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[z180-stamp.git] / fatfs / documents / doc / expand.html
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9 <title>FatFs - f_expand</title>
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14 <div class="para func">
15 <h2>f_expand</h2>
16 <p>The f_expand function prepares or allocates a contiguous data area to the file.</p>
18 <pre>
19 FRESULT f_expand (
20 FIL* <span class="arg">fp</span>, <span class="c">/* [IN] File object */</span>
21 FSIZE_t <span class="arg">fsz</span>, <span class="c">/* [IN] File size expanded to */</span>
22 BYTE <span class="arg">opt</span> <span class="c">/* [IN] Allocation mode */</span>
23 );
24 </pre>
25 </div>
27 <div class="para arg">
28 <h4>Parameters</h4>
29 <dl class="par">
30 <dt>fp</dt>
31 <dd>Pointer to the open file object.</dd>
32 <dt>fsz</dt>
33 <dd>Number of bytes in size to prepare or allocate for the file. The data type <tt>FSIZE_t</tt> is an alias of either <tt>DWORD</tt>(32-bit) or <tt>QWORD</tt>(64-bit) depends on the configuration option <tt>FF_FS_EXFAT</tt>.</dd>
34 <dt>opt</dt>
35 <dd>Allocation mode. Prepare to allocate (0) or Allocate now (1).</dd>
36 </dl>
37 </div>
40 <div class="para ret">
41 <h4>Return Values</h4>
42 <p>
43 <a href="rc.html#ok">FR_OK</a>,
44 <a href="rc.html#de">FR_DISK_ERR</a>,
45 <a href="rc.html#ie">FR_INT_ERR</a>,
46 <a href="rc.html#io">FR_INVALID_OBJECT</a>,
47 <a href="rc.html#dn">FR_DENIED</a>,
48 <a href="rc.html#tm">FR_TIMEOUT</a>
49 </p>
50 </div>
53 <div class="para desc">
54 <h4>Description</h4>
55 <p>The <tt>f_expand</tt> function prepares or allocates a contiguous data area to the file. When <tt class="arg">opt</tt> is 1, the data area is allocated to the file in this function. Unlike expansion of file size by <tt>f_lseek</tt> function, the file must be truncated prior to use this function and read/write pointer of the file stays at offset 0 after the function call. The file content allocated with this function is <em>undefined</em>, because no data is written to the file in this process. The function can fail with <tt>FR_DENIED</tt> due to some reasons below.</p>
56 <ul>
57 <li>No free contiguous space was found.</li>
58 <li>Size of the file was not zero.</li>
59 <li>The file has been opened in read-only mode.</li>
60 <li>Not allowable file size. (&gt;= 4 GB on FAT volume)</li>
61 </ul>
62 <p>When <tt class="arg">opt</tt> is 0, the function finds a contiguous data area and set it as suggested point for next allocation. The subsequent cluster allocation begins at top of the contiguous area found by this function. Thus the file allocation is guaranteed be contiguous and without allocation delay until the file size reaches this size unless any other changes to the volume is performed.</p>
63 <p>The contiguous file has an advantage for time-critical read/write operations. It eliminates some overheads in the filesystem and the storage device caused by random access for fragmented file.</p>
64 <p>Also the contiguous file can be easily accessed directly via low-level disk functions. However, this is not recommended in consideration of portability and future compatibility. If the file has not been confirmed be contiguous, use <a href="../res/app5.c">this function</a> to examine if the file is contiguous or not.</p>
65 </div>
67 <div class="para comp">
68 <h4>QuickInfo</h4>
69 <p>Available when <tt>FF_USE_EXPAND == 1</tt> and <tt>FF_FS_READONLY == 0</tt>.</p>
70 </div>
73 <div class="para use">
74 <h4>Example</h4>
75 <pre>
76 <span class="c">/* Creating a contiguous file */</span>
78 <span class="c">/* Create a new file */</span>
79 res = f_open(fp = malloc(sizeof (FIL)), "file.dat", FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_ALWAYS);
80 if (res) { <span class="c">/* Check if the file has been opened */</span>
81 free(fp);
82 die("Failed to open the file.");
83 }
85 <span class="c">/* Alloacte a 100 MiB of contiguous area to the file */</span>
86 res = <em>f_expand</em>(fp, 104857600, 1);
87 if (res) { <span class="c">/* Check if the file has been expanded */</span>
88 f_close(fp);
89 free(fp);
90 die("Failed to allocate contiguous area.");
91 }
93 <span class="c">/* Now you have a contiguous file accessible with fp */</span>
95 </pre>
96 <pre>
97 <span class="c">/* Accessing the contiguous file via low-level disk functions */</span>
99 <span class="c">/* Get physical location of the file data */</span>
100 drv = fp-&gt;obj.fs-&gt;pdrv;
101 lba = fp-&gt;obj.fs-&gt;database + fp-&gt;obj.fs-&gt;csize * (fp-&gt;obj.sclust - 2);
103 <span class="c">/* Write 2048 sectors from top of the file at a time */</span>
104 res = disk_write(drv, buffer, lba, 2048);
106 </pre>
107 </div>
110 <div class="para ref">
111 <h4>See Also</h4>
112 <p><tt><a href="open.html">f_open</a>, <a href="lseek.html">f_lseek</a>, <a href="sfile.html">FIL</a></tt></p>
113 </div>
115 <p class="foot"><a href="../00index_e.html">Return</a></p>
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