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[kermit-80.git] / cpsker.asm
2 ; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
3 ;
4 ; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
5 ; KERMIT file transfer protocol.
6 ;
7 ; Version 4.0
8 ;
9 ; Copyright June 1981,1982,1983,1984
10 ; Columbia University
11 ;
12 ; Originally written by Bill Catchings of the Columbia University Center for
13 ; Computing Activities, 612 W. 115th St., New York, NY 10025.
14 ;
15 ; Contributions by Frank da Cruz, Daphne Tzoar, Bernie Eiben,
16 ; Bruce Tanner, Nick Bush, Greg Small, Kimmo Laaksonen, Jeff Damens, and many
17 ; others.
18 ;
19 ;
20 ; This is the header for the system-independent portion of KERMIT, which
21 ; consists of the following files (in this order):
22 ;
23 ; CPSKER.ASM - this file
24 ; CPSDEF.ASM - definitions for both KERMIT and KERSYS
25 ; CPSMIT.ASM - \initialization, main loop, miscellaneous commands
26 ; CPSCOM.ASM - /(BYE, EXIT, LOG, SET, SHOW, and STATUS) (Part1 of 2)
27 ; CPSPK1.ASM - \the KERMIT protocol handler (SEND, RECEIVE, LOGOUT,
28 ; CPSPK2.ASM - / and FINISH commands) (In two parts)
29 ; CPSREM.ASM - REMOTE commands etc
30 ; CPSSER.ASM - SERVER commands etc (Empty as yet)
31 ; CPSTT.ASM - the transparent commands (TRANSMIT, CONNECT)
32 ; CPSCPM.ASM - CP/M commands (DIR, ERA)
33 ; CPSWLD.ASM - the wildcard handler
34 ; CPSCMD.ASM - the command parser
35 ; CPSUTL.ASM - utility routines
36 ; CPSDAT.ASM - Data space and the overlay link space
37 ;
38 ; When building the system-independent part with M80 or MAC80, CPSKER
39 ; INCLUDEs the other files; when building with LASM, each file LINKs to
40 ; the next file.
41 ;
42 ; For now, the system-dependent routines are all in CPSSYS.ASM, with
43 ; the actual configuration defined in CPSTYP.ASM.
44 ;
45 ; revision history (latest first):
46 ;
47 ; Begin CP/M Kermit-80 version 4.11.
48 ;edit 32, 1-Apr-1991 by MF. Official release of work to date as CP/M Kermit
49 ; (Kermit-80) Version 4.11.
50 ; Modified edit level of cpscpm.asm to reflect a bug fix for the TYPE
51 ; command introduced with edit 13.
52 ;edit 31, 29-Mar-1991 by MF. Modified edit levels of cpsker.asm,
53 ; cpscom.asm and cpsdat.asm to reflect rename of parameter vermin to
54 ; revno (revision level) and change of SET COLLISION REPLACE to
55 ; SET COLLISION OVERWRITE to conform with C-Kermit. Modified
56 ; edit level of cpsrem.asm to reflect change from REMOTE SET FILE
58 ; Modified edit level of cpsutl.asm to reflect code tightening and
59 ; edit levels of cpsmit.asm and cpspk2.asm to close any open TAKE-file
60 ; and abort take-file processing if ^C is typed from the console
61 ; Also corrected ^Z test in cpsmit.asm in INPUT command ("inp2b")
62 ; Implement "file not found" complaint if a TAKE command can't find
63 ; the TAKE-file and it's not the initial TAKE (KERMIT.INI)
64 ; Modified edit level of cpscpm.asm to reflect modification of the
65 ; TYPE and PRINT commands to cancel file typeout/printout completely
66 ; if ^C is entered on the console (either immediately or after a key
67 ; has been pressed to induce a pause) and to immediately begin
68 ; typeout/printout of the next file (if the filespec was wild-carded)
69 ; if ^X is entered (either immediately or after a key has been pressed
70 ; to induce a pause).
71 ; Modified edit levels of cpsmit.asm and cpscom.asm to reflect addition
72 ; of the STAY command as a synonym for SET NO-EXIT.
73 ;edit 30, 27-Feb-1991 by MF. Modified edit levels of cpscom.asm,
74 ; cpsmit.asm, cpsutl.asm and cpsdat.asm to reflect provision for
75 ; a "revision level" field (1-26=A-Z), addition of QUIT as a synonym
76 ; for the EXIT command, recognition of C, R and S as abbreviations
77 ; for the CONNECT, RECEIVE and SEND commands, respectively, display
78 ; of Kermit version in the VERSION command and a fix to the TAKE-file
79 ; input routine "r1tchr" to prevent semicolons from being interpreted
80 ; as command separators during TAKE-file execution. This last fix
81 ; allows such commands as REMOTE DELETE *.*;* to Kermit-32 to
82 ; operate as expected.
83 ;edit 29, 14-Feb-1991 by MF. Updated edit levels of cpscom.asm,
84 ; cpscpm.asm, cpsdat.asm and cpsrem.asm to reflect bug fixes,
85 ; code tightening and simplified routine "remcli" (in cpsrem.asm)
86 ; which gets text to be passed on to a remote Kermit in REMOTE
87 ; Kermit commands.
88 ;edit 28, 8-Feb-1991 by MF. Changed edit level of cpscpm.asm to reflect
89 ; a bug fix to make TAKE-files work properly with commands such as
90 ; INPUT which check the keyboard for input.
91 ;edit 27, 30-Jan-1991 by MF. Changed edit levels of cpscpm.asm, cpsrem.asm,
92 ; cpstt.asm and cpsutl.asm to reflect bug fixes and enhancements
93 ;edit 26, 17-Jan-1991 by MF. Changed edit level of cpscmd.asm to
94 ; reflect fixes to allow leading spaces/tabs to be ignored when
95 ; parsing keywords (this was the intent but the code never worked
96 ; correctly) and to blank the entire fcb in "cmifil" to allow successive
97 ; COPY commands to function properly. Also changed edit level of
98 ; cpspk1.asm to reflect further work on "disk full" error reporting.
99 ;edit 25, 14-Jan-1991 by MF. Incremented edit level of cpspk1.asm to
100 ; reflect bug fix to "disk full" error reporting code so <cr><lf>
101 ; is not sent directly to the Remote Kermit. This per a report from
102 ; Russell Lang of Australia's Monash University.
103 ;edit 24, 10-Jan-1991 by MF. Modified edit level of cpxtyp.asm to
104 ; reflect addition of "terminal required" message for some.
105 ; machines.
106 ;edit 23, 7-Jan-1991 by MF. Modified edit levels of cpxtyp.asm, cpxswt.asm,
107 ; cpxbbi.asm to reflect addition of Ampro Little Board support.
108 ;edit 22, 3-Jan-1991 by MF. Incremented edit levels of cpspk1.asm/cpspk2.asm
109 ; to reflect further mods to "sdata" and "inchr" routines.
110 ;edit 21, 2-Jan-1991 by MF. Incremented edit level of cpspk1.asm to reflect
111 ; code cleanup in "sdata" routine.
112 ;edit 20, 26-Dec-1990 by MF. Modified edit level of CPSCMD.ASM to reflect
113 ; fix to allow leading white space to be skipped in lines from
114 ; TAKE-files as well as from the CP/M command-line tail; this per a
115 ; phoned-in bug-report to Dr. Martin J. Carter of Nottingham
116 ; University in the U.K. (PPZMAJOC@vax.ccc.nottingham.ac.uk)
117 ;edit 19, 14-Dec-1990 by MF. Modified edit level of cpspk2.asm to reflect
118 ; modification to "gofil" to allow drive specifications in 2nd
119 ; filename of GET and RECEIVE commands; also modified edit levels of
120 ; cpspk1.asm and cpsrem.asm to reflect addition of "<<>>" around
121 ; "X" or "F" packets coming as a reply to a REMOTE command and
122 ; deletion of an unnecessary instruction before label remc2d
123 ; in cpsrem.asm.
124 ;edit 18, 9-Dec-1990 by MF. Modified edit levels for Version 4.10
125 ; yet another time to reflect changes in CPSDAT.ASM to clarify
126 ; "File size on DIR" status message.
127 ;edit 17, 4-Dec-1990 by MF. Adjusted edit levels of cpscom.asm/cpsdat.asm
128 ; to reflect addition of Autoreceive status to SHOW/STATUS display.
129 ;edit 16, 30-Nov-1990 by MF. Adjusted edit levels of cpscom.asm/cpsdat.asm
130 ; to reflect fix to SHOW/STATUS routines to show terminal display
131 ; mode (quiet/regular). Also adjusted edit level of cpsutl.asm to reflect
132 ; change to routine "p20ln" to use "pausit" to save code space.
133 ; Adjusted edit level of cpsdef.asm to reflect change in "fairness"
134 ; counter prfair from 100 to 50 to make terminal a bit more responsive
135 ; during CONNECTs.
136 ;edit 15, 27-Nov-1990 by MF. Adjusted edit level of cpspk1.asm to reflect
137 ; a bug fix.
138 ;edit 14, 27-Nov-1990 by MF. Again adjusted edit level of cpspk1.asm to
139 ; reflect modifications of "disk-full"and SET INCOMPLETE-FILES behavior.
140 ;edit 13, 23 Nov-1990 by MF. Adjusted edit level of cpspk1.asm to reflect
141 ; code changes for "disk full" processing.
142 ;edit 12, 8-Nov-1990 by MF.
143 ; Adjusted edit levels shown for cpscom.asm/cpspk1.asm/cpsdat.asm to
144 ; reflect bug fixes and code revisions.
145 ;edit 11, 5-Nov-1990 by MF.
146 ; Cosmetic changes for main help text for COPY and RENAME commands.
147 ; Begin CP/M Kermit-80 version 4.10.
148 ;edit 10, 2-Nov-1990 by MF. Moved Overlay address to 7000H (cpsdat.asm).
149 ;edit 9, 1-Nov-1990 by Mike Freeman (BPA). Cosmetic changes (command-name
151 ; STRING==>OUTPUT, REMOTE CWD==>REMOTE CD per suggestions of FDC
152 ; to aid in uniformity of nomenclature for various Kermits.
153 ;edit 8, 30-Oct-1990 by Michael Freeman; 301 N.E. 107th Street;
154 ; Vancouver, WA 98685 USA; Telephone (206)574-8221.
155 ; Work: Bonneville Power Administration
156 ; P.O. Box 491 M/S MORF
157 ; Vancouver, WA USA 98666
158 ; Telephone (206)690-2307
159 ; Implemented FRENAME command to rename a CP/M file.
160 ; Implemented many Remote commands, variable-length packets up thru
161 ; 94 characters in length. Fixed a bug in CPSCOM.ASM in the
162 ; routine "getnp" and a bug in CPSCOM.ASM which caused garbage to appear
163 ; on the screen when PRTSTR was called with QUIETD flag set.
164 ; Modified code in module CPSCMD.ASM to skip leading spaces and tabs
165 ; when getting Kermit commands from the CP/M command line. This also
166 ; obviates the necessity to type a leading semicolon to separate the
167 ; Kermit command from the Kermit commands on the CP/M command line.
168 ; Fixed code in CPSPK2.ASM which handles file collision detection
169 ; and resulting file rename per my entries in CPKERM.BWR.
170 ; and included fix by Russell Lang of Dept. of Electrical and Computer
171 ; Engineering, Monash University, Australia, to prevent renamed
172 ; files with SET WARNING ON from having the attributes (e.g., R/O)
173 ; copied from original file. Mr. Lang's E-mail address is:
174 ; Russell Lang Email: rjl@monu1.cc.monash.edu.au Phone: (03) 565 3460
175 ; Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering
176 ; Monash University, Australia
177 ; Also fixed a bug in CPSPK2.ASM which prevented completion messages
178 ; from being displayed if terminal was set to QUIET.
179 ; Implemented most proposed SET FILE-COLLISION (COLLISION) commands.
180 ; Implemented SET INCOMPLETE file disposition command.
181 ; Implemented a few of the proposed REMOTE SET commands.
182 ; Implemented other fixes suggested in CPKERM.BWR.
183 ; Moved overlay address to 6C00H.
184 ; Changed location of .printx in this file so LASM doesn't complain.
185 ; In system-dependent modules, included HP-125 support.
186 ; Also modified Telcon Zorba code in CPXHEA.ASM to enable setting
187 ; of baud-rates and sending of a break.
188 ; Included Russell Lang of Monash Univ. Australia's implementation
189 ; for the Microbee series of computers (CPXBEE.ASM).
190 ; Fixed COMPUPRO version of Kermit to compile correctly and to
191 ; conform to current syntax for setting baud-rate.
192 ; edit 7, September, 1987. Added files for SERVER and REMOTE
193 ; modules (CPSSER/CPSREM). SERVER is still empty, and may be
194 ; only wishfull thinking. I have ideas, but I dont think I
195 ; will have the time to implement it.
196 ;
197 ; edit 6: 30 March, 1987 by OBSchou. Start Kermit-80 V4.09 with the
198 ; overlay address at 6000h. Also adjusted the INCLUDEs to allow
199 ; M80 to assmeble these files.
200 ;
201 ; edit 5: 20 June, 1986. Have added so much code etc that the overlay had to
202 ; be moved again.. give it to 5000h. This starts off Kermit-80 V4.08
203 ;
204 ; edit 4 22 April 1986
205 ; Start work on 4.06. This should clear up a couple of bugs, add in
206 ; a few features, and split the system dependent stuff into
207 ; smaller units.
208 ;
209 ; edit 3a 7 March 86 OBSchou Loughborough england. Minor additions
210 ; to cpsker.asm, cpscmd.asm and cpspkt.asm.
211 ;
212 ; edit 3: February 10, 1985 (CJC)
213 ; Update for v4.05; add "verno" so CPSUTL doesn't have to change
214 ; just because some other module did.
215 ;
216 ; edit 2: September 10, 1984 (CJC)
217 ; Update for v4.03.
218 ;
219 ; edit 1: July 27, 1984 (CJC)
220 ; Created to allow assembly of Kermit by LASM as well as MAC80 and M80.
222 verno EQU 11 ; minor version number
223 revno EQU 0 ;[MF]Revision level
224 ;[MF]0-26 yields A-Z
226 ; Version 4.10 of Kermit consists of the following edit levels:
227 ; cpsker.asm edit 32
228 ; cpsdef.asm edit 9
229 ; cpsmit.asm edit 30
230 ; cpscom.asm edit 13
231 ; cpspk1.asm edit 23
232 ; cpspk2.asm edit 11
233 ; cpsrem.asm edit 13
234 ; cpsser.asm edit 1
235 ; cpstt.asm edit 12
236 ; cpscpm.asm edit 14
237 ; cpswld.asm edit 4
238 ; cpscmd.asm edit 13
239 ; cpsutl.asm edit 30
240 ; cpsdat.asm edit 19
241 ; cpxlnk.asm edit 8 (cpslnk.asm is not assembled with cpsker, but it
242 ; defines the linkage area expected by cpsker, and so must
243 ; match the description in cpsutl.asm)
244 ; cpxswt.asm edit 10
245 ;
246 ; Version 4.10 of Kermit has been tested with the following edit levels of
247 ; the system-dependent files:
248 ; cpxtyp.asm edit 34
249 ; cpxsys.asm edit 40
250 ; cpxhea.asm edit 4
251 ; cpxtor.asm edit 4
252 ; cpxbbi.asm edit 4 (Ampro Little Board)
253 ;
254 ; Version 4.10 of Kermit is still to be tested fully against all known systems
255 ; so far included in the system dependent overlays.
256 ;
259 FALSE equ 0
262 cpsker equ TRUE ; building system-independent part
263 debug equ FALSE ; set false for running system. True => does some
264 ; unusual or unexpected things.
265 ;
266 ; Assembler type. Define the appropriate one TRUE, the rest FALSE. (We can't
267 ; use ASM, because it cannot handle multiple input files)
268 mac80 EQU FALSE ; For assembly via MAC80 cross-assembler.
269 m80 EQU false ; For assembly via Microsoft's M80.
270 lasm EQU true ; For assembly via LASM, a public-domain
271 ; assembler.
272 ;
273 ; Get the other modules...
275 IF lasm ; If we're linking, go on to the next file.
277 ENDIF;lasm
279 ; If we're still here, we must be using M80 or MAC80. M80 doesn't
280 ; like ENDs inside conditionals, but the END statement has to be
281 ; in CPSUTL for LASM (otherwise, we'd need a file containing just an
282 ; END statement). So, we leave off the IF m80 OR mac80 conditional
283 ; that ought to be around these INCLUDEs. No problem until the next
284 ; incompatible assembler comes along...
285 ; Let's first say where we are:
286 ;
287 .printx * CPSKER.ASM (or nearest offer) *
288 ;
289 .printx * CPSDEF.ASM *
290 INCLUDE CPSDEF.ASM ; definitions
291 .printx * CPSMIT.ASM *
292 INCLUDE CPSMIT.ASM ; initialization, main loop, some commands
293 .printx * CPSCOM.ASM *
294 INCLUDE CPSCOM.ASM ; part of command/status/set etc
295 .printx * CPSPK1.ASM *
296 INCLUDE CPSPK1.ASM ; KERMIT protocol handler (Part 1)
297 .printx * CPSPK2.ASM *
298 INCLUDE CPSPK2.ASM ; KERMIT protocol handler (Part 2)
299 .printx * CPSREM.ASM *
300 INCLUDE CPSREM.ASM ; Kermit REMOTE code (little in it, as yet)
301 .printx * CPSSER.ASM *
302 INCLUDE CPSSER.ASM ; Kermit SERVER code (As yet, empty)
303 .printx * CPSTT.ASM *
304 INCLUDE CPSTT.ASM ; transparent communication handler
305 .printx * CPSCPM.ASM *
306 INCLUDE CPSCPM.ASM ; CP/M command support (DIR, ERA)
307 .printx * CPSWLD.ASM *
308 INCLUDE CPSWLD.ASM ; wildcard handler
309 .printx * CPSCMD.ASM *
310 INCLUDE CPSCMD.ASM ; command parser
311 .printx * CPSUTL.ASM *
312 INCLUDE CPSUTL.ASM ; Various utilities and data, and END [ToadHall]
313 .printx * CPSDAT.ASM *
315 END ; MAC80 ignores END's in included files...