path: root/z180/asci1-i.180
diff options
authorLeo C2015-06-11 17:43:28 +0200
committerLeo C2015-06-11 17:43:28 +0200
commit1157e75889d3d6d23d1e2514f401cd5b354bd149 (patch)
treeedad2bcaddaec49a18a1b4bac2b813ce9e5a36bf /z180/asci1-i.180
parent8506d791786eea8ee55db5418a8f646bb2dd3a6d (diff)
parent057817cb1dc71416bc798b5cd592acfcea87efaa (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into cmdline_edit
Diffstat (limited to 'z180/asci1-i.180')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/z180/asci1-i.180 b/z180/asci1-i.180
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e121a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/z180/asci1-i.180
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ page 200
+ extrn buf.init
+ extrn isv_sw
+ global ser.init
+ global,
+ global ser.ost,ser.out
+;TODO: define a trampoline area somewhere in top ram.
+rtxisvjmp equ 0FF60h ;momentan frei...
+ include
+ include
+ dseg
+ mkbuf s1.rx_id, ser1.inbuf, s1.rx_len
+ mkbuf s1.tx_id, ser1.outbuf, s1.tx_len
+ cseg
+; Init Serial I/O for console input and output (ASCI1)
+; ld a,i
+; push af ;save IFF
+; di
+ xor a ;
+ out0 (stat1),a ;Disable rx/tx interrupts
+ ld hl,rxtx_src ;move rx and tx isv to common ram
+ ld de,rxtx_dst ;
+ ld bc,rxtx_src_e-rxtx_src ;
+ ldir ;
+ ld hl,rtxisvjmp ;rx/tx int vector
+ ld (ivtab + IV$ASCI1),hl;
+ ld a,0cdh ;
+ ld (rtxisvjmp),a ;
+ ld hl,isv_sw ;
+ ld (rtxisvjmp + 1),hl ;
+ ld hl,rxtxisv ;
+ ld (rtxisvjmp + 3),hl ;
+; ASCI1: 8N1, highest baudrate (56700), CTS disabled
+ ld a,M_MPBT
+ out0 (cntlb1),a
+ ld a,M_RE + M_TE + M_MOD2
+ out0 (cntla1),a
+ ld a,M_RIE
+ out0 (stat1),a ;Enable rx interrupts
+ ld ix,ser1.inbuf
+ ld a,ser1.inbuf.mask
+ call buf.init
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf
+ ld a,ser1.outbuf.mask
+ call buf.init
+; pop af
+; ret po
+; ei
+ ret ;
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.inbuf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push hl ;11
+ push de ;11
+ ld hl,ser1.inbuf-1 ; 9 hl = &rx.out_idx
+ ld a,(hl) ; 6 a = rx.out_idx
+ dec hl ; 4 hl = &rx.in_idx
+ jr bg.w1
+ halt
+ cp (hl) ; 6 while (out_idx==in_idx)
+ jr z,bg.wait ; 6 (/8) ;
+ ld e,a ; 4
+ ld d,0 ; 6
+ inc de
+ inc de
+ ex de,hl ; 3
+ add hl,de ;10
+ ld l,(hl) ; 6
+ ex de,hl ; 3
+ inc a ; 4
+ dec hl ; 4
+ and (hl) ; 6
+ inc hl ; 4
+ inc hl ; 4
+ ld (hl),a ; 7
+ ld a,e ; 4
+ pop de ; 9
+ pop hl ; 9
+ ret ; 9
+ ; 153
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ sub (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ pop ix
+ ret z
+ or 0ffh
+ ret
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf ;
+ push hl ;
+ push bc
+ push ix
+ pop hl
+ ld a,c
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld (hl),a
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,bp.wait
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ di ;036f
+ in0 a,(stat1) ;0374
+ set TIE,a ;0377
+ out0 (stat1),a ;0379
+ ei ;037c
+ ld a,b
+ pop bc
+ pop hl
+ pop ix
+ ret
+; ASCI 1 Transmit/Receive interupt routines
+; moved to common ram
+ dseg
+rxtx_dst: ; (0c097h) old
+ inidat
+ in0 a,(stat1) ;receive flag set?
+ jp p,txisv ;
+ in0 d,(rdr1) ;todo: break detection
+ bit FE,a ;framing error?
+ jr nz,??ri_1
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.inbuf ;
+ ld hl,ser1.inbuf ;
+ ld c,(ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ ld b,0
+ add hl,bc
+ ld a,c ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ cp (ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ jr z,??ri_0
+ ld (hl),d
+ ld (ix+o.in_idx),a
+ pop ix
+ in0 a,(cntla1) ;0705 c0c0
+ res EFR,a ;0708
+ out0 (cntla1),a ;070a
+ ret
+ inidate
+ inidat
+ push ix
+ ld ix,ser1.outbuf ;
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ cp (ix+o.in_idx) ;
+ jr z,??ti_2
+ ld hl,ser1.outbuf ;
+ add a,l
+ ld l,a
+ jr nc,??ti_1
+ inc h
+ ld l,(hl)
+ out0 (tdr1),l ;071b
+ ld a,(ix+o.out_idx) ;
+ inc a
+ and (ix+o.mask)
+ ld (ix+o.out_idx),a
+ jr ??ti_3
+ in0 a,(stat1) ;0730 disable tx-int
+ res TIE,a ;0733
+ out0 (stat1),a ;0735
+ pop ix
+ ret
+ inidate
+ cseg
+ end