]> cloudbase.mooo.com Git - kermit-80.git/blob - cpxsy2.asm
Convert line endings to CP/M format (cr/lf).
[kermit-80.git] / cpxsy2.asm
1 IF NOT lasm
2 .printx * CPXSY2.ASM *
3 ENDIF ;NOT lasm
4 ; KERMIT - (Celtic for "FREE")
5 ;
6 ; This is the CP/M-80 implementation of the Columbia University
7 ; KERMIT file transfer protocol.
8 ;
9 ; Version 4.0
10 ;
11 ; Copyright June 1981,1982,1983,1984,1985
12 ; Columbia University
13 ;
14 ; Originally written by Bill Catchings of the Columbia University Center for
15 ; Computing Activities, 612 W. 115th St., New York, NY 10025.
16 ;
17 ; Contributions by Frank da Cruz, Daphne Tzoar, Bernie Eiben,
18 ; Bruce Tanner, Nick Bush, Greg Small, Kimmo Laaksonen, Jeff Damens, and many
19 ; others.
20 ;
21 ; This file contains the system-dependent code and data for KERMIT.
22 ; It will be probably be broken into independent files to generate
23 ; overlays for the various systems, one or more overlay possible
24 ; from each file. For now, we will leave it in one piece.
25 ;
26 ; revision history:
27 ;
28 ;
29 ;\f This is the system-dependent command to change the baud rate.
30 ; DE contains the two-byte value from the baud rate table; this
31 ; value is also stored in 'speed'.
32 sysspd:
35 IF px8 ; [29]
36 push d
37 call rsclose ; baud rate can only be set on opening rs232
38 pop d
39 mov a, e
40 sta px8blk+4 ; set param block
41 call rsopen ; to set rate
42 ret
43 ENDIF ; px8 [29]
45 ; Set the speed for the Osborne I
46 IF osbrn1
47 mvi a,osbin1 ;Reset the ACIA
48 call osstst ;Write the control port
49 osbs1: inr c ;Waiting loop
50 jnz osbs1
51 mov a,e ; get the specified speed
52 jmp osstst ;Write the control reg.
53 ENDIF;osbrn1
55 ;[hh] set the speed for a lobo MAX-80
56 IF lobo
57 mov a,e ;[hh] get the parsed value
58 setbd: sta baudrt ;[hh] and send it to the baud rate port
59 ret ;[hh]
60 ENDIF;lobo
62 ; Set the speed for bigboard I or the delphi or the CPT-85xx
63 ; or Cromemco (TU-ART)
64 IF delphi OR cpt85xx OR cmemco OR mmate ;[22] [29]
65 mov a,e ; get the parsed value
66 out baudrt ; Tell the baud rate generator.
67 ret
68 ENDIF;delphi OR cpt85xx OR cmemco OR mmate [22] [29]
70 ;[22] Set the speed for Acorn BBC
71 IF bbc
72 mov l,e
73 mvi a,7 ;Set receive baud rate
74 call osbyte ;*FX7,?e
75 mov l,e
76 mvi a,8 ;Set transmit baud rate
77 call osbyte ;*FX8,?e
78 ret
79 ENDIF;[22] bbc
81 ;[22] Set speed for RM 380Z
82 IF rm380z
83 mvi a,4 ;device type (SI/O4) in A
84 rst 6 ; EMT
85 db 29h ; SETLST
86 ret
87 ENDIF;[22] rm380z
89 ; Set the speed for MicroMikko. DE is baud rate multiplier
90 IF mikko
91 di
92 lxi h,txclk
93 mov m,d ;LSB first (swapped in memory)
94 mov m,e ;MSB last
95 lxi h,rxclk
96 mov m,d
97 mov m,e
98 mvi b,0 ;"modifier" for 1 stop bit
99 mvi a,2 ;Test MSB of speed >2 (110 bps or less)
100 cmp e
101 jp miksp1
102 mvi b,00001000B ;"modifier" for 2 stop bits
103 miksp1: mvi a,4 ;Select SIO Reg 4
104 lxi h,sioac
105 mov m,a
106 mvi a,sion4 ;Get values
107 ora b ;Add modifier
108 mov m,a ;Set value (stop bits)
109 ei
110 ret
111 ENDIF;mikko
114 ; Set the speed for the Decision I
115 IF mdI
116 call selmdm ;Let's be absolutely sure, huh?
117 mvi a,dlab+wls1+wls0+stb ;Set data latch access bit
118 out lcr ;Out to Line Control Register
119 lhld speed ;Load baudrate multiplier
120 xchg
121 mov a,d ;Get low order byte for baud rate
122 out dlm ;Out to the MSB divisor port
123 mov a,e ;...and the high order byte
124 out dll ;Out to the LSB divisor port
125 mvi a,wls1+wls0+stb ;Enable Divisor Access Latch
126 out lcr ;Out to ACE Line Control Register
127 xra a ;Clear A
128 out ier ;Set no interrupts
129 out lsr ;Clear status
130 in msr ;Clear Modem Status Register
131 in lsr ;Clear Line Status Register
132 in rbr ;Clear Receiver Buffers
133 in rbr
134 ret
135 ENDIF ;mdI [Toad Hall]
137 IF teletek
138 di
139 mov a,e ; first speed byte
140 out baudrt
141 mov a,d ; second speed byte
142 out baudrt
143 ei
144 ret
145 ENDIF ;teletek
147 IF access ;[29]
148 mov a,e ;Get the parsed time constant
149 ;The following code is derived from the Access initialization code
150 sta savspd ;Save the time constant
151 mvi a,14h ;Code for 'monitor' to set channel A baudrate
152 call monitor
153 lda savspd ;Get the time constant
154 call monitor ; and send it to the CRT
155 ret
156 savspd: ds 1
157 monitor: ;Routine to do CRT functions
158 out 90h ;Output the data to the CRT
159 mvi a,1 ;Set DRDY true
160 out 23h
161 mon1: in 0a0h ;Wait for CACK* true
162 rlc
163 jc mon1
164 in 80h ;Read the input data latch
165 push psw ;Save the input data
166 xra a ;Set DRDY false
167 out 23h
168 mon2: in 0a0h ;Wait for CACK* false
169 rlc
170 jc mon2
171 pop psw
172 sta 0ee02h ;Save the input data
173 ret
174 ENDIF;access [29]
177 IF disc ;[29]
178 ; Assuming that parsing of value from speed table puts low order
179 ; byte of time constant in the e register and high byte in d.
180 mvi a,12 ;Register 12
181 out mnprts
182 mov a,e ;Low order byte of time constant
183 out mnprts
184 mvi a,13 ;Register 13
185 out mnprts
186 mov a,d ;High order byte of time constant
187 out mnprts
188 mvi a,14 ;Register 14
189 out mnprts
190 mvi a,3 ;Enable baud rate generator
191 out mnprts
192 mvi a,11 ;Register 11
193 out mnprts
194 mvi a,52h ;no Xtal, tclk=rclk=/trxc out=br gen
195 out mnprts
196 ret
197 ENDIF;disc [29]
198 ;\f Speed tables
199 ; (Note that speed tables MUST be in alphabetical order for later
200 ; lookup procedures, and must begin with a value showing the total
201 ; number of entries. The speed help tables are just for us poor
202 ; humans.
204 ; db string length,string,divisor (2 identical bytes or 1 word)
205 ; [Toad Hall]
207 IF delphi OR lobo ;[hh]
208 spdtbl: db 10h ;16 entries
209 db 03h,'110$', 02h,02h
210 db 04h,'1200$', 07h,07h
211 db 05h,'134.5$', 03h,03h
212 db 03h,'150$', 04h,04h
213 db 04h,'1800$', 08h,08h
214 db 05h,'19200$', 0fh,0fh
215 db 04h,'2000$', 09h,09h
216 db 04h,'2400$', 0ah,0ah
217 db 03h,'300$', 05h,05h
218 db 04h,'3600$', 0bh,0bh
219 db 04h,'4800$', 0ch,0ch
220 db 02h,'50$', 00h,00h
221 db 03h,'600$', 06h,06h
222 db 04h,'7200$', 0dh,0dh
223 db 02h,'75$', 01h,01h
224 db 04h,'9600$', 0eh,0eh
226 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200'
227 db cr,lf,' 1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200$'
228 ENDIF;delphi OR lobo ;[hh]
230 IF cpt85xx
231 spdtbl: db 15 ; 15 entries
232 db 03,'110$', 03h,03h
233 db 04,'1200$', 09h,09h
234 db 05,'134.5$', 04h,04h
235 db 03,'150$', 05h,05h
236 db 04,'1800$', 0Ah,0Ah
237 db 04,'2400$', 0Bh,0Bh
238 db 03,'300$', 06h,06h
239 db 04,'3600$', 0Ch,0Ch
240 db 04,'4800$', 0Dh,0Dh
241 db 02,'50$', 01h,01h
242 db 03,'600$', 07h,07h
243 db 04,'7200$', 0Eh,0Eh
244 db 02,'75$', 02h,02h
245 db 03,'900$', 08h,08h
246 db 04,'9600$', 0Fh,0Fh
248 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 900'
249 db cr,lf,' 1200 1800 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600$'
250 ENDIF;cpt85xx
252 IF bbc ;[22]
253 spdtbl: db 8 ; 8 entries
254 db 04,'1200$', 04h,04h
255 db 03,'150$', 02h,02h
256 db 05,'19200$', 08h,08h
257 db 04,'2400$', 05h,05h
258 db 03,'300$', 03h,03h
259 db 04,'4800$', 06h,06h
260 db 02,'75$', 01h,01h
261 db 04,'9600$', 07h,07h
263 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 75 150 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200$'
264 ENDIF;[22] bbc
266 IF rm380z ;[22]
267 spdtbl: db 7 ; 7 entries
268 db 03,'110$', 00h,00h
269 db 04,'1200$', 03h,03h
270 db 04,'2400$', 04h,04h
271 db 03,'300$', 01h,01h
272 db 04,'4800$', 05h,05h
273 db 03,'600$', 02h,02h
274 db 04,'9600$', 06h,06h
276 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 110 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600$'
277 ENDIF;[22] rm380z
279 IF px8 ; [29]
280 spdtbl: db 9 ; 9 entries
281 db 03,'110$', 02h,02h
282 db 04,'1200$', 0ah,0ah
283 db 03,'150$', 04h,04h
284 db 05,'19200$', 0fh,0fh
285 db 04,'2400$', 0ch,0ch
286 db 03,'300$', 06h,06h
287 db 04,'4800$', 0dh,0dh
288 db 03,'600$', 08h,08h
289 db 04,'9600$', 0eh,0eh
290 sphtbl: db cr, lf
291 db ' 100 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200$'
292 ENDIF ; px8 [29]
294 IF mikko
295 spdtbl: db 9h ;9 entries
296 db 03h,'110$'
297 dw 0369h
298 db 04h,'1200$'
299 dw 0050h
300 db 03h,'150$'
301 dw 0280h
302 db 04h,'2400$'
303 dw 0028h
304 db 03h,'300$'
305 dw 0140h
306 db 04h,'4800$'
307 dw 0014h
308 db 03h,'600$'
309 dw 00A0H
310 db 02h,'75$'
311 dw 0500h
312 db 04h,'9600$'
313 dw 000ah
315 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 75 110 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600$'
316 ENDIF;mikko
318 IF osbrn1
319 spdtbl: db 02h ;2 entries
320 db 04h,'1200$', OSBI12,OSBI12
321 db 03h,'300$', OSBI03,OSBI03
323 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 300',cr,lf,' 1200$'
324 ENDIF;osbrn1
327 IF mdI
328 spdtbl: db 0dh ; 13 entries
329 db 03h, '110$'
330 dw 1047
331 db 04h, '1200$'
332 dw 96
333 db 03h, '150$'
334 dw 768
335 db 05h,'19200$'
336 dw 6
337 db 04h, '2400$'
338 dw 48
339 db 03h, '300$'
340 dw 384
341 db 05h,'38400$'
342 dw 3
343 db 03h, '450$'
344 dw 288
345 db 04h, '4800$'
346 dw 24
347 db 05h,'56000$'
348 dw 2
349 db 03h, '600$'
350 dw 192
351 db 02h, '75$'
352 dw 1536
353 db 04h, '9600$'
354 dw 12
356 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 75 110 150 300 450 600 1200'
357 db cr,lf,' 2400 4800 9600 19200 38400 56000$'
359 ;(Lord knows what you'll be communicating with at 56000 baud, but the
360 ;Multi-I/O board literature says it'll do it, so what the heck....
361 ;might as well throw it in here just to show off...sure hope the
362 ;port don't melt...)
364 ENDIF ;mdI [Toad Hall]
366 IF cmemco ;[25]
367 spdtbl: db 7 ; 7 entries
368 db 3,'110$', 01H,01H
369 db 4,'1200$', 88H,88H
370 db 3,'150$', 82H,82H
371 db 4,'2400$', 90H,90H
372 db 3,'300$', 84H,84H
373 db 4,'4800$', 0A0H,0A0H
374 db 4,'9600$', 0C0H,0C0H
376 sphtbl: db cr,lf
377 db ' 110 150 300 1200 2400 4800 9600$'
378 ENDIF;cmemco
380 IF access ;Similar to bbI with different values [29]
381 spdtbl: db 6h ;6 entries
382 db 04h,'1200$', 28h,28h
383 db 04h,'2400$', 14h,14h
384 db 03h,'300$', 0a0h,0a0h
385 db 04h,'4800$', 0ah,0ah
386 db 03h,'600$', 50h,50h
387 db 04h,'9600$', 5,5
389 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600$'
390 ENDIF;access [29]
392 IF mmate ;[29]
393 spdtbl: db 10h ;16 entries
394 db 03h,'110$', 0e2h,0e2h
395 db 04h,'1200$', 0e7h,0e7h
396 db 05h,'134.5$', 0e3h,0e3h
397 db 03h,'150$', 0e4h,0e4h
398 db 04h,'1800$', 0e8h,0e8h
399 db 05h,'19200$', 0efh,0efh
400 db 04h,'2000$', 0e9h,0e9h
401 db 04h,'2400$', 0eah,0eah
402 db 03h,'300$', 0e5h,0e5h
403 db 04h,'3600$', 0ebh,0ebh
404 db 04h,'4800$', 0ech,0ech
405 db 02h,'50$', 0e0h,0e0h
406 db 03h,'600$', 0e6h,0e6h
407 db 04h,'7200$', 0edh,0edh
408 db 02h,'75$', 0e1h,0e1h
409 db 04h,'9600$', 0eeh,0eeh
411 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 50 75 110 134.5 150 300 600 1200'
412 db cr,lf,' 1800 2000 2400 3600 4800 7200 9600 19200$'
413 ENDIF;mmate [29]
415 IF disc ;[29]
416 ; Similar to mikko table but with different time constant values
417 spdtbl: db 9h ;9 entries
418 db 03h,'110$'
419 dw 1134
420 db 04h,'1200$'
421 dw 102h
422 db 03h,'150$'
423 dw 831
424 db 04h,'2400$'
425 dw 50
426 db 03h,'300$'
427 dw 415
428 db 04h,'4800$'
429 dw 24
430 db 03h,'600$'
431 dw 206
432 db 02h,'75$'
433 dw 1665
434 db 04h,'9600$'
435 dw 11
437 sphtbl: db cr,lf,' 75 110 150 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600$'
438 ENDIF;disc [29]
440 IF teletek
441 spdtbl: db 7 ; 7 entries
442 db 4, '1200$', 47h,40h
443 db 5,'19200$', 47h,04h
444 db 4, '2400$', 47h,20h
445 db 3, '300$', 47h,00h
446 db 4, '4800$', 47h,10h
447 db 3, '600$', 47h,80h
448 db 4, '9600$', 47h,08h
450 sphtbl: db cr,lf
451 db ' 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200$'
452 ENDIF ;teletk
455 ; The following conditionals were once a huge if not statement. There
456 ; wasn't enough room to add the lobo to the list, so it had to be broken
457 ; into 2, which you can't do with an if not. I redid it as two ifs and
458 ; applied them to those that wouldn't set baud. [Hal Hostetler]
459 IF robin OR gener OR dmII OR vector OR trs80;[32]
460 spdtbl equ 0 ; SET BAUD not supported.
461 sphtbl equ 0
462 ENDIF;robin OR gener OR dmII OR vector OR trs80
463 ;
464 IF mmdI OR osi OR cpm3 OR S1008 ; [29]
465 spdtbl EQU 0 ;[hh] SET BAUD not supported.
466 sphtbl EQU 0 ;[hh] ran out of room above...
467 ENDIF;mmdI OR osi OR cpm3 OR S1008 [29]
468 ;
469 IF hp125 ;[MF]
470 spdtbl equ 0 ; SET BAUD not supported.
471 sphtbl equ 0
472 ENDIF;hp125 [MF]
473 ;
474 ;\f This is the system-dependent SET PORT command.
475 ; HL contains the argument from the command table.
476 sysprt:
477 IF lobo ;[hh]
478 mov a,l ;[hh] get the data port value and store at
479 sta outmd3+1 ;[hh] the two places we use...
480 sta inpmd2+1 ;[hh] MNPORT in the overlay
481 sta port ;[hh] inform program of the change in ports
482 inr a ;[hh] status port = data port + 1 in the Lobo
483 sta outmd1+1 ;[hh] store it at the three places...
484 sta inpmd1+1 ;[hh] we use MNPRTS...
485 sta outctl+1 ;[hh] in the overlay
486 mov a,h ;[hh] now get the baud rate port value
487 sta getbd+1 ;[hh] store it in the two places we use...
488 sta setbd+1 ;[hh] BAUDRT in the overlay
489 sta port+1 ;[hh] don't need to, but keeps it consistant
490 getbd: lda baudrt ;[hh] get baud rate value from port
491 sta speed ;[hh] tell STAT. baud rate for each port
492 ;[hh] is independant of the other
493 ENDIF ;lobo
495 IF iobyt
496 mov a,m ;Get the I/O byte
497 sta prtiob ;Save the desired IO byte for this port
498 inx h ;Point at next entry
499 mov a,m ;Get the output function
500 sta prtfun ;Save it
501 ENDIF;iobyt
503 IF iobyt AND robin
504 inx h ;Point at next entry
505 mov a,m ;Get the hardware address for the port
506 sta prtadr ;Store it
507 ENDIF;iobyt AND robin
508 ;
509 IF hp125 ;[MF]
510 push psw
511 push b
512 push d
513 push h
514 xchg ;Put port connect sequence address in DE
515 call prtstr ;Connect proper port
516 pop h
517 pop d
518 pop b
519 pop psw
520 ENDIF;hp125 [MF]
521 ;
522 ret
523 ;\f
524 ; Port tables for Lobo MAX-80
525 IF lobo ;[hh]
526 ; help text
527 prhtbl: db cr,lf,'RS-232 port A or B$'
528 ;
529 ; command table
530 prttbl: db 02H ;[hh] two entries
531 db 01H,'A$',0E4H,0D0H
532 db 01H,'B$',0E6H,0D4H
533 ENDIF ;lobo
534 ;\f
535 ; Port tables for GENERIC CPM 2.2
536 IF gener
537 ; help text
538 prhtbl: db cr,lf,'CRT device'
539 db cr,lf,'PTR device'
540 db cr,lf,'TTY device'
541 db cr,lf,'UC1 device'
542 db cr,lf,'UR1 device'
543 db cr,lf,'UR2 device$'
545 ; command table
546 prttbl: db 06H ;Six devices to choose from
547 db 03H,'CRT$'
548 dw crtptb
549 db 03H,'PTR$'
550 dw ptrptb
551 db 03H,'TTY$'
552 dw ttyptb
553 db 03H,'UC1$'
554 dw uc1ptb
555 db 03H,'UR1$'
556 dw ur1ptb
557 db 03H,'UR2$'
558 dw ur2ptb
560 ; port entry table
561 ; table entries are:
562 ; db iobyte-value, BDOS output function, reserved
563 crtptb: db crtio,conout,0
564 ptrptb: db ptrio,punout,0
565 ttyptb: db ttyio,conout,0
566 uc1ptb: db uc1io,conout,0
567 ur1ptb: db ur1io,punout,0
568 ur2ptb: db ur2io,punout,0
569 ENDIF;gener
571 ;\f
572 ; Port tables for DECmate II or MicroMikko or Acorn BBC
573 ;
574 IF dmII OR mikko OR bbc ;[22]
575 ; help text
576 prhtbl: db cr,lf,'COMMUNICATIONS port$'
578 ; command table
579 prttbl: db 01H ;Only one port known at this point
581 dw comptb ;address of info
583 ; port entry table
584 ; table entries are:
585 ; db iobyte-value, BDOS output function, reserved
586 comptb: db batio,punout,0
588 ENDIF;[22] dmII OR mikko OR bbc
589 ;\f
590 ; Port tables for Robin
591 ;
592 IF robin
593 ; help text
594 prhtbl: db cr,lf,'COMMUNICATIONS port'
595 db cr,lf,'GENERAL purpose port'
596 db cr,lf,'PRINTER port$'
598 ; command table
599 prttbl: db 03H ;Three entries
601 dw comptb
602 db 07H,'GENERAL$'
603 dw gppptb
604 db 07H,'PRINTER$'
605 dw prnptb
607 ; port entry table
608 ; table entries are:
609 ; db iobyte-value, BDOS output function, hardware port address
610 ; (control/status)
611 ;
612 ;At present, the hardware port address is only used for sending a break.
613 comptb: db batio,punout,comtst
614 gppptb: db gppio,conout,gentst
615 prnptb: db lptio,conout,prntst
617 prtadr: db comtst ;space for current hardware port address
618 ENDIF;robin
620 IF iobyt
621 prtfun: db punout ;Function to use for output to comm port
622 prtiob: db batio ;I/O byte to use for communicating
623 coniob: db defio ;I/O byte to use for console
624 ENDIF;iobyt
625 ;
626 IF hp125 ;[MF]
627 ; Help table
628 prhtbl: db cr,lf,'Communications port'
629 db cr,lf,'Printer port$'
630 ; command table
631 prttbl: db 02H ;2 entries
633 dw mapon1
634 db 07H,'PRINTER$'
635 dw mapon2
636 ;Port table entries are the addresses of the escape sequences to connect
637 ;the ports.
638 ;
639 ENDIF;hp125 [MF]
641 IF NOT (iobyt OR lobo OR hp125) ;[hh] [MF]
642 prttbl equ 0 ; SET PORT is not supported
643 prhtbl equ 0
644 ENDIF;NOT iobyt OR lobo OR hp125 [MF]
645 ;\f
646 ; selmdm - select modem port
647 ; selcon - select console port
648 ; selmdm is called before using inpmdm or outmdm;
649 ; selcon is called before using inpcon or outcon.
650 ; For iobyt systems, diddle the I/O byte to select console or comm port;
651 ; For Decision I, switches Multi I/O board to console or modem serial
652 ; port. [Toad Hall]
653 ; For the rest, does nothing.
654 ; preserves bc, de, hl.
655 selmdm:
656 IF iobyt
657 lda prtiob ;Set up for output to go to the comm port
658 sta iobyte ;Switch byte directly
659 ENDIF;iobyt
661 IF mdI
662 lda group
663 ori mdmgrp ;Mask modem serial port
664 out grpsel
665 ENDIF;mdI [Toad Hall]
667 ret
669 selcon:
670 IF iobyt
671 lda coniob ;Set up for output to go to the console port
672 sta iobyte ;Switch directly
673 ENDIF;iobyt
675 IF mdI
676 lda group
677 ori congrp ;Mask console serial port (1)
678 out grpsel
679 ENDIF;mdI [Toad Hall]
681 ret
682 ;\f Get character from console, or return zero.
683 ; result is returned in A. destroys bc, de, hl.
684 ;
685 inpcon:
686 IF NOT iobyt
687 mvi c,dconio ;Direct console I/O BDOS call.
688 mvi e,0FFH ;Input.
689 call BDOS
690 ENDIF;NOT iobyt
692 IF iobyt
693 call bconst ;Get the status
694 ora a ;Anything there?
695 rz ;No, forget it
696 call bconin ;Yes, get the character
697 ENDIF;iobyt
698 ret
699 ;\f
700 ; Output character in E to the console.
701 ; destroys bc, de, hl
702 ;
703 outcon:
705 IF rm380z ;[22]
706 mov a,e
707 cpi cr ;cr produces cr + lf
708 jnz outcn1
709 mvi e,'N'-100O ;Control-N produces cr only
710 outcn1: ;continue
711 ENDIF;[22] rm380z
713 IF NOT iobyt
714 mvi c,dconio ;Console output bdos call.
715 call bdos ;Output the char to the console.
716 ENDIF;NOT iobyt
718 IF iobyt
719 mov c,e ;Character
720 call bcnout ;to Console
721 ENDIF;iobyt
722 ret
723 ;\f
724 ; outmdm - output a char from E to the modem.
725 ; the parity bit has been set as necessary.
726 ; returns nonskip; bc, de, hl preserved.
727 outmdm:
728 IF osi OR lobo ;[hh]
729 push h
730 outmd1: lxi h,mnprts ;address of the port status register
731 outmd2: mov a,m ; get port status in A
732 ani output ;Loop till ready.
733 jz outmd2
734 outmd3: lxi h,mnport ;address of port data register
735 mov m,e ; write the character
736 pop h
737 ret
738 ENDIF;osi OR lobo
740 IF osbrn1
741 call osldst ;Read the status port
742 ani output ;Loop till ready.
743 jz outmdm
744 mov a,e
745 jmp osstda ;Write to the data port
746 ENDIF;osbrn1
748 IF px8 ; [29]
749 push h
750 push b
751 push d
752 outmd1: call rsoutst ; get the output status
753 ora a
754 jz outmd1 ; check if output enabled
755 pop d
756 mov c, e ; char in C
757 push d
758 call rsput
759 pop d
760 pop b
761 pop h
762 ret
763 ENDIF; px8 [29]
765 IF inout
766 in mnprts ;Get the output done flag.
767 ani output ;Is it set?
768 jz outmdm ;If not, loop until it is.
769 mov a,e
770 out mnport ;Output it.
771 ret
772 ENDIF;inout
774 IF iobyt
775 ;**** Note that we enter from outpkt with the I/O byte already set up for
776 ; output to go to the comm port
777 push h
778 push b
779 lda prtfun ;Get the output function
780 mov c,a ;Into C
781 call bdos ;And output the character
782 pop b
783 pop h
784 ret
785 ENDIF;iobyt
787 IF cpm3 OR hp125 ;[MF]
788 push h
789 push b
790 mvi c,auxout ;Output to the aux output device
791 call bdos
792 pop b
793 pop h
794 ret
795 ENDIF;cpm3 OR hp125 [MF]
797 ;\forg $+100h AND 0FF00h ; get rid of phase error
799 ;
800 ; get character from modem; return zero if none available.
801 ; for IOBYT systems, the modem port has already been selected.
802 ; destroys bc, de, hl.
803 inpmdm:
804 IF iobyt
805 call bconst ;Is Char at COMM-Port?
806 ora a ;something there?
807 rz ; return if nothing there
808 call bconin ; data present. read data.
809 ENDIF;iobyt
811 IF cpm3
812 mvi c,auxist
813 call bdos ;is char at auxin?
814 ora a ;something there?
815 rz ;no
816 mvi c,auxin
817 call bdos ;read char from auxin
818 ENDIF;cpm3
819 ;
820 IF hp125 ;[MF]
821 lxi b,70ffh ;SEt subfunction to get RDR (auxin) status
822 call bdos ;is char at RDR?
823 ora a ;something there?
824 rz ;no
825 mvi c,auxin
826 call bdos ;read char from RDR
827 ENDIF;hp125 [MF]
829 IF osi OR lobo ;[hh]
830 inpmd1: lda mnprts ;Get the port status into A.
831 ani input ;See if the input ready bit is on.
832 rz ;If not then return.
833 inpmd2: lda mnport ;If so, get the char.
834 ENDIF;osi OR lobo
836 IF osbrn1
837 call osldst ;Read the status port
838 ani input ;Something there?
839 rz ;Nope
840 call osldda ;Read the data port
841 ENDIF;osbrn1
843 IF inout
844 ;Note: modem port should already be selected for mdI. [Toad Hall]
845 in mnprts ;Get the port status into A.
846 ani input ;See if the input ready bit is on.
847 rz ;If not then return.
848 in mnport ;If so, get the char.
849 ENDIF;inout
851 IF px8 ; [29]
852 call rserst ; check error status
853 ani 64h ; this assumes 'not open' cannot occur
854 jnz inpmd1 ; error has occurred!
855 call rsinst ; any chars outstanding?
856 ora a
857 rz ; exit if none
858 call rsget ; get char in A
859 ret
860 ; return the 'no char outstanding' indication on error
861 inpmd1: mvi a, 0
862 ENDIF; px8 [29]
864 ret ; return with character in A
867 ;
868 ; flsmdm - flush comm line.
869 ; Modem is selected.
870 ; Currently, just gets characters until none are available.
872 flsmdm: call inpmdm ; Try to get a character
873 ora a ; Got one?
874 jnz flsmdm ; If so, try for another
875 ret ; Receiver is drained. Return.
876 ;\f
877 ; lptstat - get the printer status. Return a=0ffh if ok, or 0 if not.
878 lptstat:
879 IF iobyt ;[33]
880 call bprtst ;
881 call bprtst ; get status
882 ENDIF ;iobyt[33]
883 IF NOT iobyt ;[33]
884 xra a ; assume it is ok.. this may not be necessary
885 ENDIF ;iobyt [33]
886 ret
888 ;
889 ; outlpt - output character in E to printer
890 ; console is selected.
891 ; preserves de.
892 outlpt:
893 push d ; save DE in either case
894 call prtflt ; go through printer filter [30]
895 ana a ; if A = 0 do nothing,
896 jz outlp1 ; [30] if a=0 do nothing
898 IF NOT iobyt
899 mvi c,lstout
900 call bdos ;Char to printer
901 ENDIF;NOT iobyt
902 IF iobyt
903 mov c,e
904 call blsout
905 ENDIF;iobyt
907 outlp1: pop d ; restore saved register pair
908 ret
909 ;\f
910 ; Screen manipulation routines
911 ; csrpos - move to row B, column C
912 ;
913 ; csrpos for terminals that use a leadin sequence followed
914 ; by (row + 31.) and (column + 31.)
915 ;
916 IF NOT (robin OR dmII OR osi OR vector OR termin OR hp125)
917 ;[MF] Terminals code in CPXVDU
918 csrpos: push b ; save coordinates
919 lxi d,curldn ; get cursor leadin sequence
920 call prtstr ; print it
921 pop h ; restore coordinates
922 mov a,h ; get row
923 adi (' '-1) ; space is row one
924 mov e,a
925 push h
926 call outcon ; output row
927 pop h
928 mov a,l ; get column
929 adi (' '-1) ; space is column one
930 mov e,a
931 jmp outcon ; output it and return
932 ENDIF;NOT (robin OR dmII OR osi OR vector OR termin OR hp125)[MF]
933 ;
934 ;
935 ;
936 ; csrpos for ANSI terminals
937 ;
938 IF robin OR dmII
939 csrpos: push b ; save coordinates
940 lxi d,curldn ; get cursor leadin sequence
941 call prtstr ; print it
942 pop h ; peek at coordinates
943 push h ; then save away again
944 mov l,h ; l = row
945 mvi h,0 ; hl = row
946 call nout ; output in decimal
947 mvi e,';' ; follow with semicolon
948 call outcon ; print it
949 pop h ; restore column
950 mvi h,0 ; hl = column
951 call nout
952 mvi e,'H' ; terminate with 'move cursor' command
953 jmp outcon ; output it and return
954 ENDIF;robin OR dmII
955 ;
956 ; csrpos for the HP-125 [MF]
957 ;
958 IF hp125 ;[MF]
959 csrpos: dcr b ;HP-125 uses zero-based addressing
960 dcr c ;...
961 push b ; save coordinates
962 lxi d,curldn ; get cursor leadin sequence
963 call prtstr ; print it
964 pop h ; peek at coordinates
965 push h ; then save away again
966 mov l,h ; l = row
967 mvi h,0 ; hl = row
968 call nout ; output in decimal
969 mvi e,'R'+20h ;Say it was a row
970 call outcon ; print it
971 pop h ; restore column
972 mvi h,0 ; hl = column
973 call nout
974 mvi e,'C' ; terminate with 'move cursor' command
975 jmp outcon ; output it and return
976 ENDIF;hp125 [MF]
977 ;
978 ; csrpos for the Vector General. It's weird.
979 ;
980 IF vector
981 csrpos: dcr b ; vector uses zero-based addressing?
982 dcr c
983 push b ; save coordinates
984 mvi e,esc ; print an escape
985 call outcon
986 pop d ; peek at coordinates
987 push d
988 call outcon ; output column
989 pop d
990 mov e,d ; get row
991 jmp outcon ; output and return
992 ENDIF;vector
994 IF osi ; systems without cursor positioning
995 csrpos: ret ; dummy routine referenced by linkage section
996 ENDIF;osi
999 ;
1000 ; delchr - make delete look like a backspace. Unless delete is a printing
1001 ; character, we just need to print a backspace. (we'll output clrspc
1002 ; afterwards)
1003 ; For Kaypro and Vector General, delete puts a blotch on the screen.
1004 ; For Apple and Osborne 1, delete moves but doesn't print.
1005 delchr:
1007 IF vector OR osbrn1 OR lobo
1008 lxi d,delstr
1009 jmp prtstr
1010 ENDIF ;vector OR osbrn1 OR lobo
1012 IF bbc OR rm380z ;[22]
1013 ret
1014 ENDIF;bbc OR rm380z
1016 IF NOT (vector OR osbrn1 OR bbc OR rm380z);[22]
1017 mvi e,bs ;get a backspace
1018 jmp outcon
1019 ENDIF;NOT (vector OR osbrn1 OR bbc OR rm380z [22]
1021 ; erase the character at the current cursor position
1022 clrspc: mvi e,' '
1023 call outcon
1024 mvi e,bs ;get a backspace
1025 jmp outcon
1027 ; erase the current line
1028 clrlin: lxi d,eralin
1029 jmp prtstr
1031 ; erase the whole screen, and go home. preserves b (but not c)
1032 clrtop: lxi d,erascr
1033 jmp prtstr
1036 IF robin
1037 sysver: db 'VT180 Robin$'
1038 ENDIF;robin
1040 IF dmII
1041 sysver: db 'DECmate II CP/M-80$'
1042 ENDIF;dmII
1044 IF delphi ; [7] new system
1045 sysver: db 'Digicomp Delphi 100$'
1046 endif;delphi
1048 IF access
1049 sysver: db 'Actrix CP/M$'
1050 endif;
1052 IF teletek
1053 sysver: db 'Teletek SYSTEMASTER CP/M-80$'
1054 ENDIF ;teletek
1056 IF cpt85xx
1057 sysver: db 'CPT-85xx under CompuPak CP/M$'
1058 ENDIF;cpt85xx
1060 IF mdI
1061 sysver: db 'Morrow Decision I$'
1062 ENDIF;mdI [Toad Hall]
1064 IF mmdI
1065 sysver: db 'MicroDecision I$'
1066 ENDIF;mmdI
1068 IF osi
1069 sysver: db 'Ohio Scientific$'
1070 ENDIF;osi
1072 IF mmate ;[29]
1073 sysver: db 'PMC Micromate using port I/O$'
1074 ENDIF;mmate [29]
1076 IF disc ;[29]
1077 sysver: db 'Discovery using 83U board port B$'
1078 ENDIF ;disc [29]
1080 IF s1008 ;[29]
1081 sysver: db 'U. S. MicroSales using printer port$'
1082 ENDIF ;s1008 [29]
1084 IF cmemco ;[25]
1085 sysver: db 'Cromemco (TU-ART)$'
1086 ENDIF;cmemco
1087 ;
1088 IF robin OR dmII
1089 ; Note that we cannot support Graphics Mode or the H19 erase-screen command
1090 ; (<esc>E), because the sequences are more than three bytes.
1091 defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
1092 vtval EQU 0 ; we probably don't want VT52 emulation
1093 outlin: db esc,3CH,esc,'[H',esc,'[J',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
1094 erascr: db esc,'[H',esc,'[J$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1095 eralin: db cr,esc,'[K$' ;Clear line.
1096 curldn: db esc,'[$' ; Cursor leadin
1097 ttab:
1098 ta: db esc,'[A$' ; Cursor up.
1099 tb: db esc,'[B$' ; Cursor down.
1100 tc: db esc,'[C$' ; Cursor right.
1101 td: db esc,'[D$' ; Cursor left
1102 te: db '$',0,0,0 ; (can't) Clear display
1103 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ; (don't) Enter Graphics Mode
1104 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ; (don't) Exit Graphics mode
1105 th: db esc,'[H$' ; Cursor home.
1106 ti: db esc,'M$',0 ; Reverse linefeed.
1107 tj: db esc,'[J$' ; Clear to end of screen.
1108 tk: db esc,'[K$' ; Clear to end of line.
1109 ENDIF;robin OR dmII
1111 IF mikko
1112 sysver: db 'MikroMikko$'
1113 outlin: db subt,cr,lf,tab,'$'
1114 erascr: db subt,'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1115 eralin: db cr,1CH,'$' ;Clear line.
1116 curldn: db esc,'=$' ;cursor leadin
1117 ttab: ;Table start location.
1118 ta: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1119 tb: db 0AH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1120 tc: db 0CH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1121 td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left
1122 te: db subt,'$',0,0 ;Clear display
1123 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics Mode
1124 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
1125 th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1126 ti: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Reverse linefeed.
1127 tj: db 1cH,'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1128 tk: db 1cH,'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of line.
1129 ENDIF;mikko
1130 ;\f
1131 IF bbc ;[22]
1132 sysver: db 'BBC (Z80)$'
1133 outlin: db 0CH,esc,'=',21H,30H,'$'
1134 erascr: db 0CH,'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1135 eralin: db cr,esc,'@$' ;Clear line.
1136 curldn: db esc,'=$' ;cursor leadin
1137 ttab: ;Table start location.
1138 ta: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1139 tb: db 0AH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1140 tc: db tab,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1141 td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left
1142 te: db 0CH,'$',0,0 ;Clear display
1143 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics Mode
1144 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
1145 th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1146 ti: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Reverse linefeed.
1147 tj: db esc,'?$',0,0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1148 tk: db esc,'@$',0,0 ;Clear to end of line.
1149 ENDIF;[22] bbc
1150 ;\f
1151 IF rm380z ;[22]
1152 sysver: db 'Research Machines 380Z$'
1153 outlin: db 1FH,cr,tab,'$'
1154 erascr: db 1FH,'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1155 eralin: db 0EH,19H,'$' ;Clear line.
1156 curldn: db 16H,'$' ;cursor leadin
1157 ttab: ;Table start location.
1158 ta: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1159 tb: db 0AH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1160 tc: db 18H,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1161 td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left
1162 te: db 1FH,'$',0,0 ;Clear display
1163 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics Mode
1164 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
1165 th: db 1DH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1166 ti: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Reverse linefeed.
1167 tj: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1168 tk: db 19H,'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of line.
1169 ENDIF;[22] rm380z
1171 IF lobo ;[hh]
1172 sysver: db 'Lobo MAX-80$'
1173 outlin: db esc,'*',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
1174 erascr: db esc,'*$' ;[hh] clear screen and home cursor
1175 eralin: db cr,esc,'R$' ;[hh] clear line
1176 curldn: db esc,'=$' ;[hh] cursor lead-in string
1177 delstr: db bs,' ',bs,bs,'$' ;[hh] ??adjust for echoing delete
1178 ttab: ;[hh] table start location
1179 ta: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;[hh] cursor up
1180 tb: db 0AH,'$',0,0 ;[hh] cursor down
1181 tc: db 0CH,'$',0,0 ;[hh] cursor right
1182 td: db 08H,'$',0,0 ;[hh] cursor left
1183 te: db esc,'*$',0 ;[hh] clear display (homes cursor)
1184 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;[hh] (can't) enter graphics mode
1185 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;[hh] (can't) exit graphics mode
1186 th: db 01EH,'$',0,0 ;[hh] home cursor
1187 ti: db esc,'E$',0 ;[hh] reverse linefeed (insert line)
1188 tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;[hh] clear to end of screen
1189 tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;[hh] clear to end of line
1190 ENDIF ;lobo
1192 IF px8 ; [29]
1193 sysver: db 'Epson PX-8$'
1194 outlin: db esc,'*$'
1195 erascr: db esc,'*$' ; clear screen and home
1196 eralin: db cr,esc,'T$' ; clear line
1197 curldn: db esc,'=$' ; cursor lead in
1198 ttab: ; table start location
1199 ta: db 30,'$',0,0 ; cursor up
1200 tb: db 31,'$',0,0 ; cursor down
1201 tc: db 28,'$',0,0 ; cursor right
1202 td: db 29,'$',0,0 ; cursor left
1203 te: db esc,'*$',0 ; clear display
1204 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ; can't enter graphics graphics mode
1205 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ; can't exit graphics mode
1206 th: db 11,'$',0,0 ; home cursor
1207 ti: db 30,'$',0,0 ; reverse linefeed
1208 tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ; erase to end of screen
1209 tk: db esc,'T$',0 ; erase to end of line
1210 ENDIF ; px8 [29]
1212 ;\f
1213 IF osbrn1
1214 sysver: db 'Osborne 1$'
1215 outlin: db 1AH,cr,lf,tab,'$' ;(Clear screen, home cursor)
1216 erascr: db 1AH,'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1217 eralin: db cr,esc,'T$' ;Clear line.
1218 delstr: db bs,bs,'$' ; Adjust for delete
1219 curldn: db esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
1220 ttab: ;Table start location.
1221 ta: db ('K'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1222 tb: db 12O,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1223 tc: db ('L'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1224 td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left.
1225 te: db subt,'$',0,0 ;Clear screen.
1226 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter graphics mode
1227 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit graphics mode
1228 th: db ('^'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1229 ti: db ('K'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed.
1230 tj: db esc,'T$',0 ;(can't) Clear to end of screen.
1231 tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line.
1232 ENDIF;osbrn1
1233 ;\f
1234 IF vector
1235 sysver: db 'Vector Graphics$'
1236 outlin: db ('D'-100O),cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
1237 erascr: db ('D'-100O),'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1238 eralin: db cr,('Q'-100O),'$' ;Clear line.
1239 delstr: db bs,' ',bs,bs,'$' ; adjust for echoing delete character
1240 ttab: ;Table start location.
1241 ta: db ('U'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1242 tb: db 12O,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1243 tc: db ('Z'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1244 td: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Cursor left
1245 te: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Clear display
1246 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter graphics mode
1247 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit graphics mode
1248 th: db ('B'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1249 ti: db ('U'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed.
1250 tj: db ('P'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1251 tk: db ('Q'-100O),'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of line.
1252 ENDIF;vector
1254 IF trs80lb
1255 sysver: db 'TRS-80 II Lifeboat CP/M$'
1256 outlin: db esc,':',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
1257 erascr: db esc,':$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1258 eralin: db cr,esc,'T$' ;Clear line.
1259 curldn: db esc,'=$' ;Cursor lead-in
1260 ttab: ;Table start location.
1261 ta: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1262 tb: db 0AH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1263 tc: db 0CH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1264 td: db bs,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left
1265 te: db esc,':$',0 ;Clear display
1266 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Enter Graphics Mode
1267 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;(can't) Exit Graphics mode
1268 th: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1269 ti: db 0BH,'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed.
1270 tj: db esc,'Y$',0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1271 tk: db esc,'T$',0 ;Clear to end of line.
1272 ENDIF;trs80lb
1273 ;\f
1274 IF trs80pt
1275 sysver: db 'TRS-80 II P+T CP/M$'
1276 outlin: db 0CH,cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
1277 erascr: db 0CH,'$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1278 eralin: db cr,01H,'$' ;Clear line.
1279 curldn: db esc,'Y$' ;Cursor lead-in
1280 ttab: ;Table start location ;Must be 4 bytes each
1281 ta: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor up.
1282 tb: db 1FH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor down.
1283 tc: db 1DH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor right.
1284 td: db 1CH,'$',0,0 ;Cursor left
1285 te: db 0CH,'$',0,0 ;Clear display
1286 tf: db 11H,'$',0,0 ;Enter Graphics Mode
1287 tg: db 14H,'$',0,0 ;Exit Graphics mode
1288 th: db 06H,'$',0,0 ;Cursor home.
1289 ti: db 1EH,'$',0,0 ;Reverse linefeed.
1290 tj: db 02H,'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1291 tk: db 01H,'$',0,0 ;Clear to end of line.
1292 ENDIF;trs80pt
1294 IF osi
1295 outlin: db cr,lf,'Starting ...$'
1296 erascr equ crlf ;"Home & clear" (best we can do).
1297 eralin: db '^U',cr,lf,'$' ;Clear line.
1298 prpack: db cr,lf,'RPack: $'
1299 pspack: db cr,lf,'SPack: $'
1300 ttab equ 0 ; no VT52 table
1301 ENDIF;osi
1302 ;
1303 IF hp125 ;[MF]
1304 defesc EQU '\'-100O ;Still Control-\ (just ran out of room...)
1305 vtval EQU 0 ; we probably don't want VT52 emulation
1306 ;
1307 sysver: db 'HP-125 Series 100$'
1308 ;
1309 outlin: db esc,'H',esc,'J',cr,lf,tab,tab,'$'
1310 erascr: db esc,'H',esc,'J$' ;Clear screen and go home.
1311 eralin: db cr,esc,'K$' ;Clear line.
1312 curldn: db esc,'&a$' ;Cursor leadin
1313 ttab: ;Table start location.
1314 ta: db esc,'A$',0 ;Cursor up.
1315 tb: db esc,'B$',0 ;Cursor down.
1316 tc: db esc,'C$',0 ;Cursor right.
1317 td: db esc,'D$',0 ;Cursor left
1318 te: db esc,'J$',0 ;Clear display
1319 tf: db '$',0,0,0 ;[hh] (can't) enter graphics mode
1320 tg: db '$',0,0,0 ;[hh] (can't) exit graphics mode
1321 th: db esc,'H$',0 ;Cursor home.
1322 ti: db esc,'M$',0 ;Reverse linefeed.
1323 tj: db esc,'J$',0 ;Clear to end of screen.
1324 tk: db esc,'K$',0 ;Clear to end of line.
1325 ;
1326 ;
1327 ; Escape sequences to map CP/M Reader/Punch to Data Comm input/output,
1328 ; respectively and to turn off these mappings
1329 ;
1330 mapon1: db esc,'&i10s18d9M'
1331 db esc,'&i2s25d9M'
1332 db esc,'&i10s16d2M'
1333 db esc,'&i0s25d2M$';Esc. sequences to turn off DAtacomm2/turn
1334 ;on Data Comm 1
1335 mapon2: db esc,'&i10s16d9M'
1336 db esc,'&i0s25d9M'
1337 db esc,'&i10s18d2M'
1338 db esc,'&i2s25d2M$';Esc. sequences to turn off Datacomm1/turn
1339 ;on Datacomm 2
1340 mapoff: db esc,'&i0s25d9M'
1341 db esc,'&i10s16d9M'
1342 db esc,'&i2s25d9M'
1343 db esc,'&i10s18d9M$'
1344 ;
1345 readin: call $-$ ;Read character into b
1346 mov a,b ;Get 8-bit character
1347 ret ;and return
1348 ;
1349 jbuf: db 7 ;bios dispatch table vector argument block
1350 db 0 ;to read RDR routine address
1351 db 0c3h ;...
1352 dw 0 ;...
1353 ;
1354 ENDIF;hp125 ;[MF]
1356 IF lasm and termin ; if no terminal, no need to link
1358 ENDIF ; lasm and termin
1360 ovlend EQU $
1362 IF lasm
1363 END ; If m80 then this ignored
1364 ENDIF ; lasm