diff options
authorLeo C2015-12-10 19:31:52 +0100
committerLeo C2015-12-10 19:31:52 +0100
commit49a5f06233e92c28feaf0b42d2b0521b1ebf5bd9 (patch)
parent0a1239e09b8c4d4c6dbbfba6c9dd588c56a0ffc7 (diff)
Inquire AVR-CP/M firmware version
2 files changed, 337 insertions, 192 deletions
diff --git a/cpxac.asm b/cpxac.asm
index 611f22a..f8763c8 100644
--- a/cpxac.asm
+++ b/cpxac.asm
@@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
IF NOT lasm
.printx * CPXAC.ASM *
+IF lasm
+.printx Error: Z80 macro assembler (i.e. M80) required
+ENDIF ;lasm
; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
@@ -24,7 +28,7 @@ ENDIF ;NOT lasm
; Keep module name, edit number, and last revision date in memory.
-family: db 'CPXCP.ASM (1) 3-DEC-2015$' ; First entry for V4.11
+family: db 'CPXCA.ASM (1) 3-DEC-2015$' ; First entry for V4.11
; Assembly time message to let me know I'm building the right version.
@@ -37,6 +41,8 @@ family: db 'CPXCP.ASM (1) 3-DEC-2015$' ; First entry for V4.11
SC16IS740_ADDR equ 90H ;SC16IS740 I2C address. (8bit, A0=VDD, A1=VDD)
OUTSIZE equ 64
+VERSION_MIN equ 0304H ;Minimum AVR-CP/M firmware version required
; Virtual I2C Interface
VI2C_STAT equ 05h
@@ -89,15 +95,306 @@ I2C_UART_XOFF1 equ I2C_UART_PORT+06H ;R/W Xoff1 word
I2C_UART_XOFF2 equ I2C_UART_PORT+07H ;R/W Xoff2 word
z80 set TRUE ;This one emulates an Z80.
+; Macros
+; make a message table
+; usage:
+; label: mkmsgtab <msg0,msg1,msg2,...>
+mkm_tab macro x
+n?msg defl 0
+ irp y,<x>
+n?msg defl n?msg+1
+ endm
+ db n?msg
+ irp y,<x>
+ db '&y','$'
+ endm
+ endm
+; make a message table
+; usage:
+; label: mkmsgtab <msg0,msg1,msg2,...>
+mkms_tab macro x
+n?msg defl 0
+ irp y,<x>
+n?msg defl n?msg+1
+ endm
+ db n?msg
+ irp y,<x>
+ ifnb <y>
+ db y,'$'
+ else
+ db '$'
+ endif
+ endm
+ endm
+; Messages
+ ; 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ mkms_tab <'UART',,' not', ' detected',', crystal frequency: ','!'>
+ mkm_tab <?,1.8432, 3.6864, 5.5296, 7.3728, 9.216, 11.0592, 12.9024, 14.7456, 16.5888, 18.432, 20.2752, 22.1184, 23.9616>
+ db ' MHz.',cr,lf,'$'
+ db 'AVR firmware to old, at least version 3.4 neded.','$'
+ db cr,lf,'Exiting!',cr,lf,'$'
+; Utilities
+; Print message from table
+; hl: message table address
+; first byte is number of table entries
+; a: number of message to print (0 based, index in table)
+; If index is out of range, print message #0
+ push bc
+ push de
+ push hl
+ ld bc,0
+ cp (hl) ; number of messages in table
+ jr c,pdc_1
+ ld a,c
+ inc hl
+ ld e,a
+ ld a,'$'
+ inc e
+ jr pdc_2
+ cpir
+ dec e
+ jr nz,pdc_nxt_str
+ ex de,hl
+ call prtstr
+ pop hl
+ pop de
+ pop bc
+ ret
+; output bytes to ports
+; hl: tables of port,value pairs:
+; db n ;number of pairs
+; db port1,val1, port2,val2,... portn,valn
+; ...
+; db 0 ; Terminate table
+ push bc
+ ld b,(hl) ;count
+ inc hl
+ ld c,(hl) ;port address
+ inc hl
+ outi
+ jr nz,io1_lp
+ pop bc
+ ret
+ ld hl,chkbuf
+ out (VI2C_BLEN),a
+ ld a,h
+ out (VI2C_ADR+1),a
+ ld a,l
+ out (VI2C_ADR+0),a
+ ret
+ ld hl,fmsg_tab
+ call pdecoded
+ ld de,fdim_msg
+ call prtstr
+ ret
+ ld bc,000CH ;
+ out (c),b ;write 0 to version port
+ in a,(c)
+ cp 1 ;result should be 0
+ ret nc ;exit (a != 0) if it wasn't
+ inc b
+ out (c),b
+ in h,(c) ;get MAJOR
+ inc b
+ out (c),b
+ in l,(c) ;get MINOR
+ xor a ;clear carry
+ sbc hl,de
+ sbc a,a ;z if hl >= VERSION_MIN
+ ret
+ ld a,3 ;2 byte + SLA
+ call vi2c_setup_chk
+ ld a,2 ;write cmd
+ out (VI2C_CTRL),a
+ in a,(VI2C_CTRL) ;do: get i2c result
+ bit 7,a ;
+ jr nz,uc_0 ;while busy
+ cp 0FH
+ jr nz,uc_err ;error in transaction
+ in a,(VI2C_BLEN)
+ cp 3
+ jr nz,uc_err
+ inc hl
+ inc hl
+ in a,(I2C_UART_SPR)
+ cp (hl)
+ jr nz,uc_err
+ ld (hl),42H
+ ld a,2
+ out (VI2C_CTRL),a
+ in a,(I2C_UART_SPR)
+ cp (hl)
+ jr nz,uc_err
+ xor a
+ jr uc_1
+ ld a,1
+ ld c,a
+ ld hl,umsg_tab
+ xor a
+ call pdecoded
+ ld a,1
+ add a,c
+ call pdecoded
+ ld a,3
+ call pdecoded
+ ld a,4
+ add a,c
+ call pdecoded
+ ld a,c
+ or a
+ ret
+ db SC16IS740_ADDR
+ db (I2C_UART_SPR - I2C_UART_PORT) shl 3 ;address of scratch pad register
+ db 5AH
+ ld hl,spt_tab ;init UART in loop back mode
+ call ioinil ; and fill tx fifo with 60 chars
+ in a,(I2C_UART_MSR) ;Clear Modem Status Register
+ in a,(I2C_UART_LSR) ;Clear Line Status Register
+ in a,(I2C_UART_RHR) ;Clear Receiver Buffers
+ in a,(I2C_UART_RHR)
+ ld a,2 ;start write transaction
+ out (VI2C_CTRL),a
+ ; get time stamp
+ in a,(41H) ;lsb ms
+ ld e,a
+ in a,(42H) ;msb ms
+ ld d,a
+ in a,(43H) ;lsb seconds
+ ld c,a
+ in a,(I2C_UART_RXLVL) ;wait till all 60 char in rx fifo
+ cp 60
+ jr nz,spt_1
+ ; get 2nd time stamp
+ in a,(41H) ;lsb ms
+ ld l,a
+ in a,(42H) ;msb ms
+ ld h,a
+ in a,(43H) ;lsb seconds
+ sub c ;seconds diff
+ jr z,spt_3
+ ld bc,1000
+spt_2: ;convert s to ms
+ add hl,bc
+ dec a
+ jr nz,spt_2
+ sbc hl,de ;hl = elapsed time (ms) for 60 chars
+ ld d,h
+ ld e,l
+ inc hl
+ srl h
+ rr l
+ ld bc,500
+ add hl,bc
+ xor a ;clear carry
+ inc a
+ sbc hl,de
+ jr nc,spt_4
+ dec a
+ ret
+ db (spt_tab_end - ($+1))/2
+ db I2C_UART_LCR, DLAB+03H ;Set devisor latch access bit
+ db I2C_UART_DLL, low 96 ;1200 bit/s at 1.832 MHz
+ db I2C_UART_DLH, high 96 ;Out to the MSB divisor port
+ db I2C_UART_LCR, 03H ;Disable Divisor Access Latch
+ db I2C_UART_FCR, 07H ;Clear and enable fifos
+ db I2C_UART_MCR, 10H ;Enable loopback
+ db I2C_UART_IER, 0 ;Set no interrupts
+ db VI2C_ADR+0, low outbuf
+ db VI2C_ADR+1, high outbuf
+ db VI2C_BLEN, 60+2
sysxin: ; continuation of system initialisation from sysinit
+ call fw_check
+ jr nz,si_exit_f
+ call uart_check
+ jr nz,si_exit
call speedtest
+ ld (clk_div),a
call prspeedmsg
ld hl,6 ;set default baud rate
@@ -109,49 +406,19 @@ sysxin: ; continuation of system initialisation from sysinit
out (I2C_UART_MCR),a
-; ld a,07H ;Enable and clear fifos
-; out (I2C_UART_FCR),a ;
-; ld a,03H ;8N1
-; out (I2C_UART_LCR),a ;
- push af
- ld de,freqmsg
+ ld de,fw_msg
call prtstr
- pop af
- cp 13+1
- jr c,$+3
- xor a
- ld e,a
- ld d,0
- ld hl,fm_tab
- add hl,de
- add hl,de
- ld e,(hl)
- inc hl
- ld d,(hl)
- call prtstr
- ld de,fdimmsg
+ ld de,exit_msg
call prtstr
- ret
-mkftab macro x
- irp y,<x>
- db '&y','$'
- endm
- irp y,<x>
- dw fm&y
- endm
- endm
+ jp 0
- db 'UART crystal frequency: ','$'
- mkftab <?,1.8432,3.6864,5.5296,7.3728,9.216,11.0592,12.9024,14.7456,16.5888,18.432,20.2752,22.1184,23.9616>
- db ' MHz.',cr,lf,'$'
+; ld a,07H ;Enable and clear fifos
+; out (I2C_UART_FCR),a ;
+; ld a,03H ;8N1
+; out (I2C_UART_LCR),a ;
@@ -366,7 +633,7 @@ spdtbl: db 15 ; Number of entries
db 5,'38400$'
dw 3
db 3,'450$'
- dw 288
+ dw 256
db 4,'4800$'
dw 24
db 5,'57600$'
@@ -386,98 +653,6 @@ sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 110 300 600 2400 9600 28800 57600'
db cr,lf,' 75 150 450 1200 4800 19200 38400 115200$'
- ld hl,spt_tab
- call ioinil
- in a,(I2C_UART_MSR) ;Clear Modem Status Register
- in a,(I2C_UART_LSR) ;Clear Line Status Register
- in a,(I2C_UART_RHR) ;Clear Receiver Buffers
- in a,(I2C_UART_RHR)
- ld a,2 ;start write transaction
- out (VI2C_CTRL),a
- ; get time stamp
- in a,(41H) ;lsb ms
- ld e,a
- in a,(42H) ;msb ms
- ld d,a
- in a,(43H) ;lsb seconds
- ld c,a
- in a,(I2C_UART_RXLVL)
- cp 60
- jr nz,spt_1
- ; get 2nd time stamp
- in a,(41H) ;lsb ms
- ld l,a
- in a,(42H) ;msb ms
- ld h,a
- in a,(43H) ;lsb seconds
- sub c
- jr z,spt_3
- ld bc,1000
- add hl,bc
- dec a
- jr nz,spt_2
- sbc hl,de
- ld d,h
- ld e,l
- inc hl
- srl h
- rr l
- ld bc,500
- add hl,bc
- xor a ;clear carry
- inc a
- sbc hl,de
- jr nc,spt_4
- dec a
- ld (clk_div),a
- ret
- db (spt_tab_end - ($+1))/2
- db I2C_UART_LCR, DLAB+03H ;Set devisor latch access bit
- db I2C_UART_DLL, low 96 ;1200 bit/s at 1.832 MHz
- db I2C_UART_DLH, high 96 ;Out to the MSB divisor port
- db I2C_UART_LCR, 03H ;Disable Divisor Access Latch
- db I2C_UART_FCR, 07H ;Clear and enable fifos
- db I2C_UART_MCR, 10H ;Enable loopback
- db I2C_UART_IER, 0 ;Set no interrupts
- db VI2C_ADR+0, low outbuf
- db VI2C_ADR+1, high outbuf
- db VI2C_BLEN, 60+2
-; output bytes to ports
-; hl: tables of port,value pairs:
-; db n ;number of pairs
-; db port1,val1, port2,val2,... portn,valn
-; ...
-; db 0 ; Terminate table
- push bc
- ld b,(hl) ;count
- inc hl
- ld c,(hl) ;port address
- inc hl
- outi
- jr nz,io1_lp
- pop bc
- ret
; This is the system-dependent SET PORT command.
; HL contains the argument from the command table.
@@ -501,11 +676,7 @@ selmdm:
-IF 1
jr omflush
- ret
; Get character from console, or return zero.
@@ -534,15 +705,6 @@ outcon:
; returns nonskip; bc, de, hl preserved.
-IF 0
- in a,(I2C_UART_LSR) ;Get the output done flag.
- and TXRDY ;Is it set?
- jr z,outmdm ;If not, loop until it is.
- ld a,e
- out (I2C_UART_THR),a ;Output it.
-IF 1
push hl
ld hl,(outptr)
ld (hl),e ;return buffered char
@@ -607,35 +769,21 @@ omfex:
pop bc
pop hl
; get character from modem; return zero if none available.
; for IOBYT systems, the modem port has already been selected.
; destroys bc, de, hl.
-if 0
- in a,(I2C_UART_LSR) ;Get the port status into A.
- and RXRDY ;See if the input ready bit is on.
- ret z ;If not then return.
- in a,(I2C_UART_MCR) ;debug
- xor RTS
- out (I2C_UART_MCR),a
- in a,(I2C_UART_RHR);If so, get the char.
- ret
-if 1
- ld a,(inpcnt)
+ ld a,(inpcnt) ;any buffered chars?
dec a
- jp m,imdrdi2c ;buffer empty
- ld (inpcnt),a
+ jp m,imdrdi2c ;no, buffer empty
+ ld (inpcnt),a ;save updated buffer counter
ld hl,(inpptr)
- ld a,(hl) ;return buffered char
+ ld a,(hl) ;return buffered char
inc hl
- ld (inpptr),hl
+ ld (inpptr),hl ;save buffer pointer
@@ -645,16 +793,12 @@ imdrdi2c:
; prepare fifo read
inc a ;+ slave address
- ld (VI2C_BLEN),a
ld hl,inbuf
- ld a,h
- out (VI2C_ADR+1),a
- ld a,l
- out (VI2C_ADR+0),a
+ call vi2c_setup
inc hl
ld (hl),0 ;select subaddr 0 (RHR) for next read
ld a,3 ;write 1 byte (subaddr.), then read fifo
- ld (VI2C_CTRL),a
+ out (VI2C_CTRL),a
in a,(VI2C_CTRL) ;get i2c result
xor 01h
and 11h ;transfer completed?
@@ -666,16 +810,14 @@ imdrdi2c:
ld (inpcnt),a ;save new buffer count
ld a,(hl)
inc hl
- ld (inpptr),hl
+ ld (inpptr),hl ;save buffer pointer
xor a
; flsmdm - flush comm line.
; Modem is selected.
@@ -734,10 +876,12 @@ clrlin: lxi d,eralin
clrtop: lxi d,erascr
jmp prtstr
sysver: db 'AVR-CP/M'
db '$'
db 1 ;default div
@@ -756,6 +900,7 @@ outbuf:
db 0 ;RHR subaddress
IF lasm
LINK CPXVDU.ASM ; get terminal defs etc
diff --git a/cpxtyp.asm b/cpxtyp.asm
index 1acf241..bc75323 100644
--- a/cpxtyp.asm
+++ b/cpxtyp.asm
@@ -68,16 +68,16 @@
; edit of 10 Apr 87 by C W Rose
; Amended code for pci2651 to handle Telecom Merlin M2215.
; (8085 at 5 MHz, 2651 USART, port TTY1:, Ampro 230 terminal equivalent).
; edit of 13 Jul 1987 by C W Rose
; Added Micromint SB180 with 6/9 MHz. option.
-; edit 22, 15th July, 1987 by OBSchou for David Moore.
+; edit 22, 15th July, 1987 by OBSchou for David Moore.
; David submitted a paper copy of Kermit 4.05 overlay for a Teletek
; system: I have (hopefully) correctly appended his code. He also
; send in the code for ADM 22 terminals.
-; edit 21, 14 July, 1986 by OBSchou for John Shearwood of Birmingham
+; edit 21, 14 July, 1986 by OBSchou for John Shearwood of Birmingham
; University. His edits:
; edit of Apr 7th, 1987 by JA Shearwood. Added entry for Cifer Aux port
; edit of Mar 24 1987 by JA Shearwood, Birmingham. Added code for Cifer
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
; [Note: Martins CPXFRK is another version of CPXSWT.ASM]
-; edit 20, 21 May 1987 by OBSchou for Colin Burns of the Institute
+; edit 20, 21 May 1987 by OBSchou for Colin Burns of the Institute
; of Neurological Sciences, Glasgow. Added flag for Hazeltine 1500
; VDU (h1500)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
; Manchester University. NCR code is similar to the PCI2651 code, so
; NCRDMV chains to CPXTOR.ASM. CPC cahins to the modified CPXPCW file
; as submitted by Chris. *** NOTE *** All Amstrad versions require
-; CP/M 3, so the 664 version must both have the system upgraded to
+; CP/M 3, so the 664 version must both have the system upgraded to
; CP/M 3 and have an aditional RAM pack. All Amstrad systems require
; a serial interface.
@@ -116,15 +116,15 @@
; * * * Here Begineth kermit-80 Version 4.09 * * *
; Biggest change is the overlay address has been moved (again) to 6000h
-; and the files have all been diced into families. M80 (almost) back
+; and the files have all been diced into families. M80 (almost) back
; in, though I have found some bugs. Will worry about those later.
-; CPXSYS.ASM (CP4SYS.ASM in V4.05) now is a family file as well.
+; CPXSYS.ASM (CP4SYS.ASM in V4.05) now is a family file as well.
; Comments and all that would be much appreciated.
; Bertil Schou,
; The Computer Centre,
-; Loughborough University of Technology,
+; Loughborough University of Technology,
; Loughborough
; Leicestershire, LE11 3TU
; Great Britain
@@ -140,14 +140,14 @@
; file being assembled. I hope.
; edit 16 Dec 1st, 1986 by OBSchou. Added entry for Amstrad PCW range (PCW)
-; Code in Family file CPXPCW.ASM, submitted by Ian Young of Lattice
+; Code in Family file CPXPCW.ASM, submitted by Ian Young of Lattice
; Logic Systems.
; Edit 15 June 20 1986. Had to chand org address to 5000h to give room for
; multi-fcb space for DIR command and other additions in the system
; indepentent part. This starts Kermit-80 version 4.08...
-; Edit 14: March 20, 1986 by OBSchou Loughborough University for
+; Edit 14: March 20, 1986 by OBSchou Loughborough University for
; B Robertson, Aberdeen Univ. Computing Centre.
; Add support for APPLE II with serial cards based on the 6850 ACIA.
; Mod 380Z support to allow both MDS (5 1/4" discs) and FDS (8" discs)
@@ -160,9 +160,9 @@
; edit 12 5 Febuary, 1986 by OBSchou
; merged in conditionals for Epson PX8 (px8). Code from Tony Addyman
; Salford University, England.
-; Added code from other contibutors for Basic Northstar (basicns),
+; Added code from other contibutors for Basic Northstar (basicns),
; Access-Matrix (access), US Micro Sales s1008 (s1008),
-; Micro Mate (mmate), A.C.E. Discovery (disc).
+; Micro Mate (mmate), A.C.E. Discovery (disc).
; These I cannot test: please send comments back if these are buggy.
; edit 11 29 January 1985 by OBSchou @
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ hp125 EQU FALSE ;[MF]HP-125 Business Assistant, 8-bit data
; thru Data Comm 2 (requires 8th-bit quoting
; for binary transfers on Data Comm 2)
; set VT52 TRUE
-mbee EQU FALSE ; Microbee Systems - Microbee
+mbee EQU FALSE ; Microbee Systems - Microbee
avrcpm EQU TRUE ;AVR-CP/M (terminal required)
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ ENDIF;sb9
IF hp125 OR telcon
cpuspd SET 40 ;[MF]HP125 or TELCON
-ENDIF;hp125 OR telcon
+ENDIF;hp125 OR telcon
IF mbee
cpuspd SET 33 ; Microbee has 3.375MHz Z80
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@ IF FALSE ; assume all systems are not z80 based
-; Now, lets see what family we are assembling for. Reset all
+; Now, lets see what family we are assembling for. Reset all
; family file to FALSE
torfam SET FALSE ; not Torch family file