $(TOP)/ $(eval $(value FOOTER)) # Optional final makefile where you can specify additional targets -include $(TOP)/ # This is just a convenience - to let you know when make has stopped # interpreting make files and started their execution. $(info Rules generated $(if $(BUILD_MODE),for "$(BUILD_MODE)" mode,)...)