]> cloudbase.mooo.com Git - avrcpm.git/blob - avrcpm/avr/8080int-t3-jmp.asm
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[avrcpm.git] / avrcpm / avr / 8080int-t3-jmp.asm
1 ; 8080 Interpreter.
2 ; This is part of the Z80-CP/M emulator written by Sprite_tm.
3 ;
5 ; Copyright (C) 2010 Sprite_tm
6 ; Copyright (C) 2010 Leo C.
7 ; Copyright (C) 2010 Horst S.
9 ; This file is part of avrcpm.
10 ;
11 ; avrcpm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12 ; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 ; (at your option) any later version.
15 ;
16 ; avrcpm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 ; GNU General Public License for more details.
20 ;
21 ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22 ; along with avrcpm. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
23 ;
24 ; $Id$
25 ;
27 .dseg
29 z_b: .byte 1
30 z_c: .byte 1
31 z_d: .byte 1
32 z_e: .byte 1
33 z_h: .byte 1
34 z_l: .byte 1
37 .cseg
39 ;Init z80
40 z80_init:
41 ldi z_pcl,low (IPLADDR)
42 ldi z_pch,high(IPLADDR)
44 cbi flags,trace
45 printnewline
46 printstring "Ok, CPU is live!"
47 printnewline
50 main:
51 .if INS_DEBUG
52 cbi flags,trace
53 cpi z_pch,DBG_TRACE_BOTTOM
54 brlo notraceon
55 cpi z_pch,DBG_TRACE_TOP
56 brsh notraceon
57 sbi flags,trace
58 notraceon:
59 .endif
62 .if PRINT_PC
63 cpi z_pch,DBG_TRACE_BOTTOM
64 brlo noprintpc
65 cpi z_pch,DBG_TRACE_TOP
66 brsh noprintpc
68 printnewline
69 printstring "PC="
70 movw temp,z_pcl
71 rcall printhexw
72 printstring " "
73 noprintpc:
74 .endif
76 .if INS_DEBUG
77 sbic flags,trace
78 rcall printregs
79 .endif
81 ;hier kommt die Interruptbehandlung rein
83 mem_read_s z_pc ;temp=memReadByte(z_pc)
84 adiw z_pcl,1 ;++z_pc
85 ldi zl,low(todo_table*2) ;zhl=todo_table
86 ldi zh,high(todo_table*2) ;
87 ldi temp2,3 ;1
88 mul temp,temp2 ;2
89 add zl,r0 ;1
90 adc zh,r1 ;1
91 lpm insdecl,Z+ ;do_store
92 lpm insdech,Z+ ;do_op
93 lpm zl,Z ;do_fetch
94 ldi zh,high(fetch_ops)
95 ijmp ;direkt
98 ; .listmac
99 ;-----------------------------------------------------
100 ; Generate jump to target and position in table
101 ; gen_opjmp target
102 ;
103 .macro gen_opjmp
104 .ifndef opjmp_table_pos_
105 .set opjmp_table_page_ = high(PC)
106 .set opjmp_table_pos_ = PC
107 .endif
108 .equ @0 = low(opjmp_table_pos_)
109 .set opjmp_table_pos_ = opjmp_table_pos_ + 1
110 .if high(opjmp_table_pos_) != opjmp_table_page_
111 .warning "Table 'opjump' crosses page boarder."
112 .message "Program will not work, unless the opjump table is relocated."
113 .endif
114 rjmp do_@0
115 .endm
117 ;--------------------------------------------------
118 ; Generate a table entry for one instruction
119 ;
120 ; instr fetch, op, store
121 ;
122 .macro instr
123 .ifndef inst_table_odd_
124 .set inst_table_odd_ = 0
125 .endif
127 .if inst_table_odd_
128 .db inst_table_next_, low(@2), @1, low(@0)
129 .set inst_table_odd_ = 0
130 .else
131 .set inst_table_next_ = low(@0)
132 .db low(@2), @1
133 .set inst_table_odd_ = 1
134 .endif
135 .endm
137 ;-----------------------------------
138 ; go to op.
139 ;
140 .macro fetch_end
141 ldi zh,high(opjumps)
142 mov zl,insdech
143 ijmp
144 .endm
146 ;-----------------------------------
147 ; go to store.
148 ;
149 .macro op_end
150 ldi zh,high(store_ops) ;
151 mov zl,insdecl
152 ijmp
153 .endm
155 ;-----------------------------------
156 ; go back to main
157 ;
158 .macro store_end
159 rjmp main
160 .endm
162 ;-----------------------------------
163 ; go back to main directly
164 ;
165 .macro op_end_nojmp
166 rjmp main
167 .endm
170 ; ------------ Fetch phase stuff -----------------
172 .org (PC+255) & 0xff00
173 fetch_ops:
174 do_fetch_nop:
175 fetch_end
177 do_fetch_a:
178 mov opl,z_a
179 fetch_end
181 do_fetch_b:
182 lds opl,z_b
183 fetch_end
185 do_fetch_c:
186 lds opl,z_c
187 fetch_end
189 do_fetch_d:
190 lds opl,z_d
191 fetch_end
193 do_fetch_e:
194 lds opl,z_e
195 fetch_end
197 do_fetch_h:
198 lds opl,z_h
199 fetch_end
201 do_fetch_l:
202 lds opl,z_l
203 fetch_end
205 do_fetch_af:
206 mov opl,z_flags
207 mov oph,z_a
208 fetch_end
210 do_fetch_bc:
211 lds opl,z_c
212 lds oph,z_b
213 fetch_end
215 do_fetch_de:
216 lds opl,z_e
217 lds oph,z_d
218 fetch_end
220 do_fetch_hl:
221 lds opl,z_l
222 lds oph,z_h
223 fetch_end
225 do_fetch_sp:
226 movw opl,z_spl
227 fetch_end
229 do_fetch_mbc:
230 lds xh,z_b
231 lds xl,z_c
232 mem_read_d opl
233 fetch_end
235 do_fetch_mde:
236 lds xh,z_d
237 lds xl,z_e
238 mem_read_d opl
239 fetch_end
241 do_fetch_mhl:
242 lds xh,z_h
243 lds xl,z_l
244 mem_read_d opl
245 fetch_end
247 do_fetch_msp:
248 movw x,z_spl
249 mem_read_d opl
250 adiw x,1
251 mem_read_d oph
252 fetch_end
254 do_fetch_dir8:
255 mem_read_ds opl, z_pc
256 adiw z_pcl,1
257 fetch_end
259 do_fetch_dir16:
260 mem_read_ds opl, z_pc
261 adiw z_pcl,1
262 mem_read_ds oph, z_pc
263 adiw z_pcl,1
264 fetch_end
266 do_fetch_rst:
267 movw x,z_pcl
268 sbiw x,1
269 mem_read_d opl
270 andi opl,0x38
271 ldi oph,0
272 fetch_end
274 ; ------------ Store phase stuff -----------------
276 .org (PC+255) & 0xff00
277 store_ops:
278 do_store_nop:
279 store_end
281 do_store_a:
282 mov z_a,opl
283 store_end
285 do_store_b:
286 sts z_b,opl
287 store_end
289 do_store_c:
290 sts z_c,opl
291 store_end
293 do_store_d:
294 sts z_d,opl
295 store_end
297 do_store_e:
298 sts z_e,opl
299 store_end
301 do_store_h:
302 sts z_h,opl
303 store_end
305 do_store_l:
306 sts z_l,opl
307 store_end
309 do_store_af:
310 mov z_a,oph
311 mov z_flags,opl
312 store_end
314 do_store_bc:
315 sts z_b,oph
316 sts z_c,opl
317 store_end
319 do_store_de:
320 sts z_d,oph
321 sts z_e,opl
322 store_end
324 do_store_hl:
325 sts z_h,oph
326 sts z_l,opl
327 store_end
329 do_store_mbc:
330 lds xh,z_b
331 lds xl,z_c
332 mem_write_s opl
333 store_end
335 do_store_mde:
336 lds xh,z_d
337 lds xl,z_e
338 mem_write_s opl
339 store_end
341 do_store_mhl:
342 lds xh,z_h
343 lds xl,z_l
344 mem_write_s opl
345 store_end
347 do_store_msp:
348 movw xl,z_spl
349 mem_write_s opl
350 adiw xl,1
351 mem_write_s oph
352 store_end
354 do_store_sp:
355 movw z_spl,opl
356 store_end
358 do_store_pc:
359 movw z_pcl,opl
360 store_end
362 do_store_ret:
363 movw x,z_spl
364 mem_read_d z_pcl
365 adiw x,1
366 mem_read_d z_pch
367 adiw x,1
368 movw z_spl,x
370 .if STACK_DBG
371 printnewline
372 printstring "Stack pop "
373 movw temp,z_pcl
374 rcall printhexw
375 printstring ", SP is now "
376 movw temp,z_spl
377 rcall printhexw
378 printstring ". "
379 .endif
380 store_end
382 do_store_call:
383 movw xl,z_spl
384 sbiw x,1
385 mem_write_s z_pch
386 sbiw x,1
387 mem_write_s z_pcl
388 movw z_spl,xl
390 .if STACK_DBG
391 printnewline
392 printstring "Stack push "
393 movw temp,z_pcl
394 rcall printhexw
395 printstring ", SP is now "
396 movw temp,z_spl
397 rcall printhexw
398 printstring ". "
399 .endif
400 movw z_pcl,opl
401 store_end
404 do_store_am:
405 mem_write_ds op, z_a
406 store_end
410 ; ------------ Operation phase stuff -----------------
412 ;.org (PC+255) & 0xff00
414 opjumps:
415 gen_opjmp op_nop
416 gen_opjmp op_inc
417 gen_opjmp op_dec
418 gen_opjmp op_inc16
419 gen_opjmp op_dec16
420 gen_opjmp op_rlc
421 gen_opjmp op_rrc
422 gen_opjmp op_rr
423 gen_opjmp op_rl
424 gen_opjmp op_adda
425 gen_opjmp op_adca
426 gen_opjmp op_subfa
427 gen_opjmp op_sbcfa
428 gen_opjmp op_anda
429 gen_opjmp op_ora
430 gen_opjmp op_xora
431 gen_opjmp op_addhl
432 gen_opjmp op_sthl
433 gen_opjmp op_rmem16
434 gen_opjmp op_rmem8
435 gen_opjmp op_da
436 gen_opjmp op_scf
437 gen_opjmp op_cpl
438 gen_opjmp op_ccf
439 gen_opjmp op_pop16
440 gen_opjmp op_push16
441 gen_opjmp op_ifnz
442 gen_opjmp op_ifz
443 gen_opjmp op_ifnc
444 gen_opjmp op_ifc
445 gen_opjmp op_ifpo
446 gen_opjmp op_ifpe
447 gen_opjmp op_ifp
448 gen_opjmp op_ifm
449 gen_opjmp op_outa
450 gen_opjmp op_in
451 gen_opjmp op_exhl
452 gen_opjmp op_di
453 gen_opjmp op_ei
454 gen_opjmp op_inv
455 gen_opjmp op_cpfa
456 gen_opjmp op_inca
457 gen_opjmp op_deca
461 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
462 ;| |
463 ;| Zilog |
464 ;| |
465 ;| ZZZZZZZ 88888 000 |
466 ;| Z 8 8 0 0 |
467 ;| Z 8 8 0 0 0 |
468 ;| Z 88888 0 0 0 |
469 ;| Z 8 8 0 0 0 |
470 ;| Z 8 8 0 0 |
471 ;| ZZZZZZZ 88888 000 |
472 ;| |
473 ;| Z80 MICROPROCESSOR Instruction Set Summary |
474 ;| |
475 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
476 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
477 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
478 ;|----------+------+---------------------+----------------------|
479 ;|ADC A,s |***V0*|Add with Carry |A=A+s+CY |
480 ;|ADC HL,ss |**?V0*|Add with Carry |HL=HL+ss+CY |
481 ;|ADD A,s |***V0*|Add |A=A+s |
482 ;|ADD HL,ss |--?-0*|Add |HL=HL+ss |
483 ;|ADD IX,pp |--?-0*|Add |IX=IX+pp |
484 ;|ADD IY,rr |--?-0*|Add |IY=IY+rr |
485 ;|AND s |**1P00|Logical AND |A=A&s |
486 ;|BIT b,m |?*1?0-|Test Bit |m&{2^b} |
487 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
488 ;|CALL nn |------|Unconditional Call |-[SP]=PC,PC=nn |
489 ;|CCF |--?-0*|Complement Carry Flag|CY=~CY |
490 ;|CP s |***V1*|Compare |A-s |
491 ;|CPD |****1-|Compare and Decrement|A-[HL],HL=HL-1,BC=BC-1|
492 ;|CPDR |****1-|Compare, Dec., Repeat|CPD till A=[HL]or BC=0|
493 ;|CPI |****1-|Compare and Increment|A-[HL],HL=HL+1,BC=BC-1|
494 ;|CPIR |****1-|Compare, Inc., Repeat|CPI till A=[HL]or BC=0|
495 ;|CPL |--1-1-|Complement |A=~A |
496 ;|DAA |***P-*|Decimal Adjust Acc. |A=BCD format |
497 ;|DEC s |***V1-|Decrement |s=s-1 |
498 ;|DEC xx |------|Decrement |xx=xx-1 |
499 ;|DEC ss |------|Decrement |ss=ss-1 |
500 ;|DI |------|Disable Interrupts | |
501 ;|DJNZ e |------|Dec., Jump Non-Zero |B=B-1 till B=0 |
502 ;|EI |------|Enable Interrupts | |
503 ;|EX [SP],HL|------|Exchange |[SP]<->HL |
504 ;|EX [SP],xx|------|Exchange |[SP]<->xx |
505 ;|EX AF,AF' |------|Exchange |AF<->AF' |
506 ;|EX DE,HL |------|Exchange |DE<->HL |
507 ;|EXX |------|Exchange |qq<->qq' (except AF)|
508 ;|HALT |------|Halt | |
509 ;|IM n |------|Interrupt Mode | (n=0,1,2)|
510 ;|IN A,[n] |------|Input |A=[n] |
511 ;|IN r,[C] |***P0-|Input |r=[C] |
512 ;|INC r |***V0-|Increment |r=r+1 |
513 ;|INC [HL] |***V0-|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 |
514 ;|INC xx |------|Increment |xx=xx+1 |
515 ;|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1 |
516 ;|INC ss |------|Increment |ss=ss+1 |
517 ;|IND |?*??1-|Input and Decrement |[HL]=[C],HL=HL-1,B=B-1|
518 ;|INDR |?1??1-|Input, Dec., Repeat |IND till B=0 |
519 ;|INI |?*??1-|Input and Increment |[HL]=[C],HL=HL+1,B=B-1|
520 ;|INIR |?1??1-|Input, Inc., Repeat |INI till B=0 |
521 ;|JP [HL] |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=[HL] |
522 ;|JP [xx] |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=[xx] |
523 ;|JP nn |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=nn |
524 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
525 ;|JR e |------|Unconditional Jump |PC=PC+e |
526 ;|JR cc,e |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JR(cc=C,NC,NZ,Z)|
527 ;|LD dst,src|------|Load |dst=src |
528 ;|LD A,i |**0*0-|Load |A=i (i=I,R)|
529 ;|LDD |--0*0-|Load and Decrement |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL-1,# |
530 ;|LDDR |--000-|Load, Dec., Repeat |LDD till BC=0 |
531 ;|LDI |--0*0-|Load and Increment |[DE]=[HL],HL=HL+1,# |
532 ;|LDIR |--000-|Load, Inc., Repeat |LDI till BC=0 |
533 ;|NEG |***V1*|Negate |A=-A |
534 ;|NOP |------|No Operation | |
535 ;|OR s |**0P00|Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs |
536 ;|OTDR |?1??1-|Output, Dec., Repeat |OUTD till B=0 |
537 ;|OTIR |?1??1-|Output, Inc., Repeat |OUTI till B=0 |
538 ;|OUT [C],r |------|Output |[C]=r |
539 ;|OUT [n],A |------|Output |[n]=A |
540 ;|OUTD |?*??1-|Output and Decrement |[C]=[HL],HL=HL-1,B=B-1|
541 ;|OUTI |?*??1-|Output and Increment |[C]=[HL],HL=HL+1,B=B-1|
542 ;|POP xx |------|Pop |xx=[SP]+ |
543 ;|POP qq |------|Pop |qq=[SP]+ |
544 ;|PUSH xx |------|Push |-[SP]=xx |
545 ;|PUSH qq |------|Push |-[SP]=qq |
546 ;|RES b,m |------|Reset bit |m=m&{~2^b} |
547 ;|RET |------|Return |PC=[SP]+ |
548 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
549 ;|RETI |------|Return from Interrupt|PC=[SP]+ |
550 ;|RETN |------|Return from NMI |PC=[SP]+ |
551 ;|RL m |**0P0*|Rotate Left |m={CY,m}<- |
552 ;|RLA |--0-0*|Rotate Left Acc. |A={CY,A}<- |
553 ;|RLC m |**0P0*|Rotate Left Circular |m=m<- |
554 ;|RLCA |--0-0*|Rotate Left Circular |A=A<- |
555 ;|RLD |**0P0-|Rotate Left 4 bits |{A,[HL]}={A,[HL]}<- ##|
556 ;|RR m |**0P0*|Rotate Right |m=->{CY,m} |
557 ;|RRA |--0-0*|Rotate Right Acc. |A=->{CY,A} |
558 ;|RRC m |**0P0*|Rotate Right Circular|m=->m |
559 ;|RRCA |--0-0*|Rotate Right Circular|A=->A |
560 ;|RRD |**0P0-|Rotate Right 4 bits |{A,[HL]}=->{A,[HL]} ##|
561 ;|RST p |------|Restart | (p=0H,8H,10H,...,38H)|
562 ;|SBC A,s |***V1*|Subtract with Carry |A=A-s-CY |
563 ;|SBC HL,ss |**?V1*|Subtract with Carry |HL=HL-ss-CY |
564 ;|SCF |--0-01|Set Carry Flag |CY=1 |
565 ;|SET b,m |------|Set bit |m=mv{2^b} |
566 ;|SLA m |**0P0*|Shift Left Arithmetic|m=m*2 |
567 ;|SRA m |**0P0*|Shift Right Arith. |m=m/2 |
568 ;|SRL m |**0P0*|Shift Right Logical |m=->{0,m,CY} |
569 ;|SUB s |***V1*|Subtract |A=A-s |
570 ;|XOR s |**0P00|Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs |
571 ;|----------+------+--------------------------------------------|
572 ;| F |-*01? |Flag unaffected/affected/reset/set/unknown |
573 ;| S |S |Sign flag (Bit 7) |
574 ;| Z | Z |Zero flag (Bit 6) |
575 ;| HC | H |Half Carry flag (Bit 4) |
576 ;| P/V | P |Parity/Overflow flag (Bit 2, V=overflow) |
577 ;| N | N |Add/Subtract flag (Bit 1) |
578 ;| CY | C|Carry flag (Bit 0) |
579 ;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------|
580 ;| n |Immediate addressing |
581 ;| nn |Immediate extended addressing |
582 ;| e |Relative addressing (PC=PC+2+offset) |
583 ;| [nn] |Extended addressing |
584 ;| [xx+d] |Indexed addressing |
585 ;| r |Register addressing |
586 ;| [rr] |Register indirect addressing |
587 ;| |Implied addressing |
588 ;| b |Bit addressing |
589 ;| p |Modified page zero addressing (see RST) |
590 ;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------|
591 ;|DEFB n(,...) |Define Byte(s) |
592 ;|DEFB 'str'(,...) |Define Byte ASCII string(s) |
593 ;|DEFS nn |Define Storage Block |
594 ;|DEFW nn(,...) |Define Word(s) |
595 ;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------|
596 ;| A B C D E |Registers (8-bit) |
597 ;| AF BC DE HL |Register pairs (16-bit) |
598 ;| F |Flag register (8-bit) |
599 ;| I |Interrupt page address register (8-bit) |
600 ;| IX IY |Index registers (16-bit) |
601 ;| PC |Program Counter register (16-bit) |
602 ;| R |Memory Refresh register |
603 ;| SP |Stack Pointer register (16-bit) |
604 ;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------|
605 ;| b |One bit (0 to 7) |
606 ;| cc |Condition (C,M,NC,NZ,P,PE,PO,Z) |
607 ;| d |One-byte expression (-128 to +127) |
608 ;| dst |Destination s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], [nn] |
609 ;| e |One-byte expression (-126 to +129) |
610 ;| m |Any register r, [HL] or [xx+d] |
611 ;| n |One-byte expression (0 to 255) |
612 ;| nn |Two-byte expression (0 to 65535) |
613 ;| pp |Register pair BC, DE, IX or SP |
614 ;| qq |Register pair AF, BC, DE or HL |
615 ;| qq' |Alternative register pair AF, BC, DE or HL |
616 ;| r |Register A, B, C, D, E, H or L |
617 ;| rr |Register pair BC, DE, IY or SP |
618 ;| s |Any register r, value n, [HL] or [xx+d] |
619 ;| src |Source s, ss, [BC], [DE], [HL], nn, [nn] |
620 ;| ss |Register pair BC, DE, HL or SP |
621 ;| xx |Index register IX or IY |
622 ;|-----------------+--------------------------------------------|
623 ;| + - * / ^ |Add/subtract/multiply/divide/exponent |
624 ;| & ~ v x |Logical AND/NOT/inclusive OR/exclusive OR |
625 ;| <- -> |Rotate left/right |
626 ;| [ ] |Indirect addressing |
627 ;| [ ]+ -[ ] |Indirect addressing auto-increment/decrement|
628 ;| { } |Combination of operands |
629 ;| # |Also BC=BC-1,DE=DE-1 |
630 ;| ## |Only lower 4 bits of accumulator A used |
631 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
633 ;How the flags are supposed to work:
634 ;7 ZFL_S - Sign flag (=MSBit of result)
635 ;6 ZFL_Z - Zero flag. Is 1 when the result is 0
636 ;4 ZFL_H - Half-carry (carry from bit 3 to 4)
637 ;2 ZFL_P - Parity/2-complement Overflow
638 ;1 ZFL_N - Subtract - set if last op was a subtract
639 ;0 ZFL_C - Carry
640 ;
641 ;I sure hope I got the mapping between flags and instructions correct...
643 .equ ZFL_S = 7
644 .equ ZFL_Z = 6
645 .equ ZFL_H = 4
646 .equ ZFL_P = 2
647 .equ ZFL_N = 1
648 .equ ZFL_C = 0
651 .equ AVR_T = SREG_T
652 .equ AVR_H = SREG_H
653 .equ AVR_S = SREG_S
654 .equ AVR_V = SREG_V
655 .equ AVR_N = SREG_N
656 .equ AVR_Z = SREG_Z
657 .equ AVR_C = SREG_C
659 ;------------------------------------------------;
660 ; Load table value from flash indexed by source reg.
661 ;
662 ; ldpmx dstreg,tablebase,indexreg
663 ;
664 ; (6 words, 8 cycles)
666 .macro ldpmx
667 ldi zh,high(@1*2) ; table must be page aligned
668 mov zl,@2
669 lpm @0,z
670 .endm
672 .macro do_z80_flags_HP
673 #if EM_Z80
674 bmov z_flags, ZFL_P, temp, AVR_V
675 bmov z_flags, ZFL_H, temp, AVR_H
676 #endif
677 .endm
679 .macro do_z80_flags_set_N
680 #if EM_Z80
681 ori z_flags, (1<<ZFL_N) ; Negation auf 1
682 #endif
683 .endm
685 .macro do_z80_flags_set_HN
686 #if EM_Z80
687 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_N)|(1<<ZFL_H)
688 #endif
689 .endm
691 .macro do_z80_flags_clear_N
692 #if EM_Z80
693 andi z_flags,~(1<<ZFL_N)
694 #endif
695 .endm
697 .macro do_z80_flags_op_rotate
698 ; must not change avr carry flag!
699 #if EM_Z80
700 andi z_flags, ~( (1<<ZFL_H) | (1<<ZFL_N) | (1<<ZFL_C) )
701 #else
702 andi z_flags, ~( (1<<ZFL_C) )
703 #endif
704 .endm
706 .macro do_z80_flags_op_and
707 #if EM_Z80
708 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_H)
709 #else
710 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_H)
711 #endif
712 .endm
714 .macro do_z80_flags_op_or
715 #if EM_Z80
716 #endif
717 .endm
720 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
722 do_op_inv:
723 printstring "Invalid opcode @ PC="
724 movw temp,z_pcl
725 lcall printhexw
727 haltinv:
728 rjmp haltinv
730 do_op_nop:
731 op_end
733 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
734 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
735 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
736 ;|OUT [n],A |------|Output |[n]=A |
737 ;
738 ;
739 ;Interface with peripherials goes here :)
740 do_op_outa: ; out (opl),a
741 .if PORT_DEBUG
742 printnewline
743 printstring "Port write: "
744 mov temp,z_a
745 rcall printhex
746 printstring " -> ("
747 mov temp,opl
748 rcall printhex
749 printstring ") "
750 .endif
751 mov temp,z_a
752 mov temp2,opl
753 rcall portWrite
754 op_end
756 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
757 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
758 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
759 ;|IN A,[n] |------|Input |A=[n] |
760 ;
761 ;
762 do_op_in: ; in a,(opl)
763 .if PORT_DEBUG
764 printnewline
765 printstring "Port read: ("
766 mov temp,opl
767 rcall printhex
768 printstring ") -> "
769 .endif
771 mov temp2,opl
772 rcall portRead
773 mov opl,temp
775 .if PORT_DEBUG
776 rcall printhex
777 printstring " "
778 .endif
779 op_end
781 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
782 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
783 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
784 ;|INC r |***V0-|Increment |r=r+1 |
785 ;|INC [HL] |***V0-|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 |
786 ;|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1 |
787 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
788 ;|INC r |**-P0-|Increment |r=r+1 |
789 ;|INC [HL] |**-P0-|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 |
790 ;
791 ;
792 do_op_inc:
793 inc opl
794 #if EM_Z80
795 in temp, sreg
796 #endif
797 andi z_flags,(1<<ZFL_H)|(1<<ZFL_C) ; preserve C-, and H-flag
798 ldpmx temp2, sz53p_tab, opl
799 or z_flags,temp2 ;
800 do_z80_flags_HP
801 op_end
803 do_op_inca:
804 inc z_a
805 #if EM_Z80
806 in temp, sreg
807 #endif
808 andi z_flags,(1<<ZFL_H)|(1<<ZFL_C) ; preserve C-, and H-flag
809 ldpmx temp2, sz53p_tab, z_a
810 or z_flags,temp2 ;
811 do_z80_flags_HP
812 op_end
814 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
815 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
816 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
817 ;|DEC r |***V1-|Decrement |s=s-1 |
818 ;|INC [HL] |***V0-|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 |
819 ;|INC [xx+d]|***V0-|Increment |[xx+d]=[xx+d]+1 |
820 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
821 ;|DEC r |**-P -|Increment |r=r+1 |
822 ;|DEC [HL] |**-P -|Increment |[HL]=[HL]+1 |
823 ;
824 ;
825 do_op_dec:
826 dec opl
827 #if EM_Z80
828 in temp, sreg
829 #endif
830 andi z_flags,(1<<ZFL_H)|(1<<ZFL_C) ; preserve C-, and H-flag
831 ldpmx temp2, sz53p_tab, opl
832 or z_flags,temp2 ;
833 do_z80_flags_HP
834 do_z80_flags_set_N
835 op_end
837 do_op_deca:
838 dec z_a
839 #if EM_Z80
840 in temp, sreg
841 #endif
842 andi z_flags,(1<<ZFL_H)|(1<<ZFL_C) ; preserve C-, and H-flag
843 ldpmx temp2, sz53p_tab, z_a
844 or z_flags,temp2 ;
845 do_z80_flags_HP
846 do_z80_flags_set_N
847 op_end
849 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
850 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
851 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
852 ;|INC xx |------|Increment |xx=xx+1 |
853 ;|INC ss |------|Increment |ss=ss+1 |
854 ;
855 ;
856 do_op_inc16:
857 subi opl,low(-1)
858 sbci oph,high(-1)
859 op_end
861 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
862 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
863 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
864 ;|DEC xx |------|Decrement |xx=xx-1 |
865 ;|DEC ss |------|Decrement |ss=ss-1 |
866 ;
867 ;
868 do_op_dec16:
869 subi opl, 1
870 sbci oph, 0
871 op_end
873 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
874 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
875 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
876 ;|RLCA |--0-0*|Rotate Left Circular |A=A<- |
877 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
878 ;|RLCA |---- *|Rotate Left Circular |A=A<- |
879 ;
880 ;
881 do_op_rlc:
882 ;Rotate Left Cyclical. All bits move 1 to the
883 ;left, the msb becomes c and lsb.
884 do_z80_flags_op_rotate
885 lsl opl
886 brcc do_op_rlc_noc
887 ori opl, 1
888 ori z_flags, (1<<ZFL_C)
889 do_op_rlc_noc:
890 op_end
892 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
893 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
894 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
895 ;|RRCA |--0-0*|Rotate Right Circular|A=->A |
896 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
897 ;|RRCA |---- *|Rotate Right Circular|A=->A |
898 ;
899 ;
900 do_op_rrc:
901 ;Rotate Right Cyclical. All bits move 1 to the
902 ;right, the lsb becomes c and msb.
903 do_z80_flags_op_rotate
904 lsr opl
905 brcc do_op_rrc_noc
906 ori opl, 0x80
907 ori z_flags, (1<<ZFL_C)
908 do_op_rrc_noc:
909 op_end
911 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
912 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
913 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
914 ;|RRA |--0-0*|Rotate Right Acc. |A=->{CY,A} |
915 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
916 ;|RRA |---- *|Rotate Right Acc. |A=->{CY,A} |
917 ;
918 ;
919 do_op_rr:
920 ;Rotate Right. All bits move 1 to the right, the lsb
921 ;becomes c, c becomes msb.
922 clc ; get z80 carry to avr carry
923 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C
924 sec
925 do_z80_flags_op_rotate ; (clear ZFL_C, doesn't change AVR_C)
926 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, opl,0 ; Bit 0 --> CY
927 ror opl
928 op_end
930 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
931 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
932 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
933 ;|RLA |--0-0*|Rotate Left Acc. |A={CY,A}<- |
934 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
935 ;|RLA |---- *|Rotate Left Acc. |A={CY,A}<- |
936 ;
937 ;
938 do_op_rl:
939 ;Rotate Left. All bits move 1 to the left, the msb
940 ;becomes c, c becomes lsb.
941 clc
942 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C
943 sec
944 do_z80_flags_op_rotate ; (clear ZFL_C, doesn't change AVR_C)
945 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, opl,7 ; Bit 7 --> CY
946 rol opl
947 op_end
949 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
950 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
951 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
952 ;|ADD A,s |***V0*|Add |A=A+s |
953 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
954 ;|ADD A,s |***P *|Add |A=A+s |
955 ;
956 ;
957 do_op_adda:
958 add z_a,opl
959 in temp,sreg
960 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,P flag
961 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, temp,AVR_C
962 do_z80_flags_HP
963 op_end
965 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
966 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
967 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
968 ;|ADC A,s |***V0*|Add with Carry |A=A+s+CY |
969 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
970 ;|ADC A,s |***P *|Add with Carry |A=A+s+CY |
971 ;
972 ;
973 do_op_adca:
974 clc
975 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C
976 sec
977 adc z_a,opl
978 in temp,sreg
979 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,P
980 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, temp,AVR_C
981 do_z80_flags_HP
982 op_end
984 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
985 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
986 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
987 ;|SUB s |***V1*|Subtract |A=A-s |
988 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
989 ;|SUB s |***P *|Subtract |A=A-s |
991 ;
992 do_op_subfa:
993 sub z_a,opl
994 in temp,sreg
995 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,P
996 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, temp,AVR_C
997 do_z80_flags_HP
998 do_z80_flags_set_N
999 op_end
1001 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1002 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1003 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1004 ;|CP s |***V1*|Compare |A-s |
1005 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1006 ;|CP s |***P *|Compare |A-s |
1008 ;
1009 do_op_cpfa:
1010 mov temp,z_a
1011 sub temp,opl
1012 mov opl,temp
1013 in temp,sreg
1014 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,opl ;S,Z,P
1015 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, temp,AVR_C
1016 do_z80_flags_HP
1017 do_z80_flags_set_N
1018 op_end
1020 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1021 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1022 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1023 ;|SBC A,s |***V1*|Subtract with Carry |A=A-s-CY |
1024 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1025 ;|SBC A,s |***P *|Subtract with Carry |A=A-s-CY |
1026 ;
1027 ;
1028 do_op_sbcfa:
1029 clc
1030 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C
1031 sec
1032 sbc z_a,opl
1033 in temp,sreg
1034 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,P
1035 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, temp,AVR_C
1036 do_z80_flags_HP
1037 do_z80_flags_set_N
1038 op_end
1040 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1041 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1042 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1043 ;|AND s |**1P00|Logical AND |A=A&s |
1044 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1045 ;|AND s |**-P 0|Logical AND |A=A&s |
1046 ;
1047 ; TODO H-Flag
1048 do_op_anda:
1049 and z_a,opl ;
1050 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,P,N,C
1051 do_z80_flags_op_and
1052 op_end
1055 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1056 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1057 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1058 ;|OR s |**0P00|Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs |
1059 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1060 ;|OR s |**-P00|Logical inclusive OR |A=Avs |
1061 ;
1062 ; TODO: H-Flag
1063 do_op_ora:
1064 or z_a,opl
1065 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,H,P,N,C
1066 do_z80_flags_op_or
1067 op_end
1069 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1070 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1071 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1072 ;|XOR s |**0P00|Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs |
1073 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1074 ;|XOR s |**-P 0|Logical Exclusive OR |A=Axs |
1075 ;
1076 ; TODO: H-Flag
1077 do_op_xora:
1078 eor z_a,opl
1079 ldpmx z_flags,sz53p_tab,z_a ;S,Z,H,P,N,C
1080 do_z80_flags_op_or
1081 op_end
1083 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1084 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1085 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1086 ;|ADD HL,ss |--?-0*|Add |HL=HL+ss |
1087 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1088 ;|ADD HL,ss |---- *|Add |HL=HL+ss |
1089 ;
1090 ;
1091 do_op_addhl:
1092 lds temp,z_l
1093 lds temp2,z_h
1094 add opl,temp
1095 adc oph,temp2
1096 in temp,sreg
1097 bmov z_flags,ZFL_H, temp,AVR_H
1098 bmov z_flags,ZFL_C, temp,AVR_C
1099 do_z80_flags_clear_N
1100 op_end
1102 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1103 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1104 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1105 ;|LD dst,src|------|Load |dst=src |
1106 ;
1107 ;
1108 do_op_sthl: ;store hl to mem loc in opl:h
1109 movw xl,opl
1110 lds temp,z_l
1111 mem_write
1112 adiw xl,1
1113 lds temp,z_h
1114 mem_write
1115 op_end
1117 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1118 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1119 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1120 ;|LD dst,src|------|Load |dst=src |
1121 ;
1122 ;
1123 do_op_rmem16:
1124 movw xl,opl
1125 mem_read_d opl
1126 adiw x,1
1127 mem_read_d oph
1128 op_end
1130 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1131 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1132 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1133 ;|LD dst,src|------|Load |dst=src |
1134 ;
1135 ;
1136 do_op_rmem8:
1137 mem_read_ds opl, op
1138 op_end
1140 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1141 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1142 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1143 ;|DAA |***P-*|Decimal Adjust Acc. | |
1144 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1145 ;
1146 ; Not yet checked
1148 ; Description (http://www.z80.info/z80syntx.htm#DAA):
1149 ; This instruction conditionally adjusts the accumulator for BCD addition
1150 ; and subtraction operations. For addition (ADD, ADC, INC) or subtraction
1151 ; (SUB, SBC, DEC, NEC), the following table indicates the operation performed:
1152 ;
1153 ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1154 ; | | C Flag | HEX value in | H Flag | HEX value in | Number | C flag|
1155 ; | Operation| Before | upper digit | Before | lower digit | added | After |
1156 ; | | DAA | (bit 7-4) | DAA | (bit 3-0) | to byte | DAA |
1157 ; |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
1158 ; | | 0 | 0-9 | 0 | 0-9 | 00 | 0 |
1159 ; | ADD | 0 | 0-8 | 0 | A-F | 06 | 0 |
1160 ; | | 0 | 0-9 | 1 | 0-3 | 06 | 0 |
1161 ; | ADC | 0 | A-F | 0 | 0-9 | 60 | 1 |
1162 ; | | 0 | 9-F | 0 | A-F | 66 | 1 |
1163 ; | INC | 0 | A-F | 1 | 0-3 | 66 | 1 |
1164 ; | | 1 | 0-2 | 0 | 0-9 | 60 | 1 |
1165 ; | | 1 | 0-2 | 0 | A-F | 66 | 1 |
1166 ; | | 1 | 0-3 | 1 | 0-3 | 66 | 1 |
1167 ; |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
1168 ; | SUB | 0 | 0-9 | 0 | 0-9 | 00 | 0 |
1169 ; | SBC | 0 | 0-8 | 1 | 6-F | FA | 0 |
1170 ; | DEC | 1 | 7-F | 0 | 0-9 | A0 | 1 |
1171 ; | NEG | 1 | 6-F | 1 | 6-F | 9A | 1 |
1172 ; |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|
1173 ;
1174 ; Flags:
1175 ; C: See instruction.
1176 ; N: Unaffected.
1177 ; P/V: Set if Acc. is even parity after operation, reset otherwise.
1178 ; H: See instruction.
1179 ; Z: Set if Acc. is Zero after operation, reset otherwise.
1180 ; S: Set if most significant bit of Acc. is 1 after operation, reset otherwise.
1184 #if 1
1185 do_op_da:
1186 ldi oph,0 ; what to add
1187 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_H ; if H-Flag
1188 rjmp op_da_06
1189 mov temp,opl
1190 andi temp,0x0f ; ... or lower digit > 9
1191 cpi temp,0x0a
1192 brlo op_da_06n
1193 op_da_06:
1194 ori oph,0x06
1195 op_da_06n:
1196 sbrc z_flags,(1<<ZFL_C)
1197 rjmp op_da_60
1198 cpi opl,0xa0
1199 brlo op_da_60n
1200 op_da_60:
1201 ori oph,0x60
1202 op_da_60n:
1203 cpi opl,0x9a
1204 brlo op_da_99n
1205 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_C); set C
1206 op_da_99n:
1207 sbrs z_flags,ZFL_N ; if sub-op
1208 rjmp op_da_add ; then
1209 sub opl,oph
1210 rjmp op_da_ex
1211 op_da_add: ; else add-op
1212 cpi opl,0x91
1213 brlo op_da_60n2
1214 mov temp,opl
1215 andi temp,0x0f
1216 cpi temp,0x0a
1217 brlo op_da_60n2
1218 ori oph,0x60
1219 op_da_60n2:
1220 add opl,oph
1221 op_da_ex:
1222 in temp,SREG
1223 sbrc temp,AVR_H
1224 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_C)
1225 andi z_flags,(1<<ZFL_N)|(1<<ZFL_C) ; preserve C,N
1226 ldpmx temp2, sz53p_tab, opl ; get S,Z,P
1227 or z_flags,temp2
1228 bmov z_flags,ZFL_H, temp,AVR_H ; H (?)
1229 op_end
1230 #else
1232 do_op_da:
1233 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_N ; if add-op
1234 rjmp do_op_da_sub ; then
1235 ldi temp2,0 ;
1236 mov temp,opl ;
1237 andi temp,0x0f ;
1238 cpi temp,0x0a ; if lower digit > 9
1239 brlo do_op_da_h ;
1240 ori temp2,0x06 ; add 6 to lower digit
1241 do_op_da_h: ;
1242 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_H ; ... or H-Flag
1243 ori temp2,0x06 ;
1244 add opl,temp2 ;
1246 ldi temp2,0 ;
1247 mov temp,opl ;
1248 andi temp,0xf0 ;
1249 cpi temp,0xa0 ;
1250 brlo do_op_da_c ;
1251 ori temp2,0x60 ;
1252 do_op_da_c: ; else sub-op
1253 sbrc z_flags,ZFL_C ;
1254 ori temp2,0x60 ;
1255 andi z_flags, ~( (1<<ZFL_S) | (1<<ZFL_Z) | (1<<ZFL_H) )
1256 add opl,temp2 ;
1257 in temp,SREG ;
1258 bst temp,AVR_Z ;Z-Flag
1259 bld z_flags,ZFL_Z ;
1260 bst temp,AVR_N ;S-Flag
1261 bst z_flags,ZFL_S ;
1262 sbrc temp2,5 ;C-Flag, set if 0x06 added
1263 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_C) ;
1264 ;H-Flag?
1265 op_end
1267 do_op_da_sub: ;TODO:
1268 rcall do_op_inv
1269 op_end
1270 #endif
1272 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1273 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1274 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1275 ;|SCF |--0-01|Set Carry Flag |CY=1 |
1276 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1277 ;
1278 ;
1279 do_op_scf:
1280 andi z_flags,~((1<<ZFL_H)|(1<<ZFL_N))
1281 ori z_flags,(1<<ZFL_C)
1282 op_end
1284 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1285 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1286 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1287 ;|CCF |--?-0*|Complement Carry Flag|CY=~CY |
1288 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1289 ;|SCF |---- 1|Set Carry Flag |CY=1 |
1290 ;
1291 ;TODO: H-Flag
1292 do_op_ccf:
1293 do_z80_flags_clear_N
1294 ldi temp,(1<<ZFL_C)
1295 eor z_flags,temp
1296 op_end
1298 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1299 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1300 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1301 ;|CPL |--1-1-|Complement |A=~A |
1302 ;|----------|SZHP C|---------- 8080 ----------------------------|
1303 ;|CPL |---- -|Complement |A=~A |
1304 ;
1305 ;
1306 do_op_cpl:
1307 com z_a
1308 do_z80_flags_set_HN
1309 op_end
1312 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1313 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1314 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1315 ;|PUSH xx |------|Push |-[SP]=xx |
1316 ;|PUSH qq |------|Push |-[SP]=qq |
1317 ;
1318 ;
1319 do_op_push16:
1320 movw xl,z_spl
1321 sbiw x,1
1322 mem_write_s oph
1323 sbiw x,1
1324 mem_write_s opl
1325 movw z_spl,xl
1327 .if STACK_DBG
1328 printnewline
1329 printstring "Stack push "
1330 movw temp,opl
1331 rcall printhexw
1332 printstring ", SP is now "
1333 movw temp,z_spl
1334 rcall printhexw
1335 printstring ". "
1336 .endif
1338 op_end
1340 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1341 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1342 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1343 ;|POP xx |------|Pop |xx=[SP]+ |
1344 ;|POP qq |------|Pop |qq=[SP]+ |
1345 ;
1346 ;
1347 do_op_pop16:
1348 movw x,z_spl
1349 mem_read_d opl
1350 adiw x,1
1351 mem_read_d oph
1352 adiw x,1
1353 movw z_spl,x
1355 .if STACK_DBG
1356 printnewline
1357 printstring "Stack pop "
1358 movw temp,opl
1359 rcall printhexw
1360 printstring ", SP is now "
1361 movw temp,z_spl
1362 rcall printhexw
1363 printstring ". "
1364 .endif
1365 op_end
1367 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1368 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1369 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1370 ;|EX [SP],HL|------|Exchange |[SP]<->HL |
1371 ;|EX DE,HL |------|Exchange |DE<->HL |
1372 ;-----------------------------Z80--------------------------------
1373 ;
1374 do_op_exhl:
1375 lds temp,z_l
1376 lds temp2,z_h
1377 sts z_l,opl
1378 sts z_h,oph
1379 movw opl,temp
1380 op_end
1382 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1383 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1384 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1385 ;
1386 ; TODO: Implement IFF1, IFF2
1387 do_op_di:
1388 op_end
1390 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1391 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1392 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1393 ;
1394 ; TODO: Implement IFF1, IFF2
1395 do_op_ei:
1396 op_end
1398 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1399 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1400 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1401 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1402 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1403 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1404 ;
1405 ;
1406 do_op_ifnz:
1407 sbrc z_flags, ZFL_Z
1408 op_end_nojmp
1409 op_end
1411 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1412 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1413 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1414 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1415 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1416 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1417 ;
1418 ;
1419 do_op_ifz:
1420 sbrs z_flags, ZFL_Z
1421 op_end_nojmp
1422 op_end
1424 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1425 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1426 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1427 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1428 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1429 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1430 ;
1431 ;
1432 do_op_ifnc:
1433 sbrc z_flags, ZFL_C
1434 op_end_nojmp
1435 op_end
1437 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1438 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1439 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1440 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1441 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1442 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1443 ;
1444 ;
1445 do_op_ifc:
1446 sbrs z_flags, ZFL_C
1447 op_end_nojmp
1448 op_end
1450 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1451 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1452 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1453 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1454 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1455 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1456 ;
1457 ;
1458 do_op_ifpo:
1459 sbrc z_flags, ZFL_P
1460 op_end_nojmp
1461 op_end
1463 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1464 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1465 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1466 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1467 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1468 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1469 ;
1470 ;
1471 do_op_ifpe:
1472 sbrs z_flags, ZFL_P
1473 op_end_nojmp
1474 op_end
1476 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1477 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1478 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1479 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1480 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1481 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1482 ;
1483 ;
1484 do_op_ifp: ;sign positive, aka s=0
1485 sbrc z_flags, ZFL_S
1486 op_end_nojmp
1487 op_end
1489 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1490 ;|Mnemonic |SZHPNC|Description |Notes |
1491 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1492 ;|CALL cc,nn|------|Conditional Call |If cc CALL |
1493 ;|JP cc,nn |------|Conditional Jump |If cc JP |
1494 ;|RET cc |------|Conditional Return |If cc RET |
1495 ;
1496 ;
1497 do_op_ifm: ;sign negative, aka s=1
1498 sbrs z_flags, ZFL_S
1499 op_end_nojmp
1500 op_end
1503 ; ----------------------- Opcode decoding -------------------------
1505 ; Lookup table for Z80 opcodes. Translates the first byte of the instruction word into three
1506 ; operations: fetch, do something, store.
1507 ; The table is made of 256 words.
1509 ;.org (PC+255) & 0xff00
1510 todo_table:
1511 instr do_fetch_nop, op_nop, do_store_nop ;00 ;NOP
1512 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_BC ;01 nn nn ;LD BC,nn
1513 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_MBC ;02 ;LD (BC),A
1514 instr do_fetch_BC, op_INC16, do_store_BC ;03 ;INC BC
1515 instr do_fetch_B, op_INC, do_store_B ;04 ;INC B
1516 instr do_fetch_B, op_DEC, do_store_B ;05 ;DEC B
1517 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_B ;06 ;LD B,n
1518 instr do_fetch_A, op_RLC, do_store_A ;07 ;RLCA
1519 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;08 ;EX AF,AF'
1520 instr do_fetch_BC, op_ADDHL, do_store_HL ;09 ;ADD HL,BC
1521 instr do_fetch_MBC, op_nop, do_store_A ;0A ;LD A,(BC)
1522 instr do_fetch_BC, op_DEC16, do_store_BC ;0B ;DEC BC
1523 instr do_fetch_C, op_INC, do_store_C ;0C ;INC C
1524 instr do_fetch_C, op_DEC, do_store_C ;0D ;DEC C
1525 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_C ;0E nn ;LD C,n
1526 instr do_fetch_A, op_RRC, do_store_A ;0F ;RRCA
1527 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;10 oo ;DJNZ o
1528 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_DE ;11 nn nn ;LD DE,nn
1529 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_MDE ;12 ;LD (DE),A
1530 instr do_fetch_DE, op_INC16, do_store_DE ;13 ;INC DE
1531 instr do_fetch_D, op_INC, do_store_D ;14 ;INC D
1532 instr do_fetch_D, op_DEC, do_store_D ;15 ;DEC D
1533 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_D ;16 nn ;LD D,n
1534 instr do_fetch_A, op_RL, do_store_A ;17 ;RLA
1535 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;18 oo ;JR o
1536 instr do_fetch_DE, op_ADDHL, do_store_HL ;19 ;ADD HL,DE
1537 instr do_fetch_MDE, op_nop, do_store_A ;1A ;LD A,(DE)
1538 instr do_fetch_DE, op_DEC16, do_store_DE ;1B ;DEC DE
1539 instr do_fetch_E, op_INC, do_store_E ;1C ;INC E
1540 instr do_fetch_E, op_DEC, do_store_E ;1D ;DEC E
1541 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_E ;1E nn ;LD E,n
1542 instr do_fetch_A, op_RR, do_store_A ;1F ;RRA
1543 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;20 oo ;JR NZ,o
1544 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_HL ;21 nn nn ;LD HL,nn
1545 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_STHL, do_store_nop ;22 nn nn ;LD (nn),HL
1546 instr do_fetch_HL, op_INC16, do_store_HL ;23 ;INC HL
1547 instr do_fetch_H, op_INC, do_store_H ;24 ;INC H
1548 instr do_fetch_H, op_DEC, do_store_H ;25 ;DEC H
1549 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_H ;26 nn ;LD H,n
1550 instr do_fetch_A, op_DA, do_store_A ;27 ;DAA
1551 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;28 oo ;JR Z,o
1552 instr do_fetch_HL, op_ADDHL, do_store_HL ;29 ;ADD HL,HL
1553 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_RMEM16, do_store_HL ;2A nn nn ;LD HL,(nn)
1554 instr do_fetch_HL, op_DEC16, do_store_HL ;2B ;DEC HL
1555 instr do_fetch_L, op_INC, do_store_L ;2C ;INC L
1556 instr do_fetch_L, op_DEC, do_store_L ;2D ;DEC L
1557 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_L ;2E nn ;LD L,n
1558 instr do_fetch_nop, op_CPL, do_store_nop ;2F ;CPL
1559 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;30 oo ;JR NC,o
1560 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_SP ;31 nn nn ;LD SP,nn
1561 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_AM ;32 nn nn ;LD (nn),A
1562 instr do_fetch_SP, op_INC16, do_store_SP ;33 ;INC SP
1563 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_INC, do_store_MHL ;34 ;INC (HL)
1564 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_DEC, do_store_MHL ;35 ;DEC (HL)
1565 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;36 nn ;LD (HL),n
1566 instr do_fetch_nop, op_SCF, do_store_nop ;37 ;SCF
1567 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;38 oo ;JR C,o
1568 instr do_fetch_SP, op_ADDHL, do_store_HL ;39 ;ADD HL,SP
1569 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_RMEM8, do_store_A ;3A nn nn ;LD A,(nn)
1570 instr do_fetch_SP, op_DEC16, do_store_SP ;3B ;DEC SP
1571 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INCA, do_store_nop ;3C ;INC A
1572 instr do_fetch_nop, op_DECA, do_store_nop ;3D ;DEC A
1573 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_nop, do_store_A ;3E nn ;LD A,n
1574 instr do_fetch_nop, op_CCF, do_store_nop ;3F ;CCF (Complement Carry Flag, gvd)
1575 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_B ;40 ;LD B,B
1576 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_B ;41 ;LD B,C
1577 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_B ;42 ;LD B,D
1578 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_B ;43 ;LD B,E
1579 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_B ;44 ;LD B,H
1580 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_B ;45 ;LD B,L
1581 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_B ;46 ;LD B,(HL)
1582 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_B ;47 ;LD B,A
1583 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_C ;48 ;LD C,B
1584 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_C ;49 ;LD C,C
1585 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_C ;4A ;LD C,D
1586 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_C ;4B ;LD C,E
1587 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_C ;4C ;LD C,H
1588 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_C ;4D ;LD C,L
1589 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_C ;4E ;LD C,(HL)
1590 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_C ;4F ;LD C,A
1591 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_D ;50 ;LD D,B
1592 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_D ;51 ;LD D,C
1593 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_D ;52 ;LD D,D
1594 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_D ;53 ;LD D,E
1595 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_D ;54 ;LD D,H
1596 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_D ;55 ;LD D,L
1597 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_D ;56 ;LD D,(HL)
1598 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_D ;57 ;LD D,A
1599 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_E ;58 ;LD E,B
1600 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_E ;59 ;LD E,C
1601 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_E ;5A ;LD E,D
1602 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_E ;5B ;LD E,E
1603 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_E ;5C ;LD E,H
1604 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_E ;5D ;LD E,L
1605 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_E ;5E ;LD E,(HL)
1606 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_E ;5F ;LD E,A
1607 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_H ;60 ;LD H,B
1608 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_H ;61 ;LD H,C
1609 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_H ;62 ;LD H,D
1610 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_H ;63 ;LD H,E
1611 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_H ;64 ;LD H,H
1612 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_H ;65 ;LD H,L
1613 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_H ;66 ;LD H,(HL)
1614 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_H ;67 ;LD H,A
1615 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_L ;68 ;LD L,B
1616 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_L ;69 ;LD L,C
1617 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_L ;6A ;LD L,D
1618 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_L ;6B ;LD L,E
1619 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_L ;6C ;LD L,H
1620 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_L ;6D ;LD L,L
1621 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_L ;6E ;LD L,(HL)
1622 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_L ;6F ;LD L,A
1623 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;70 ;LD (HL),B
1624 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;71 ;LD (HL),C
1625 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;72 ;LD (HL),D
1626 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;73 ;LD (HL),E
1627 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;74 ;LD (HL),H
1628 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;75 ;LD (HL),L
1629 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;76 ;HALT
1630 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_MHL ;77 ;LD (HL),A
1631 instr do_fetch_B, op_nop, do_store_A ;78 ;LD A,B
1632 instr do_fetch_C, op_nop, do_store_A ;79 ;LD A,C
1633 instr do_fetch_D, op_nop, do_store_A ;7A ;LD A,D
1634 instr do_fetch_E, op_nop, do_store_A ;7B ;LD A,E
1635 instr do_fetch_H, op_nop, do_store_A ;7C ;LD A,H
1636 instr do_fetch_L, op_nop, do_store_A ;7D ;LD A,L
1637 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_nop, do_store_A ;7E ;LD A,(HL)
1638 instr do_fetch_A, op_nop, do_store_A ;7F ;LD A,A
1639 instr do_fetch_B, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;80 ;ADD A,B
1640 instr do_fetch_C, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;81 ;ADD A,C
1641 instr do_fetch_D, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;82 ;ADD A,D
1642 instr do_fetch_E, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;83 ;ADD A,E
1643 instr do_fetch_H, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;84 ;ADD A,H
1644 instr do_fetch_L, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;85 ;ADD A,L
1645 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;86 ;ADD A,(HL)
1646 instr do_fetch_A, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;87 ;ADD A,A
1647 instr do_fetch_B, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;88 ;ADC A,B
1648 instr do_fetch_C, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;89 ;ADC A,C
1649 instr do_fetch_D, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;8A ;ADC A,D
1650 instr do_fetch_E, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;8B ;ADC A,E
1651 instr do_fetch_H, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;8C ;ADC A,H
1652 instr do_fetch_L, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;8D ;ADC A,L
1653 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;8E ;ADC A,(HL)
1654 instr do_fetch_A, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;8F ;ADC A,A
1655 instr do_fetch_B, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;90 ;SUB A,B
1656 instr do_fetch_C, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;91 ;SUB A,C
1657 instr do_fetch_D, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;92 ;SUB A,D
1658 instr do_fetch_E, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;93 ;SUB A,E
1659 instr do_fetch_H, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;94 ;SUB A,H
1660 instr do_fetch_L, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;95 ;SUB A,L
1661 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;96 ;SUB A,(HL)
1662 instr do_fetch_A, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;97 ;SUB A,A
1663 instr do_fetch_B, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;98 ;SBC A,B
1664 instr do_fetch_C, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;99 ;SBC A,C
1665 instr do_fetch_D, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;9A ;SBC A,D
1666 instr do_fetch_E, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;9B ;SBC A,E
1667 instr do_fetch_H, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;9C ;SBC A,H
1668 instr do_fetch_L, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;9D ;SBC A,L
1669 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;9E ;SBC A,(HL)
1670 instr do_fetch_A, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;9F ;SBC A,A
1671 instr do_fetch_B, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A0 ;AND A,B
1672 instr do_fetch_C, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A1 ;AND A,C
1673 instr do_fetch_D, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A2 ;AND A,D
1674 instr do_fetch_E, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A3 ;AND A,E
1675 instr do_fetch_H, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A4 ;AND A,H
1676 instr do_fetch_L, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A5 ;AND A,L
1677 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A6 ;AND A,(HL)
1678 instr do_fetch_A, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;A7 ;AND A,A
1679 instr do_fetch_B, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;A8 ;XOR A,B
1680 instr do_fetch_C, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;A9 ;XOR A,C
1681 instr do_fetch_D, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;AA ;XOR A,D
1682 instr do_fetch_E, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;AB ;XOR A,E
1683 instr do_fetch_H, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;AC ;XOR A,H
1684 instr do_fetch_L, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;AD ;XOR A,L
1685 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;AE ;XOR A,(HL)
1686 instr do_fetch_A, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;AF ;XOR A,A
1687 instr do_fetch_B, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B0 ;OR A,B
1688 instr do_fetch_C, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B1 ;OR A,C
1689 instr do_fetch_D, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B2 ;OR A,D
1690 instr do_fetch_E, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B3 ;OR A,E
1691 instr do_fetch_H, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B4 ;OR A,H
1692 instr do_fetch_L, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B5 ;OR A,L
1693 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B6 ;OR A,(HL)
1694 instr do_fetch_A, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;B7 ;OR A,A
1695 instr do_fetch_B, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;B8 ;CP A,B
1696 instr do_fetch_C, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;B9 ;CP A,C
1697 instr do_fetch_D, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;BA ;CP A,D
1698 instr do_fetch_E, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;BB ;CP A,E
1699 instr do_fetch_H, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;BC ;CP A,H
1700 instr do_fetch_L, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;BD ;CP A,L
1701 instr do_fetch_MHL, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;BE ;CP A,(HL)
1702 instr do_fetch_A, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;BF ;CP A,A
1703 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFNZ, do_store_RET ;C0 ;RET NZ
1704 instr do_fetch_nop, op_POP16, do_store_BC ;C1 ;POP BC
1705 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFNZ, do_store_PC ;C2 nn nn ;JP NZ,nn
1706 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_PC ;C3 nn nn ;JP nn
1707 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFNZ, do_store_CALL ;C4 nn nn ;CALL NZ,nn
1708 instr do_fetch_BC, op_PUSH16, do_store_nop ;C5 ;PUSH BC
1709 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_ADDA, do_store_nop ;C6 nn ;ADD A,n
1710 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;C7 ;RST 0
1711 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFZ, do_store_RET ;C8 ;RET Z
1712 instr do_fetch_nop, op_nop, do_store_RET ;C9 ;RET
1713 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFZ, do_store_PC ;CA nn nn ;JP Z,nn
1714 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;CB ;(Z80 specific)
1715 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFZ, do_store_CALL ;CC nn nn ;CALL Z,nn
1716 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;CD nn nn ;CALL nn
1717 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_ADCA, do_store_nop ;CE nn ;ADC A,n
1718 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;CF ;RST 8H
1719 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFNC, do_store_RET ;D0 ;RET NC
1720 instr do_fetch_nop, op_POP16, do_store_DE ;D1 ;POP DE
1721 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFNC, do_store_PC ;D2 nn nn ;JP NC,nn
1722 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_OUTA, do_store_nop ;D3 nn ;OUT (n),A
1723 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFNC, do_store_CALL ;D4 nn nn ;CALL NC,nn
1724 instr do_fetch_DE, op_PUSH16, do_store_nop ;D5 ;PUSH DE
1725 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_SUBFA, do_store_nop ;D6 nn ;SUB n
1726 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;D7 ;RST 10H
1727 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFC, do_store_RET ;D8 ;RET C
1728 instr do_fetch_nop, op_nop, do_store_nop ;D9 ;EXX
1729 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFC, do_store_PC ;DA nn nn ;JP C,nn
1730 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_IN, do_store_A ;DB nn ;IN A,(n)
1731 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFC, do_store_CALL ;DC nn nn ;CALL C,nn
1732 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;DD ;(Z80 specific)
1733 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_SBCFA, do_store_nop ;DE nn ;SBC A,n
1734 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;DF ;RST 18H
1735 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFPO, do_store_RET ;E0 ;RET PO
1736 instr do_fetch_nop, op_POP16, do_store_HL ;E1 ;POP HL
1737 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFPO, do_store_PC ;E2 nn nn ;JP PO,nn
1738 instr do_fetch_MSP, op_EXHL, do_store_MSP ;E3 ;EX (SP),HL
1739 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFPO, do_store_CALL ;E4 nn nn ;CALL PO,nn
1740 instr do_fetch_HL, op_PUSH16, do_store_nop ;E5 ;PUSH HL
1741 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_ANDA, do_store_nop ;E6 nn ;AND n
1742 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;E7 ;RST 20H
1743 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFPE, do_store_RET ;E8 ;RET PE
1744 instr do_fetch_HL, op_nop, do_store_PC ;E9 ;JP HL
1745 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFPE, do_store_PC ;EA nn nn ;JP PE,nn
1746 instr do_fetch_DE, op_EXHL, do_store_DE ;EB ;EX DE,HL
1747 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFPE, do_store_CALL ;EC nn nn ;CALL PE,nn
1748 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;ED ;(Z80 specific)
1749 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_XORA, do_store_nop ;EE nn ;XOR n
1750 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;EF ;RST 28H
1751 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFP, do_store_RET ;F0 ;RET P
1752 instr do_fetch_nop, op_POP16, do_store_AF ;F1 ;POP AF
1753 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFP, do_store_PC ;F2 nn nn ;JP P,nn
1754 instr do_fetch_nop, op_DI, do_store_nop ;F3 ;DI
1755 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFP, do_store_CALL ;F4 nn nn ;CALL P,nn
1756 instr do_fetch_AF, op_PUSH16, do_store_nop ;F5 ;PUSH AF
1757 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_ORA, do_store_nop ;F6 nn ;OR n
1758 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;F7 ;RST 30H
1759 instr do_fetch_nop, op_IFM, do_store_RET ;F8 ;RET M
1760 instr do_fetch_HL, op_nop, do_store_SP ;F9 ;LD SP,HL
1761 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFM, do_store_PC ;FA nn nn ;JP M,nn
1762 instr do_fetch_nop, op_EI, do_store_nop ;FB ;EI
1763 instr do_fetch_DIR16, op_IFM, do_store_CALL ;FC nn nn ;CALL M,nn
1764 instr do_fetch_nop, op_INV, do_store_nop ;FD ;(Z80 specific)
1765 instr do_fetch_DIR8, op_CPFA, do_store_nop ;FE nn ;CP n
1766 instr do_fetch_RST, op_nop, do_store_CALL ;FF ;RST 38H
1768 ;----------------------------------------------------------------
1769 ; Lookup table, stolen from z80ex, Z80 emulation library.
1770 ; http://z80ex.sourceforge.net/
1772 ; The S, Z, 5 and 3 bits and the parity of the lookup value
1774 .org (PC+255) & 0xff00
1775 sz53p_tab:
1776 .db 0x44,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x04,0x04,0x00
1777 .db 0x08,0x0c,0x0c,0x08,0x0c,0x08,0x08,0x0c
1778 .db 0x00,0x04,0x04,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x04
1779 .db 0x0c,0x08,0x08,0x0c,0x08,0x0c,0x0c,0x08
1780 .db 0x20,0x24,0x24,0x20,0x24,0x20,0x20,0x24
1781 .db 0x2c,0x28,0x28,0x2c,0x28,0x2c,0x2c,0x28
1782 .db 0x24,0x20,0x20,0x24,0x20,0x24,0x24,0x20
1783 .db 0x28,0x2c,0x2c,0x28,0x2c,0x28,0x28,0x2c
1784 .db 0x00,0x04,0x04,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x04
1785 .db 0x0c,0x08,0x08,0x0c,0x08,0x0c,0x0c,0x08
1786 .db 0x04,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x04,0x04,0x00
1787 .db 0x08,0x0c,0x0c,0x08,0x0c,0x08,0x08,0x0c
1788 .db 0x24,0x20,0x20,0x24,0x20,0x24,0x24,0x20
1789 .db 0x28,0x2c,0x2c,0x28,0x2c,0x28,0x28,0x2c
1790 .db 0x20,0x24,0x24,0x20,0x24,0x20,0x20,0x24
1791 .db 0x2c,0x28,0x28,0x2c,0x28,0x2c,0x2c,0x28
1792 .db 0x80,0x84,0x84,0x80,0x84,0x80,0x80,0x84
1793 .db 0x8c,0x88,0x88,0x8c,0x88,0x8c,0x8c,0x88
1794 .db 0x84,0x80,0x80,0x84,0x80,0x84,0x84,0x80
1795 .db 0x88,0x8c,0x8c,0x88,0x8c,0x88,0x88,0x8c
1796 .db 0xa4,0xa0,0xa0,0xa4,0xa0,0xa4,0xa4,0xa0
1797 .db 0xa8,0xac,0xac,0xa8,0xac,0xa8,0xa8,0xac
1798 .db 0xa0,0xa4,0xa4,0xa0,0xa4,0xa0,0xa0,0xa4
1799 .db 0xac,0xa8,0xa8,0xac,0xa8,0xac,0xac,0xa8
1800 .db 0x84,0x80,0x80,0x84,0x80,0x84,0x84,0x80
1801 .db 0x88,0x8c,0x8c,0x88,0x8c,0x88,0x88,0x8c
1802 .db 0x80,0x84,0x84,0x80,0x84,0x80,0x80,0x84
1803 .db 0x8c,0x88,0x88,0x8c,0x88,0x8c,0x8c,0x88
1804 .db 0xa0,0xa4,0xa4,0xa0,0xa4,0xa0,0xa0,0xa4
1805 .db 0xac,0xa8,0xa8,0xac,0xa8,0xac,0xac,0xa8
1806 .db 0xa4,0xa0,0xa0,0xa4,0xa0,0xa4,0xa4,0xa0
1807 .db 0xa8,0xac,0xac,0xa8,0xac,0xa8,0xa8,0xac
1809 ; vim:set ts=8 noet nowrap