]> cloudbase.mooo.com Git - z180-stamp.git/blob - z180/cpuinfo.180
Adaptions for fatfs R0.15
[z180-stamp.git] / z180 / cpuinfo.180
1 .z80 ; for M80, ignored by SLR assembler
2 include z180reg.inc
4 RUN_TPA equ 0
6 UUNKNOWN equ 0 ;Unknown CPU
7 U8080 equ 1 ;8080
8 U8085 equ 2 ;8085
9 UZ80 equ 3 ;Z80
10 UX180 equ 4 ;HD64180 or higher
11 UHD64180 equ 5 ;HD64180
12 UZ80180 equ 6 ;Z80180
13 UZ8S180 equ 7 ;Z8S180, Z8L180
16 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 if RUN_TPA
20 base equ 0100h
21 else
22 base equ 0
23 endif
26 aseg
27 org base
28 jp start
30 done: db 0
31 result: db 0
32 cycls: db 0
33 wstates:db 0
35 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 cyctab:
37 db 0 ;Unknown CPU
38 db 20 ;8080
39 db 20 ;8085
40 db 21 ;Z80
41 db 19 ;HD64180 or higher
42 db 19 ;HD64180
43 db 19 ;Z80180
44 db 19 ;Z8S180, Z8L180
46 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 ; Check if register C exists. D holds mask of bit to test.
48 ; return z, if register exists
50 chk_reg:
51 in a,(c)
52 ld l,a
53 ; check, if register is changeable
54 xor d ;
55 out (c),a
56 in a,(c) ; get it back
57 xor d
58 out (c),l ; set register to original state
59 cp l
60 ret
62 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 ; Check CPU
64 ;
65 ;
66 ; return:
67 ; E = 0 Unknown
68 ; E = 1 8080
69 ; E = 2 8085
70 ; E = 3 Z80
71 ; E = 4 HD64180 or higher
72 ; E = 5 HD64180
73 ; E = 6 Z80180
74 ; E = 7 Z8S180, Z8L180
75 ;
76 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 ; Registers only in Z180+, not in HD64180
78 ; 3E OMCR
79 ;
80 ; Registers only in Z8S180/Z8L180
81 ; 12 ASEXT0
82 ; 13 ASEXT1
83 ; 1A ASTC0L
84 ; 1B ASTC0H
85 ; 1C ASTC1L
86 ; 1D ASTC1H
87 ; 1E CMR
88 ; 1F CCR
89 ; 2D IAR1B
90 ;
91 ; Reserved registers
92 ; 11
93 ; 19
94 ; 35
95 ; 37
96 ; 3B - 3D
98 check:
99 ld e,U8080 ; Init return val, assume 8080
100 xor a
101 dec a ; 00 --> 0FFH 8080/8085: even parity; Z80+: No overflow
102 jp po,chk_z80 ; Z80+ if P/V flag reset
104 ; The 8085 logical AND instructions always set the auxiliary flag ON.
105 ; The 8080 logical AND instructions set the flag to reflect the
106 ; logical OR of bit 3 of the values involved in the AND operation.
107 ; (8080/8085 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING MANUAL, 1977, 1978)
109 xor a
110 and a ; 8085 sets, 8080 resets half carry.
111 daa ; A=06 (8085) or A=00 (8080)
112 ret z
113 inc e
114 ret
116 chk_z80:
117 ld e,UZ80 ; Assume Z80
118 daa ; Z80: 099H, x180+: 0F9H
119 cp 99h ; Result on 180 type cpus is F9 here. Thanks Hitachi
120 ret z
121 inc e ; x180
123 ; At least Hitachi HD64180
124 ; Test differences in certain internal registers
125 ; to determine the 180 variant.
127 ld a,(wstates)
128 out0 (DCNTL),a
129 out0 (RCR),b ;
130 in0 a,(icr)
131 cp 01FH
132 jr z,icr_ok
134 ;TODO: additional plausibility checks
136 ret ; I/O registers not found
138 ; Register (base) found.
140 icr_ok:
141 inc e ; HD64180
142 ld c,omcr ; Check, if CPU has OMCR register
143 ld d,M_IOC ;
144 call chk_reg ;
145 ret nz ; Register does not exist. It's a HD64180
147 inc e ; Z80180
148 ld c,cmr ; Check, if CPU has CMR register
149 ld d,M_LNC ;
150 call chk_reg ;
151 ret nz ; register does not exist. It's a Z80180
153 inc e ; S180/L180 (class) detected.
154 ret
156 ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
158 start:
159 ld sp,stack
160 ld hl,done
161 ld b,h
162 ld (hl),b
163 inc hl
164 ld (hl),b
165 call check
166 ld hl,cyctab
167 ld d,h
168 add hl,de
169 ld a,(hl)
170 ld hl,cycls
171 ld (hl),a
172 dec hl
173 ld (hl),e
174 dec hl
175 ld (hl),0ffH
176 out (040H),a
177 ;808x Z80 Z180(0W) Z180(MaxW)
178 loop: ;---------------------------------
179 in a,(050h) ;10 11 10 +3*3 19
180 jp loop ;10 10 9 +3*3 18
181 ;---------------------------------
182 ;20 21 19 37
184 ; jr loop ;-- 12 8 +2*3 14
186 rept 4
187 dw 0
188 endm
189 stack:
190 end
192 ; vim:set ts=8 noet nowrap